Is it Fact or Bluff? Making $900 in 3 Hours

When someone claims to have made an impressive amount of money within a short time frame, many people become skeptical and question the validity of these statements. That is why it is important to differentiate between fact and bluff in such situations. In this blog post, the focus will be on whether or not it is possible to make $900 in just three hours, taking into account the various factors that come into play. By analyzing the evidence, the reader can decide for themselves if such claims are based on actual achievement or simply an exaggeration.

Is it Fact or Bluff? Making $900 in 3 Hours


Dan Korsby, a well-known YouTube personality, has created a video claiming that one can make $900 in three hours by writing content for The video has been widely circulated on social media, and many people are wondering whether it's fact or just another get-rich-quick scheme. In this article, we will review the claims made in the video and determine whether it's possible to make $900 in three hours by writing for Pays $489 for Typing 8,900 Words

According to the video, pays $489 for typing 8,900 words. However, this claim needs to be put into context. is a content writing platform that pays writers based on the quality of their work. To earn $489, a writer would need to produce a five-star article that is on the level of a master's degree.

Writing a Five-Star Article Can Be Difficult

For beginner writers, the idea of producing a master's level article may seem impossible. Even experienced writers may take days to complete such an article. While it's possible to earn a decent income writing for, it's important to understand that it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes hard work and dedication to produce quality content that will earn a five-star rating.

Making $900 in Three Hours is Unlikely

While it's possible to make a good income writing for, earning $900 in three hours is highly unlikely. The video claims that a writer can produce three 1,500-word articles in three hours, each earning $300. However, this assumes that the writer is capable of producing three five-star articles in three hours, which is highly unlikely.

Hitting the Subscribe Button

At the end of the video, Korsby urges viewers to hit the subscribe button for more epic content. While there's nothing wrong with subscribing to YouTube channels, it's important to understand that not all content creators are honest about the claims they make. It's always a good idea to do your research and evaluate claims before investing time or money in any venture.


In conclusion, while it's possible to earn a decent income writing for, it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. Writing quality content that earns a five-star rating takes time, effort, and dedication. Making $900 in three hours is highly unlikely. It's important to do your research and evaluate the claims made by content creators before investing your time or money in any venture.


  1. Is it possible to make $900 in three hours by writing for

    • It's highly unlikely to make $900 in three hours, as it requires producing three five-star articles in that time.
  2. How much does pay for content?

    • pays writers based on the quality of their work. To earn a good income, a writer would need to produce high-quality articles that earn a five-star rating.
  3. Is it easy to produce a master's level article?

    • Producing a master's level article can be difficult, even for experienced writers. It requires time and effort to produce quality content.
  4. Should I subscribe to Dan Korsby's YouTube channel?

    • While there's nothing wrong with subscribing to YouTube channels, it's important to do your research and evaluate the claims made by content creators before investing your time or money in any venture.
  5. Is a good way to make extra money?

    • can be a good way to make extra money, but it's important to understand that it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes hard work and dedication to produce quality content that will earn a good income.

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