Here's the truth – the digital marketing
industry is changing faster than most people can comprehend. A.I and Automation are making a
lot of digital marketing job roles redundant which only means one thing – It is going to be
Survival of the Fittest. In other words, mediocrity has no future. So what can you do as a
digital marketer or a marketer to stay relevant, be important, and most of all, get
paid a lot next year and for years to come? Good thing you're here because if
you watch this video till the end, you will know where to start, what to start doing
right this moment onwards. Are you ready? Let's go! My name is Puneet Tandon this is Young Urban
Project. We run online cohort-based courses for future skills like digital marketing, no-code
development and more. Check out the link in the description or bio to join our upcoming
digital marketing cohort. Before we begin, i'll ask you to smash that Like button and Subscribe
to my youtube channel if you aren't already doing. And also follow Young Urban Project on Instagram for
daily tips.
I said earlier that digital marketing industry is changing and you need to do MORE if
you want to future-proof your career. What I mean by that is, you need to ask yourself a question.
That question is: if you are in a particular space – it could be social media marketing or
Instagram marketing or copywriting – anything at all would you rate your skills at average or at
an expert level? It is important you answer this question with complete honesty. Tell me your
answer in the comments. What percentile are you in? If you are above 95 percentile, which means you
consider yourself in the top five percent skilled people in your niche, it's good news. If you're
below that, especially in a crowded space like 'instagram coaching', then you need to reevaluate. You
have two options: the first is to find a new niche where you can be in the top five percent of the
people. The second option is, you upgrade yourself in the same niche. You need to learn a lot more
so you can get better than the competition. That is the only way to sustain and grow your career
over the next couple of years and for the future I also said that mediocrity has no future.
I mean by that is, technology is evolving so fast that a lot of things that were earlier done by
people can now be done better using technology and technology can produce better results than most
mediocre skilled people. It's scary but it's true Let's see some examples… If you're a copywriter,
there are an insane number of GPT-3 based AI copywriting tools that can write really
good copy. This copy is better than what average copywriters would write and these tools
are way cheaper and faster.
But these tools still can't compete with the top five percent
excellent copywriters yet. Graphic designers that were average are already being replaced
by tools like Canva. You can make professional looking creatives in minutes for almost free but
that doesn't mean that amazing designers are gone They are still here – Alive and kicking. In fact,
they are making even more money than before by selling NFTs of their artwork. However, mediocre
designers are doomed. Let's take another example – Average coders are being replaced by no-code tools
like Bubble, AppGyver, Adalo, Elementor and a lot more. A lot of these fundamental things can be done
using these tools in an easy way, so you don't have to hire a developer for that. But you know what
type of developers are going to do even better? The excellent ones! The most complex custom apps
are still being created by these developers It's only the mediocre ones
that are in the red zone Even advertisers – earlier most online ad platforms
required humans to sit and optimize the campaigns but most platforms are now taking that control
away from humans and using A.I for optimization However advertising strategists and creative
marketers are still making it big.
It's just the ones who had limited knowledge, those are the
ones that stand to be replaced. So can you see this trend? People who are in the top five percent
in their fields in terms of skills are succeeding and making more money than ever. But those who
are easily replaceable are well… being replaced. If they are not being replaced today, they will soon
be. Ask yourself – can the work that I do be also done by "anyone" else almost as effectively? If the
honest answer is yes, and i mean the honest answer… It means you're "anyone". And if you're "anyone", you're
replaceable. Then it's time to start learning and practicing your skill more than ever. If you're
a digital marketer, start learning skills that are always going to be valuable to any company.
Skills like executing ROI based campaigns, building monetizable communities, and persuasive copywriting…
Invest in those skills and see yourself get into the top five percent.
You need to become an expert,
a brand… Someone that is not easily replaceable. And if digital marketing is the skill you're
after, check out our Advanced Digital Marketing Course that will prepare you for the future. I'll
add the link in the description or the bio. My name is Puneet Tandon, this is Young Urban Project
and I really hope this video will set you on a path of excellence. Tell me what you think in the
comments. I will see you next week in another video Don't forget to subscribe and press that
bell icon to get notified. I'll see you.