Is Digital Marketing Going to Be Saturated in 2022?

– Everyone is doing digital marketing, especially after the pandemic. Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel and today I'm going to break down if digital marketing is going
to be saturated in 2022. (cheerful electronic music) Before we get started, make sure you subscribe to this channel and if you're on YouTube, click the alert notification. Global digital ad spend will
reach $380 billion in 2021. Now, it's going to even
go up more in 2022, 2023, and et cetera. While worldwide digital ad spending achieved a modest 2.4% increase in 2020, it's expected to shoot up 70% in 2021, according to eMarketer. US social media ad spend
reached $43 billion in 2020. Now, I know that's past now, but still, that was a 20% increase from
2019, according to eMarketer.

The answer is, it's going to be the most
saturated environment ever in the history of digital marketing. Look, I promise you one thing I'm going to present to you with the way you can
differentiate yourself so that way you can
succeed in 2022 and beyond. So here's how. First off, if you think about content, there's roughly 1 billion blogs. There's over 1.8 billion websites. That means there's roughly one
blog for every seven people. You've heard me say that before. Do we really need more content? No. Did you know for the term auto insurance in the United States, there's less than
200,000 monthly searches, but yet over seven billion results! That's seven with a B.

That's not an M, B for billion. There's not even seven billion
people in the United States. There's more pages in the
United States in English for the term auto
insurance indexed by Google than the whole population
of the United States. Heck, it's close to the
population of the whole world. That's one page for every single person that needs auto insurance just if you take the US-based pages. What happens if you take
all the global pages? Again, more content than
the amount of people. So the issue you have is
there's too much content and you won't do well if you create the same
regurgitated content. So how do you differentiate
yourself with content? Use steps. Use data. Mix in your own story. Talk about your experiences. See, people want a fresh perspective. If you don't give them
a fresh perspective, you're not going to do well. You're just going to be the same old stuff that everyone else is saying. And if you can't create
a fresh perspective, don't write that content piece unless you have tons
and tons of authority, which most people don't.

The second way to differentiate yourself, I want you to spend more
time updating your content than writing new content. I write one blog post a week. That's it! One. That's roughly four a month. Did you know my team spends more time writing content than me? They're not writing new content
and publishing blog posts. That's what I do. I enjoy that. You know what my team's doing? They're taking all my old
articles from a year ago, two years ago, five years
ago, and they're updating it. They update over 100 articles a month. So for every four articles I'm writing, they're updating over 100 old articles. In essence, they're spending
25 times more than me updating content than I
am writing new content. As I mentioned, there's more content
than we need on this web, so if you update your content,
you're going to rank better because Google wants to
keep ranking fresh content over stale content.

The third way to differentiate
yourself, influencers. If you look at influencer
marketing, it's a rave, it's a craze, it's
booming, it's here to stay. Michael Jordan, Nike shoes,
great example of this. Nike. Jordan. Boom, you got a multi-billion
dollar business. Kylie Jenner, Kylie
Cosmetics, makeup industry. Boom, you got a billion-plus
dollar business. And I can keep going on and on how influencers have been used over time to help generate more sales for companies. Beats, Apple bought that
company, Beats By Dre. Everyone knows Dr. Dre
in the music industry. They're like, you know
what, we trust his sound. We trust his beats. We trust the bass. I don't know too much about music, so I don't know if it's beats or bass, but you get the point.

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And if you think about it, adding an influencer to a
brand helps blows things up. Tom Brady. FTX. You see Tom Brady in FTX commercials. You see LeBron James in Tonal commercials. You know, Tonal, the fitness machine where you have machine-based
dumbbells or electric weights? That's the power of influencers. If you can combine influencers
with your marketing, you'll notice that your
conversion rate goes up. If you don't have a big
budget for this, no worries. Pick up your phone, sign up for Cameo, pay one of those
influencers to say something about your business. And what I want you to
do is then take that and use it for a testimonial. Use it to push your product,
assuming they approve it, but most times they do
and it's dirt cheap. Great way to boost your conversion rates. The fourth thing that
I want you to focus on is adding in the upsells and downsells.

Conversion optimization is one of the least sexiest topics out there. I don't create too many videos about it because no one wants to watch them. Our podcast, Marketing School,
that I do with my cohost, every time we have a podcast on conversion rate optimization, one of the lowest-watched videos. But if you add in the
upsells and downsells with the rising cost of marketing, not just ads, but it takes
longer to get SEO results, more expensive to do content marketing, if you do upsells and downsells, you can generate more
revenue from each conversion, optimizing your lifetime value, which makes things more profitable.

And last, but not least,
take an omnichannel approach. Used to be able to build a
business from one channel, whether it's SEO, Google
ads, Facebook ads, so a lot of eCommerce sites these days, they just want to rely on Facebook ads. And then boom, Apple makes
the iOS privacy change. What happens? The eCommerce companies, whoa, whoa, our ads aren't doing as well. Yeah, you shouldn't have
been relying on one channel. It doesn't mean you
shouldn't use Facebook ads or Google ads or SEO, but
you need to use them all.

You may not be able to
use them all from day one, but eventually you can take
the omnichannel approach and go after most of the channels. Some may not perform as
well as others, it's okay. Some may not drive as much
volume as others, it's okay. But if you take the omnichannel approach, you'll do well in the long run and you won't have to worry
as much for algorithm updates. If you need help with
your digital marketing in 2022 and beyond, check
out my ad agency, NP Digital. If you have any questions,
leave a comment below. I'm here to answer it. If you enjoy the video, like it, share it, tell the people about it.

Thank you for watching..

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