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RRB NTPC Protest | Khan Sir Responsible? | Explained by Dhruv Rathee

Hello, friends! On 26th January, when the country was celebrating Republic Day, a photo of a train on fire went viral on social media. In many areas of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, thousands of students came out to protest. It is said that some of these students got violent, due to which, a train was set on fire and stones were pelted at another train. After this, we got to see some horrifying images, when photos of these protesting students getting beaten up mercilessly by the police went viral. Only one day before this incident, we got news from Uttar Pradesh where police went to the apartments of some students broke down their doors, and beat them.

Seeing all this, you might be asking, what happened that forced these students to come out in such large numbers to protest? And to such an extent that at some places, the protest turned violent. Technically speaking, the answer to this is related to the RRB NTPC exam. But if you try to look for the root cause of this issue, you will find a problem that concerns the youth of the country.

Unemployment. "Against the result of the Railway Recruitment Board NTPC exam, the protests of the youngsters have spread to many districts in Bihar." "Heavy contingent of police failed to control the protestors, severely affecting services." "The police have sped up their investigation into the violence, the names of some coaching centres from Bihar are being incriminated in this matter. Including the famous Khan Sir." "The Government has not suspended the exam, and set up a committee to tackle the grievances of protesting students." RRB NTPC. Railway Recruitment Board's
Non-Technical Popular Category exam. It is an exam for filling various roles in the Indian Railways. For example, These jobs are divided into levels. Ranging from level 2 to level 6. And each level has a different pay scale. The salary that the workers would get once selected.

For example, the starting salary of a level 2 job is around ₹19,000 and the minimum qualification is finishing the 12th grade. And the jobs of level 6, for example, station master, has a starting salary of ₹35,000 and the minimum qualification is graduation. This exam is conducted in multiple stages. What is the problem here? Why are students protesting? For the 2019 RRB NTPC exam, the notification was issued on 28th February 2019. But the exam was postponed because of Covid, And the exam was finally conducted from 28th December 2020 to 31st July 2021. The exam took place in 7 different phases. The exam was conducted for 35,000 vacancies in total. This means that these exams would've given 35,000 jobs. And what was the number of candidates appearing for this exam? 14 million candidates.

You can imagine a large number of people that were competing with each other for these few jobs. After about 5 or 6 months of conducting the exam, the result was announced on 15th January 2022. This was the result for CBT 1. Based on this, 700,000 candidates were shortlisted to appear for the CBT 2 exam. RRB had promised that for the 35,000 vacancies here the number of candidates selected for CBT 2 would be 20 times the vacancy. So 35,000 times 20 is 700,000 it fits. But the problem here is that when the result was actually announced, it was found that some students were counted more than once, in the list of shortlisted candidates for different levels. So 700,000 students didn't actually qualify to appear for the CBT 2 exam, Rather, somewhere around 380,000 students qualified wherein the names of several students were counted twice or thrice. For the different levels. For the level 2, level 3, level 6 jobs. So in reality, the number of candidates wasn't 20 times the number of vacancies. The second problem according to the students is that the 12th pass students and the graduate students, had to sit for the same exam, but when it came to the selection, the cut-offs for both groups were different.

In fact, the cut-offs for the graduates, was lower and more accessible, and the cut-offs for the 12th pass candidates were more difficult. The reasoning behind this provided by the government is that of the 35,000 vacancies, the highest qualification requirement is for a graduate. So for graduate students, all 35,000 posts are available. But for 12th pass students, only 10,000 of the 35,000 vacancies are for them. These are the number of jobs one can get with a 12th pass qualification. But what basically happened because of this, the graduate students got an unfair advantage. Not only were they competing for jobs among themselves, but the 12th pass students had to compete with graduate students for the jobs for 12th pass candidates. The government responded to this point by saying that they did so for CBT 1, so that time and funds of the government are spent economically.

And the CBT 2 exams would be conducted differently for different levels. Friends, these were the problems that the NTPC students had to face. Due to which they were protesting. But before protesting out on the roads, the students tried to put across their grievances through Twitter as well. But the government paid no heed to it. Although there were millions of tweets for this, and it was trending on #1. But neither did the media cover this issue, nor was the government bothered with the issue initially. Interestingly, the NTPC students weren't the only ones protesting. Students of Railway Group D were also protesting. The notification for Group D Level 1 exam was posted by RRB, in March 2019. This exam was also postponed and delayed due to Covid. But now suddenly, the published a new notification, that rather than one exam, they would now conduct 2 exams. This was said in 2019, they published the new notification just one month before the examination.

They said that the exam would now be conducted in February 2022. And it will be held in 2 phases. Students aren't given much time to prepare. They didn't inform them on time. Additionally, the procedure for the normalisation of marks was also changed. The irregularities in the exams, may seem insignificant to you and I, but for many students, this would affect their lives. Think about it. Many of these jobs are, low salary jobs. A person doesn't get much salary for these jobs. "Why are you driving this? You have done BTC and TTE, so why are driving a rickshaw here? What else can we do when private jobs pay ₹5,000-₹6,000? Those who have got government jobs are now set for life. The new funda of the government is that while filing the vacancies, all of them are now in casual. The pensioners get NPS. In privatisation, private companies are getting all the benefits.

And the poor are being crushed. The government has put forth religion everywhere. Whenever you turn on the television it's always 'religion! religion! religion!' it's different than running a country. If religion could run the country, everyone would spend all their time worshipping." Many people from the lower economic background, apply for these jobs. And sit for these exams. They have to pay an application fee of ₹500. Again, this may not be a huge amount for you, but for many people, where the total earning of the family is only a few thousand, to pay the application fee is a significant amount. They pay this money to appear for the exam, and then the exam is first postponed year after year. And when they are conducted, there is a delay in publishing the results. And when the results get declared, the results are computed in such an unfair manner, that the vacancies aren't filled properly. Simply imagine if a student has pinned up his hopes on these exams to get a job, his entire life would be affected in waiting for these 2-3 years. "My father had to sell his lands for my education. When my mother falls ill, she doesn't want to get treatment, because she is worried about paying my fees the next month.

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And how that money could be better spent on my education. She is suffering so that I could get an education. The Indian Railways is the biggest sector for jobs. If the government isn't sincere about it,
what would the youth do? The youth shouldn't be forced to get on the roads, otherwise, the government would be dragged on the roads." This was the reason why thousands of students, came out on the streets to protest. Especially in the areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. And unfortunately, in some places, these protests turned violent. And unfortunately, we got to see a very violent and brutal reaction of the police. The students were attacked. The violence here, from both sides, was equally wrong. Especially, students should realise that they cannot achieve anything by breaking something or setting trains on fire. In fact, because of such violent incidents, the government gets a reason to declare the protest as Anti-National. To declare them Urban Naxals. You already know how the government is always on its toes and the government's media is always hyped up for any person to criticise the government and to raise their voice against them, to have a protest of any form, to show them as Anti-Nationals as soon as possible.

This started with the CAA-NRC protests, then the Farmers' protest and Doctors' protest, and now when students are protesting. The same thing is seen everywhere. After the protests turned violent, the Railways suspended the NTPC exam. And a committee was set up, it is being said that the complaints raised by the students would be investigated by the committee. This committee is headed by Deepak Peter. The Principal Executive Director of Industrial Relations on the Railway Board. It is said that the grievances and suggestions of the students, can be submitted at Within 3 weeks, until 16th February. Some students accuse the government that instead of solving this problem, they are trying to sweep this matter under the rugs. So that there's no problem in the Uttar Pradesh elections. And the government doesn't have to lose their precious votes. Additionally, there is no student representative on the committee. It is another reason why the students think that the government isn't serious about solving this problem. Interestingly, FIRs have been filed against some teachers, claiming that they were trying to incite the students. Like Khan Sir. He is a popular YouTuber and teacher, you might know of him.

He is accused of trying to incite the students. But if you have actually watched his video, he had simply tried to raise this issue. The problems that the students were facing, he discussed them. And asked the students to be vocal about it. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, in many of his videos, Khan Sir had clearly said that neither does he support any form of violence nor is he asking the students to be violent. "You will take no part in any form of protest tomorrow. Because if you protest, any other person may come and be violent amid that. The train that was set on fire in Arrah, or the one in Gaya, can a student prove that it was done by some opportunist taking advantage of the protest? Irrespective of who does it, the students would suffer." If things continue in this way, is no one allowed to discuss their problems from now on? Students, doctors, teachers, farmers, is no one allowed to talk about their problems anymore? Merely talking about it has become anti-national.

I don't support any form of violence. But seeing this happen, it seems evident that the government is looking for scapegoats now and is unwilling to deal with the real problem. Especially now, when I'm making this video, there's a trend on Twitter, #ArrestCoachingMafia. Looking at this, it is evident that the IT Cells, are trying to villainise Khan Sir and other teachers in any way possible. They are trying to shift all the blame on them.

They are trying to defame them. Do you know what is the biggest issue here, friends? The irregularities that you are seeing in the exams, it isn't limited to a couple of Railway exams, if you look at the news from the last few years, this has become a regular occurrence. You can see the same pattern in many exams. Before this, it happened in the NEET exam. Due to this, the resident doctors were protesting, as you'd remember. There too, the police had behaved brutally. The protestors were assaulted. The famous Jamia case where the students were famously beaten up by the police.

Before that, there was the SSC scam, a case of a major alleged paper leak and mass cheating. In fact, if you try to watch the news, to find out the number of cases where there have been paper leaks and cheating, on a big scale, you will be shocked! Last month, the Hindi examination paper of the National Eligibility Test was leaked.

Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test was conducted in December 2021, paper leaked. Rajasthan Eligibility Exam for Teachers 2021:
paper leaked. Common Entrance Exam, February 2021, paper leaked. If we talk about only one state, in the last 7 years, in Gujarat, papers have been leaked 9 times. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021, papers were leaked in these years. There is a lack of political will of the government. They aren't bothered if exams are being conducted properly or not. The things that the students go through. They are busy with their Hindu-Muslim and temple versus mosque issues. After this, there's also the problem of unemployment. The number of government jobs is rapidly falling in the country. You can see this on the chart. Ashwini Deshpande, Professor of Economics at Ashoka University posted an eye-opening tweet. If 12.5 million people are applying for a mere 35,281 jobs, it means that there are 354 applicants for each job.

More than 300 people are competing for one job. Only one out of the 354 applicants will get a job, and what would happen to the other 353 people? They'll be left unemployed. Due to this, we are seeing a reduced number of vacancies. Such as in SSC. In 2013, there used to be 20,000 vacancies later, by 2019, it has fallen to a mere 8,000 or 9,000. It is very important to acknowledge this problem of unemployment. Looking for the solution comes after this. Before solving the problem, we need to first accept that there is a problem of unemployment in the country. The government seems unwilling to accept this. I'd like to thank KUKU FM for sponsoring this video, it's a brilliant audio learning app, on it, you can listen to hundreds of biographies and informative audiobooks. which are very relevant to these matters. For example, Finding Jobs in the Pandemic.

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