10 Remote Jobs You Can Work From Home – No Experience Needed! | Indeed Career Tips

Looking for a remote job
you can get with little to no experience? You've come to the right place. I'm Sinéad. And coming up in
this video, I'll be sharing 10
positions that allow you to work from home
without industry experience. Oh, yeah. Plus, we'll be exploring
what each of these roles look like, the typical pay
for each, and of course, I got some tips on how you
can land one of these gigs. And you definitely want to
stick around for the last role because it's an unexpected
side-hustle that could seriously be worth your time. All right, let's get started. Remote job number one, customer
support representative. Customer support reps
provide solutions to customers over email, phone,
or instant messaging platforms.

So just last week, I
got some serious help from a customer service
rep via an instant chat because technology. Customer service
reps help customers resolve concerns or
questions so that they leave the interaction feeling
great about the company. And if you don't have
any experience working as a customer service rep,
seriously, no worries. Since different companies have
different needs, products, and of course,
clientele, employers must provide an on-boarding
training program for all new employees. Essentially you'll learn
the essentials of your role during this
on-boarding training. So all you really need
is a genuine desire to help people solve problems.

Now, the typical pay for
a customer support role is $14.25 per hour. And if possible, I'd
recommend looking for positions that allow you
to work for a company directly rather than for a third-party
company that arranges work with multiple employers. Because often,
these middlemen will take a chunk of your profit. So how can you land this role? Since this role revolves
around great communication, you should be ready
to prove your language fluency, your people
skills, and your ability to resolve conflicts. And for more specific advice
on interviewing for a customer support role or a
call center, I highly recommend checking out
this video right here. Now before I get into our second
job that you can do remotely, if you've been watching this
far, be sure to give us a like, subscribe to our
channel, and of course, hit that notification bell
so that you don't miss out on our weekly career advice.

Remote job number
two, data entry clerk. Data entry clerks add, verify,
and transfer electronic data for companies in a
variety of industries, including health care finance,
retail, and transportation. Data entry may entail moving
information from one document format into another,
transferring product listings, or compiling data from multiple
sources into one spreadsheet. So, yes, of course,
attention to detail is a must have qualification.

Since companies heavily
rely on the accuracy of this information. In terms of typical pay, a data
entry clerk's average hourly wage is $16.00. The great news
everybody, there is room to expand that rate even
more if you've got the speed, typing speed to
be more specific. So how can you land this role? A high school degree, attention
to detail like we said, and computer literacy
are enough to get you started in data entry. Now, if you do end
up wanting to advance to more administrative
positions, then you may consider eventually
getting a bachelor's degree or a relevant certificate.

Remote job number
three, transcription. So back in the day,
transcriptionists or transcribers were
tasked with writing down each and every word of a
video or audio recording. But in today's
technologically advanced age, most companies use software to
transcribe audio information. But as we all know, some
more than others' computers are not perfect. So as a transcriber,
your goal is to review auto-generated
transcriptions and correct any mistakes. Most jobs for transcriptionists
or transcribers involve reviewing
medical or legal content. But sometimes they can involve
marketing or entertainment materials. The average pay for this
role is $16.25 an hour, and most transcriptionists work
on a per-project or contract basis. Now to be a
transcriptionist, you need to be able to prove both
excellent writing and listening skills, of course.

Typing experience
is also a big plus, especially if you can type
up to 50 words a minute. Remote job number four,
virtual assistant. A virtual assistant provides
administrative support for business management
professionals. If you are organized,
self-motivated, and you have a variety
of administrative skills virtual assistant could
be a great option for you. As a virtual
assistant, you will be assigned a range
of responsibilities to support your client's
work, from scheduling meetings to booking travel to
simply sending emails. You may also be asked to
handle more technical tasks such as moderating data entry,
proofreading, or coordinating social media posts. Virtual assistant jobs
can be quite engaging and can also boost your
network, double win. Now, lets talk pay a virtual
assistant earns $17.76 per hour on average. But this varies
based on the company and your level of experience. If this job sounds great,
Indeed is an amazing source for virtual assistant
job postings.

And you can also
check out other sites that offer freelance work. And you may also want
to reach out directly to professionals you know
would benefit from hiring a virtual assistant. If you don't have experience,
use what you do have. Life experience. Demonstrate your organizational
and time management skills to a possible employer, such
as highlighting experience, volunteering, or serving
on a committee at school. Remote job number
five, graphic designer. Employers need graphics for both
print and digital materials. Printed materials can include
booklets, cards, magazines, flyers, or tri-folds. Graphic designers can even find
themselves creating billboards that thousands of drivers are
going to see, pretty cool. Digital projects can include
logo design, video graphics, and illustrations. Now many graphic designers work
on a contract or per-project basis, which means flexibility
of time and income for you.

If you're creative smart and you
can engage with clients enough to fully understand and
fulfill their design needs, you may be the ideal
graphic designer candidate. In terms of pay, the average
graphic designer in the United States earns $17.00 per hour. So how can you land a job
as a graphic designer? For some, a bachelor's
degree in graphic design is the first step in
this career journey. But schooling is not
always 100% necessary. Like most creative
careers, your portfolio is going to be your
biggest advocate. So if you are new
to this industry, create some example
products that allow possible employers
to see their skills.

Create a website to show off
your design skills on Wix, Squarespace, or even Indeed. If you're a digital
creator, consider setting up an Etsy account
to sell prints of your work. Basically, find any
area and opportunity to help potential employers
visualize your talents because seeing is believing. And testing out courses in
the Adobe Creative Suite is always a good learning
tool or just a way to refresh your skills.

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Let your career be
something you create. Remote job number six, teaching
English as a second language. Teaching English as
a second language basically means you
have conversations with students in order to build
their familiarity with speaking and understanding English. English as a second language
is often referred to as ESL, so be sure to keep an eye out
for postings with that term. A lot of online companies
simply want people with great English skills
to help students practice and learn basic phrases. Now, if you're interested in a
remote ESL teaching position, keep in mind that many
students are international. So you'll need to be ready to
teach at times that accommodate the student's time zone. The pay of an ESL teacher ranges
from $12.00 to $20.00 per hour based on experience,
certifications, and student level. And fluency in a second
language may boost your rate. There's a number
of online companies that employ ESL teachers, so
be sure to keep an eye out for whether they
require credentials and/or an undergraduate degree.

While most do not
require either, you should still be prepared to
demonstrate your English skills and ability to be a supportive
mentor for students. Remote job number seven,
social media manager. A social media manager runs a
client's social media platforms and maintains their
online social presence. The client could be an
influencer, a retailer, a global brand, or
even a small business like a restaurant or a gym. Social media managers must
consider both strategy and execution. They decide which
channels to focus on, the best times to post, and how
to engage with their audience, then they create
and share content that will drive business. A social media manager
earns around $18.00 an hour and typically operates as
a freelancer, contractor, or in some cases a
part-time employee.

Keep in mind that the more
results you prove along your employment, the more often
your pay will increase too. While no prior
experience is required to start out as a
social media manager, there is a lot of
competition in the field. Social media is
everywhere, after all. So the more you can show
your skills, the better. If you have a strong online
presence, you've taken courses, or you've used social
media management software for a company
or in your personal life before, make it known. Create sample posts to
share with companies you're interested in to boost
your candidacy even more. Remote job number
eight, accountant. Accountants review and
prepare financial documents for individuals
or for a business. And due to the
focus of their work, many accountants can
work remotely in both, believe it or not, entry-level
and senior positions. Plus, this job has high
stability and great potential for growth. Now, the average pay of an
accountant is $17.10 per hour. And if you're looking
to land this job, know that accounting
is great for people with strong analytical thinking
and mathematical skills.

You must also have
a bachelor's degree, preferably one in accounting,
finance, or economics. And familiarity with business
law, accounting principles, and accounting technology. Many companies will end
up favoring candidates with either a certified public
accounting or CPA designation or a master's degree. With that being said, know that
there are so many accounting certificates and designations. So just be sure that you do
your research so that you know what's best for you.

Remote job number
nine, copywriter. Writing and editing are
incredibly valuable skills. If you want to pursue a job as
a copywriter, as a copywriter, you may be assigned
projects that aim to promote brand awareness,
sales, or positive user experience. Copywriters often work on blog
articles, marketing emails, advertisements,
or even web pages. The average salary of a
freelance copywriter is $28.00 in the United States. But of course,
this number varies depending on your niche
and your experience. Copywriters may work as
part of an in-house team, or they may provide their
services on a freelance basis.

So if you crushed your
English classes growing up, you have strong writing
skills, and you're interested in an
opportunity like this. Places like Indeed.com,
Upwork, and freelance.com are great places to
start your search. Now, if you are aiming
to be a copywriter, it helps to have
a college degree and familiarity with various
editing styles, such as AP. And if you're new to
this kind of work, you may want to consider
taking editing tests, taking copy-writing or
copy-editing courses, or generating sample copies
to prove your skills. If you have an
Indeed profile, you can complete assessments right
on the site that show employers how strong your writing
skills truly are. And be sure to create
a polished resume with no spelling or
grammatical errors, of course.

So make sure you
double-check your materials before you hit submit,
and finally, as promised, we have one last remote job
you may have never considered. Remote job number 10,
virtual mock juror. Some lawyers want to do
a test run of their case before they put it in
front of a real jury. So many market research
and legal companies source mock juries that allow
lawyers to spot weaknesses in their case and refine
their presentation materials. As an online mock juror, you
may review videos, photos, transcripts, and other evidence. Afterwards, you will provide
your verdict on the case and answer questions
from the legal team.

So what about the
payment for mock jurors varies based on the
company and time required, but you can expect between
$20 to $60 an hour. Typically an online
mock jury position pays less than an
in-person mock jury role. And how can you land
this unique role? Though no experience of any kind
is needed to be a mock juror, the job does require
certain attributes. You must be over
18, a US citizen, and have no criminal
history Now, to find a mock jury role you can
sign up directly with mock jury companies online.

The beauty of the internet. That being said, the
nature of mock juries means that they are not a great
option for consistent or timely income. Just like a regular
jury being in the pool does not necessarily
guarantee that you're going to be selected. But even though
working as a mock juror isn't a full-time job. The pay and total lack of
need for prior work experience definitely make it a
worthwhile side hustle. All right, hopefully, we
have your wheels turning. If you did find
this video helpful, be sure to hit the
like button down below. Subscribe to our channel
right over here and of course, hit that notification
bell, so you don't miss our weekly videos. Now, if you do end up advancing
in the hiring process for one of these roles and you want
some advice on interviewing.

You can check out this
playlist right over here. And for how to write
a winning resume, I highly recommend clicking
on this video right here. Let's get working, people. I'm Sinéad [INAUDIBLE]. Thank you guys so
much for watching, and I'll see you all next time..

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