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Interpreter Breaks Down How Real-Time Translation Works | WIRED

These two diplomats (actors) are about to negotiate this one is from a Spanish speaking country (Spanish) Hello this one is from an English speaking country Hello these two are genuine interpreters I'm Barry Slaughter Ersen's 25-year-old conference interpreter
serves as an interpreter for diplomats and world-class leaders in the United Nations and other institutions (1963, the mystery of the mystery) mentioned that most of the interpreters people think of such a scene (2005, translation storm) Interpreters are in
Instant interpretation for government officials in a soundproof box, but many times, the interpreters work in
closed-door meetings called "bilateral interpretation". Those who have heard of "Double General Meetings" should understand
that only a few people can understand such meetings. Participants are required to be tight-lipped. Below is a demonstration of how most of the closed-door meetings are conducted – (Spanish)
– Let's start. In fact, the conversation starts before the meeting. Most of the time, the
agreement is reached before the meeting.

The agenda is carefully developed Planning topics ranging from military reductions, economic cooperation, to water rights issues can be discussed as long as the topic is clear. For example: catching tuna does not hurt dolphins.
In the middle but actually, would the interpreter avoid being the center of attention when there is a media shoot to
avoid being in the photo and notice how much they are sitting next to it? That way,
they won't appear in the pictures that will be released later. However, sometimes there are exceptions.
There are many details to be aware of before the meeting . Are video recordings allowed for the event? Are there meeting minutes? Who are the attendees? However, since this is a closed-door bilateral
meeting, only these four interpreters have two modes: Simultaneous interpretation and interactive interpretation In diplomatic occasions, interactive interpretation (continuous interpretation) is mostly used. The demonstration is as follows . It was a long time ago. I am very happy
Thank you for your visit again. Then (the interpreter translates the English content into Spanish) The interpreter waits for the speaker to pause before translating (Spanish) (Spanish into English)
We are very happy to be able to work with your country again.

Simple, right?
But what if the speaker doesn't stop talking? (Spanish) Most interpreters don't translate word by word, but write down the meaning of the speaker and
translate it in context. However, if the speaker really talks for a long time, then an interpreter is needed – "Interpretation Notes" We hope that we can let your country's Tuna processors are
marked "Harmless Dolphin" These symbols represent what the speaker is saying Each interpreter takes notes differently The following are
notes made by three interpreters for the same passage The symbols are all interpreters Think ahead. Check out Katie's cheat sheet from the interpreter. She thought about it in advance. Probably the most commonly used symbols are like DFL for "harmless dolphin badge" and TU for
a boxed tuna and a And so on , let's see Katie
translated the content into Spanish based on the notes. We are willing to authorize tuna processors in your country to put the "harmless dolphin" stamp on the product.

However, we need to be able to check the use of authorized equipment and The fishing situation You can use Chuchotage,
which is French for "whisper interpreting," sitting side by side with the speaker. This is not ideal
because keeping the voice down all the time hurts the vocal cords and is easily disturbed by surrounding sounds. The speed of the interpreter During simultaneous interpreting, the
interpreter must maintain a certain "distance" from the speaker. This is called the "interpretation time difference". English is Ear-Voice Span (EVS) When one of the diplomats begins to speak, the whisper interpreter will start from Even if the speaker's speech rate is 100 to 110 words per minute
, according to research, it is a moderate speech rate, suitable for interpreters. Interpreters still need to find a suitable EVS. Otherwise, if the interpreter starts too late (too slow to start) ) The interpreter must not only digest the information while listening,
but also remember more content.

pexels photo 267371

The load is very heavy (it’s easy to forget the content), but if you follow too
closely, the grammar, sentence structure, and style may be wrong (start too early, always speechless) What are you talking about? In addition, the interpreter will get tired after a period of time and will feel tired after about 30 minutes of interpreting. Therefore, the simultaneous interpreter should change hands at least every 30 minutes
(actors) If it has not changed hands, it will really hurt the interpreter .

You may remember , At the 2009 United Nations conference,
Gaddafi's interpreter collapsed on the spot because he did more than 75 minutes of simultaneous interpretation. Also, what if the conversation became emotional
or the speaker's speech became rude? Hey, I've listened to what you're trying to say but I just think, you're a "big idiot" Interpreters don't need to act as coordinators but faithfully translate what the speaker has to say even if the speaker is very angry and says bad
things In this case, the
interpreter should not say that the conclusion is that I think you are "a bit reckless". The following is a faithful way of interpreting. The conclusion is that I only think you are a "big fool" . The speaker may react emotionally, but the interpreter should not imitate the speaker. The following is a wrong example (Spanish) Why do you speak like this?
I thought we were friends The following is the correct way to do it (Spanish) Why do you speak like this?
I thought we were friends and it was a tense scene like
this and jokes might help to lighten the mood but jokes are very difficult to translate because through translation it's easy to miss the point of the joke Do you know what a dolphin says after being splashed with water by another dolphin
? Are you "overwhelmed"? It's not funny, I know
this joke isn't funny in English, and it doesn't make sense when it's translated into Spanish, because the homonym is quite different in Spanish .

Jokes like this are really hard to translate. The
interpreter is also clueless. When the interpreter encounters an untranslatable joke, he can say that the speaker just told a joke and can't translate it. Please laugh. Of course, our demonstration today is only a small part of the usual long and difficult negotiation,
but it is a general description of
how to conduct a closed-door bilateral meeting , The
only way to communicate between countries and people is unimpeded. I have been engaged in interpreting for 25 years. This passion has never changed. Chinese subtitles: Transcreation Language Consultant.

As found on YouTube

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