– Something is about to
change in social media. Are you ready for it? Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and this will completely
change social media marketing in 2022 if it already hasn't. (upbeat music) Before we get started, make sure you subscribe to this channel. And if you're on YouTube, click
on the alert notification. Before I dive into what's going to change, I want you to leave a comment
below on what you think it is. Seriously. Look, since 2020 with the pandemic, companies basically were forced to take digital marketing seriously. So what do you think it is,
that has really changed? Leave a comment below.
I just gave you a hint. And I already know you're awesome, and I already know you got it. Well, let's dive into it. Lots of companies couldn't
rely on foot traffic any more to generate revenue because of the lockdowns
and social distancing. This led to huge explosion and
demand for digital marketing and social media is one
of the best channels for businesses to leverage.
Sprout's Social's 2021 index found that nine out of 10 consumers will buy from brands that
they follow on social. 86% will choose that
brand over a competitor and 85% will buy from
that brand more often. So our competition is expected to grow, so as consumers willingness to use this marketing channel
to make buying decisions. You can expect social media
to get even more competitive over the coming year. And as companies start getting better and more competitive in
social media marketing, you'll have to compete for
attention far more than before. So here's some things
that you can do to compete in a level playing field.
According to Sprout Social,
there are a few key factors that'll differentiate you
from your competition. The first one is, respond to
customer service questions in a timely manner. Don't you just hate it
when you hit someone up and you have issues and it takes them a few days to get back. You want a answer right then? No one wants to wait, even an hour. Time is everything. A lot of social media users are engaging with their brands beyond
just following up. You need to demonstrate responsiveness and answer the customers
in a timely fashion. Next, demonstrate an understanding of what they want and need.
So what do people want and need? And as you go about creating content, you should keep customers in mind because it's all about servicing them and providing stuff for them. It's like I meet some people who are like, I got the best business idea. I'm going to make s'more cupcakes. And I'm like, this is cool,
but is there a demand for it? It may taste good, but
if there's not really a demand for it, it won't do well. And it's not about you and your brand. It's about how we can serve your customers and your audience. Knowing what your potential
customers want and need is going to differentiate
you from all these brands and other brands that are
just churning out content for the sake of
highlighting their products, their services, and their own brands. A good way to measure this is by looking at different content pieces and seeing which one gets the most engagement.
Whether it's the format,
the message type itself, the content type, whether
it's video or text, it's always good to see what stands out and gets more engagement. As you discover the types of content that tend to perform well,
just do more of them. But here's the thing that no one really talks about in marketing. For the ones that don't do well, don't never do them again. Every once in a while, whether
it's a few times a year, or once a quarter, test them out again because trends change and
people may like them again. And then if you do that, you'll keep staying ahead of the curve and you'll start doing better. Next, I want you to create more
culturally relevant content. Today, we can see more and more brands creating content around cultural events that mobilized people's attention like Black Lives Matter
and the Me Too movement and even some mainstream sports
events like the Olympics.
So when you create content around some of these moments and events, especially the ones
that you want to support and believe in as an organization and as long as, you know, no
one's doing anything unethical it's great to support
events and different people and cultures and genders. And what you want to do is leverage them and show that you're there,
and if you can do anything that ties your company into them. And not just leverage them
to make financial profit, but leverage them to also help people. That will resonate with them and it'll create a win-win situation, but you should only do
it if you truly care.
Don't just do something for marketing. Do something because you truly care. You should be listening to what's drawing your audience's attention
and create content that resonates with those topics. That includes putting out
user generated content because user generated content is amazing. Do you want to spend all your time sitting in front of a
keyboard writing content when other people can do it for you? That's the example (indistinct)
user generated content. I also want you to create
educational content about products or services
that you're offering. This is where, this is the difference between selling and showing up. Look selling is great,
but you want to show up and have that generate sales for you. When it's about your product, it shouldn't just be about,
hey, let me go and sell this. It should be about educating and putting things first for others.
For example, if you have
some cool makeup product and your product helps people not just put on the makeup quicker, but just take it off really quick. Cause sometimes when I do video shoots, not this one, but for other people, they make me wear makeup. And then they'll be
like, oh, here's a wipe. Wipe it off. And then I go home, still touch it, I'm like what the heck?
This makeup's still there.
But if you can show how
product can just get it off really quickly in one circular wipe, you're going to get so many sales. You should be able to show your product in a way that revolves around
your customer's problems, their needs and their wants, and not just try to sell to them, but help them solve those problems. One brand that does a
fantastic job of this, when it comes to this type of content, is Whole Foods. They invest in visual
content in the form of images and videos (indistinct)
their audience with recipes and highlighting factual benefits and different types of foods
that they're showcasing. And they're super responsive and engaging with their audience. And engage with me on social, right? So it's like, you want to tell
people, hey, engage with me. Just like, I'll tell you right
now, check out my profiles.
My Neil Patel ones on
Instagram, my NP digital ones. And this is obvious, but
when you tell other people to engage with you and
brands forget to do this, you'll get way more
engagement from your audience. And you should be actively
engaging with them by answering their
comments, their questions, even looking at their
profiles and responding and engaging their webs
on Instagram or Facebook, or even adding stories or tagging people. This will all help you do better. Now, if you need help with
your social media marketing in 2022, check out my
ad agency, NP digital. If you have any questions or comments, leave a comment below. I will answer it and I'll help you out. If you enjoyed the video like it, share it and thank you for your time today. I really appreciate you
watching this video..