Secret Traffic Code review

When it comes to making money online, the “strategy” phase is when the majority of individuals fail. That is to say, they select the incorrect clientele or customers. They select the incorrect problems to tackle. They also choose the wrong solutions to those challenges.

When you make a mistake during the “strategy” phase, it not only complicates everything… However, you will waste time and move in the incorrect path.

It's almost as if you want to become in shape and bulk up your biceps. However, you just practice leg exercises such as squats and deadlifts.

I bring this up because I was recently speaking with a couple of friends who own Maui, Hawaii's fastest growing marketing agency.

They also stated that this is something they see happen to new agency owners on a regular basis. That's why they've been putting a new system to the test recently. A system that does not rely on fads or trends.

However, this is based on resolving one of the most vexing, agonizing, and persistent issues that local companies confront. To put it another way, this system excels at strategy. Because if you can address a persistent and burning problem, people will be willing (and even delighted) to pay you a lot of money to do so.

They'll be so ecstatic that they'll give you glowing recommendations and feedback. And they'll be eager to pay you recurrent revenue on a monthly basis for months, if not years. Even if it requires very little “effort” on your part to keep it up.

The gap between getting the strategy aspect wrong and getting it right can be compared to the difference between having high cholesterol… Also, I had a heart attack.

If you have high cholesterol, there are a few things you may do to lower it. You may conduct some research, purchase a few supplements, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. (The emphasis is on the word may.)

However, what happens if you suffer a heart attack? Then you'll be pleading with the paramedics to save your life in whatever way they can. Even if it necessitates costly and unpleasant procedures.

You're being pumped full of experimental drugs. Or whatever else comes to mind. After all, it's your life that's at stake.

And what about the strategy I mentioned earlier? It's more equivalent to resolving a heart attack in local marketing. Which, once again, explains why customers are willing to spend so much money to remedy this issue.

And you can do it without weeks of back-and-forth, skepticism, or fee wrangling. The code's name is The Secret Traffic Code. It will also teach you how to get a large number of high-ticket, monthly recurring revenue clients. Even if you've never done something like this before.

And, as you may have guessed, this comes from The Offline Sharks' Nick Ponte and Tom Gaddis. Their company currently generates more than half a million dollars in revenue per year.

At a profit margin of almost 70%, it's a no-brainer. Even though they only require approximately 10 hours per week (and occasionally less) to run.

One of the reasons they've been so effective is that they employ the appropriate techniques. They go after the “heart attacks” in their market. And so, when this new system goes live tomorrow… You will be able to do so as well.

The Secret Traffic Code reveals a customer acquisition and prospecting method that nearly compels customers to say… YES! And it's all based on the concept of “passive prospecting.”

Prospecting that does not necessitate countless hours of arduous labor. And it's not as if you have to be present to accomplish the work. Instead, it reverses the script and leads to ideal clients approaching you!

The Secret Traffic Code is a 12-part video course that teaches you how to acquire FREE BUYER traffic. The writers show students how to attract free traffic and funnel it into a done-for-you funnel to generate immediate revenue and later passive money from the offers in the funnel.

You'll uncover a never-before-seen approach inside Secret Traffic Code that will show you how to generate the greatest converting traffic you'll ever find online for FREE… You'll also obtain the author's tried-and-true, 100 percent PROVEN strategy for converting that free visitors into daily paydays of $200 or more.

This is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step video training course that walks you through the process of going from ZERO to $208.98 a day.

Enter the $397 Traffic Intensifier Software that comes with the Secret Traffic Code. The combination of this training and software is the key to not only attracting more traffic, but also converting that traffic like crazy.

This is an EXTREMELY VALUED service. Clients are willing to pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars every month for it.

As a result of this,

• Provides you with a steady stream of monthly income (the holy grail of online business)

• Makes you indispensible to your clients (since you bring cash into their business directly… which implies they won't fire you anytime soon)

• Is simple to scale

That final argument is even more true when you consider the $397 Traffic Intensifier Software that comes with it.

Because the author's ultimate goal with this is to permanently address your traffic problems and make it simple for you to finally create a steady, consistent online income in your leisure time, the training is so simple to follow that anyone could do it… literally.

They then show you how to invest your free traffic earnings in paid traffic to increase your earnings from this strategy even more. So don't miss out on the rest of this Secret Traffic Code Review, where I'll show you how effective it is!



In just a few moments, you'll learn:

• Discover how our incredibly addicting Traffic Intensifier System renders all others useless…

• Complete the task WITHOUT prior experience

• There is never a need to utilize pressure selling.

• The Premier ‘Foot-The-Door' Service is now available.


• Gets rid of 90% of common objections


• Collaborates with Google rather than competing with it

• Business owners understand the value of service.

• Naturally, this leads to further upgrade services.

• POSITIVE RESULTS demonstrate that the service is effective!

• It only takes 10 minutes to set up.

• The service sells itself

• There will be no client meetings.

• Doesn't necessitate making any phone calls

• No prior technical knowledge

• How to get started and get everything set up today in less than an hour, even if you've never made a cent before and are a complete rookie to the internet.

Why Why THIS is the most effective way to get started making money online as soon as possible… There's no better way to get money flowing than to make money quickly.

• The only thing you'll need to get started with the Secret Traffic Code System is what you'll find inside, and don't worry… It's completely free, and practically everyone has it.

• Almost everyone struggles to generate traffic, but this revolutionary strategy challenges everything you thought you knew about traffic generation and demonstrates how to receive an endless supply of high-quality buyer traffic whenever you want it.

• The basic secret to making everything function… regardless of prior knowledge or abilities… Secret Traffic Code is a game changer if you're serious about making money online.

• How to turn your new buyer traffic into $200 per day in your wallet soon… At first, I couldn't believe how straightforward it was… But it works… each and every time!

• The importance of having a BUYER-FILLED email list and how to use it to swiftly build up to a “job-crushing” SIX FIGURE online income in only a few weeks from scratch.

• And there's a lot more.


When we use the Secret and the Traffic Intensifier, marketers and business owners tell us that their conversions practically EXPLODE, and every response metric they track improves overnight.

Following our tried-and-true procedure, we were able to:

• Increase the number of leads generated

• Increase your sales

• Increase the number of customers

• Profits will rise

• Increase the number of referrals

• Encourage bigger purchases

• Prevent Carts from Being Abandoned

• Improve Client Relationships

The Traffic Intensifier is used by The Secret Traffic Code to increase conversion rates on every website, landing page, and online property it is applied to…

It just takes 10 minutes!

It constantly transforms losers into winners, amplifying tolerable outcomes into solid hits… It transforms decent outcomes into LANDSLIDE-BLOW-OFF-THE-DOORS SUCCESSES!

Any rejection, spam complaints, or furious responses are fully eliminated using the passive prospecting method. You'll learn how to fill your inbox with pleasant emails… and your client list with satisfied customers.


Over 30 trainings and automations are included in The Secret Traffic Code to help you close new clients every week…



Welcome (First Watch This!)

• David Sprague's Introduction

• How to Make the Most of This Class

• What You're About To Discover…

• Overview of the Course (Traffic Expert)


• The Paid Traffic Business

• Intensifier Traffic vs. Cold Traffic

• A Business Opportunity Has Been Found

The Intensifier Strategy (MODULE 2)

• Intensifier for your website

• Intensifier for website segments

• Intensifier for Conversion Pages

• Intensifier for landing pages

• Intensifier for Email


• Generating Sales & Opportunities

• Pay-Per-Click + Intensifier is the first new client strategy.

• The $500 Free Banner Ad is the second new client strategy.

• New Client Strategy 3: Secret Message on Social Media

• Groupon + Video Recording is the fourth new client strategy.

• Free Banner Ad Referral Strategy for New Clients (Strategy #5)

• New Client Strategy 6: Free Assessment / Online Training

• The 10x Intensifier's Power In Residual Sales

MODULE 4: Getting a Glimpse of Fulfillment

• Pixel Expertise

• Creating and strategizing advertisements

• Creating a campaign

Over-the-Shoulder Walkthroughs (MODULE 5)

• Overview of Over-the-Shoulder Traffic

• Making An Ad

• Put In A Pixel

• Begin a campaign

PLUS: 4 Extra Bonuses

Crack the On-Boarding Code for Clients

• Contract for Consulting Services Done-For-You

• Message for Invoice Delivery

• A three-part “Get Paid” sequence written by a professional

• Payment Collection Series in 5 Parts


• Cheat sheets for a quick start

Although the video training is likely some of the most simple-to-follow instruction you've ever seen, if you want to get started right away, the author has included a Quick Start Guide that makes it simple to read a few steps and get started right away. After you've gotten your feet wet, return to the video.

• The Case Study in Real Life

GO FROM ZERO TO $179 PER DAY WITH 100% FREE TRAFFIC: There's no better approach to acquire results than to follow in the footsteps of someone who is already successful. You'll learn how they started from nothing, got free consumer traffic, and turned that traffic into $179 in their pocket in this case study. Increasing the Numbers to Six Figures

• Video Tutorial

You'll learn stuff like… in this step-by-step video training course. They expected to charge at least $97 for access to this as an upsell to Secret Traffic Code, but if you get Secret Traffic Code today, they'll give it to you for free!


I'm frequently asked how to start a business that doesn't consume all of your time. This is truly a dream come true. Because you most likely already have a full-time job. Or you're preoccupied with family, friends, interests, and everything else you want to do.

And there's a good chance you don't have tens of thousands of dollars to invest in a firm. One of the reasons I like the Secret Traffic Code technique is because of this.

Nick Ponte and Tom Gaddis came up with this strategy. Who runs one of Maui's most rapidly expanding agencies. In addition, I've taught tens of thousands of pupils how to run their own businesses.

Secret Traffic Code appeals to me because it requires no initial expenditure. Furthermore, it is a task that you can complete in your spare time and still see benefits.

To be clear, this does not imply that you can simply purchase the course, complete it, and expect checks to appear out of nowhere. Work is still required. However, it will not necessitate working 40 hours every week (or even half that).

It's entirely up to you. If you have 40 hours a week to devote to it, I'm confident you'll see results quickly. And you might be earning a full-time income from your agency in a matter of weeks.

But what if you only have a few hours every week to spare? Then you'll be able to see the results. And as your confidence and momentum develop, those outcomes will compound on themselves, growing and growing and growing…

You'll find everything you need to get started with this brand-new strategy and make money right now within. Inside, you'll get step-by-step video instruction that will walk you through the process of going from $0 to $300+ using the power of free buyer traffic.

Even if you're a complete novice, you'll learn how to set everything up in less than an hour. The writers will show you the one thing that makes everything function, and it's probably already in your possession and is completely free.

You'll learn exactly how to start generating free buyer traffic right immediately. This is a never-before-seen technique that will permanently solve your traffic problems.

They'll then show you how to turn that traffic into $150 per day, even if you're a complete rookie with no product of your own.

You'll also have access to the Secret Traffic Code QuickStart cheat sheet in addition to the simple video training.

You'll also gain access to a real-life case study that demonstrates how they went from nothing to $200 per day with 100% free buyer traffic… so that you can copy and paste what I'm doing.

This new course is exactly what it says on the tin: completely fresh and one-of-a-kind. For years, the teachers have been looking for a better approach to convert web visitors. They created this training course around what they discovered works.

They feature up-to-date case studies and their “Traffic Intensifier Software,” as well as Referral Strategies, Residual Sales strategies, and a treasure trove of the most up-to-date marketing resources.

Plus, as a bonus for getting started right now, they'll throw you the scaling to six figures video course, which will show you how to go from $997 per day to a solid six-figure income without working any harder.

Despite the fact that this training was developed as an add-on to the Secret Traffic Code training course and is valued at $97, they want to make sure you have everything you need to make as much money as possible, so you'll get this money-making add-on for free.

The best traffic you can receive online is buyer traffic. In a nutshell, it's exactly what it sounds like… Buyer traffic refers to visitors who have already made a purchase.

Someone who has previously purchased something is much more inclined to purchase something than someone who has only sought a freebie. And you'll learn a totally new approach for acquiring all the buyer traffic you need for free in this seminar.

This training course fundamentally alters everything you've ever learned about making money online. You are not required to put any money into anything. To generate money with this, you don't need a website, an email list, or even a product of your own.

There's no need to wait for anything… As soon as you start doing this, the traffic starts pouring in… and the cash you're earning isn't far behind.

Because this step-by-step training course and case study is a full system that contains EVERYTHING you need to go from ZERO to SIX FIGURES, it may be the LAST training course you ever purchase.

You'll notice how consistent the outcomes are and how predictable the system is. It's almost as if this system had a built-in bottle of CONFIDENCE!

Before we go any further, it's critical that you understand you already have what it takes… All you have to do is figure out how to combine a few strategies to transform traffic into CONVERSION GOLD.

If you witness Secret Traffic Code for yourself, I'm sure the “lightbulb” will go off and you'll exclaim, “OMG… I understand it!”

The Secret Traffic Code and the Traffic Intensifier, as you can see, have thrown traditional web marketing on its head.

And if you accept our offer for your Risk-Free Trial today, you'll have access to the full system… and you'll almost certainly be the next marketer to figure out how to get more results from your traffic than ever before!…

It's happened to a lot of marketers… and it'll happen to you as well! This is a completely newbie-friendly game that requires no prior knowledge or experience. You can accomplish it on your own.

• a mailing list

• a web page

•…or your own creation

In fact, all you need is one item to begin receiving free buyer traffic that you can quickly convert into cash. And that one thing is probably already in your possession.

But if you don't already have this one thing, it won't cost you a dollar to put it together today and start making money right away. This approach is entirely evergreen and has no risk of saturation.

Not to mention the “stacks and scales” of the Secret Traffic Code system. In other words, if you add a few clients per month, you'll have a huge list of clients paying your bills for you in no time.

Anyway, Secret Traffic Code is on sale for a limited time only, till tomorrow. The price jumps into the hundreds after the Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 31st at Midnight Pacific Deadline.


Secret Traffic Code is available for a limited time at an early bird discount pricing in the options below. Let's choose the finest solutions for you before this limited-time deal expires!

• Front-end ($27): Secret Traffic Code

• OTO 1 ($47): Sales Power Pack

• OTO 2 ($99): Automation Upgrade

• OTO 3: Case Studies in Paint by Number ($99)

• OTO 4 ($1): Shark Alliance Trial


Thank you for taking the time to read my Secret Traffic Code Review! I sincerely hope that aided you in your purchase decision. This system will come with a slew of bonuses for those who sign up early. Take action as soon as possible to get the greatest deal.

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