– Social media is an essential tool for building your brand as a model, making connections, and finding work. In fact, it's become so important that many top modeling
agencies actually require their models to be on social media. In this video, I'll show
you how to use Instagram to further your modeling
career, let's do this. (upbeat music) If you're new here, I'm Heidi Dean, and I'm a social media coach for artists. My clients include Emmy Award
winners, Broadway stars, producers, filmmakers, casting directors, and models just like you.
Make sure you subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit that little bell so you know when I have
a new video just for you. So the first thing you have to do is define your unique style. Instagram is like the magazine of you. No matter what brands you like,
define your personal style and let your Instagram grid reflect it. And don't just show us your look, show us your personality and interest too.
Do you like travel, photography, makeup? Your Instagram style and your
interest outside of modeling will determine the brands you'll eventually collaborate with. Next, you need to answer the
question, what's your vibe? People follow you on social
media for one of three reasons, they find you inspirational,
relatable or funny, or they find you or your
lifestyle attractive. And sometimes, it's a combo of the three. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so which of the three will you lean into? Next, write a bio that
tells potential followers why we should follow you and
what to expect from your posts.
Your bio should have keywords that obviously tell us you're a model and include some outside
interests as well. And if appropriate, you could also link to your representation in your bio. Number four, create a posting plan. Yeah, sure, posting
professional modeling shots show us you're a professional, but also try to share with us some behind the scenes photos and selfies when you're not all glammed up. Your followers love knowing
what's going on in your life and how you're just like them. Instagram looks like a
photo sharing platform, but use it as a storytelling platform and you'll truly connect
with your followers. If you need a little help with this, these caption ideas
right here in this video, which I'll also link to in the description will get you started.
Next, use hashtags. Hashtags can help you get
attention and new followers for your modeling career. But when you're just starting out with your account, be smart. If you only try to rank
for popular hashtags like #Model of #ModelLife
#Modeling or InstaModels, you'll get lost behind
accounts with larger followings and higher engagement, so just try to mix it up a little bit.
You can still use some of
these popular hashtags, but it's better to use more specific tags that have less competition. You'll be more likely to show up in search and grow your tribe. The next one is so important
for your longterm career and that is you have to
manage your online reputation. The internet never forgets. Once it's online, it is there forever. Just be careful about posting a lot of controversial subjects, maybe excessive bad language,
or inappropriate photos, unless it's totally on brand for you. Think about potential brands and clients before you hit share. Your Instagram will follow
you throughout your life and your career. You can also control your brand image by adjusting your settings on Instagram to approve all the
images you're tagged in. Next, you have to engage your audience. Posting photos isn't enough.
You need to engage your audience by making your posts a conversation. Ask your followers for
opinions on your clothing, ask them what they're doing this weekend or what their favorite
brands or products are. On Instagram stories,
you can also use polls, question stickers, or emoji
sliders to get them talking. Number eight, get
attention with a mention. Make sure you're always
tagging or mentioning any relevant brands, designers, or photographers in your post. It's a great way to connect with the people you've worked with, and they'll be more likely
to share your account with their followers. And if it is relevant to the post, don't be afraid to tag
or mention any brands that you'd like to collaborate with. Get their attention with a mention. Now you can grow your following
for your modeling career through engaging with others, but you can also do it
through collaborations. The number nine is
collaborating with others, and when I say others, I mean friends who may be other models or photographers.
Take photos together, tag
and mention each other. You can interview each other
using IGTV or Instagram Live, collaborating with like-minded accounts especially those with
larger followings than yours will help you grow a
like-minded larger tribe. In fact, let's start
collaborating right away, hop in the comments below, let us know your Instagram username and then find somebody
else to meet, be social.
That's what social media is all about. And guess what? That is
number 10, be social. The modeling business is
all about who you know, so start using Instagram
and even all of social media to build relationships
and know more people. Make a list of the models you look up to, the brands you love, the
fashion photographers you love, and the agencies you want to work with, then follow them and start
building relationships. So use these 10 tips and
you'll be well on your way to making connections for your modeling career using Instagram.
And before you go, if you liked
this video, give it a like, and subscribe to my channel for more social media tips for artists. Don't let the name of
my channel confuse you. I know it says Social Media for Actors, I know a lot of models are also actors, they're multi-artists, and so many of my videos
also apply to you. In fact, here are some more videos that will help you with your Instagram. I'll see you on social, bye.
(upbeat music continues).