How To Start Social Media Marketing – Campaign Based On Your Business Need – Tips for Beginners

you need to modify your social media marketing 
campaign based on your online business type i   know this video is going to throw a lot of people 
off but people need to understand this one of the   major reasons why a lot of otherwise intelligent 
and experienced social media marketers fail to   get the results that they're looking for is 
the fact that they're using the wrong approach   their approach to social media marketing and the 
websites they're promoting is a one-size-fits-all   approach now you don't need me to explain to you 
why that's a bad idea it doesn't work in most   areas of your life and it definitely doesn't 
work when it comes to social media marketing   you can't look at this project with the mindset 
that as long as you pull traffic from social   media platforms then you can use the exact same 
method and the exact same communication tactics   regardless of the online entity or business 
you are promoting since we're using content   to develop relationships on social media platforms 
this one-size-fits-all approach is even more fatal   i mean it's a bad enough idea as it is but 
if you were to use a content based campaign   it gets even worse the reality is that different 
business types require different content and   publishing strategies you have to customize 
modify and tweak your particular content and   publishing strategies on social media to fit 
the type of website you are trying to promote   now there are a huge number of 
website variations out there   in fact there are too many i would venture to say 
that the only limit really is your imagination   but if you were to categorize these 
different website types into four rough forms   they would more or less fall into the following 
publishing e-commerce or drop shipping email lists   and traffic sales again there are many variations 
of these but if you were to look at the different   types of businesses out there you can pretty much 
reduce them to these four types when you study   these closely they have different needs they 
have different features that must be addressed   otherwise you're not going to get the results 
you're looking for unfortunately a lot of social   media marketers would try to promote a blog 
the exact same way they would try to promote   a drop shipping or e-commerce website similarly 
somebody who is essentially just trying to sell   their social media traffic is trying to do 
content marketing like somebody with a blog   it doesn't work it doesn't make any sense the 
bottom line is obvious different strategies   require different content types you must start 
with the type of online entity you are promoting   are you promoting a blog do you have a website 
that uses a lot of articles do people contribute   content well you have a publishing website do you 
have a drop shipping online store maybe you built   it with shopify and you use oberlo to get products 
from aliexpress when people buy stuff from your   storefront your software orders the materials 
from aliexpress and you keep the difference   maybe you sell from your own inventory it doesn't 
really matter you run an e-commerce website this   is very different from a publishing business 
similarly if you make your money through your   mailing list you can't market on social media the 
same way as you would if you had an online store   again different strategies require different 
content types what do you have available now   that i've gotten you thinking about how 
special your specific website target is   i need you to look at the different content types 
available to you you need to think outside the   box you need to look at all the available options 
out there and how you can create content that is   tailored to your specific type of online entity 
here are the list of content types you can use   to promote different online entities but your 
specific focus and specialization should weigh   more heavily on certain types of content instead 
of others audio clips slideshows infographics   diagrams blog links videos the bottom line don't 
just think links it really freaks me out in fact   it really saddens me when i see a lot of otherwise 
capable social media marketers focus almost   entirely on spreading their links i think that 
this is the end game well yes links are important   i can see where they're coming from because when 
people click on a link that's instant traffic   but you have to understand that depending 
on the type of target site you are promoting   you would build a tighter brand if you share 
different types of content in many situations   you probably would be better off sharing more 
audio or infographics and diagrams than if you   were sharing naked links because people 
are bombarded with links every single day   you have to pay your dues you have to become 
familiar enough to your target audience members   using these different content types for them to 
eventually trust you enough to click on your link   unfortunately a lot of people have this in 
reverse they start with the links and when they   get desperate they then use other types of content 
at that point they're a day late and a buck short   don't do that instead use the derivative content 
first and then play up the links also not all   these formats work with your particular style 
of website i would suggest that you look at your   competitors first and pay close attention to 
the type of content they are currently sharing   what kind of format do they use are they sharing 
mostly picture quotes are they focused primarily   on video do they have a special fondness for 
diagrams this is not random this is actually   telling you all you need to know about how 
to appeal to your target audience members   this is no time to be revolutionary and come up 
with something new completely out of left field   that's not going to work there's a reason 
why your competitors are not doing this   at this point in the game you should focus on what 
everybody else is doing and reverse engineer their   formats once you have established a distinct brand 
then you can experiment with different formats   different ways of doing things and possibly coming 
up with something that is distinct to your brand   but until and unless you reach that point you 
need to focus first on reverse engineering what   everybody else is doing in other words let them 
do your homework focus on what they're doing   right and build on it figure out their areas for 
improvement and come up with a more compelling   offer pay attention to what they're not doing 
avoid those because obviously it doesn't pay   i hope i'm being clear here make sure that your 
content types as well as your sharing strategies   fit the type of business you're in a little bit of 
reverse engineering can definitely go a long way

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As found on YouTube

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