Polly has a secret. Polly is cheating on
her job with three other jobs and she is taking home four paychecks all without telling
any of her four bosses this is over employment over employment is when you take on more than one
full-time job I've seen people take on from anywhere between four to eight jobs I've seen
people earn thirty thousand dollars a month through over employment over employment is not
for everyone it's not easy because you're doing two jobs and it's not simple and sometimes to some
people it can feel a little shady over employment was a really interesting concept to me and I know
that a lot of my viewers also are interested in ways to make some additional money so I wanted to
create this video really digging into the concept of overemployment figuring out whether it's a
good choice for you I think it's a trend that's going to continue to grow we are in the exact
right set of circumstances for it it's a really exciting time to be in the workforce working
remotely with white collar skills let's Dive In for this video I spoke to two very cool people
number one I spoke with Polly the aforementioned job cheater who's working for jobs I have 100
anonymized her she doesn't want her four bosses to figure out what she's doing I also had the
chance to speak with a man called Zach Wade Zach Wade is the founder CEO of Wade marketing the goal
is to stack as many full-time positions as you can to essentially increase your personal income more
so than it ever could be if you know you were just working in a standard full-time job one reason I'm
thrilled to talk to you about this and not just any random person on the street is that you are
the CEO of a company that basically partners with people to help them and enable them to get to this
job stacking so that's how I came across you a couple of days ago um I was looking at remote work
online and I saw this advertisement on I think we work remotely and it was just basically saying
like hey if you want to learn about Job stacking and you want some tools some resources to get go
going let's talk how does over Implement work well it works a little bit like this say you're poly
you're working a job and you don't love your boss he's a little fickle you're worried you might
get fired and on the other hand you've got a growing family you want to start saving money
to move out of your small rental and you want to buy a house so you think to yourself I'm not
actually spending 40 hours a week on my job I may be spending 20 maybe 25 and this is the reality
of White Collar work I've experienced this and I'm sure some of you have as well because of the
rise in productivity but the stagnation of wages you're earning the same wage for a job that it
takes you half the time to do and what I realized was that once everything was set up I wasn't
working at all I was working maybe two hours a week this means that you have a lot of down time
at your job this isn't true for everybody but it was certainly true for me when I started working
as an account manager I was very good at my job I was smashing every single kpi that I had but
it only took me 20 hours to do that and that's actually what let me start my side hustle Polly
was in a similar situation she was working at a digital marketing agency herself and she was like
maybe I'll apply for a second job so you apply for the second job while you're still at your first
job and here's the crucial part when you get the acceptance letter you don't quit the first job
you just take on the second job and keep working I have seen people work up to eight jobs on the over
employment subreddit people are doing the absolute most they're taking home thirty thousand dollars a
month in wages from their eight jobs or even more in some cases and they're just making it work
they're making an unbelievable amount of money through over employment with the max we say is 32
kmr because we don't want it to seem too good to be true even though we know it's possible but even
not like 32k a month still sounds like literal a dream that's incredible right and where we
get that number is essentially most of the job roles that we teach our partners to go after
are between 50k and 85 90k we teach our partners to go after these jobs because they're not the
entry-level jobs the middle of the pack jobs where you're kind of responsible for a company's online
marketing like that's your sole responsibility so your sole responsibility is the digital marketing
aspect you're you're making anywhere between 50 and and 90k so that's the that's the salary
you earn so we break that down and say okay average you know is four to six I would say
per month from a job and then all of a sudden you have two jobs and maybe you find that
you have a little bit of extra time and you can maybe even take on a third or a fourth or
A fifth or you know as many as you can handle if I have you know one one job I'm making four
to six k a month if I have two jobs you know I'm making eight to twelve a month you know
if you get up to you know 10 jobs that's kind of where that number comes in yeah wow that is
like incredible early amounts of money you take care of the work that you're given it doesn't
take you 40 hours a week to do that you just do it you stay on top of the slack you stay on
top of the emails you stay on top of teams you stand up with meetings and you take home the
salaries that is how over employment works I want to talk about the benefits of
overemployment briefly because it's more than just the money the money is a huge thing right
money is massive and it's a really good reason to become overemployed to seek out more than one
job and challenge yourself to do that but it's more than just cash one of the great things about
Job stacking as well is because you're working in so many different companies and all companies
operate very differently you you learn so much and you learn so much quicker than you would if
you were just going your standard you know one job here two years one job there two years I was
in a similar situation when I was working as an account manager like I mentioned I had a lot of
down time I was not very creatively challenged and I wanted to do something more with my time I
knew my boss wouldn't love it if I just packed up and headed home at one every day because I'd done
my work then what do I do with my afternoon I use this time to start building my blog and this
was really rewarding to me this was so fun and so satisfying it meant that I could do jobs do my
work that paid the bills but I could also build my business on the side and build everything
that I do today Polly found the same thing her first job wasn't very rewarding and she had a
lot of time she didn't love her boss her second job was a little better she gotten better with
that boss and crucially she had more work now she's doing four jobs I think her time is and
she's gone well past challenged and is into um very a very ambitious zone right now but
she's making it work and she's saving money so the second benefit aside from money is just a
feeling of fulfillment you I like to work I like to do stuff with my time I don't like to be bored
and for a lot of job stackers or a lot of people who are overemployed that's a huge benefit these
people are intelligent they're independent they're ambitious they're not meant to sit around going
to pointless meetings at 3 P.M in the afternoon having a second job or an additional job means
that you can use that time in a way that is fulfilling to you the third benefit is more of an
ideological one so like I said I think this belief that you owe your boss your time is a little
bit of an outdated one like I said productivity has skyrocketed over the past couple of decades
but wages have stagnated so this means that you are getting way more done but not being rewarded
for it to me it's important to feel rewarded and compensated for the work that you're providing
and by getting a second job or taking on a side Hustle by becoming over employed you get some
ownership of that time back I mean it's a little dodgy because you're secretly doing a second
job and not telling either of your bosses but ideologically it's very satisfying because you
have control over your time again you are the one who's making money with that extra time you are
choosing what you do with your with your extra time and your and your extra you know intellectual
capabilities that's very empowering I found that very empowering and Polly told me the same thing
fourth is job security job security is a bit of a hairy one especially here in the states there's
such thing called at will employment this means that you can quit your job at a moment's notice
it also means your boss can fire you at a moment's notice and that super sucks because I know a lot
of people um who have been fired they find out on the day they have an hour to clear out their
stuff and then you're at home if you don't have a savings cushion then you're kind of Sol and your
boss crucially does not care they will do this anyway not all hashtag not all bosses but a lot
of employers don't have a huge amount of empathy when it comes to their employees if it is better
for their bottom line to get rid of you they'll do it they don't owe you anything you don't owe
your employer or anything you're like people love especially I think an older generation but the
more you know a younger generation is definitely moving in and adopting this philosophy but um
a lot of the older generation likes to you know treat their employer like this kind of almighty
God that like oh yeah on the table and like pays their bills and if I don't do everything to
you know please this employer I'm gonna I'm gonna get fired and I'm gonna lose you know I'm
gonna my family's gonna be on the street and it's like but the employer doesn't see you like
that most people most employers just see you as you know an interchangeable part a literal Cog
in the machine yeah they literally can go fine hundred thousands of other digital
marketers to do the exact job you're doing having a second job being overemployed job
stacking means that you have not just money no not just additional fulfillment it's not just an ideal
ideological satisfaction it also means you have a bit of a safety net so this happened to Zach
when I spoke with him when you have other jobs you don't necessarily you feel a lot more secure
with your income coming in that for some reason if you know a job isn't working out if you don't
like you know you're being micromanaged or you don't like the the manager that you have or they
keep piling on work you could just quit you've got options yeah yeah you are in control so quit
and go find a job that isn't gonna microwave isn't going to make you do all the stuff that you
don't want to do that's that's that's hurting you job security is so important today especially for
people with Health Care issues because you need to have constant coverage if you need to look
after yourself or your family or dependents so we've talked about the pros we've talked about
all the great stuff the money the security the ideological satisfaction all the amazing
stuff that comes with job stacking now you're wondering well what's the downside why don't
why doesn't everybody have ten thousand jobs well of course there are there are cons to
job stacking there are cons to overemployment con number one time management becomes a very
real skill to develop I think people because people view it as too good to be true and they
view it as like oh wow like you know I'm giving all this I get all this there's so many resources
they view it as it's it's so easy and it's simple that when they come into it their expectations are
that they're just going to start acquiring a bunch of jobs right just gonna make a bunch of money
within their first you know month and it's like it's not necessarily the case because you're still
interviewing you're still submitting applications you still have to you know first get a response
about your application and then you have to go on an interview and usually it's two to three
interviews before you even you know offered the job typically we see most of our partners acquire
a job anywhere between three to eight weeks okay so essentially like a month to two months you'll
get your first job so I always like to say it's like please don't come in expecting you know I
could make 16 20 grand a month you know right away it takes effort it takes you know it takes time
like it's if it's one to two months per job then you're not going to get up to you know 10 jobs
until you know a year later right all the while you know you're still earning a very uh much more
than you would just working one job and you know going forward from the year it's like wow you know
now I'm really great in life this is what Polly had to say about um her time management skills
suddenly she had uh conflicting meetings suddenly she had people demanding work that needed to be
done the next day for both jobs she had people sending her slack messages she had to appear to
be online at all times for both jobs which meant that sometimes she'd be caught a little off guard
that's tough that is a hard thing to do that is uh it's not easy I've actually Polly told me that
one of the ways that she does this is sometimes she just goes to both meetings at the same time
obviously this doesn't work for one-on-ones but I know all of us have been in very long pointless
meetings that we don't end up saying anything at so for those meetings Polly feels totally
comfortable just putting her screen off and just quietly sitting there and attending both
meetings at the same time one of the things that was often a big barrier for people is the be like
well wouldn't I just have meetings being lined up all the time it doesn't happen as often as you
think it was one meeting from one job lines up with another sometimes it does and what we say is
take the meeting that you did last and last week you missed a meeting at job one then job one and
job two meeting lines up this week so like balance it like that but then always have like have a
couple excuses handy uh if you know meetings do line up like why you can't attempt I had to step
out um or I needed to you know take a mental uh hour what you know there's like so many that you
come up with and your employer 9 95 of the time is not going to have an issue with you missing I've
tested this once I started to really focus on the agency I wasn't as worried about you know my
jobs I wanted to see how much it would take for me to get fired right yeah so so I just started like
you know I would run late to meetings and I would start to miss some meetings and give excuses of
why I wasn't there and then I would just not show up to meetings sometime times and then respond
later on like slack and be like oh yeah my bad um like really be a really bad employee and
innovatively I just ended up quitting because I kind of felt bad after a while I was like this
isn't right it might have been you know job specific to that employer maybe that just you know
have more of like a weaker backbone and didn't want to fire me or you know whatever yeah but most
jobs will yeah it does take like you're not gonna get like people you're not gonna get fired if
you miss a meeting it's not the end of the world another downside I really found this to be the
case um I really liked the first place I worked I loved it I enjoyed the work it just wasn't quite
enough for me and when I started blogging on the side even though I knew I was okay to do it even
though I knew I was still performing my job to you know all the capabilities that I could manage
I felt a little shady I felt like I was somehow cheating or robbing my employer of my time even
though now I've come to believe that I own my own time not them as long as the work is getting
done at the job that you're responsible for and as long as you're performing well and doing a
good job and you know helping that company grow as long as you're putting in the work to you know
make that company a you know more profitable or a better place as long as you're showing up
and communicating um and collaborating with your co-workers and you know being a good teammate
there's no reason why you can't do that exact same thing at another job but I still felt a little
shady and I think for a lot of people who are maybe of more of a traditional mindset or maybe
who have like a slightly different set of ethics it can feel a little crappy to be cheating
on your employer this way with a second third fourth however many jobs especially
if you have a close relationship with your employer especially if you have a really great
job a really great boss sometimes job stacking might not be the right choice because it just
doesn't feel good that's a totally valid reason if it doesn't jive with you if you if you look at
that and you're like that's not my jam don't do it you don't have to I want to quickly touch on the
biggest question I had is over employment legal the answer is yes as long as there is no
language in your contract when you sign your employment contract that bans it some
contracts have a non-compete Clause some contracts say you can't take on more than
one jobs or you can't subcontract out this work yada yada yada so definitely make
sure to read your contract thoroughly if you have to hire a lawyer if you're really
in doubt but for the most part most contracts don't include that language so have a look
make sure that it's the right opportunity but it is as a concept legal nobody's going
to arrest you for being over employed today foreign so let's talk about how to become
overemployed I have three stories I want to share the first is my own I became
over I'm including over employed as kind of doing my blog as well as my job I became
overemployed because I was bored I was working at my current job and I noticed I had this I had
a huge amount of bandwidth I had so much time and I was bored out of my gourd so I took on uh the
second job this blog that I started growing and in theory at that point if I still had additional
bandwidth and I still wanted to earn more money I could have taken on a third so that's route number
one route number two is what Zach did it varies in terms of client responsibilities but most agencies
you're probably looking at handling anywhere from 10 to 30 clients a long time so you're really
working with and doing you know advertising um or doing you know social media management
or doing SEO for 10 to 30 different clients or different business owners at one time so
typically you're earning anywhere from 40 to 60k at the max to handle and do ads for you know
10 to 30 different business owners right right I would you know that would give me a set of
clients and then I would you know month goes by and I'd be like hey like here's another client
and then a month would go by here's another to the point where when I started you know I had 10
clients and I was making you know I was making 62.4 right they keep giving me more and more and
more and over the course of a year and a half I ended up having you know 32 client accounts that
I was working on but still making the same amount yeah so I was like they were job stacking you but
with none of the benefits yeah exactly the same salary yeah so I started looking and it's just
started looking on job boards um to see if there was another opportunity um while still working at
my agency job because I didn't want to just quit um plan um so essentially I interviewed with an
SEO agency and um I got a full-time job doing the lead generation I was the digital media buyer
but I was the lead generation for an SEO agency so I was responsible for bringing new clients
into the business not handling the agency's existing clients right so one job yeah right and
they gave me a salary of 48k and I was like huh what if I just got the same job just like this
at another company so that I'm working directly and doing the marketing directly for a company
as opposed to handling all those agency clients so exactly what I did I just kept going finally I
spoke with Polly she wanted to save up money for a house and she calculated how long it would take
her to do that at her current job and it was going to be like four years they wanted to buy a house
next year so she said you know what I looked at the available jobs I decided to apply I got the
job and then I just didn't quit the original one and I found that I could do it it wasn't too hard
so if this is you if you're saving up for a big milestone if you're looking for a house or you
want to start a family or you know one of your kids is about to go to college and importantly
you have the bandwidth and you have the ambition that could be your path as well just apply to a
new job and just forget to quit the old one job stacking doesn't necessarily have to be forever
from my experience it's like I use the money to build my own business and I always like to say
that to people who are jobs happy it's like if you have a side project that you're working on or
if you've always wanted to be a musician or you've always wanted you know to own your own store use
the money to build that on the side many people don't like to share their over employment status
with friends or family and this can cause hardship you might find the same thing if you're
overemployed your family might just not get it they might think that it's too risky
they might think this isn't the right way to do things so you might find that you're keeping
secrets from friends and family that's never a good look it's always hard to manage that and I
would genuinely this is the biggest one for me I think getting this extra money should not
come at the cost of undermining your existing relationships with the people who really matter
to you so you may want to keep secrets I know on the overemployment subreddit rule number
one is we don't talk about overemployment but I disagree with this I think you should have
the ability to talk to your loved ones about what you're doing and if you can't do that if you
genuinely feel like you can't be honest with that it might not be the right option for you I want to talk about the future of overemployment
over employment is prevalent and I think it's only going to grow because we have this perfect storm
of conditions it's crazy how much opportunity there is in this industry and I think now is
a really good time to take advantage of it hey the workforce has never been more disillusioned
I'm talking about quiet quitting about this huge Trend employer employees are finally waking up
to the fact that employers are taking advantage of us they will they will overwork us and
not give us pay raises they will happily fire us if we cut into their bottom line when
I started the job stack and realized you know I could make you know so much more money than I
could just working one job was like Hey you know like people should know this like people should
realize that they're getting screwed over people should realize that agencies marketing agencies
are taking advantage yeah absolutely and it's just not fair and I wanted people to just have
another Choice like you know there is another option I mean like so many people got fired or
laid off during a pandemic when especially in the states Healthcare is an absolute must and
that they didn't pause they didn't hesitate and I think a lot of people are starting to wake up
to the fact that if your employer doesn't feel like they owe you anything maybe you don't owe
your employer or anything either another factor is the rise of productivity that I mentioned so
over the years I mean like all this technology has made our productivity skyrocketed like
literally Skyrocket here's a chart showing what I mean productivity is through the roof but
wages have stagnated which means that you are doing more work than ever you are creating more
wealth for your company than ever but you're not being compensated fairly for that wealth creation
third is the rise of remote work and this is what I really think is the Clincher so you have this
kind of like unrest right people people believe that they're worth more you have this you have
the availability suddenly you can get your job done in much less time than you used to need you
can get your job done in 20 hours a week and third with the rise of remote work this is what really
makes it possible because you can sit at home create your desk with 10 000 different laptops if
that's what you need and you can do more than one job at one time the conditions for overemployment
are right but I don't think they should be so despite being overall Pro over employment my
spicy take is that I don't think overemployment should exist I don't think it should be a
necessity I think that honestly working one full-time job should be enough for everybody to
save up buy a house send their kids to college you shouldn't we shouldn't have to be managing
two for eight different workloads or bosses in order to afford the lives that we want the
lives that our parents and our grandparents had overemployment should not become the standard
side hustle should not become the standard one job should be enough for everybody and the fact
that it isn't that's what makes overemployment Not only possible but actually necessary in a
lot of cases but I wish it wasn't but we are in the kind of situation where being overemployed
is almost universally a good thing to be nowadays for health care for salary for intellectual
fulfillment having more than one job is a very appealing Prospect and I understand if
that's you because it was me too it is me there's an ambition level to it that you know
some people might not have right I think it's definitely for a certain type of person that
has their own drive and really is able to be self-accountable in that in that major it it's not
easy money is is what I'm hearing it's it's money it's a lot of money but it's not easy you still
have to show up to the interviews you have to prep for those interviews you know it definitely takes
someone who's motivated there's definitely an there's definitely something that needs to be kind
of like an all-tier alternate motive that you have for the reason why you're job stacking I don't
think that money alone is that driving factor for me it was wanting my own business it was I
I want more I need more money but I don't want just more money I never I barely ever buy anything
of myself I just want to grow my business right or I just want to make more money so I don't have
to worry about these bills I just want to make more money so my kids can go to a nice College if
you are well motivated if you're organized if you have good remote skills for example if you're in
programming digital marketing writing if you're in any of these jobs that can be done remotely you
have a good understanding with your friends and family so you don't have to share the truth of
what you're actually doing and you want or need the money for something go for it overemployment
is a great option for you and I encourage you to take it if you think you can take that on then
there's nothing stopping you from doubling or quadrupling or eight OCT coupling I've lost I
don't know how what the word is your paycheck it's a great way to earn some extra money and
not only that but be paid what you're worth if that sounds like a good thing then go ahead and
check out over employment more seriously thank you so much for watching this video I would
love to hear your thoughts on overemployment I know it's a little bit of a hairy topic when
I wrote a similar article about cheating on my job with my side hustle I got a lot of a lot of
angry comments so I'd really like to hear what you think of over employment is it similar do
you feel unhappy about it do you like the idea are you excited let me know in the comments I
read every single one and I I can't wait to hear what you think if you like this video give it
a like if you want to hear more hit subscribe and as always share your thoughts in the comment
box bye everyone have a great rest of your week
OVEREMPLOYMENT |How to Get 2 Full-Time Jobs (And Paychecks) Simultaneously | Multiple Full Time Jobs