Fashion Design Portfolio. Accepted Student at the Politecnico di Milano. Q & A w/ #fashiondesigner

Hello everyone. Welcome back to my channel. My name is Zachary and I have a special guest today. I always get questions about the Politecnico di Milano fashion program on Instagram and Facebook. And today, I actually have a fashion designer , actually on the show itself. Bryan, would you like to briefly introduce yourself? What inspired you? Of course…what motivates me. Wow. Hi, my name is Brian Bachman. I am from Chile. I'm 25 years old and I'm doing a double degree at Politecnico for a master's degree in Fashion Systems Design. Undergraduate courses are a little different, but I'll be happy to answer all your questions. So first, if you want to follow me, follow me on Instagram @Designerboy420 and TikTok. Any questions please dm. Also, follow Bryan on Instagram. what is your @? I'll put it in the description box. My @ is my name. Brian Bachman. He'll put it here so you can search for me. Also, my online link is in my Instagram and description.

So you will find me. I hope so… DM me. Follow this person to private message him, follow him. Check out his beautiful fashion designs. Now I'm going to give Brian the floor so he can explain to you the portfolio he has applied to Politecnico. And some new things he's doing now. OK Welcome to my column. So first of all , what you need to know about the portfolio is that you don't actually need to apply for the MS in Fashion Systems Design like a fashion portfolio because he is a multidisciplinary master. So I have classmates who study environmental design, interior design, engineering, and I also have a lot of fashion design and fashion design students, and I have studied Politecnico before.

So essentially a mixin class. But yes, this is the first thing you need to know. You don't need a fashion item in your portfolio to apply for Politecnico or possibly one. I think one so they can see and maybe one you can do what you have. I only have it in this portfolio and I think a fashion depend is actually more of a more theoretical fashion item. So I'll tell you later. Well, first of all, I put the projects I did at the University of Chile in the interaction that I studied in Chile until the design I studied was more like service design or integration design.

We understand these methods and apply them to different design projects. So every project is different. But it has methods like these and design methodology. So we have data visualization projects and information design projects. As you can see, participation is also a tragedy in Chile for children and education. with different communities as well as brand identity projects. And I post a lot and not a lot… but since you have I think we have a page limit. This way you can show. So I also put some editing items I know about, maybe you'll align with the guru or what they're looking for. Well, I also think the last item I put into the portfolio is because they remember the first thing they want to see, and the last thing in the middle is more of a filler. So it gives a sense of what you are doing. So the real breadth, if you really wanted to show it, it would be in the first and last , and the last four units are my fashion projects , it's a collection of three clothes, and the democratization that sparked about childhood.

So this is really a non-binary clothing item. But I did it because I did it during the pandemic, and I'm at home. So we, we, we, we did, um, we were allowed to sew things, but so I just did sketches, but in that project, because this project was more of a survey or research theory theory project, I think it was . OK And then there is, well, in general, my portfolio is about whatever they do from the various projects, but each project has a point of view that I also like to apply in fashion. So, so I think that's what I really want and really want to show is my point of view.

The design world is not only in the fashion world. The things I don't like are there. Do you have? How do you say they read the first page? how to do it. Looks like the original. Page? Introduction page. Yes, I mean, it's not me. I don't like it, but I need to turn it down a bit , because I mean, maybe it's turned down for you, but it's kind of crazy for me right now. Maybe, I don't know, make it more minimalistic , because the important thing is to show the product. But I think if you look at the other pages, it's really minimalist , there's not a lot of stuff, because I really want to show the images there and then on the project itself.

So don't overdo the graphics because I don't think they care too much about that. If you are applying for the Master of Graphic Design Graphic Design course, I think this will be more important. But it's also important to have a nice portfolio. And the stuff in there is like some projects that I'm really not passionate about anymore , I'm going to put other projects more into fashion-related projects.

But actually I don't really like it. I think that's enough to get in. So I think it works for the project. The project I've done because I've done it for a semester, I'm in the second semester of the first year, the first semester We have this course, it's a fashion design studio. We developed this program in our studio. It's about a collaboration between what they call Sleep Brand , like it was a really successful brand, maybe in the 60s, 70s, longer now, or it wasn't very popular.

So you have to choose a collaboration for that brand too. We make it boring, it could be an existing fashion brand saying I'm the only band and ours this. It's really good because it's really free and you can choose whatever you want. So I started by picking the group task I liked to be choosing a designer. They have a list of designers and people on the list of designers. If you have to choose a brand or designer, you want to work with a team of five, six or seven.

Then I thought you would look into your research on this designer. When you have it, it features what makes them special, and then you let everyone do their own collaboration. So it's actually a very personal piece, and I really like it because I think it's really like a personal project. So cooperate. So, our brand of choice is Rudi Gernreich , he's really something from the 60's and 70's, he created monokini and it caught on. It's a big part of the plaid pattern, and, like, a full bodysuit with a knitted sweater.

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So I applied all these design elements in my collaboration with New York , and I really liked Björk as a musician, as an artist, and I found her to be really inspiring. I also really like her aesthetic, her point of view. I think that's my point of view as well, like I've experienced the experimental approach to fashion. These are also like human and non-human things. So I really like it. Basically, we have to make something like a capsule collection, and depending on the collaboration is the number of sketches you have to make. I drew, uh, 15 sketches, I think. Let me count 15, 15 sketches, we, you have to pick a sketch, a sketch that you do with the professor, and then you're going to develop it in the lab. Well, Politecnico has these, well, huge labs. It also has three labs, uh, we need to cut where we all know. So you really know you can really do whatever you want out there.

And there are a lot of similar textile print shops around campus, so you can actually make all your collections for us there, and then for us back to the project you have to go, you have to make a prototype and then develop that prototype A complete garment , a video book about the brand, then the Reborn brand and a photo. So it's a very complete project with a lot to explore, learn and apply.

All, all, all you know, all you know, all you learn. You can apply it to this project. Well, the materials I use in these projects, well, the materials I used in the knitting lab one night. So I learned how to use a knitting machine, and I knitted a full body onesie out of merino wool. I can also wear a wool garment, but it's like a fabric made of wool. It's not like and it's not like you 've achieved the cover thread of the fabric. I print on that fabric, a pattern I designed. Basically that's it. Also, I crocheted a ski mask out of wool , a balaclava, uh, a lot of people need to wear it. I really like braiding word uh, mixing it with other things. So uh, that 's the main material I use in the project. It's going to be a bit pricey because you have to do everything yourself. Animals and materials are fabrics and materials are a bit expensive , as opposed to my country, so yeah, when you come here, they think you have to have some money to put into your project.

But there's something special about this project that is me, my roommate met us, we were friends , and we came here together, uh, we, he used to be a model for all projects in Chile. Uh, he's not an official model, but I think he showed, uh, so it was really nice to do this project with him. He's the model I measure for him , basically the outfit for his clothes, and we have the ability to shoot a er book and studio in Milan. There are many studios in Milan, as well as many in the universities on campus. You're going to have a huge, huge, huge, uh, photography studio. Well, you can take all the photos and videos , I booked another studio because the one on campus was booked, everyone was booked for exams and exam week, everything was booked.

So you have to keep that in mind. Well, if you want to use the, the, and photography lab, I think that's what they call it. I remember , yes. If you have any other questions about my portfolio or my experiences , you can add me. I will be more than happy to answer all your questions. OK Thank you, Brian, for this. I want to ask you some of my dream questions about fashion projects. Only a few can get an idea, so we're going to ask some questions that I've been getting from you guys. So the first question I get from a lot of future fashion students is whether the technology is more experimental or more technical. Or definitely technical, I think the first project I'm talking about is kind of experimental because you can do whatever you want. Then everything is technical from there. They look at your prototype. You have to do three prototypes until they're satisfied, well, so I think it's really technical and really professional experience. Like it has to be good. They see this, so it has to be good.

Everything has to be perfect. And then the next question I keep getting is about how much time you spend on projects, is it something you do in class, you're not there, or are you always in the studio or always at home. all the time? It's a slow process at first because you say, well, it's just a dress, and then I don't really need to do that much, I'll have time. But when you realize you have to do the book, you have to bring the book, you have to take pictures, you have to take videos. Well, you actually have to finish the dress. For me, knitting takes a lot of time, well, learning how to use a machine. So I think I've been in the lab for the past two months , almost every day I can. Our next question is, before you came to Polytechnic, did you have a background in sewing? Do you have to have sewing experience before you can participate in this program? Well, I have no experience.

I sew things. You are sewing something. No, sell stuff. Does self-study pay off? So what is Spanish? OK So with. Self-study, self-study. idea. Well, I forgot to pronounce it. Sorry. language disability . Yes, I am self taught. So I watch how-to-sew videos on YouTube, but it's really an experience, so. But I really, really recommend learning how to sew , how to make patterns before coming here. And because they don't spend much time teaching you. They want you to do this project. So I mean, they sure, well, they're helpful if you're really not that good , and if you're not from fashion , they certainly don't expect them to be perfect.

Perfect I don't know anything about sewing, But well, yes, it's really useful to learn and read about it. Well yes, I always learn from YouTube sewing so you can do it. The last question I and I keep getting is that this is also a question I have about industrial design. are you gay? Do you think fashion design school is worth it so far? Wow. Well, I think so. Like every job you search for, they, they ask you about your job is worth it . No, I'm sorry again, I think it's really worth it because the fashion industry, they always ask about your degree, a lot of us are doing masters here, like I think a graduate degree isn't enough for a job maybe in Here all the jobs I've seen on Linkedin, they're asking to have a guru like that and a background in fashion, but I think if you have a guru that can help you, I'd say if you're from a different country , you're in a different country experience.

OK, I think this is helpful. I haven't found a job yet because I don't have time to look for a job , but the good thing about this program is that you have an internship so you actually have a semester now you can do an internship, my friend said it's not hard to find. So I hope if that's true, I'll let you , and I'll keep in touch with you. perfect. perfect. And, well, I guess that's all our problems. Thank you so much for watching my video. I am truely thankful. I can subscribe to my YouTube channel. This shows that you guys like the videos I post. I really try to do something that helps people, especially the designers who come to Milan. Follow Bryan on his Instagram to see his amazing portfolio and all the different projects he's done. Also follow me on my Instagram and TikTok so you can see the different projects I'm working on.

Well, I didn't think about it. You should have a TikTok. You have, I think. Well, until next time, maybe you will see our collaboration. Oh yeah. Maybe…surprise…surprise. New York's next big fashion brand. OK All right, you guys, we'll be talking to you soon. see you….

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