Deep Hanging Out…Digitally: Social Media Strategies for the Contemporary Job Market

>> NAZIA: Welcome. I am Nazia Hussain. I 
am a brown-skinned, female with black hair.   I am sitting in a room with a window to my 
right. Welcome to Deep Hanging Out…Digitally:   Social Media Strategies for the Contemporary Job 
Market. Webinar outline is here. The presenters   we have today are Ingrid Ramón Parra, the 
founder of We also have   Adam Gamwell, co-founder of Missing Link 
Studios and host of This Anthro Life podcast.  Next slide, please.
This is a webinar series "Acquiring New Skills for   your Job Search – A Three-Part Webinar Series."
Next slide, please.  As you can see, sorry. Go back one, please.   Thank you.
As you can see,   this is part 3, the final of this Career 
Webinar Series. Deep Hanging Out…Digitally.  On this slide, you can see that there were two 
other webinars that were presented this month,   on September 10 and September 17. 
These are now available online at   the AAA website.

Next slide, please.
I will review some webinar logistics.   We are using a number of features to 
make this webinar accessible to everyone.   We are providing closed captioning. The icon is 
at the bottom of your screen. Presenters will be   providing visual descriptions of themselves as I 
just did and the slides they will be going over.  A reminder to the presenters to please announce 
themselves before they speak. Please turn off   your video and microphone unless you are speaking. 
Open and use the chat function also at the bottom   of your screen. Please write the word question 
if you have a question. I also encourage   everyone on the webinar to go ahead and answer any 
questions that gets posed and/or offer resources.   By Tuesday of next week, you can visit 
the AAA website for the following: one,   career webinar recordings; two, PowerPoint 
slide decks; three, resources; and four,   answers to the chat question and answers.
Should you have any questions or concerns   during the webinar, please notify 
Nell, our accessibilities coordinator,   through the CHAT room.

A shout out also to 
my co-coordinator, Elizabeth Bradley, who   helped organize and help coordinate this webinar. 
Thanks also goes to the members of the AAA staff   who are supporting these career webinars: Scott 
Hall, Nell, Gabby Dunkley, Daniel Ginsberg,   Shawn Ifill, Jeff Martin, and Ed Liebow.
Next slide, please.  This is my visual description. I am Nazia 
Hussain. My pronouns are she and her. I am   a brown-skinned female with black hair. I am 
sitting in a room with a window to my right.  Next slide, please.
So here we are,   with Deep Hanging Out…Digitally: Social Media 
Strategies for the Contemporary Job Market.   Our presenters will guide us on how and 
why digital and social media engagement   is vital to the modern-day job seeker and how 
you can utilize anthropological tools to make   your next career move.
Next slide, please.  This slide shows the webinar outline that you may 
have seen displayed on your screens, if you joined   the webinar before we started.

Our presenters 
will be speaking for a total of about 25 minutes   or less. During the presentation, please 
open and use the chat to ask your questions.  After the presentation, we will do our best to 
answer as many of the chat questions as possible.   For those questions that remain unanswered, we 
will respond to them and post the questions on the   AAA website under the September 24th 
webinar. We hope you enjoy today's   discussion. I now turn the webinar over 
to Ingrid Ramón Parra and Adam Gamwell.  Next slide, please.
>> INGRID: Welcome,   everyone. I'm Ingrid Ramón Parra. This is my 
visual description. I am a Latina with short, dark   hair, and today I am at my home office, and there 
is a yellow wall behind me. Next slide, please.  [siren in background]
>> ADAM:   And hey, everyone.

My name is Dr. Adam Gamwell. I 
am a white male with a shaved head in my mid 30s,   and I am sitting also in my home office with 
bookshelves behind me. Next slide, please.  >> [honking and sirens in background]
>> INGRID: This is Ingrid speaking again   and introducing our webinar here. So 
I apologize for any background noises.   There's an ambulance sounding behind me. Um, 
so today, we really want to share with you,   Adam and I, an approach that 
was really successful for us,   as people recently on the job market, and really, 
it's an approach, a very anthropological approach,   to being successful on the job market, and 
there's a couple of reasons why we believe   this works, and the first really is recognizing 
that academic job market and the non-academic   job market have different approaches.

those of us really invested in academia,   the job market feels very familiar, and it can 
feel very linear. But non-academic job market is   opposite of that. It's very highly variable. 
It encompasses a lot of different fields,   and because of that, it can feel overwhelming, 
and for some of us, it can feel unfamiliar.  We believe that candidates should update 
their strategies to reflect the contemporary   job market.

Strategies that worked five or ten 
years ago may not be as successful today, and   part of that is because engaging with digital 
platforms is really required for success.   At minimum, you have to — you look for positions 
online and apply through a digital platform.   But really, what Adam and I want 
to suggest is that you should do   more than that, and engage digitally 
in a more meaningful and strategic way.  We believe that thinking of social media as a 
landscape that's very dynamic and full of cultural   spaces really facilitates an anthropological 
approach, and we believe that in of itself is a   really effective job market strategy.
Next slide, please.  And in doing so, we've highlight distinct 
benefits of this approach.

The first one is   that you learn to articulate your value through an 
increased awareness of how to make your expertise   understood across different fields. Often times, 
those of us who have a lot of academic experience,   we don't know how to translate this experience 
to other people and how to translate our value,   and inversely, other people may not 
understand our experience. So really,   it is on us to be able to explain how we add 
value to different organizations or institutions.  We believe that you also become informed about 
what positions are better suited for your skill   set, and what positions you're excited about and 
can see yourself doing or wanting, and in doing   so, we believe you'll get greater empowerment 
and confidence about your professional identity,   about the — your professional possibilities 
and feel more empowered and have more agency   around your professional future.
Next slide, please.  >> ADAM: All right, hey, and this is Adam jumping 
in here.

So this slide is titled, "Getting Started   with Social Media," and so kind of what Ingrid was 
pointing out is that if you're looking for a job   that is not on the academic track, that things 
can feel quite nonlinear, and one of the ways and   strategies that we found that has been helpful 
for us in terms of putting ourselves out there   and building a sense of who we are professionally 
and letting people see the work that we're doing   has been through social media, and when you 
think of social media, obviously, we may think   of platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and 
that is — that is what we're talking about.  But one of the things about these platforms 
is that often times we may think about,   "I use Facebook to post photos of my family or 
my kids or hanging out with my friends.

I don't   think about it in a professional sense," and you 
may look at Twitter and think about these short   little tweets that are 240 characters and really, 
how useful can that be in terms of finding work?  But what we want to point 
out is that there actually is   a huge amount of value in using 
social media as part of your strategy,   and one way that we want to encourage you to think 
about social media is rather than thinking about   them as strictly platforms, you might think about 
them as content that you and others are creating.  And so, there is Facebook.

There is Twitter. 
There is LinkedIn. There is Instagram. But when   you think about these from a content perspective, 
it's a question of, "What are the kinds of things,   ideas, words, you know, what are the kinds of 
ideas and words that people want to put out?   What ideas they want to share?"
And from this perspective, then,   you can think less about what platform should I 
be on? Do I need to be on all of them? Cause that   obviously can feel quite overwhelming since 
there are a lot of social media platforms,   right? TikTok is probably the newer one 
that people are thinking about, right?   But the idea with this in terms of content is 
you can think about seeking quality content   that's really going to help you understand and 
engage with pertinent topics and thought leaders   in the job fields that you want to enter, and so 
we'll talk about strategies in case that sounds   confusing in terms of if you're not sure what 
field you want to enter or who you should be   listening to or reading about, but thinking about 
just what kind of content draws you in.

So again,   getting started with social media at this high 
level is about seeking quality content that   helps you understand what kind of work is out 
there. What is the work that people are doing?  And as I mentioned a little bit before, you can 
engage strategically with social media. The idea   is you do not have to engage with every single 
platform. You don't have to be posting on Facebook   and LinkedIn and Twitter and Instagram because 
that is overwhelming. We would agree with you   there. So the idea is to kind of build a sense of 
strategy about what it is that's going to get you   around the kind of content that's going to help 
you understand the field you want to get into.  Next slide, please.
So, and this slide is titled, "Creating a   Job Strategy," and so what we can do here is start 
identifying the kinds of work that you would like   to do.

For example, if you love doing research, 
which many of us as anthropologists enjoy,   that's what our training is in for the most part, 
do you want to work in design? Are you interested   in the visual fields, such as graphic design 
or maybe even video production? You know, are   you drawn to YouTube videos or Netflix content, 
for example? Are you interested in management,   or administration is another thing to think 
about. A lot of anthropologists will go into   higher ed administration, for example. Or these 
kind of skills can be translated elsewhere, too.   So the plan is to just begin identifying the 
kinds of work that you're interested in. You   don't have to nail it down to one thing but 
thinking about these broad categories. Again,   like research, design, or management.
When you think about these fields, you can also   then learn about the types of positions that exist 
and then use that to look for open positions.   A quick spoiler alert: we'll say that LinkedIn 
is a great platform and a space of content for   finding professional work and professionals trying 
to share ideas about their different fields,   and so we will say that you can think 
about, if you want to see open positions,   LinkedIn is a great place to go, but 
it is not the only place to look.  You also want to understand that fields have 
their own sets of meanings and cultural values.   One example here is that empathy is 
a value in the design fields, and so   you're going to see the word empathy used a lot.
You may think of empathy in terms of, you know,   caring for somebody else or feeling what it feels 
like to be somebody else, you know, feeling what   somebody else's experience, for example.

design, they talk about it this way, but it's   really used as a method of getting quote/unquote 
inside the head of someone that you're designing   for, and so, it may not be the exact same idea 
or the same definition of the term, but the   idea here is that fields themselves will have 
their own sets of meanings and cultural values,   and so by looking at how people are talking 
about their fields and their work on social media   will give you a sense of what these sort of 
sets of meanings and cultural values are.  And then a fourth bullet point about this 
"Creating a Job Strategy" is letting other   professionals know about you professionally.
This is why social media is so valuable for   you as creating content.

You can share a 
professional opinion on LinkedIn. You can   write a blog post on Medium. You could even 
get in a Twitter conversation. The idea is,   as Ingrid pointed out before too, that this is 
about engaging, and so you want to then put your   voice out there, and that can be as simple as 
starting to like different tweets or favorite   them, like people's posts, as well as then once 
you feel you have your sea legs a little bit more,   you can then start commenting or adding into 
the conversation, too. Uh, next slide, please.  And so as we said, this slide is 
titled, "Accessing Platforms Based on   Content." And so again, we said one way to
think about this is that there are platforms   such as, we have these listed in the 
slide here: LinkedIn; Twitter; Medium,   which is essentially a self-publishing blog 
platform; Facebook; Slack groups, which is a chat   program that many of you probably know, but 
that the interesting thing about Slack is that   companies might use it internally but then a lot 
of professional or professional interest groups   also use Slack, and so if there's people that 
are interested in a design field, for example,   there's one called "Ethnography Hangout" that we 
can share later, too, that's for ethnographers   looking for work and trying to talk about latest 
ideas in the field.

There are Google Groups,   which are kind of like old school forums but 
used today, so they're sort of current school,   too, I suppose, that are also great ways of seeing 
threaded conversations. There's Reddit, which is a   long, longstanding internet giant of just 
basically user-generated content of people   sharing stories, links, ideas, asking questions 
of each other of community members on every topic   imaginable. So there is a Reddit, subreddit 
for anthropology, for cultural anthropology,   for design anthropology, for archaeology, 
for bioanthropology. You name it. It's there.   There's of course podcasting.

You know, 
small plug for This Anthro Life and other   anthro-focused podcasts that are dedicated to 
helping people think about careers and that's   one of the things that we value, as well as 
Instagram, right? Which is a, obviously an   image-based platform but a lot of companies are 
using Instagram to share media and to get the word   out about their work, and so this is another way 
just to think about how are companies using it.  So the idea is that each social media platform 
will feature unique content. Thinking about what   kind of content is going to be most useful 
for your career goals. So, for example,   if you are thinking about design or something in 
the visual field, then Instagram is an important   content space, cause it's seeing how people 
display and share information visually, right?  If you are thinking about any kind of other 
platform, audio work, for example, or audio-visual   media, podcasting can be helpful.

Reddit is useful 
for everything, which is actually quite nice,   and so now we will go to the next slide, 
and I'll turn it back over to Ingrid.  >> INGRID: Thank you. This is Ingrid speaking. 
So this slide is called, "Start Hanging Out."   Deep hanging out, we're going to do it digitally. 
The goal here is to learn about the types of   positions you might be interested in. So as 
Adam said, LinkedIn is really excellent for   finding open positions, and when you look through 
these, really pay attention to the job title,   the types of skills in the description, 
and the type of experience that is wanted,   and when you do that, you kind of get a couple of 
things, and one is you start seeing how certain   people differentiate between very similar titles 
or how even one title is conceived of differently   in different spaces. So you start gaining 
— sharpening your eye to the nuance of   skills and experience and start thinking about 
where you fit in within all of that nuance.  Once you do that, we suggest you find other 
people that have roles that are similar   to your skill set, and again, LinkedIn is really 
great for this because it gives you a snapshot,   not only of someone's education, which helps 
you find people who maybe have done masters or   Ph.D.s in their field or tangentially-related 
fields, but it also gives you a little bit of a   work history and a snapshot of how this person 
moved in and out through their experience and   where their path is, and it gives you 
an idea of how you can potentially also   carve your own path or what your own professional 
path may be, so LinkedIn is really great for that.  Professional websites, there are a lot of people 
who have strong professional preferences — not   preferences, presences.

A strong professional 
presence in personal websites or portfolios, and   they share resumes, their materials, points of 
views, and this is a really great way to get an   in-depth look on how to approach professional 
identity, and we suggest you start following   content creators that align with your professional 
interest and your preferred fields. Again,   LinkedIn is becoming increasingly more social, 
and we suggest you like and share and kind of read   through different — the different postings that 
are available there.

Twitter is also really great.   It's — what's great about Twitter is that 
there's a lot of exchange back and forth.   It's very dynamic. So not only do you get a 
point of view of the poster, but you also get   just the conversational dynamics that happen 
through this content, which gives you an   opportunity to engage or what I like to do, lurk.
Just read and learn and see what people   are talking about and thinking through and what 
are points of consensus and points of tension and   start learning about the nuances of the fields, 
and Medium is also a great one for more in-depth   kind of five-minute articles about practice. I 
would really suggest to you look at Medium as well   for that but also because a lot of 
people post job interview strategies for   very kind of hard to get positions.
So you also get some of that backstage look   on how people approach hiring and finding people 
for their teams, and that's been tremendously   helpful for me, personally.
Next slide, please.  So once you've done that, and you found 
people that you're interested in following,   we also suggest you find thought leaders 
and field experts, and your goal here   is to identify professionals that are leaders 
and are actively creating content digitally,   but also in book form, which I know is one of our 
favorite forms as academics, but what we want to   do here is find social profiles of people that 
have spoken at large, professional conferences   in fields that interest you, and really great 
place to start is the EPIC Conference.

So go   on the EPIC website. Look at current and 
past speakers. See where they're going.   Find their LinkedIn profiles. Connect 
to them, hopefully they accept you,   but really start doing that kind 
of digital curating and following.  The Qualitative Researcher Consultation — 
Consultants Association — the QRCA — is   also really great for finding people that are 
doing qualititive research outside of academia,   and you can also find conferences that are very 
just broad field based. Let's say you discovered   the field of design research, and you're really 
excited about it. You can easily Google design   research conferences, and so many will come 
up, and you can start finding people that way,   and what's interesting about the 
moment that we're living in now,   is that a lot of these conversations are actually 
online now, which means you can really start   attending a lot of these conferences and get a 
sense of the topics and the people that are there.   Usually for an affordable or minimal 
fee. So we are living in an age where   we can experience these types of 
conferences in our couch, or on our desk.  So once you've kind of looked through the kind 
of conferences, circuit, you also want to find   industry authors, people who are seen as having an 
authority on particular fields or topics.

A few of   my favorites are Sam Ladner — she writes a lot on 
practical ethnography in business, how to do and   sell ethnography outside as part of research 
for different companies and organizations.  I like Syd Harrell as well. She writes on 
practice — being a practicing civic technologist,   so she works in the civic sector and at the 
intersection of technology. There's many more,   so many more, but those are just an example, 
so start looking for those folks as well,   and of course, find business and practicing 
anthropologists through LinkedIn,   but here's a great opportunity to actually 
harness your in-person network as well.   Ask around your department or ask colleagues. 
There is always — we always know at least   one person who is succeeding out in 
industry, so start finding those people   and start making those connections.
Next slide, please.  And really an important thing about being 
successful, as we anthropologists know,   is you have to be able to speak the right language 
and say the right words, which is the title of   this slide here, and what you want to do here 
is you want to learn about field-specific terms,   issues, sets of meanings, and cultural values 
in your field of interest.

As Adam said earlier,   empathy, for example, is something that is a 
big value in the world of design and research,   and recently, we see a new value of delight 
coming, so there are new and old values going in   and out of all of these fields. So it's important 
to know which ones are the ones people are   engaging with now. So one, you speak the 
way they speak, and two, you don't sound   outdated in your experience. You don't want 
to bring up something that people said, "Okay,   we don't really — the last time anyone has 
said that was ten years ago." You want to feel   like you have your hand on the pulse of the 
different fields that you're interested in.  And so, you have to identify the topics that 
people are talking about and writing about   in your preferred domain of work.
If you see certain topics being engaged   with a lot, then it'll signal to you that that's 
probably something important for you to know,   and importantly, for the platforms, 
you should also explore how to maximize   the search functions of each platform since 
each platform is different, and there are some   similarities across functions.

But really 
start exploring how to find information.  So for example, how hashtags work, any mentions, 
the use of filters, suggested connections,   really explore the platform and see what 
the possibilities are for you to find   content and to find people.
So that the goal really is for   you to be able to understand and communicate 
in a way that other people understand as well.  Next slide, please.
>> ADAM:   All right. So this is Adam back again. The 
title of this slide is "Collecting Data,"   and so building on what Ingrid is sharing there 
about learning the language, one of the ways of   doing that is by what we might call collecting 

The goal here is to understand how people   and organizations are presenting themselves 
professionally across various, different fields.  What you can do here is collecting 
samples of publicly available   resumes and portfolios, and if I can,
I'll make a plug for the previous webinar with   AAA that Ingrid and I helped out on that was 
actually on resumes and portfolios and CVs,   and so, if you want, on this — on the AAA website 
where we have these webinars, you can actually see   examples of our former resumes and portfolios. 
So there's one way to find them, but other people   have these listed, too. You may find them on 
their websites that could be linked from their   Twitter profiles or from LinkedIn is obviously a 
good place to see job experience from people, but   the idea is, when people put out resumes to share, 
it's not because they're the greatest resumes   or the most important CVs or portfolios, but there 
things that are people are willing to share in a   professional sense, and that's — that's an 
important piece of data in and of itself.   They feel this is worthy of sharing, and 
so therefore, it's worth checking it out.  Another thing you can do is understanding 
organizational branding, and what I mean by   this is not the logo of the company — although, 
again, if you're working in visual design, you   probably want to know that — it also depends on 
if you like a logo, I suppose — but branding in   this sense is how an organization presents itself, 
and so you might think about press releases.

When   they're talking about a new research project 
they have going on or a new design or a new   award they just won. How are they talking about 
this? Are they putting their press releases   out on their website, on their Medium blog, on 
their Twitter? Maybe on their Facebook, right?  What social media accounts are companies 
using. This is something important, too.   If you — if you have, you know, been on social 
media at any point in the past 15 years, you have   probably seen that companies used to have a lot 
of Facebook pages that they would really focus on.   Nowadays, that's not so much, and this is speaking 
to Ingrid's point that what companies use change   over time, and it's important to be aware of 

Facebook still matters a great deal.   It still has like, you know, a few billion 
people that use it, but you see companies   a lot more focusing on Medium blogs now and on 
Twitter and certainly on LinkedIn and Instagram,   and so just being aware of where and what social 
media accounts companies are using, and so again,   flipping it, as Ingrid was saying before, 
if you have a sense of thought leaders,   you know, whether you find them from looking 
at social media, reading about them on blogs,   checking out books, watching TED 
Talks, you can have a sense of where,   you know, what platforms that these thought 
leaders are putting themselves out on.  And when you're putting these things together, 
you know, yourself wanna say, "How do I   promote my own thinking and how do I look 
professional, too?" You can recreate the sets   of these kinds of materials that reflects the 
aesthetics of the fields that you're pursuing.   This is also something that Astrid — or not 
Astrid, sorry Astrid — that Ingrid and I shared   on our previous webinar about how portfolios and 
CVs and resumes look differently depending on who   it is and what field you're trying to get into, 
and that's — that's super important to realize.  So by seeing how people present themselves online   when they have publicly available 
information like portfolios or CVs,   you can have that.

You can borrow the aesthetics 
and that then helps you establish yourself   as understanding what are some of the sets 
of meanings that people have in that area.  Next slide, please.
Another way to do this is   about identifying projects that inspire you.
This is a tactic that I have used for years,   and the goal here is, it's quite simple. It's just 
taking notes of projects that inspire you, and   this could be a neat design project that was done 
in a community that was helping elderly residents   vote, or it could be helping disenfranchised 
communities have access to food.

It could be   just a really interesting new toy that you 
thought a company developed and they have an   interesting way of doing it. It's just finding 
projects that you feel drawn to, and this is   to me one of the best ways of — a bit about 
following your nose, following your passion,   cause as anthropologists we all have a huge and 
varied set of interests, and it can often feel a   bit overwhelming to figure out what it is that 
we should do with all those interests, right?   So this is really just about finding projects 
that you dig that are interesting to you, and   getting involved, if you can, in terms 
of just seeing how they're being written   about or how they have been written 
about or shared about on social media,   whether there parts of companies or individual 
entrepreneurs, or whatever it is, and this is,   you know, we can attach this idea of finding 
projects that inspire you.

In relationship to the   categories that we've talked about above touches 
getting a sense of who are the local experts   or thought leaders that are working in these 
fields that are doing these kinds of projects.   What language are they using? Again, are they 
using empathy or delight? Are they talking about   research, qualitative, quantititive? Are they 
saying theoretical ideas? Are they feeling very   grounded? Do they seem more like an NGO or more 
of a for-profit business? Whatever it is, right?   How are they talking about their work? What 
kind of data are they using? Do they put out   reports or white papers or academic journals or 
magazines or podcasts? What are the — how are   they publishing about their work is this idea.
And of course the artifacts that goes along with   this.

What are the things that they're making?
Next slide, please.  And one of the other main last pieces 
that we'll share with you right now   is about becoming visible, and the goal with this 
is just to create a professional online identity,   and so this is what we're talking about when we 
think about social media platforms as content   that you create versus the platform itself.
This is about you putting ideas out into the   world. This begins with simple engagement, 
like liking a tweet or, you know, doing a   hand clap for someone's article on LinkedIn 
that you think is inspiring or interesting   as well as then moving into actually creating 
your own content, and this can be as simple as   putting out a tweet, jumping into a conversation 
on Twitter, answering a question that a community   member has on Reddit.

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Cause I guarantee you, if 
you look on Reddit, as I said before, Reddit has   so many sub communities, you will know an 
answer to some question that somebody else   does not, and you can be a really, really 
helpful community member in that space,   and Reddit is actually one of the lowest barriers 
to entry in terms of getting engaged on the   social media area. Because again, it's a lot of 
question and answer based in the very community.   So this helps you become visible. It 
helps people then come to recognize   you as someone that is willing to help the 
community, to engage, to answer questions,   and then also becoming visible is about being 
where employers are, right? Cause obviously we're   talking about social media as a job search 
and job finding strategy, and so thinking   about where creating the kind of content and 
putting content out is going to be most useful.  So obviously as I said, we would find LinkedIn is 
one of the best places for content consumption and   creation because a lot of employers are on there, 
but the reason I keep talking about Reddit is   because I know of employers that go on Reddit to 
ask questions of people, or they'll be on there to   find answers to something else, and they will then 
see who is active in the community.

So the point   is, don't only think about LinkedIn. LinkedIn 
matters, but there are many ways in order to   sort of be a visible community member and someone 
that is a viable, you know, job candidate. And the   other thing about this about becoming visible is 
about sharing a professional point of view, right?   This can be something as writing a blog post on 
Medium, as we said. You can retweet something,   and again, sharing on LinkedIn, but the idea 
is to, again, start getting comfortable putting   content out there. You do not have to start out 
with an academic article or a book, and if you   did, good for you, but I have never done that, and 
most of us probably will never do that, right? So   then — starting about engaging, and the nice 
thing about social media is you can start small,   and it can be as simple as liking a tweet, right? 
The idea is to just get yourself to start engaging   and helping yourself become visible by becoming a 
member of community, right? It's the same way that   you want to make sure that you're there for your 
family members.

You give them a call to check in   on them, or see how your friends are doing. Shoot 
them a text saying, "Hey. I'm thinking about you."   It's the same kind of idea. You're just putting it 
out into a bit more of a professional community.  And next slide, please.
>> NAZIA:   Thank you very much, Ingrid and Adam. Those are 
very thoughtful and poignant, you know, summary   points to take home for all of us jumping into a 
new career or even just job searching right now.   So right now, we'd like to open up the chat 
Q&A, and if you have any questions, you may able   to — you may be able to come off mute right now, 
and ask your questions directly to the presenters.  >> DANIEL: Hi. I'd like to jump in, I guess, at 
this point. My name is Daniel Ginsberg. I'm the   Director of Education and Professional Practice at 
the AAA. I'm a male-presenting white person with   glasses, a black collared shirt, and asymmetric 
haircut, and I'm sitting in front of a   virtual background.

It's uh — if 
you know the film Spirited Away,   it's the train tracks to Zeniba's house.
So if people do have questions,   I would encourage you to put it in the chat, and 
I've been monitoring the chat through the whole   conversation, and I wanted to sort of aggregate 
that and pose some questions to the presenters.   I'd encourage people to continue engaging in the 
chat if you have other questions that come up or   even to answer other people's questions as they 
come up. There's always a lively conversation   in there.

But we do have 70 people on the 
line, and so in the interest of not having   everyone jumping in, I'm going to ask people to 
stay on mute and with their cameras turned off.  So that said, one thing that I noticed really 
strongly coming through in the chat is that   people are identifying a lot of barriers to 
entry in social media. So I've got a couple   of them in my notes, and I want to bring them up 
one at a time, and see if you could comment on it.  One of them did get a response already.

question was, "How do you make time for social   media when there's just so much content coming in? 
It really feels like drinking from a fire hose."   If you open up Twitter, even — I'm not sure 
what it looks like if you haven't subscribed to   it these days because I've been on Twitter since 
2008, but when I open up Twitter, I could just   scroll all day long. How do you either make time 
for it so that it's something you can approach   but also limit it so that it's useful to you and 
you don't end up getting completely sucked in?  >> INGRID: I can — I can answer some of that, and 
then we can hear Adam. This is Ingrid speaking.   So I think about it as a trade off. The last time 
I was on the job market was 2018, and I approached   the job market in just a very hectic way, just 
finding positions that were open and applying.   That was basically it, and I realized that I spent 
so much time just applying and finding positions   and never getting any call backs that the way 
that I conceive of it now is I wasted a lot of   time doing that, and I could have allocated some 
of that time to be more strategic, which includes   basically what Adam and I outlined in this 

So that was kind of my trade off.  I became more strategic and maybe 
I applied to less positions,   but the positions I did apply for, I had more 
success and chances of getting a call back or   an interview or being offered a position.
So it is a trade off. It is a time investment,   and yes, if you're not good at managing your 
time or if you get sucked into a Twitter thread,   you can kind of spend a lot of time on it more 
than you'd probably like. So there has to be   some discipline with the engagement, but I 
do think that what you can get out of it,   which is that feeling of empowerment, I 
think a lot of us who leave academia or are   in the processing of — of the process of 
transitioning, we often feel like frauds.  When we were like faking it out in this other 
world, and I think engaging with these strategies,   you actually stop feeling less like a fraud 
or fake and start recognizing the fact that   you have something of value to offer, and you 
start doing belter and engaging with people and   interviews and with your materials and so on 
and so forth.

So there is a trade off. There   is a time investment. It can get out of hand 
if you don't discipline yourself, but in my   point much view, I think it's definitely 
worth it to have a strategy that includes   engaging with social media. 100%.
>> ADAM: Yeah, that's a really   great point. This is Adam jumping in here real 
quick as well, and I appreciate that question.  I certainly feel the time crunch, and there is, as 
we've said, so many kinds of platforms out there,   and there's so much. Twitter is perhaps the 
best example of a fire hose of social meda,   right? Because the tweets are 240 characters. 
They're short. They move very quickly.  So to be honest, I would say that 
Twitter is actually one of the more   difficult platforms to feel strategic 
about, for me personally I will say,   just because it feels like it moves so quickly.
Two things that I have found to be helpful.   One is Medium as I've mentioned, 
and I'll keep mentioning Medium.  It's — it is a blog platform so it does — it's, 
you know, different reading content, which could   be one minute to, you know, depending on how 
much time you want to spend reading an article,   but like all social media platforms, what I like 
about Medium is that you can then put what you're   interested in and then you can follow certain 
either specific articles themselves or authors or   sort of collectives, and then Medium learns over 
time what it is that you like to read, and so then   it begins to suggest things.

You know, I get a 
daily digest, for example, a one email of, "Here's   things that we think you'll want to read today." I 
don't read all of them ever, but it usually gives   me one or two pieces of content to read, and then 
from that, I could spin-off and check something   out on Twitter, for example. That all said, I 
also love Twitter, and what I found with help   for Twitter is that there's aggregators. I 
mentioned this in the chat somewhere — that's   somewhere in there — in that one of them 
is called, for example,   and what you do here is you say, "I'm interested 
in anthropology," and you can kind of search for   whatever you want, and then that aggregates 
stuff that people have talked — that are   talking about anthropology, so then you kind of 
get a digest.

So it's almost like hacking social   media a little bit to see how to find topics 
around things that you're interested in, and   something else that I imagine Daniel has done, 
too, is that, when you follow a certain person,   Twitter then suggests other people that are like 
them, and that's one way to then just take notes   of why is Twitter suggesting these other people 
to follow or another, if you click on a company,   I say, I like IDO, or the American Anthropological 
Association, it'll suggest that you also follow   NAPA, for example, right? So taking notes of how 
it suggests things to you tells you a little bit   about what the algorithm thinks you're into, and 
that's another way to then, you know, get a sense   of how to more strategically do it, but yeah, 
agreed. We feel your pain. It is — it's a lot.   So aggregators are helpful, and then obviously, 
like, putting your interest into the algorithm,   and then it'll help kind of refine what 
it is that's helpful to pay attention to.  >> DANIEL: This is Daniel again. Thanks for that.
I think, you know, thinking about Twitter and the   challenges engaging in Twitter, it — it feels 
very Democratic in the way that on LinkedIn people   lead with their professional status.

You might 
feel nervous talking to someone who's very much   more senior, but on Twitter, a lot of that is 
very flattened, for better and worse. You know,   you'll have people just random anyone coming 
up and questioning your expertise unprompted,   but also, you know, in my personal case, I got 
within sniffing distance of two different postdocs   entirely through Twitter, which is a story I 
can share another time if anyone's interested.  And I think what that speaks to this is a point 
that came up in the chat that Keith Kellersohn   raised, and I'm naming him by name because he was 
a presenter on an earlier one of these webinars   here. He says, "Being visible is important. 
No time to be self-conscious. Just do it."   And it requires, I think, that kind of putting 
yourself out there to be able to make a best use   of some of these platforms, but that speaks to 
another concern that I'm hearing from a lot of   people in the chat. For example, one person said, 
"Can you give me some examples of the — how not   to reach out to people?" When people have 
tried reaching out to you, and they really   failed at it.

It speaks to a fear, right, that 
if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it wrong,   and maybe it'll be worse than if I had never tried 
at all. I'll give people a bad impression of me.   Someone else asks, "How do employers evaluate 
the social media presence of job applicants?"   And so there's a sense that, you know, people 
are going to Facebook stalk you when you apply   for a job, and they'll turn up all sorts of seedy 
things from your past that you rather them not   know about, which if you're going to be engaged in 
these online spaces at all is — I don't know how   different people use these different platforms, 
but that feels like a legitimate concern.  So I guess there's a lot of, nervousness around 
doing it right.

Making a good impression. Making   sure that you don't embarrass yourself in front 
of people that you don't even know are listening.   So if you would have any advice either 
for handling those or just for getting   over the fear that you might do those things.
>> INGRID: I can speak to that because I've   been rejected so many times. Yes, rejection, it's 
going to happen. And it's okay. And I think that's   one of the great things about social media is 
that there's different levels of permanency.   Different levels of the pain of rejection, and 
other times you can actually be anonymous as well.  So for example, I also really love Reddit like 
Adam because I created a professional account   to follow professional things, and 
people don't really know who I am,   but I'm engaging and asking questions a 
little more freely than I would, and I get   an answer, questions that the other people pose as 

So that's one very low stakes, anonymous way   of getting very personalized conversation going, 
are the Reddit subthreads, and I really love that.  Now, with Twitter, yeah, you might be able to 
say something that someone may not agree with,   and again the sense that I'm 
taking, I think maybe Adam as well,   for this presentation is that 
you're engaging professionally.  So don't say something that you would be 
embarrassed about later. Don't say something you   don't feel 100% confident or sure about. Don't be 
too incredibly controversial is my point of view,   engage with respect, and if you say something 
and someone else doesn't like it, it's okay,   because in three or four days, that Twitter will 
be, you know, that Tweet will be who knows where   in the, you know, timeline of things.

So it's 
also not — the stakes aren't so heavy with that.  I think the stakes are a little bit heavier 
with LinkedIn because people engage with a   greater level of professionality on LinkedIn, 
but even then, I would say share something that   defines you professionally, and that should keep 
you from sharing things that might make you feel   embarrassed or judged.
So I think get rid of the fear because the   sense of empowerment that you get from engaging 
is going to just kind of offset that. Like don't   get anxious, get empowered. And it's okay if 
people don't like everything you say. It's fine,   and it's okay if you reach out to 
people, and they don't message you back.  That's happened to me so many times, but 
eventually something will give, and you'll see   that, you, like you just said, you know, you got 
to two post-docs just exclusively through Twitter,   and even just yesterday, someone messaged me 
because I congratulated them on a new position   on LinkedIn, and I haven't met this person in 
real life, and they told me, "Hey, if you see any   careers that you want on Instagram, let me know."
So effectively saying, like, "I can give you an   employer [indiscernible]".

So those things are 
getting me closer to people and things — in   positions that I'm interested in. Yes, there's 
a risk of the negative side effects of rejection   or people not liking what you say, but I think, 
again, the trade off is worth it for what you   can get out of it, which is more genuine 
professional engagement. So don't be scared,   be wise, but do it is my final word.
>> ADAM: Well said, Ingrid.

This is   Adam jumping in here real quick. I actually 
— I'm also gonna note I'm just looking at   the chat while we're talking too, and Keith 
Kellersohn, once again, said something that's   helpful in this space — just to drop in that 
I was thinking the same thought, and that is,   that if you're like nervousness is normal, right? 
And it's kind of — it feels a bit like anxiety   provoking to try to reach out and maybe put some 
ideas out there in a professional context, if   you're not sure what that looks like, but I want 
to echo Keith's idea. Here to I was thinking this   same thought that any company or hiring manager or 
recruiter that is going to be really judgmental,   you should ask yourself if that's even the 
kind of place or culture you want to work in,   and so that is actually if you think about 
it, that's actually part of your research   process. Like, if you find that you're nervous 
about a company because they seem super stiff,   or they seem like they're not — they don't 
have a lot of leeway, or they seem almost,   I mean, unfun, as its own way of thinking 
about it, too.

Ask yourself if that's a place   that you want to work. If you're already 
nervous about talking with them because of   they seem a certain way, think about that, right?
And — I — that's not like the only thing   you should do, of course, but 
that's — this is something   that I have thought about for years, too.
I, similar to Ingrid, I mean, I've been more   or less on the job market for two-ish years. I've 
been working for myself, kind of self-employed,   and I recently picked up, more or less, 
a full-time job a few months ago. So I   understand what it's like to be 
on that job market continuously,   and also just, what it means to hustle for work, 
you know, for yourself. And, uh, a lot of it is   really this idea of you will get comfortable 
the more you kind of put yourself out there,   and one thing or one specific strategy that I have 
done that feels better whenever — if — if I'm   not sure how I should communicate, or whether it's 
worthwhile reaching out — actually, I'll give   you two things: one is that engage respectfully, 
like Ingrid said, but also just engage positively.   You know, start with saying, "I really loved what 
the point you made about X." Right? Use it as a   complimentary space to, you know, help that person 
that you read their work or read what they're   talking about and that you agree and think it's 
an interesting idea.

I wouldn't start off with a,   you know, "I disagree with you. I think this is 
a bad idea." You can do that, but it's kind of   easier to start off in a complimentary and a, 
you know, again, always being respectful space,   and it helps the other person then think, "Oh, 
cool! This person is paying attention, and we're   kind of in some level of agreement." It creates 
a positive association, which is a nice thing.   The second thing I'll just point 
out real quick is that if you're   asking or if you're reaching out for 
somebody and asking them for something,   it is important to consider one, 
asking them a specific question.   Just kind of saying, "I need help with my job 
search" doesn't — it doesn't help anybody cause   again, if you think you're time crunched with the 
social media strategy — that's true cause a lot   of us are — imagine then how the other person is 
gonna feel when you're saying, "I just need help   in general." How are they going to help you in any 
— any easy way, right? It makes a lot of work or   a lot burden on them to do something for you. 
So think very specifically what it is that you   want help with, or what you're trying to figure 
out, and so come up with one specific question:   "I'm working on my resume, and I'm not sure 
if this line is very clear about what I'm   looking for for my career.

My goal is to say this. 
Here's what I've written. Does this make sense?"  Something very specific like that then doesn't 
require a lot of time on the other person's part   to then give their wisdom, right? So think about 
how to ask a very specific questions in that case.  And then with that, too, just realize that 
sometimes when we're asking for advice or help   or reaching out to people, what we're actually 
doing is asking them to do something that they   would get paid for, and that's totally fine. 
But realizing sometimes people don't respond   because you're actually asking them to do what 
they do for work, and if you're saying, "Hey,   can you look at this thing for free or help 
me with this for free?" They may not respond,   and it's not because they don't care or they don't 
want to help, but there is just a recognition   that like what they do for work is actually what 
you're asking them to do, but you're not saying,   "I want to hire you for this." So just consider, 
too, what it is that you're asking people to do   when you're trying to reach out and get advice or 

And now, I do want to caveat this by   saying I know this is separate than like jumping 
in a conversation on Reddit, but this is going   to be part of it. As you get to know people and 
put your ideas out there, you may ask for advice,   and we all should do that. We should be looking 
out for mentors and people that we can look up to   and talk with, get information from, but just 
being aware of asking specific questions that   they can answer, you know, without doing a huge 
amount of work on their part, and then obviously   that work can increase as you spend more time with 
them, and then secondarily just being aware of,   if you're asking them to do work for free. 
That is just something that — that we have   to think about.

I'll leave it at that.
>> INGRID: Can I add something to that,   Adam, if you don't mind?
>> So I think in terms of reaching out to people,   something I realized and that kind of warmed my 
heart is that there are — there's like a loose   community of academics out in industry, and I 
found that we really have a love for each other,   so that I sometimes specifically find people 
who have PhDs in social science or humanities,   and then I message them, and it may be to 
just say, like, "Hey, I see that you have   this experience. I love seeing anthros in the 
wild" — whatever, and "Can I connect with you?",   and usually it's — I get just such positive 
reception across the board from people, and I   think it's because there's a shared experience 
of leaving this space and going somewhere else   that creates this sense of community, and I have 
had people be so generous with their time with me,   and I usually ask for a 15 -inute, like, 

Focused around a very specific   topic, and it's never, "Hi, can you give me a job 
or employee referral?" Because that's a little too   on the nose, but it's usually along the lines of, 
"Hey, I see you doing this work, and, you know,   I'm trying to get more equipped in you know qual 
— quantitative methods. Can I have 15 minutes of   your time?" or something like that, and sure, most 
people don't say "Yes," but enough people say yes   to where I've had a lot of conversations 
with people I've never met in real life,   and it's been really great.

So I also suggest 
finding people who have some kind of PhD related   to your field or research interest and connect 
with them on that basis, on that commonality,   and start finding that community of people who 
live out in industry but have an academic soul.  So find us, and, you know, connect to us, 
and it's a vast network, and it's really   exciting, so don't be afraid to reach out.
>> DANIEL: There was a request in the chat   for a story, a specific example of how you can get 
a job using just connections, and so, I hate to do   this as the moderator, but if you'll indulge me, 
I can briefly tell my story of the two postdocs.   It's, it's — I know the spirit of this 
webinar is meant to be about people looking for   transitioning outside of academia, but my 
story is really smallest possible transition   of what it would have been if I had got these 

It would have been a transition from a   PhD in linguistics to a postdoc in a school 
of education. Jumping fields is a smaller   jump than jumping out of academia altogether, 
but I think it's a similar kind of networking   that can take place to get you there. In my 
case, the dissertation I was writing was about   interaction and mathematics education, and so 
I was doing a sort of para-ethnographic work,   if you can call it that, by finding progressive 
math educators on Twitter and following them to   see what they were talking about in the field, and 
it gave me some really great examples, expanded   my thinking of what's possible in math education 
in ways that were useful for my research program   at the time, that I don't need to get into right 

The point is that I got to know people, and   I would engage with them in these conversations 
on Twitter, and I would say, you know, um, "It  sounds like you're doing this and that. It 
feels really ethnographic. I'm trained in that.   I do a lot of discourse analysis. Here's what that 
might add to it." And we were just having these   conversations online and like sharing
perspectives, sharing references,   and that kind of thing, um, and so one 
of these people that I was connected with  is a professor in the 
education school at Vanderbilt,   and she just tweeted one day, "There are — 
applications are open for the doctoral symposium   that comes in advance of the International 
Conference of the Learning Sciences."  And I was like, "Well, I've never heard 
of this conference, but I'm at the right   stage of my career.

I should check it out"
I did check it out. I got funded to go to   the conference. I went it was really cool. 
I got to read — meet a lot of people who   are not anthropologists, didn't go 
to the conferences I was going to,   but I was citing a lot of their work, and 
while I was there, I also happened to meet   someone who was the PhD advisor of another person 
that I met on Twitter as a contact from someone I   know through non-academic, you know, like, three 
degrees of separation to these people, but we   ended up hanging out, and um, long story short 
— too late — they ended up collaborating with   me on an NSF grant for a postdoc, which we went 
through two rounds of the funding cycle on that,   and the NSF didn't see fit to pay us for that, 
um but if they had, then I wouldn't be where I am   right now, so I have no regrets.

The point being 
that that came about entirely through Twitter.   Um the other — the other postdoc is this same 
professor at Vanderbilt said at one point, "Oh,   I've got a grant coming in, and we need 
someone who does discourse analysis."   And I said, "Ufortunately, I'm not free to move to 
Nashville, but if I had been at a different place   in my personal life and had a different family 
situation, that might have been an option for   m. So both of these are examples of the kind 
of thing that can happen through social media   that feed back into your professional world, 
but also expand your horizons in ways that can   be really productive. So uh thanks for that. 
Thanks for that point of personal privilege.   We've got, I guess, just a moment to wrap-up 
so I just wanted to ask if there are any   final thoughts from our presenters, and 
then we can turn it back over to the   original moderator.
>>   INGRID: Sure.

I'll speak. So my final thoughts 
are: get excited. I know there's a lot of anxiety   and angst and fear around the job market, 
especially during this time. I completely   acknowledge that, and if it makes anyone feel 
better, I'm gonna be on the job market next year,   but I — I say get excited because my experience 
as an anthro out in the real world is one:   people really love anthropologists. I — they 
don't always know what we do, but people have   a very positive kind of schematic image about 
anthropologists and social scientists really out   in industry. So just know that people do like us 
out there. I would say tone down a little bit of   the kind of behavioral attitudes that are maybe 
unhealthy that we learned in academia. It's   not about being the smartest person or using the 
most obscure academic jargon and pointing out how   you know you've read or done so much. It's really 
about what you can offer and what you can do,   so I think there's a little bit of an 
identity shift that should also happen   that applying these methods in this presentation 
kind of helps you achieve, because it's more about   the value and what you bring than your academic 

So don't rely on your accolades.   Rely on your knowledge and all the methods and 
the things you learn through using the methods   in this presentation, and I can assure you that 
you're going to have just a much better quality   experience on the job market if you do these 
things. If you work and think strategically,   engage with respect and intentionality, and 
really have agency and invest in yourself as a   professional with an identity to build, that 
will yield a much positive experience, and I   say this as someone who did it completely wrong 
and really failed, and then finally wisend up,   and then did it right, and now, I feel so much 
more empowered to be on the job market next year.   So invest in yourself. Try these 
methods. Reach out to us on LinkedIn,   and I think you're going to be — you're going 
to find a better experience so, be excited!  That's my last word.
>> NAZIA:   Thank you so much, Ingrid and Adam, for a 
wonderful presentation.

Here is a summary slide of   what our wonderful presenters have told us today.
Be strategic about the job market by using an   anthropological approach to 
understand different fields.  Use digital platforms as part of your job 
market strategy to find positions, learn   about field values, engage with thought leaders, 
increase your network, connect with prospective   employers, and share a professional identity.
And three: harness digital platforms to increase   confidence and success.
Next slide, please.  As some closing remarks, uh, please 
complete your evaluation of this webinar.   It will be emailed to you. You may see the 
postings of this — this webinar on the   AAA website. Again, number one, you will 
see the career webinar recordings there.   Number two, the powerpoint slide decks will be 
available for you. Number three, a list of all   the resources our presenters have shared for you. 
And number four, answers to all of your questions.  Please stay on the lookout for 
more career-related offerings.   Online workshops are coming early in December.
Next slide, please.  As you can see, this was "Deep Hanging 
Out…Digitally: Social Media Strategies   for the Contemporary Job Market," and coming 
in December 2020, we have some amazing   webinars lined up: "Breaking into Design: A 
Workshop," "Setting Up Your Own Online Business,"   and "Communicating your Research to the Public." 
So please be on the lookout for these webinars.  Thank you so much.

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