YouTube Earnings Calculator

Estimated Earnings

Based on 1,000,000 monthly views with an RPM of $5.00

Time Period Estimated Earnings
Yearly $60,000.00
Monthly $5,000.00
Daily $166.67
Hourly $6.94
Per Minute $0.12
Per Second $0.00
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Popular YouTubers Comparison

Click on any card to use that YouTuber's estimated metrics in the calculator

MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson)
Known for expensive stunts, challenges, and philanthropy
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg)
Gaming, comedy, and commentary content
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Like Nastya
Children's content featuring toys and activities
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Dude Perfect
Sports and comedy with incredible trick shots
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
+ currentEarnings.toFixed(2); }, 100); }); // Function to select YouTuber and submit form function selectYoutuberAndSubmit(youtuberId) { document.getElementById('youtuber').value = youtuberId; selectYoutuber(youtuberId); document.querySelector('form').submit(); }

Social Media Marketing Strategy: 7 Tips for 2022

Since 2018, I've taught over 40,000 students how 
to develop social media and digital marketing   strategies for their own businesses and for their 
clients. And while there's a lot, a lot, a lot,   a lot that changes in the quicksand world 
of social media, the seven strategies that   I'm going to be sharing with you in today's video 
are ones that are working really well right now.  I believe are going to continue to work well into 
the future as well. Make sure to let me know which   of these strategies you are really resonating with 
for your own business in the comments below this   video, and let's get straight into them. And the 
first tip is just to do more with less. I'm sure   you've heard this a lot from myself and from other 
marketers, but please, please stop trying to be   everything to everyone on every platform, unless 
you have a team of 20 or more people working  behind the scenes of your business.

It is 
humanly impossible to continue to be updated   on all of the changes on every single platform 
and create unique, engaging content for every   platform. As an example, Sean Cannell, and 
the think media team have a huge presence   on YouTube with nearly 2 million subscribers 
and they largely ignore their Instagram really   only using it to promote their YouTube stuff.
Even though they do have a huge team. Still,   they choose to focus all of their efforts on 
YouTube because that's where their influence   is most powerful. And likewise, you'll see 
TikTokers who are huge on the platform, really   only taking their content and repurposing it for 
Instagram because they know where they have the   most impact and where their time is best spent.
So now is the perfect time to look at your social   media content and your overall social 
media strategy. And think about a few   things like where's your audience, most likely 
hanging out. What kind of content do you enjoy   creating? Where are your competitors 
and what's working really well for them.   And finally, where are you actually having the 
most impact on your overall business goals?  What's the kind of return on investment on each 
platform in terms of the time you're spending   on creating the content and the results you're 

And for those of you who are doing this   on behalf of clients as social media managers 
or digital marketers, I really want you to feel   confident in advising your clients to either ditch 
or automate the stuff that's not working for them.  And double down on the stuff that really is 
working for them. The next step is all about   getting cozy with paid social. Continuing on with 
the topic of doing more with less. I want you to   really think about how much time it would take 
for you to create five Instagram posts, let's say,   and then promoting those Instagram 
posts to your stories and doing all   the stuff that comes along with it.
And then think about taking that time and   really just create one really awesome Instagram 
posts and putting a little bit of budget behind   it to promote it to your existing audience online. 
And this gives them a chance to engage with it,   interact with it, love it, and see it, which let's 
face it.

You can't trust the organic algorithm to   show it to your existing audience or all of your 
existing audience anyway. So it's a post they   might not have come across organically without 
this kind of promotion. And then what you can do   is take that post with all this gorgeous 
engagement. And promote it to an audience   that hasn't heard of you yet, but obviously seeing 
all that engagement and that social proof on this   post will make them really engage with it as 
well and become curious about following your   business online.

This is a really great way 
to stop obsessing over quantity, consistency,   frequency and all the things that kind of drive 
people nuts in terms of having to show up on   social media all the time, every single day, and 
continuously become a content production machine,   and really just focus on the quality 
of the posts that are going out there.  Not to mention that creating this kind of social 
paid social campaign is one of the easiest   strategies in the Facebook ads world. So it's 
really simple and easy to set up if you haven't   explored this part of your business yet, and you 
kind of want to get your feet wet first, and then   once you're ready to create some more complex 
Facebook ads and Instagram ads strategies, we can   move on to the next point, which is all about the 
strategy of making ads that don't feel like ads.  This is an ad for Google home about a dad who 
is looking up things online about Australian   rules football as his daughter is learning 
to play.

Now I've seen this a million times   and it makes me tear up every single time 
because it's so wholesome and emotional   and I will never stop loving it. And I will 
make sure to link you guys to it in the   description below for inspiration as well.
And that's the power of ads that don't look   like ads, whether that's on TV, on 
socials or anywhere else out there,   if you can make ads that really make people 
think laugh, cry, empathize, really feel   the emotions of what you're trying to communicate. 
People will really buy into the story and then buy   into your product or offer as a result as well.
So don't make your ads about the product or the   offer, make it about the people who are using that 
product or offer or better yet.

Let the people who   use your product or offer actually make the ads 
for you. You might remember Chipotle's infamous   guac dance challenge on TikTok that resulted 
in 250,000 video submissions and over 1 billion   views of the hashtag just during the six day 
campaign, which resulted in Chipotle using 68%   more avocados due to customer demand.
That's an extra 420,000 pounds of avocados   across their stores! And while TikTok specifically 
says don't make ads make TikToks – this philosophy   can also be explored more broadly across 
all different social networks to say,   "Hey, make ads that don't feel or look like ads" 
And now let's move on to embracing collaborations.  It's never been easier to leverage the 
authority and the audience of other creators   and brands out there to grow your own brand 
awareness and add value to your community.   Some of the more obvious ways that you can do this 
would be either influencer marketing or actually   inviting people to collaborate in on your content, 
like what you can do with Instagram collabs,   where once the post is actually created, it will 
essentially take it out to both of your audiences,   expanding the reach, and also just kind of 
making sure that both of your audiences know   about the other account, which really 
helps, especially if your audiences are   really aligned with each other's content.
And also another great way to do this is   by inviting people to be guests on your video 
interviews on platforms like YouTube, but on   other platforms as well, where it will then allow 
people to actually share this content with their   professional and personal network once the video 
is live, thus expanding your reach, but it doesn't   just have to be the case with prerecorded content.
You can also do this with something like Instagram   lives, where you can have multiple people in 
a live room.

That will then alert everyone's   audience to say, "Hey, these people are all going 
live. Do you want to go check it out?" And then   once it's turned into prerecorded or evergreen 
content and it's own someone's actual profile,   then the other collaborators can share that 
to their audience and expand the reach.  But you can also leverage other people's 
existing content through things like TikTok duets   and even Instagram reels where you're 
potentially jumping onto a trending video and   the original creator might share it with their 
audience as well.

And lastly, I love the idea,   of social media takeovers, particularly for 
larger brands or brands that are looking for   unique ways to show people behind the 
scenes. So in this example, from Hootsuite,   we can see that the travel brand, By The Way, 
sourced 50 local reporters and authors from   destinations around the world to do an Instagram 
stories takeover. And once again, you are able   to then tag the people who are collaborating on a 
project like this, and then they can share it with   their own audience, expanding the reach of your 
content once more and now onto the next tip,   which is all about getting to the point quicker.
Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter.   So make sure to audit your content. And whenever 
you think you've cut out, just enough fluff.   Go ahead and cut out more fluff and then 
maybe cut out a little bit more fluff.   My best performing videos in terms of audience 
retention and engagement are ones where I have an   introduction that is around 30 seconds or less.
So get to the point quicker when you're doing   your videos on YouTube and other platforms, 
you may also want to include some timestamps   that will nicely form into chapters that 
people can skip through and they can kind   of skip around.

pexels photo 1577882

Back to certain points if they 
think they miss something. And then YouTube will   also really nicely put this into chapters 
for you at the very end of the description.  And this will also appear on Google when people 
are searching for particular topics that might   be in your video, that aren't necessarily the 
title of the video. And this goes for any kind   of written content as well. So this post is 
very, very long, but Brian Dean, who is the   founder of Backlinko has done this really 
cleverly, where he has included chapters   of these super, super, super long posts where I 
can just kind of go or what am I interested in?  I'm only interested in the video equipment 
checklist and it's just jumped me down to   the portion of the article that talks about that 
particular topic, which again helps with my short   attention span.

Then on platforms like Instagram, 
I really want to encourage you to experiment with   just using shorter captions, not necessarily for 
every post, but using really, really quick and   easy digestible, funny, entertaining educational 
hosts, and an accompanying really short  bite-size caption, but even if attention 
spans are getting shorter, don't go   abandoning long form content just yet. Google 
and YouTube will still continue to rank videos   and blog posts that are longer as long as they're 
action packed and valuable for the intended or.   Even Instagram and TikTok have increased the 
length of their short form video content.  Not to mention people will listen to an 
hour long or even more podcasts episode   about celebrities reflecting on old episodes 
of themselves on TV, like Zack to the future.   And I've even seen this with my own content. 
One of my most popular Skillshare courses   is nine and a half hours long on a platform where 
most of the courses or the average length of a   course is between 20 and 40 minutes long.
So don't be afraid of long form content,   as long as it is valuable, educational, 
entertaining, and captures the attention   of your old.

A great example of this is an 
Instagram account called sh*t you should care   about where they often post long form content in 
the form of a carousel post where that long form   content is hidden in the graphic itself.
And the company in caption is actually   quite short and succinct. And this is a really 
clever way to sort of trick people into engaging   with something they would otherwise maybe 
scroll past if it was in the caption itself.   And now let's talk about why you should get 
comfortable with being uncomfortable on video.  If you're not doing videos yet for your business, 
I totally totally get it.

It can feel really   overwhelming and complicated, not just in terms 
of jumping on camera and feeling confident,   talking to yourself in a room and pretending 
there's other people around, but also in terms of,   you know, what cameras should you get?
What microphone. How do you edit things? What   do you say? How do you script stuff in a way that 
it's engaging. And there's just a lot that can go   into just feeling super, super overwhelmed with 
the process, which is why I want to encourage   you to just start small, even if you don't 
necessarily post things, but just practice   the art of making videos for your business.
And getting into the habit of thinking about   how to incorporate video into your strategy, 
because it really is going to become such   a powerful tool in your business.

So you can 
start with things like, you know, just turning   voice clips that you record on your phone into 
videos, or you can make little animated videos   within Canva just without your face, without 
any audio, just kind of created an creating   animated posts, but I would also encourage 
you to actually practice getting on camera.  Even if you don't post things, you can just 
record on your phone, you know, every single day,   just get into the habit of doing a 30 second video 
sharing something really powerful. Something you   think your audience would really like to 
know about your business or your industry?   Then once you're a little bit more 
comfortable, you can get into doing   things like Instagram stories, which are just 
15 seconds and they disappear in 24 hours.  So even if they totally suck, it doesn't 
really matter. And honestly, if I look back   at some of my early videos and even my course 
content, the videos are a little bit glitchy,   a little bit out of saying, and it's just 
me sitting on a bed with a webcam and a $30   microphone from Amazon.

But the important thing is 
just to start and share it with the world and just   get 1% better with each video you put out there.
So that's it guys. Those are my seven tips for   what to try out with your social media strategy 
this year. And for those of you who are still   really worried about trying to make. Perfect. 
When things are going out. I just want you   to really embrace the imperfections of 
this process because people are loving,   authentic, unfiltered human content.
Right now.

That's not perfect.   So, you know, typos, glitches or posing with 
people online with your underwear hanging out.  I thought it looked great. I love these guys until 
I saw the photo more closely. I didn't realize   that my… that, that do you think anyone could 
have told me though? NOPE!. These are all just   human things that people love to see because it 
makes them really understand that brands are human   and connect with them on a deeper level.
Thanks so much for being here, guys,   and watching this video.

I'd love to hear from you 
in the comments about which of these strategies   you'll be trying out for your own business. And 
I hope you'll consider subscribing to the channel   so that you can catch my next video, have a 
great day and I'll see you in the next one!.

As found on YouTube

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