Are you new to the world of digital marketing and copywriting? What is the difference
between these two skillsets? Well, I got you, here are the
17 terms you need to know. (upbeat music) Have you ever wondered what the difference between digital marketing
and copywriting really is? It is a question that
I get all of the time and the answer is painfully
simple, but often overlooked. Because the truth is, good
copywriting is marketing. In order to be a successful
and highly paid copywriter, you have to know and understand
the basics of marketing because it is literally the foundation of what good copy is crafted around. And anyone who tries to tell you that you don't need to know
anything about marketing in order to be a highly skilled copywriter is straight up lying to you, that's right, I said it. Because all of the best
copywriters are marketers but plot twist, not all
marketers are copywriters. While both marketing and copywriting involve customer
analysis, market research, strategy and positioning,
conceptualizing hooks, and designing campaigns. Only copywriters have
the additional skillset of crafting the actual messaging that will bring in the sales. Basically, copywriters have
some mad writing swagger and not all marketers do.
This is why good copywriters are able to charge what they charge. Because they do the market analysis, the market research, the
strategy and positioning, conceptualizing killer hooks,
and designing campaigns all before a single word gets written. But in order to be that
highly paid copywriter, marketer, or a hybrid unicorn, you gotta get your lingo dialed in first. The marketing world is full
of jargon and terms and TLA's that's Three Letter Acronyms, designed to confuse the hell outta you, Alright, so maybe that's
a little bit dramatic but the list of terms commonly used can be super confusing when you're new to this whole marketing world. So in today's video, I'm gonna
define 17 marketing terms that you'll hear all the time in your copywriting business
and on calls with clients. And pay close attention because the last two terms on this list are terms that I see being used
interchangeably all the time which is really dangerous territory because you may unknowingly
agree to do something that you have no freaking idea how to do. And so you don't have to take notes, I created a cheat sheet of
all of these terms for you plus a lot more that you can download at the end of this video.
Hey guys, what's up, it's Alex,
I'm coming at you this week with a video inspired by a question that I see flooding my DMs all the time. Now, if you're already part
of the Posse, welcome back, give me a thumbs up below
to let me know you're here, and if you're new to the crew, welcome. I deliver new videos like
this one every single week. So if you wanna stay up to
date on the latest marketing, copywriting, and freelancing
tips, tricks and trends, go ahead and hit subscribe below and don't forget to ring that bell to be notified when my
next video goes live. Alright, we have an
entire marketing funnel of terms to get through, so
let's dive straight in shall we? Sidebar, do you guys remember that show from the nineties called
the Magic School Bus? Where Miss Frizzle would
like take all the kids from the class in this magical school bus that would shrink down really small and it would explore the human body, or it would go explore the galaxy, or it would go explore under the sea, and they would learn all
these lessons along the way? Yeah, I feel like I'm Miss Frizzle, and we are on the magic school bus and we are diving inside
a marketing funnel.
So buckle up, seat belts everyone. Alright, so here they are, the 17 marketing terms you need to know. Number one, content marketing. Alright, so we are not just talking about content writing here, content marketing is a
holistic and strategic approach focused on consistently creating high-quality and valuable content, across multiple platforms and touchpoints. Its ultimate purpose is to attract, engage and convert a
very specific audience, and drive a very specific desired action, which yes, you need those
copywriting skills for.
So content marketing is an umbrella term that includes a lot of things. YouTube videos like this one,
social media posts, blogging, email newsletters, user generated content, testimonial campaigns, and
the list goes on and on. Alright, number two, lead. So in sales, a lead refers to
a potential client or customer regardless of whether
or not you've actually been in contact with them previously. In digital marketing however, the definition is a little
bit narrower than that. So a lead usually refers to anyone you have the ability and
permission to follow up with via email, phone, or direct messaging. Because of that they are also known as marketing qualified leads, and they are more likely
to become a customer compared to other colder leads based on their activity before converting. Like say, opting in for a
marketing list or database. Leads can be found
anywhere and everywhere, but often they find you through good marketing, AKA lead generation. Alright term number three, landing page. So speaking of lead generation, once leads find you through
your ads, search engines, or your content marketing strategies, they will often end up on
what is called a landing page.
Now, while a landing page
is technically any page where traffic lands, landing page, I personally use this term specifically for pages that are used for the purpose of converting visitors into leads. So this is often done by
providing a free, valuable asset, like a checklist, cheat sheet, or guide in exchange for their contact information or their email address. Number four, lead nurturing. So once you've actually gotten a prospect to give you their email
address or contact info, you begin the process of
nurturing these leads. In essence, relationship building through providing
valuable, relevant content, delivered through a series of touchpoints. Oftentimes lead nurturing is
done through email automation, like an indoctrination sequence. And if you're like, "Wait, what the heck is an indoctrination sequence?" You'll definitely wanna
hit that subscribe button and stay tuned, because I have a video on the seven types of email marketing coming to a device near you, very soon.
Number five, marketing funnel. Now, the entire process
I just described above is what's actually called
a marketing funnel. The entire marketing campaign and systems used to attract visitors,
convert them into leads, and nurture them towards
making a buying decision. Alright, so let's go a little deeper into that marketing funnel. Number six, top of the funnel. So within the marketing funnel there are different stages or levels that a lead will progress
through on their buying journey. Now, the top of the funnel
is the very beginning where prospects are just starting to look for more information, identify the problem they have, and learn about potential solutions. So think the very first step or touchpoint you have with a potential customer. This is the top of the funnel where the primary objective
is to build awareness. So this could be say an ad, and
the subsequent landing page. The copywriting at this
point of the funnel needs to educate, build
trust, and create authority, because you are speaking to
a more unaware audience here who really has no idea about
who you are or what you do.
So if you wanna learn more about the various stages of customer awareness, I'll link to a video where
I go deeper into that at the end of this video. Alright, number seven,
middle of the funnel. So once the prospect has moved through the top of the funnel by say signing up to your email list, they fall down to the middle of the funnel where they're now more aware
of the problem they have, and how you can help them solve it. So, this is where your
copy will wanna be focused heavily on storytelling,
relatability, and empathy. The main objective here is
to build interest and desire. So this is where you
wanna specify pain points, features and benefits, and of
course, convince your prospect that your solution is the
one they're looking for. And lastly, bottom of the funnel. You knew that one was coming. So as the prospect consumes your content and continues to engage with your brand, they fall down to the
bottom of the funnel, or hopefully the final
stage of the buying journey, where they have connected
with you and your solution and they are close to making
a purchasing decision.
So the objective here obviously is to get them to take action and buy. So you wanna highlight more social proof, lower that perceived
risk, overcome objections, and of course make an irresistible offer. So did you hear the
AIDA acronym use there? A marketing funnel is
essentially the premise of AIDA. Awareness, interest, desire, action. Alright, number nine
on my list, case study. So speaking of social proof, a case study is a public analysis of the work a company did for a customer, that highlights the goals, processes and the results the customer achieved. So think of it like an
in-depth testimonial or a review that involves an interview, and an analysis of the
company's product or service. So case studies are great ways
to build trust and authority by showcasing tangible results. So as an example, as a bonus in my Write & Ignite Challenge, I interviewed one of my past
students for a case study, on how she used my formulas and process to ignite her copywriting
career from scratch.
And you can learn more about
the Write & Ignite Challenge, and get your hands on that case study, with a lot more juicy training at the link in the description below. Number 10, A/B testing. So, also referred to as split testing, A/B testing is the process
of testing two variations of a specific element on a marketing asset while keeping everything else the same, to determine which version creates a better long-term result. So A/B testing can massively
boost longterm profitability and conversions of a marketing campaign. You can split test literally everything. From subject lines, to
headlines, to page layout, to even button colors. Alright, number 11 bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who click out or close a site
after viewing only one page.
In other words, they didn't really find what they were looking for and didn't feel compelled to stick around or navigate the site to learn more. Number 12, click-through rate. Click-through rate is
the percentage of people who view and ultimately
click a link or a button. So that could be a link in an email that drives traffic to your site, or your newest YouTube video. Or a link on a Facebook ad
that leads to a landing page or any other link that you
use in your marketing funnel. The higher the CTR at
each step of your funnel, the better your campaign
will perform overall. Now that brings us to
number 13, call to action. A call to action is the
specific desired action that you want your prospects to take. So maybe that's to sign
up to your mailing list, buy a product, sign up for a free call, click a link, or leave a comment. Just remember that no matter what action you want your prospects to take, you need to clearly
tell them what that is. And you should only have one clear and concise call to action per
step of the marketing funnel.
Remember, confusion is the
biggest conversion killer, so keep it straightforward and simple. Number 14, conversion rate. So maybe the most common metric referred to in marketing
is conversion rate. The percentage of users
who actually follow through on your CTA and
take that desired action. So a conversion can really mean anything depending on your CTA, but
most often is referred to in terms of leads and sales. Number 15, return on investment. So after you know your conversion rate, you'll be able to figure out your ROI or return on investment. Now that is a ratio that evaluates the profitability of a marketing effort, measured by comparing revenue to cost. Now, when it comes to ROI, the
higher, the better obviously a high ROI means that you've
gained more than you've lost. Alright, now the last
two terms on this list are ones that I see used
interchangeably all of the time.
Number 16, keyword research. So firstly, a keyword is
a specific word or phrase that a prospect might
type into a search engine when looking for products, services, or just general information. Now keyword research is
when you actually research what those terms are, using
keyword research tools, so that you can include those
keywords in your content and marketing to better
target your customer avatar. And then we have number 17, search engine optimization or SEO. So this is very different
from keyword research, SEO or search engine optimization is the act of increasing
a website's visibility in organic unpaid search results. Typically done through SEO techniques like generating backlinks, incorporating relevant keywords, that you found through keyword research, and publishing valuable
and consistent content. So SEO involves so much
more than keyword research so be careful not to use
these terms interchangeably, or you may end up agreeing to way more than you bargained for, or than you can confidently deliver on.
Alright, Posse, that's all
I have for you this week, you can grab that cheat sheet
gift that I promised you in just a few seconds, until next time, I'm Alex, ciao for now! Alright guys, if you enjoyed that video make sure to check out the
next one from me right here, and you can click right
here to get a free gift. To effectively speak to
your target audience, you need to know their level of awareness or understanding around the subject or product you're selling. Because this will determine
the level of education and innovation you need to provide in order to make your offer stick..