Autopilot $300 Per Email You Collect For FREE As a Beginner! (Make Money Online)

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Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice

You see you're actually extremely lucky Because a lot of people use this website Millions of people use this website and They only make around two dollars per Email that they collect but I'm going to Show you exactly how you can use the Same website and get paid 300 for the Same emails that you collect without Selling anything without building a Product and without having to convince People if you spend their money or Whatsoever you literally collect emails Just emails and you're being paid 300 Again and again and I'm gonna show you Exactly how to do that but as I said You're extremely lucky because these People millions of people that are using This website don't even know that this Video even exists and therefore they're Little they're just making two dollars Per email that they collect which is Still good but it's not even comparable To 300 which I'm gonna show you exactly How to set up I'm gonna show you exactly How to set up that system for free and From literally anywhere in the world so If that sounds good enough then drop a Like down below and let us begin with a Full breakdown right away just a quick Disclaimer here if someone replies to Your comment like this claiming they're Me just know it's a scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I Would never tax you for money you can

Check their accounts they don't have a Verification education badge they don't Have the same subscribers or videos as Me and they will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their posts the Engagement is fake their new accounts And just know that I would never text You like that so just stay safe and Report them on you so the website I'm Talking about is called a CPA grip CPA Grip is a CPN network with thousands of Different CPA offers to promote and Because it's a CPA offer which stands For cost per action in most of the cases People just have to submit their email Address in order for you to get paid and If you actually log into your account After registering for completely free And once again from anywhere in the World and you go to offer tools on the Left side you go to my offers you will See that on average they are paying About two dollars per email as you can See email submit is around two dollars Two dollars two dollars and so a lot of People will just come over to here and They would grab this referral link and They would start making two dollars per Email but I'm going to show you exactly How you can actually get paid at three Hundred dollars per email so all you're

Gonna do pretty much is just find five Different of these giveaways so for Example I'm gonna use this one this is Gonna be the first one it pays me two Dollars and as you can see most of these Are actual like giveaways so people have A chance to win something so for example This is also some candy giveaway these Are some products Coca-Cola products Over here and they all pay a few dollars Per email collected uh this is a 200 Nike gift card and also pays two dollars Per email which is really good so people Are incentivized to submit the email Address so what I want to do is you just Want to find five of these different Giveaways and then you want to grab your Link and to grab your link you literally Just click on the copy link button That's it you're sending people to this Page over here you can see the preview On the right side and if they sign up With their email address you're being Paid two dollars in this case but I'm Gonna show you how to maximize that and Actually make it three hundred dollars So once you do that you wanna proceed to Step number two which is to go over to Get response I'm Gonna Leave a link to Get response in the description box down Below and then you want to log into your Account after registering for free and Then as you log into your account on the Left side you will be able to start

Creating your own list so you want to go To the context section right over here And you want to create a brand new list In this case I'm just going to call it CPA grip and then you just want to click On create once you create your contact List where you can collect those emails You want to go to tools and you want to Go to landing pages and now you want to Create a landing page from scratch I'm Just going to create one of the from one Of these templates you can select Whichever you want to I'm going to use This one because it's the most basic one Just to show you how this actually works And then you want to click on next step And now essentially you just want to Create a landing page for one of those Offers which you found on CPA grip in This case the offer that will be the Main offer for my website is gonna be One of those 750 dollars PayPal gift Card giveaways so what I'm gonna do is I'm pretty much just gonna say whatever It is on the title here so I'm just Going to copy this and I'm going to Paste it here and I'm gonna highlight This part I'm going to change the color Click OK maybe make it as bold as well You can also customize the fonts as well So if I want to change this to let's say A this phone over here so it looks a Little bit better I can easily do that And then I can just click on enter your

Best email so we can send you more Similar giveaway in the future and I'm Gonna pretty much use and use the same Font as above and I'm gonna highlight The best email because you don't want Them to just submit a random email Address that they don't even use because Then you're not going to be able to make Money so you want to make sure that it's The right email that they are going to Open I'm gonna delete this because I Don't necessarily need it I also don't Need this button as well what I actually Need is I need one of those forms and to Add a form I just select a static form And I just drag it over here so I needed This form which looks something like This I'll put it in the center and so They can actually enter their name and Their email address and then that's once They do that they will redirect them to The first offer that I'm promoting and That will start our system which is Going to make you three hundred dollars Per email so you want to click on next Step for now you want to proceed without The mobile version and then most Importantly you want to scroll a little Bit down you want to select the list in This case is going to be the CPA grip List and you want to change the thank You page this is extremely important if You don't it's not going to work so you Want to change the thank you page to a

Custom thank you page and that custom URL is pretty much just going to be the URL from CPA grips you just paste that Here so that it redirects them to the Offer which they need to sign up to for That particular giveaway I'm going to Publish my landing page and I can copy The link for my landing page and if I Open it up if I want to preview this Landing page you can see this is how It's going to look like grab a 750 paper Gift card now they enter their name the Game for the remotely click sign up and Then that takes them to the actual Giveaway but now we have collected their Email as well so you made two dollars When they sign up for that giveaway but Now what you want to do is you want to Go back to get response and then you Want to go to tools and go to Autoresponders you want to sign up in Autoresponder so click and create and Create autoresponder for the next 30 Days to send them one email every single Day for the next 30 days because because Whenever they sign up each 24 hours they Can actually submit their email address And sign up for one of those giveaways And each time they sign up after 24 Hours it basically refreshes so it Counts again so you make two dollars Again per email and if you have five Different offers that's essentially Going to be ten dollars a day from one

Single person from one single email Collected and if you set it out for 30 Days trades for 30 days straight that's Pretty much gonna be three hundred Dollars from a single email I will show You exactly how to do it so pretty much You just want to enter the subject line Here I'm gonna say new giveaways are Here and therefore a chance to win so Something basic and then click on design A message or design your email and go to Blank templates and start with a blank Email and you can say for example hey And you can you can enter their first Name the code for their first name so Hey and then it's gonna be their name in This case like hey Dave we would like to Inform you we would like to inform you That there are five new giveaways today And then I'm gonna enter the first Giveaway and let's say that first Giveaway is gonna be this claim your Coca-Cola products so I'm pretty much I'm gonna copy this and I'm also gonna Find another similar giveaway for Example the Night 200 night gift card And I'm also gonna list it below and I'm Gonna continue doing this until I have Five different giveaways that I'm Promoting in that one single email and So here I have five different giveaways Listed over here and now all I gotta do Is insert an affiliate link for each of These offers so claim your Coca-Cola

Products I just go back and I find that Giveaway so in this case it's gonna be Right over here I grab my link then go Back and then pretty much just insert my Affiliate link here so insert and then I Will also make this bowl as well and I'll pretty much do the same thing for All of these other giveaways so 200 Nike Gift card I go back I find that giveaway It's right over here I find that offer I Grab my affiliate link I go back insert My affiliate link here and I repeat the Process until I have links for all of These offers so I will go back and find The 750 gift card giveaway I grab my Link I go back I insert my link here and That's pretty much it now once you enter Affiliate links for all of these Different offers and they're listed like This this is an automated email you just Click on next and now you want to set up When you actually want to send them this Email so I'm going to send it one day After they've signed up for the initial Giveaway so I'm gonna send it one day Afterwards and then I'm just gonna click On Save and publish and now what you Want to do is you just want to go back To your autoresponders and you will Duplicate that autoresponder but you Will change the date so now you want to Send this two days after they've signed Up and now you just click on Save and Publish so now the first email is going

To be sent on the day one then the next One on day two and then you can just Keep on duplicating this until you have Them for the next 30 days you will be Sending out this email for the next 30 Days every 24 hours because every 24 Hours someone can just submit their Email address for a chance to win one of Those giveaways so they are maximizing Their chances of winning something and You're also maximizing your earnings Instead of earning only two dollars from One offer now you're basically earning Ten dollars a day which is 300 for 30 Days straight so just keep on Duplicating this until you have 30 Different autoresponders for every Single day for every 24 hours and click Save and publish and then what you need To do is you need to start promoting Your landing page for people can Initially enter their name and their Email address they're gonna enter the First giveaway making two dollars from That and then tomorrow after 24 hours They're gonna receive an email with five More giveaways and then 24 hours after That they're gonna receive another email And then another email every 24 hours They're maximizing their chances once Again and you are maximizing your Results so you need to start sending Traffic to this landing page which you Previously made and there are two

Different traffic sources that you can Use one of the easiest ones for these Types of offers the very first one which Is absolutely free is to start joining Different make money online forums so You can go for example to This is a platform where people start Come to discuss making money online and Share different websites for making Money online so people here are Interested in online business and Earning online earning from their home So what you can do is you can just just Start adjoining their threads and you Can start sharing this landing page with Them and you can tell them that you Found this website where people have a Chance to win the 700 fifty dollars PayPal gift card so you can just click On post a thread and you can start Writing about that offer and then pretty Much just share your link in that thread And you can share it to trying to report Them where once again it can be seen by Thousands of people and you honestly Don't need a lot of them like even if You get 10 of them signed up for your Offer that can potentially be three Thousand dollars in a single month on a Complete autopilot without actually Selling anything and without having your Own product or service and the second Traffic source that you can use which is A lot easier is to go to

And go to influencers and you can pretty Much just pay for a shout out you can Literally pay like 10 20 dollars for a Shout out to get seen by thousands of People you can find an influencer that Has a page that's for example in the Luxury and motivational business and Making money and they can post a shout Out for literally like five bucks or ten Bucks to thousands hundreds of thousands Of people and out of those hundreds of Thousands of followers that they have on Their page paid twenty dollars to Promote it out of those hundreds of Thousands of people you once again Literally just need 10 of them to sign Up in order to make 3 000 so that's how You can quickly set up a system like This to earn passive income online Without actually selling anything I Really hope you got some value out of This video if you did make sure to drop A like down below and I will see you in Some of the next ones

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