Interviewing: Tips for Before, During and After a Job Interview

Hi, everyone and welcome. Thank you for joining
today's Indeed Job Cast on interviewing. So before we begin, I want to
cover a few housekeeping items. First, you are in
listen only mode. So you can hear us,
but we can't hear you. Second, we are
recording and you'll be able to view this webinar
on demand in a week or so on YouTube. And we'll also
send you that link. And finally, ask questions. You can post on the Indeed
community discussion using the link here, and our
team of job search guides will be answering. We have a lot to cover
in this quick webinar.

A brief overview
of interviewing, including a look at different
types of interviews, followed by steps you can take
to ace the interview, and time for questions at the end. I do want to take a
moment to acknowledge that the current situation we're
in is not business as usual. Interviewing is
already challenging. But with both you
and employers trying to take steps in the best
interest of public health, it's even more complicated. If you want information
specifically about navigating the job search amid COVID-19,
you can visit our resources page at

We'll also be holding
a special webinar on that topic on March 31. Overall, it's just
important that you know that you're not alone
and we're here to help you. That said, now I'd like to
introduce a couple of people. First, today's presenter,
Taylor Meadows. As an Indeed
evangelist, Taylor uses his 10 plus years of experience
to educate employers and job seekers about what it means
to find joy and meaning through work,
leveraging Indeed's data and insights to create powerful
strategies for building and fostering effective teams. Next, Nikki Statz
will be providing a recruiter's perspective
when we answer your questions.

As an Indeed recruiter,
Nikki champions Indeed's culture by working tirelessly
to attract and retain the best people for Indeed. And lastly, that's
me, Brandy Cohn. As part of Indeed's job
seeker experience team, I work to spread Indeed's
mission of helping people get jobs by building and scaling
job seeker support programs like this Indeed job cast. So with that, let's jump in. Take it away, Taylor. Hi, everyone. It is so lovely to be
here with you today. I know that we are in the
midst of uncharted territory right now.

I know that a lot of people
are experiencing uncertainty. And we've been
inundated with bad news. But the good news is that over
the next 30 minutes or so, my goal is to distract
you from all of that, give you some insight
as how you can show up as a desirable candidate
to whatever company that you're applying
for, and ultimately let you know that Indeed is here
to help you along the way. This brings me back
to the turning point that I felt that I
had in my career, and knowing that this
time we have right now could be a really
precious period of time to really look to the
future and understand what could be in store for you. Back in 2009, during the
height of the recession, it's right when I
graduated from school. And I had just moved
myself across the country from Columbus, Ohio where I'm
from down to Austin, Texas. And I remember it being a
really tough time to find work. Markets were down. People were really scared. And it was really hard
to get a callback. And ultimately, I just felt like
I was applying for anything.

Because at the time,
I was waiting tables but I wanted to transition
into more of a marketing role, where I felt like my
actual skill sets lied. And ultimately, it was
the advice of my dad that changed my outlook on my
career and what I wanted to do. And I wanted to share
that with you today. He said instead of just
arbitrarily applying for jobs because they were
available, why don't you consider organizations
or companies that you've had a personal experience
with that have been meaningful for you? Or what's a great
customer service experience you've had that
left an impression on you? Because, why wouldn't you
want to be a part of that? And I actually was
able to recall, earlier that week, I dropped my
computer off at the Genius Bar. I had that little
old white MacBook. My CD drive went out on it. I had run it to death. And these people
at the bar really went out of their way
to take care of me. And I could tell that they
really had a lot of love for their job. And I thought, I would
love to be a part of that.

But I didn't have a huge
technical background and I really didn't
think that I could get hired at a
company like Apple because I couldn't even get a
callback from the hotel down the street. But my dad said to
me, Apple strikes me as the type of company that
would not necessarily just hire people with technical
backgrounds, but people who liked
to interact with people and show passion
for the product. And low and behold,
that's exactly what I did. I applied for a sales position
in one of their retail stores, part time. And honestly, it was
the best decision I've ever made for myself. I never looked at
that position as just working in a retail store. That was me being the face
of one of the world's most reputable brands. And I leveraged that,
just getting in the door somewhere that I respected,
to set the tone for myself. So what I would
love for you to do is begin thinking
about that idea, because, let me
tell you something, if it wasn't for
that experience, I would never be
where I am today.

I would never have
the opportunity even to lead this webinar for you. And I think it's
really important to note that during
this time specifically, Indeed has a lot of
really great resources for you to make sure
that you're covered. So for those of you who
might be new to Indeed or if you've only searched
our site a couple of times in the past, I do
want you to know that we are more of a job search
engine than a static board.

So this is good to know. Any company that has come to the
internet and posted a new job, we automatically will go
out multiple times a day, gather that information, and
bring it back into our site, so that we create a one stop
shop for all things looking for a new job. So when you come
to Indeed and you begin typing in that "what
field" in that "where" field, that's where those
jobs are coming from. I want you to also know
that Indeed is a great place to read company reviews,
learn about the culture and values of
companies by clicking into their actual sites, it's
what we call a company page. And it's also going to
be a really great place for you to be able to
upload your resume. Because pro tip, I don't
know if you know this, but a lot of companies
pay us back end access to actually have access
to our resume database. So if your resume is up
there, they're going in and they're typing in keywords
of characteristics they're looking for in candidates. And they're then reaching
out first to let you know, hey, we have a
position and you seem like the right type of person.

So if you haven't done that
yet, go to Indeed, create a profile, upload your resume. So that recruiters can
find you simultaneously to you going out
and finding jobs. Now, something that
I want to address, and I want to be very
human about this, is that I know job
hunting is daunting. I know that interviewing
can be the worst. We've all been there before. Even those Indeedians
on the call today, we've all been
candidates in the past. And it's a lot to take in. And it can be really
hard to come off as authentic in an interview
when you're really nervous. And that's normal. But what I want you
to know is that there are a couple of tricks that you
can employ to really build up your confidence. And I'm going to run
through them for you now. The first thing that
I want you to know, and this is through
research that we've done at Indeed, and
especially with the clients that we work with who have
their jobs on our site.

They get nervous in the
interview process as well. Recruiters have some pretty
significant deadlines to meet. Oftentimes, they're recruiting
for multiple different types of people. And they have a pretty grand
pressure to find the right fit. So I want you to remember that. I think something
that you can do as a candidate is to
walk into an interview, and I want you to bring
a warm, inviting tone to the conversation. Because it's really going to
impact how you're perceived and it's going to set
the tone for the rest of the conversation. Now, what I wanted
you to be aware of is that there are
multiple different types of job interviews. And I'm going to run through
them with you very quickly.

So the first one that you can
see here that you might expect is called a screening interview. Those are typically
pretty short. Sometimes, they last either
15 minutes, a half hour. It could vary. But these are usually just
qualifier conversations that take place over the
phone to deem whether or not you have the skills or maybe
even the personality that would be a fit for the organization. This then will typically
determine whether or not you move on to the next round.

Now, behavioral-based
interviews are very common. They are probably ones that
you've seen in the past. And they're typically the
ones that goes something to the tune of, tell
me about a time when you've overcome a challenge, or,
tell me about a time when this. And those are pretty
standard within the HR space, in terms of the types of
questions that are being asked. That can lead into a
competency-based interview, which is very similar to a
behavioral-based interview. But it's actually rooted
in a specific competency that recruiters are trying
to get to the heart of. So for example,
if as a recruiter I'm really interested in
finding people who really excel at compassion, one of the
questions that I might ask is, OK, well, tell
me about a time that you have offered
unsolicited help to a teammate, and how has that impacted your
relationship or the business? It's because I'm looking
to get very specific type of competency.

Then of course, you
have panel interviews. This is going to be when a group
of people from an organization are together at one time
to ask you questions. And then of course, we now
have open interviews or hiring events, which are
typically gatherings where multiple recruiters
from the same company will join on site
and then interview multiple people at one time. Now, we understand that
you are in the midst– well, really we're all in the
midst– of working virtually. Everyone is at home right now. So we expect that in the coming
weeks, maybe even in the coming months, a lot of the
interviews that you're going to be embarking upon
are going to be through video.

So I wanted to offer you
some insight and some tips here that I think would
be really helpful for you. The first thing that I
want you to be aware of and really embrace, is that
environment is everything. It's really important to make
sure that your space is clean, that you have a quiet place
to take the call from, and that it's well lit. A personal recommendation,
if I might, sit in front of a window.

Natural light is your friend. Think about when you're
FaceTiming with someone or when you're trying to
get that perfect video selfie for your Insta story,
same lighting applies. It's going to make
you look more awake and it's going to make you
feel more confident when you're actually on the call. I want to make sure that your
internet connection is really good, that your audio is
working on your computer, your webcam is good to go. These are all things that
you can test ahead of time. And when I think
of a clean space, I also am referring to
things like your desktop. If you are going to be sharing
your screen in any way, make sure that you
don't have any bookmarks that you don't
want people to see and that your desktop
is cleaned up, so that you can leverage
that to your benefit to showcase that
you have organized thoughts, organized
space, organized mind.

And then it's of
course really important to be dressed for the role
that you're interviewing for. And then you want to
make sure that you have a pen or a
notebook handy as well as a copy of your resume. So that if the employer
that you're talking has specific questions
about experience, you can easily glance
down and take a look. And of course, make sure
that all of your devices are on silent. Because we all know that
we get pinged quite often. Now, we're going to then spend
the rest of our time talking about before the interview,
during the interview, and then after the interview,
and some tips that I have for you that
I think could be really helpful in these arenas. I'm a big believer, a huge
proponent in preparation. It's really important
that you need to get your homework done,
spending time educating yourself about the employer
and about the role.

What I want you
to do is that when you come across the
job description, I want you to read
it a couple of times. A good job description is
going to have really important information in it, regarding
not just the role itself, but the company and what
it's like to work there. There are things that are
easily missable there. So I want you to go
back and just make sure that there are no holes. But if the job description
in and of itself doesn't provide you the
grand amount of detail that you need to make a
decision, what I want you to do is make sure that you're
researching the company, leverage Indeed for this.

When you go to,
one of the things you can do is at the very top
left, you're going to see a link for
company reviews. This is a great place to
go in and actually type out the name of a company,
if you're wanting to actually learn about them specifically. Because within that
page on Indeed, they're going to have things
like videos and photos about life for the
organization, reviews about what people say their
experience has been like.

We actually have
community forums now where you can see
what other questions people have asked about what
it's like to work there. We're starting to
aggregate even more data around what it's like to
interview places, what benefits are available. There's a whole list of
really great features that are available
for you there. And we're innovating
it all the time. But this is also
a great time to go to Google, type in the
name of the company, go to their corporate
career site, and take a look to see
what they have there, if there's any information
that might be missing. And if this is a retail
type of a position, once the world reopens
again, dress for the part and walk in, say hello.

Maybe if it's a
restaurant, [? not ?] that you feel like you would
be a great fit for to work at, go in, introduce
yourself, and begin that communication that way. Now, I want you to make
sure that you're considering the role itself
and whether or not the company has benefits that
are going to meet your needs. I think the first thing
to really talk about are salary requirements. At the end of the day, we
all work because we have to. If we didn't need to work, if
we didn't need to earn money, we all would be on an island
living life very, very joyfully somewhere. So it's OK to
inquire about salary.

We are encouraging
employers all the time to make sure that
they have salary information available
on either their website or in their job postings. But if it's not, I think that
it's completely appropriate that maybe in the
second interview, you can ask for what the salary
range of someone in that role might be. It might not be a direct, hey,
how much is this position paid? But asking about a salary
range is completely fair.

I want you to make sure that
from a benefits perspective, you're getting offered exactly
what you're looking for. To some, an amazing benefit
might be child care services. To others, it might be
education reimbursement. But go through and
look to see what benefits that company offers. And then that could
maybe help you make the decision if the role or
that company is right for you. Are you able to
work the required hours that are being asked of? Is transportation going to be an
issue to get to and from work? Do you drive? Are you relying
on public transit? And then of course,
are you required to do any physical labor? If you can't lift
anything heavy, it's good to know that up front.

It's always a good idea to have
printed copies of your resume as well. I usually like to
have around five on me, on good paper if
your budget allows for that. And it's always
great to carry those in some sort of a
professional portfolio or a folder that's
going to keep them nice, and flat, and safe, and
protected from any element that you might be
walking outside of. But make sure that you have
these available and ready if an employer asks one of
you and needs one right away. I want us to really embrace
this idea of practice. Preparation is going to be key. I would encourage you to
put together a 30-second to a 1-minute
pitch as to who you are, what you're
interested in, what your professional
interests you have. Are you good with
data and numbers? Are you more creative in nature? I think being able
to hone in on this and really articulate
the kind of work that you're looking for is
going to be really important. And then, of course,
we want to make sure that you're prepared to answer
questions that are going to be asked for in the interview.

And I'm going to give
you a couple of examples of what those are. And then, of course, I want
you to prepare questions back to the employer as well. But the one piece of advice
that I want to offer you is to think of maybe three
to five stories that you can tell in an
interview that could span multiple different
types of questions. So when you're prepping and
you're creating these stories or you're thinking of
these experiences you've had at work that
have been meaningful, I want you to think of things
like, is it maybe a challenge that you've overcome,
is it a project that you've won an
award for, maybe it's a group that you started
that you're really proud of, or a mentor that
you've connected with.

If you can think of stories
that speak to experiences that you've had, then
the actual question itself matters a
little bit less. And you'll be able to
flex a little bit more fluidly into how you're
answering the question, and not trying to remember
a script or anything as some sort of a
memorized response for those types of questions. So that's a great tip
that one of my mentors gave me that I'd use and
it's very, very helpful.

So then how can you
apply all of this to the actual interview itself? This is your time to shine. And I really want you to
feel confident and graceful in your interview. Because I can
confidently tell you that if you have been selected
to come in for an interview, you deserve to be there. You deserve to be in that chair. And they want to hear
what you have to say. So let's talk about
a couple of things. I think that being polite
to everyone involved is necessary and key. I know it sounds
like a no brainer. But the security guard
that you interact with when you walk into an
interview, the receptionist that you touch base
with or check in with, the hostess who you
greet when you walk in, the bartender, whoever it might
be that you are introducing yourself to at very first,
know that the interviewer is probably going to go up
to them afterwards and ask what that interaction was like.

So I just want to make sure that
that's in your mind as well. And another pro tip
that someone gave me, if you actually
do get to an interview and you get really nervous,
go into an interview and do what's
called a power pose. Quite literally, you could
Google "power pose interview," and whether or not that's
taking a Batman stance or going full on Beyonce to
feel good about yourself. There are literally
studies that show when you do that, it allows you
to psych yourself up and feel really good about the
interview, because we want you to go in feeling confident.

Google that. Trust me. You're welcome. Here's a list of some
common interview questions that we do see. So of course, a standard
"tell me about yourself." It doesn't need to be
an open the floodgates, you don't have to tell
them your full story. But you can give them insight
into who you are as a person and what you're interested in.

pexels photo 3768911

But the one on this list that
I really want to talk about is the, "why do you
want to work here?" So one of the tips that
I can offer you here that's been very helpful
for me in the past is when you're asked why you
want to work for this company, be sure to have researched
that company's values or their mission statement. And then what I
want you to do is I want you to describe
characteristics about yourself that match them. I want you to show that you've
done your homework on who they are as a business,
and why you personally are bringing to the
table characteristics or experiences that are going
to match that, and augment it for them, and have it ultimately
be mutually beneficial.

When you're able
to do this, it's a great way to build
that relationship and it's going to allow you to
stand out from other people. So take a look at the
rest of this list. And know that– this is going
to be recorded by the way and sent out, so if you need
to come back and refer back to this, you can. We also have these
listed in our job guides available on the
website as well. If you're looking for a
more structured approach, this is called the STAR method. It stands for situation,
task, action, and results.

This is going to
be where you can craft a very, very specific
narrative about something that you've worked on. So what's the context
of your story? What was your role in
that specific situation? What did you do and then
what did your actions lead to or results
came from this? This is a great way to be
able to showcase those efforts in a very structured way. Now, this I feel is
very important for us right now, especially
in the economic climate that we're facing. I want you all to know that
regardless of the position that you've held in
the past, I don't care if you've worked in a
hotel, in a retail space, in a corporate
environment, as a public– doesn't matter, we all
have transferable skills. So if, for example, you've
come from a customer service or retail, a flight
attendant background, I want you to know that you
have really great experience that can be used in so
many different places.

That would speak to strong
communication, sometimes problem solving,
customer service. If you've worked in a restaurant
before, the POS system that you used to input orders and
to manage your business, that speaks to technology
literacy, analytical thinking, and adaptability. Same thing for corporate roles. So I want you to
identify, again , those experiences that you've
had that you're really proud of. And then I want you
to think about how you can apply those same
skills in other industries and have confidence in
knowing that those really are worthy experiences
that you've had.

And they can be very
beneficial to other companies, even if you do come from a
non-traditional background from what that company
is typically used to. And what I want you to know
too, is that gaps in employment exist and they happen. In fact, in the US alone,
about 90% of working people say that they have had a gap in
their employment in the past. So if you've left to be maybe
a caretaker for someone, you were laid off, maybe you
were just let go from your job because it wasn't a match,
or you just took time off for personal interests, I think
that being open and honest about these things is going
to be very important for you. But at the same
time, you don't need to go into significant
detail about it. But having an
honest conversation is going to show humility. And maybe even
talking about things that you worked on during
that employment gap could showcase then how
you would employ them when you're actually then
enrolled in your new job.

Ask thoughtful questions. Everyone loves to
talk about themselves. But here's something to think
about– the more questions that you end up asking
the interviewer, the less you actually have
to talk in an interview. And it allows the
interviewer to see that you are being very
mindful about your approach to this position and that
you've done your research. So take a look at some of
these questions here, again, available afterwards, available
in all of our career guides. But this could be
a great way for you to showcase specific interest
in the role in a way that allows them to talk
to you and creates more of a conversational
tone in nature. And then following
the interview. It's very important for
everyone to follow up. Make sure that you send a
really nice email thanking the interviewer for their
time in a timely fashion.

Make sure that you start with
the name of the interviewer, touch base on topics that
you actually talked about, which will allow them
to remember who you are and exactly what you
can bring to the table. Brevity is key. So make sure that
you keep it short. And close a letter with
your name and your contact information. And make sure, of course, that
you check that note for typos. A great tip that I once learned
from a colleague of mine is to proofread your
email from the ground up.

So start from the very
bottom and then move upwards and read backwards. And it'll be much easier for
you to catch typos or mistakes because it's not the way that
our brain typically reads. So that could be something
that can be great for you. But when you're actually going
through and writing the follow up, this is an example in detail
about what it could look like.

Something else that I
could offer you as well. If you do have time or
if the situation allows, maybe bring a blank
card with you. And on your way out– or
maybe once you get down to the lobby– maybe you write these things
out with your own handwriting, and then leave it
with the front desk or ask if you can drop this
back off again in your– right back up to the office
that you interviewed at.

It's a really great way
to show a timely response, with gratitude, in a
personalized fashion, in your own handwriting. So if you haven't
done so already, I want you to go
to Indeed, create your free account, upload that
resume like we talked about, browse positions that
are available for you in that "what field" or
in that "where field." There are a series of great
filters on the left hand side that will allow
you to filter out– if it's part time or
full time, if it's salary expectations or current
companies that are hiring.

It's a great time to set
up job alerts as well. So we can do some of the
heavy lifting for you and provide you email
digests with new jobs that are available that
we think may be a fit. And then, of course, we want
you to research organizations and read reviews and
really get a sense of what it's like to work there. And we're going to continue
to innovate that product platform for you. We're going to be taking all
this on the road with us. So go to our website
to be able to look to see what our on site job
market events will look like. Of course, once the
economy resumes, this will be
something really great that you can be a part of. But that concludes what I
wanted to present for you today. I wanted to make sure that
we have time for questions. We've had a couple
that have come through. I have my amazing Indeedians
here on the line, Brandy and Nikki as well, to help
answer some of these questions. I see that some of them
have come through for them.

But any questions we
didn't get answered, please go to Indeed community,
ask those questions. We have people who
are on staff to answer those questions for you. And we'll do our best to make
sure that we accommodate. So I believe, so
this first question is, how is interviewing
impacted by coronavirus? Brandy or Nikki,
I think this would be a great question for you
if you'd like to take it. I'm happy to jump in. Thanks, Taylor. Yeah. So as I mentioned
earlier, there may be multiple implications of
this virus on the job search or interview process. One would be that employers
may pause hiring temporarily.

It's possible that you
had a great interview a couple of weeks
ago, but you just aren't hearing back because the
company is trying to figure out what to do right now. And although most companies
are working on a plan of action at the moment,
there are many that need additional employees to
help respond to this crisis. A lot of these jobs are in the
health care and public health fields. But there are others
in different industries like communication
professionals, social workers, and technicians. So I'd recommend keeping
a close eye on Indeed for these positions. And if employers
are hiring, you may be asked not to come on
site for an interview, but to do a phone
or video interview, like we discussed earlier.

So you can find more information
about remote interviews as well on the career guide. And the most important
thing to remember is that you should be kind
to yourself right now. This is a stressful situation. And it's understandable
that you may not be as rested or as
polished as you would want to be under
normal circumstances when you're searching for
a job and interviewing. Taking breaks to clear
your mind and video chatting with loved
ones are a few ways to ease tension that
you may be feeling.

And again, if you'd
like information, specifically about navigating
the job search amid COVID-19, you can visit our coronavirus
job resources page at And we'll be doing a
webinar specifically on that topic on 3/31. And remember, again,
you're not alone and we're here to help you. OK, our second question
is, how should one go about sharing one was laid
off in a previous position? Well, got our
recruiter on the phone, so Nikki, what do you
think is the best approach for someone maybe who has been
laid off or let go in the past? Well, thanks so much Taylor. Ultimately, I want to
start by just saying when I get on the phone
with candidates, I actually probably will
have a more traditional or standard question of, truly
walk me through your resume.

Letting you, the candidate,
drive this conversation and helping just articulate
the strengths and the ways you contributed to
your previous roles. So I may not call out
anything specific in regards to length of time
because I really want the job seeker to own their
experience, their narrative, as they tell me why I should
consider them for the role. All that being said though,
there are some great talking points in regards to being
honest and making sure you tell that accurate story. So in regards to a layoff, if
it was a large restructure, there could be simple
statements in regards to sharing to your
recruiter, there was a restructure
within the organization and unfortunately my
role was impacted. You could also talk about
how the business was going through changes and
there was no longer work to sustain my position. And that helps give
you talking points in regards to a big instance
where a large population was impacted at your company.

But I hope that these are
some talking points that help. And again, I am always excited
to hear you tell your story and truly be the advocate for
why you should have the role that we're connecting on. And if I could just add
to that really quick. I do think that there
is something really wonderful about
someone who can share a tough experience or a
challenging life experience with humility, and
talk about it in a way that they've been
able to learn from it. I certainly know
that I've had friends in the past who maybe
were let go from positions for performance-related
reasons or something like that. But that doesn't mean
that you're a bad person. It doesn't mean that you're
not qualified for another role.

I think it's a great
opportunity for you to be able to showcase maybe
a mistake that you made, how you grew from it,
and then how you're going to employ that moving forward. Nikki, I would assume
that as a recruiter, you probably would
appreciate that transparency. And for those of us who have
experienced that in the past, it's going to only allow you
to feel more authentic when you're actually having
the conversation. Absolutely. And again, with the statistics
of you sharing before, Taylor, of 90%
experiencing a gap or that could relate to being laid
off or other instances, being able to show that
humble and, again, rising and sharing your story.

Absolutely. I love the articulation there. And we will continue to
face challenging situations, even in a role once hired. So knowing that someone can
navigate that and grow from it is definitely a positive. All right, so the third
question that we have is, what do you suggest
when your mind goes blank during an interview? Good question. And then what if you're
uncomfortable looking someone in the eye for the
entirety of your answer? That is a good question.

So, first and
foremost, I would like to address that we've all
been in this situation before. Interviewing can be
very uncomfortable. I think that when you
are in a high stress situation like an interview– I mean, it's a
lot to take back– it's OK to ask the individual
to repeat the question or quite literally say,
you know what, that's a really interesting question. Do you mind if I take
just a minute to formulate my thoughts around that? I think that it's much better
to pause and take that time than it is to try and come
up with something that is not true or is inauthentic. So therapeutic pauses
are very important in many different situations. And that would be an
example of one of them. I think that when it comes
to non-verbal communication, such as eye contact, I think
that being able to look someone in the eye for enough time for
them to recognize or register that you're addressing them
specifically is important.

But I don't think it needs
to be a staring contest. And so something else that
you could do too, I actually learned this from my
executive speaking coaches, is called guideposting. So if you're wanting to
give a couple of answers or if you have an answer
that maybe is multi-pronged, actually non-verbally
signing, this is the first thing that I
did, this is the second thing that I did, this is the third. That's a way for you to use
your non-verbal body language to lean into conversation
without having to look someone directly in the
eye the whole time.

That's something that has
helped me in the past. So some things that you
might be able to try. So I hope that
answered your question. And then the last
question here is, all these questions
are great– thanks– but I think another
big thing is nerves. So especially if you've
been employed for a while. There's a lot of pressure
on each interview. And I know I often find
myself thinking of nerves and how they show. And I just don't know how to
be more comfortable with myself in an interview. Any tips or suggestions,
whether before the interview, during the interview, to make my
nerves a little less prominent? Nikki, I'm going
to ask you to lean into this one as the recruiter.

Perhaps what are
some things that you do that you feel put
candidates at ease, or what are some maybe
additional things– outside of power posing that I
mentioned– could help out? And let me be the
first to even share, I was nervous as I was
getting ready for this event. And I know it might sound
simple and very easy being prepared, telling yourself
that it's OK to be nervous, and just taking
some deep breaths, and trying to calm yourself. I know you might hear that we
can really own our feelings. And again, I don't mean for
this to sound obvious or too simplified, but it is actually
what really helps and works for me. Whenever I approach
a situation where I know I'll be in
a large setting or even if I talk to a very
senior level stakeholder where there's no
need to be nervous, I just have to tell myself
almost my own little mantra of, it's OK, calm down,
take a deep breath. Again, us being able
to own our feelings.

And again, I know this sounds
simple, but it truly can help. I also want candidates
to know that, while you may feel nervous, please
know this is your time to interview the company
and the opportunity as well. You should feel
confident that you've been identified to
come in and really be, again, truly considered
for the role. And so I want you to
feel empowered to know that this is your time
to interview the company and opportunity as well. So maybe that can
also help put you in the driver's
seat a little bit and help calm those
nerves down, because it's for you to understand if this
could be that right next career adventure for you as well.

And of course, if
Taylor or Brandy have anything else to share. But it's an exciting journey. I know it can be
adrenaline and nerves. But just note that some simple
mantras, taking some breaths, wearing your power
outfit, wearing something that makes you feel
comfortable, going into the big interview will all
be things to help support you on that journey. Thank you so much. I think that's great advice. So that's our dog and
pony for everyone. I sincerely appreciate
everyone joining. And I just want to reiterate on
behalf of my amazing colleagues here and myself, we know that
it's a very stressful time right now.

But Indeed is in
an amazing position to continue to help
you through this. We have actually seen an
uptick in searches on our site. And a lot of employers that
you are very familiar with have come to us and
said, what can we be doing to support people who
need to find work right now? So we have really
amped up our efforts. We just were addressed by our
CEO quite literally the hour before this call. And we feel very confident that
we will be not just leveraging existing resources
we have to help you, but we are in the process
of expediting production on other resources
that are going to be really, really significant
for you in your job hunt.

So reach out to us. I'm available on LinkedIn. Feel free to reach out. Anything I can do to help
you, I certainly know I will and I speak on behalf
of my colleagues too. So Brandy, I'll
let you wrap us up and then we'll bid
everyone adieu. Right, yeah. Just a reminder that if you
have any other questions, please feel free to continue
posting on the Indeed community thread. And our team will continue
to answer them there. Thank you again for
tuning in and best of luck in your job search.

Have a great day, everyone.

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