How to Become a Social Media Manager | Step-by-Step Guide for BEGINNERS | NO EXPERIENCE [Eng Sub]

Hello, guys! Probably you are watching this video because you want to know how to become a Social Media Manager without any experience on it. So, I want to say that if you are expert on Facebook, if you like using Instagram, you know how to use Tiktok, you like using Twitter and other social media, if you know even just one, then you can be a Social Media Manager. So, if you want that and you wanna learn how, please keep on watching. I will share to you the five steps I created on how to become a Social Media Manager even if you don't have any experience at all. Before we dive in, I would like to introduce myself first, I'm Suzie. And I create content about Work-from-home, Productivity, Self-development, and Freelancing Lifestyle. So, if you like those kinds of topic,
please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell button down below so that you'll get notified every time I upload a new video.

Before I dive into the five steps on how to become a Social Media Manager, I want you to know what is a Social Media Manager and how does it differ from an Engager and Marketer. So first, I will talk about Social Media Engager. Social Media Engager is basically just engaging, replying to DMs, replying to comments or tweets, queries, and the likes. Mostly, engaging with your fans, with the commenters or those who share the posts, liking their posts, liking their comments, responding to their queries. Basically, you're just engaging with them. While the Social Media Manager is one level higher than an Engager. Because being a Social Media Manager, it consists a lot of tasks like creating and scheduling contents.

So, it means, you will be the one to write the caption, you'll do the graphics, you'll create the video, if the client wants a video. You will also engage. Of course, engagement is included. You'll respond to DMs, to comments, and creating Analytics Reports is also included. What is Analytics Report? This is basically the numbers or metrics that show the growth of the client's social media account. Those are the couple of things that a Social Media Manager does. But it's not just those tasks. These are just the overall difference of an Engager, Manager, and Marketer. The third thing is the level-up version of Social Media Manager. So, that's Marketer. The role of a Marketer is to make sales and push products or services or events.

The purpose of Marketers is to sell something. There should be a conversion. The Manager is just for brand awareness. Just to introduce the brand. They don't really sell or there's no conversion. Its focus is not to convert, just for brand awareness. A Marketer's focus is to sell, its focus is to convert, to have sales. The usual task of a Social Media Marketer is to handle Facebook Ads, reach out to influencers, they also handle Instagram Ads. All the possible ways to market or to have sales. That is the purpose of a Marketer. For small businesses, mostly, they hire only one person to do everything. You will be the Engager, the Manager and the Marketer. But for big businesses or big entrepreneurs, they hire different people. The Engager, Manager, and Marketer isn't one person only. So, I have one client right now where I am just an Engager. I just reply to comments and direct messages. I also have a client where I do everything. I am the marketer, the manager, and the engager. So, it depends on your client, what they want you to do.

But then, most likely, we land projects with small businesses. So, you'll really have to do everything. Even if you're just a beginner, you should be familiar with Facebook Ads, Facebook chatbot, those kinds of things. It isn't really necessary, just the basics that a Social Media Manager does. So, you know now the difference between Engager, Manager and Marketer So we will now head on to the five steps on how to become a social media manager even if you don't have any experience. The first step is to identify your target audience and niche. You should really know who are your target clients. For example, you like foods, you like baking, etc. So, it would be much better to get your first client in a niche within your passion, within your hobbies. For you to create captions and images easily because you know it yourself. It is also easier to make engaging posts and engaging graphics if you, yourself, want those kinds of things. So, for example, we can target entrepreneurs, small business owners, coaches, or online course creators.

You can also target the businesses, if you're into sports, you can also target business that sells sports products, or coaches in sports, like a coach in basketball, or fitness coach, if you're into fitness kind-of-thing. If you like those, you like to go to the gym or you do yoga, or whatever. Get target clients that are also within your passion or your hobbies. In that way, you can easily create engaging contents. Because that's the main thing why they hire you, to have engagements on their social media accounts. So, the more you know and the more familiar you are to their niche or with their products, it would be much easier for you to create engaging content for that specific client.

So, again, first thing, you should know your target clients and your target niche. The second thing is to create your own
online business presence. So, what is it? This is where you'll create your own business page account. So, for Facebook, you can create a Facebook page. For Instagram, you can create your own business account on Instagram, and for LinkedIn. Those three are what I can really recommend you to send to your clients.

Your Instagram account, business Instagram page. As for me, I have my own page for my business only, I have my own page for personal use. Because some of my friends might not want the content that I share in my personal account. So, I really made something for business only. And usually, my followers there are my clients and those who are also working from home. I have a different page for my personal life and that's where I post contents that are not work-related. So, you can also create a LinkedIn, as what I've said earlier, it's also good. And then, Facebook page as well. Maybe I will create tutorials on how to create those accounts. Maybe LinkedIn, comment what platform you want. LinkedIn, Instagram business account, or Facebook page? Comment down below what you prefer me to teach or where you need guidance on how to do that. Why? Why do we need to have those? Because if I were your client, I will really ask for a sample of your work. Can I see your Instagram? Can I see your Facebook? Can I see your LinkedIn? So that I can check "Oh, okay.

This is her works." So, it will be your "Instant Portfolio" I will say that if you are a Social Media Manager, you don't need to have a website. You just need to have a portfolio where you can show your clients, "Oh, these are my works." The list of social media accounts that you handled before. And one of those accounts that you'll send is your own profile account. Of course, since your work is like that, you should let your clients feel, "The reason why I'm good at it, take a look at my social media account, it's good as well, right?" Because that will be your task to your client, they should also have a bigger online brand presence. So, yeah. That's the second one, create your own online brand presence. The third thing is that you need to rate your service. So, for beginners, you can create a package for your service. Like for example, let's say for $200 per month, you will do one month worth of content.

At least one post per day, for two or three social media accounts of your client. And then, let's say, you will schedule that one, you will create the graphics and the caption, and you will also do the engagement like
what I have said earlier on what engagement is. You're the one to reply to DMs, PMs, comments, and such. And you can also create an Analytic report at least twice a month for all the social media sites that you are handling. And then, that's it, $200 per month. You can start from that. Or it's really up to you, guys, if you think that is too much for a test client. If you think that is too much for a test client, you can adjust your rate based on your own preference.

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And then, you can also provide or rate your service per hour. And mostly, the biddings are just on average of $5 per hour. But again, it's still up to you if you want to bid higher or lower than that since you are still starting. And that's mostly the common rate that I can see as their biddings for Social Media Management. But the $200, guys, that is just for test clients. That's not the appropriate rate, it's kinda lower, it's discounted. Because mostly, I see around $350 to up for Social Media Management. That is just for two social media accounts. And then twice or thrice a week of posting. Yeah. Mostly, that is the rate you can start from if you don't have any experience. Well, guys, I'm saying that this video is for beginners or no experience. If you have experience already managing
social media accounts, then you can bid higher. Make sure that you can show a sample of your work. At least your client can say, "Ah okay.

Her worth is like this because she already handled social media accounts successfully." So, that's the third thing. You should rate your service. For the fourth step, you can now find your clients. Since you already know your target clients, you know the niche that you want, and you already build an online presence, either of the three, it's up to you. It's really not necessary that you have Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. It's up to you. If you want to focus on Instagram, it would be okay. If you want to focus on Facebook page only, it's okay as well.

It's up to you, guys. And then, the third thing is to rate your service. If you've already set your rate and if you're already stick to per hour or per package for your service, that's already good. Now, you can find your clients. I've already talked about this topic in this
video. You can check that one. So, on that video, I talked about getting test clients like your friends or family that has a business. You can ask them "Hey.

Can I manage your Facebook page or your Instagram for me to practice my social media skills.
And you can pay me just even a little amount or maybe I can give a discount rate for you but then, I will do it for a full month so that can see the analytics if it increased or just the same. And if ever you've liked how I manage the social media accounts of your business, after a month, we can increase the rates. And I will continue working on your social media accounts. So, it can go like that. And again, test clients are the discounted-rates clients. This is the part where you will test whether the content that you're creating is working, if the caption is working, if the engagement is increasing, you'll have a lot of "Aha moments" with your test clients.

You can get test clients on some third-party platforms. Message me down below if you want a list of third-party platforms, Facebook groups, and agencies where you can get social media management projects. So, after getting your test clients, you'll have lots of "AHA moments". You will realize things like "Ah, okay. This scheduler is easier to use." "Ah, okay. If I post content like this, I will have a lot of engagements" "If I share it to groups, I will have a lot more engagements that I'd get from the page." "Ah, okay. If I do things like this, my Facebook page likes will increase faster." So, those kinds of things. You'll get to build a flow or system on social media management. So, it would be easier for you to onboard clients.

It would also be easier for you to know the tools that you are going to use. After getting test clients, you are now going to the fifth step which is you should create your own system. What do you mean by system? So, it's just the flow. It would be easier for you to get another client, get premium clients because you have learned a lot of things from your test clients. So, make sure that you've already perfected your flow.

You should know what are your struggles in handling social media accounts of your clients. You should already know how to onboard clients, the questionnaires that you'll send to your clients, and things that you should know before you start managing their accounts and what are the things that you need to do or the files that you need to get from your client before you can start managing his or her own account. So, what do I mean when I say create a system? What is a system? It's simple. The system is your flow when onboarding clients, your flow to create a one-month content. What are the tools that you'll use to create contents for your clients? So, maybe you are asking right now, what are those tools that you're saying, Sui? So, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one. These are just some of the social media content scheduler that you can use to schedule contents. But don't worry if you don't have any idea on that yet because I will create a video on how to use that.

So, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, here. And click the bell button for you to get notified when I upload that video. What are the designs or what are the reports that you need to give to your clients? So, for sure, because of those test
clients, you will know that. So, you can now create from those five steps to perfect your system. In that case, if you laid out all the things that your clients need, so, that would be a great start to get premium clients or where you can bid a higher rate, correct rate, or further rates. So, yeah. Just always make sure that if you have test clients, always make sure to screenshot the account before you handle it and your weekly progress. You should see from there the top three most engaging posts. Why is it that there a lot of engagements on this post? What could be the reason? In handling social media, I noticed that the funnier it is, the more engagements it gets.

And it has a lot of shares. If it is informative, it has a lot of saves. But if it's entertaining posts, it has a lot of engagements and shares. Motivational quotes has also a lot of engagements and shares. But not that much of shares. Those funny posts really get a lot of shares. So, to wrap it up. The first step, you should identify your target clients and the niche that you want. The second one is to create your own online brand portfolio on Instagram, Facebook page, or LinkedIn. And then the third one is rate your service, either it's per package or per hour. And number four, you should start looking for clients. And number five, perfect your system. So, that's pretty much the five steps on how to become a Social Media Manager even if you don't have any experience. And guys, please subscribe to this channel if it helps you because I will be doing
a series for Social Media Management. And probably, the next
post that I'm going to share with you or the video that I'm going to share with you is how to create an online brand presence
using social media accounts.

Before I end this video, I would like to share with you the outputs created by Boss babes and Bosses inside my group. Check this out. If you want to be featured as well, just join inside the group "I'm Ready to Boss Up by BritxSui" You'll just have to fill out four questions there, and yeah, I will accept you, for sure. And also, don't forget to follow me on my
Instagram account @britxsui And on our Facebook page at BossedUp PH. See you on my other social media
accounts. And see you on my next video. Bye!.

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