sell to your list differently at this point you
have turned social media traffic into list members congratulate yourself you've managed to do
something the vast majority of social media marketers cannot do or worse yet don't even
think about doing it's quite an accomplishment unfortunately even at this point it's still too
easy to drop the ball in fact a lot of people who have mailing lists stay with one mailing list they
think that as long as people who visit their blog sign up to their mailing list they're good
well at a certain level they're correct a certain percentage of those list members will buy
affiliate products that you promote on your list a certain fraction of your mailing
list will buy your original products some may even visit your online store and buy
merchandise but the problem here is that if you accept this scenario you are settling for cents
on the dollar you really are don't you want to maximize the value of all your hard work focus and
energy you invested in your venture when you want to maximize your return on effort if you want
to get maximum results from your mailing list you have to sell your list differently there are
really no two ways about it every other approach would lead to at best mediocre results or at worst
no results at all keep the following tips in mind use different content on your list when people
join your mailing list chances are they join because they got exposed to some of your content
they already know what you talk about they are already familiar with the quality of your
content they understand the themes that you focus on that's why it doesn't make any sense for
you to feature the same exact content on your list sure you may make some changes you might change
the title you might even switch things around but people aren't dumb they can see right through
that they can see that you are recycling content and feeding them stuff that they have probably
seen before do you think this kind of practice builds confidence do you believe that doing
things this way will build trust of course not you have to use different content what kind of
content will you have to use well first of all you already know what your most popular pieces of
content are start with these no i'm not talking about republishing them i'm talking about
analyzing them and seeing where the gaps are are there any questions that are left unanswered
are there any questions that were raised by the answers that you gave in those popular pieces
of content these should be enough to get your mind going as to the kind of finely tuned
high-value content that you're going to be sharing on your list remember your updates
are the ultimate reward to your list members sure you may have positioned your squeeze page
to reward subscribers with a premium but once they download it at premium they really have no
other incentive to keep reading your emails do you see how that works so do yourself a big favor
and make sure that the update content you send is the reward that's how you get people to open your
emails and read your materials over and over again reward them for being on your list don't drop your
guard don't take it easy don't give in to laziness this is your time to rise and shine everything
else that happened before this was just a dress rehearsal this is it this is where the rubber
meets the road and you better perform use premium content if you really want to hit the ball out of
the park with your mailing list send updates that really highlight how original the content is how
do you do this use social proof for case studies these are testimonials of people that have
taken your advice or who have experienced certain things that you talk about when people
read these stories they can't help but be engaged they can't help but be absorbed into
the narrative these people sharing their testimonies are real flesh and blood human
beings with real problems that your readers can relate to that's the kind of compelling content
that will take your list to a whole other level why most of your competitors are just recycling
their stuff sure they're recycling their best stuff because that material is tried and
proven but they're not really distinguishing themselves they're not really doing their
brand any favors by taking the easy way out you have to commit to doing things differently
this is how you build loyalty around your content remember when you're running a mailing list your
content is composed of the emails you send out no more no less upsell upsell upsell i can't say the
word upsell enough if you want your list to make money you have to upsell now you don't have to
be a hero you don't have to overdo this you don't have to come off like some sort of super salesman
if you're like most people you know how annoying pushy sales people are you probably will push back
you will probably tune them out and unsubscribe i can't say i blame you that's how most normal
people respond to pushy salespeople by upsell i am just telling you to send content that highlights
a problem and a solution that's all upselling is you remind people of their range of problems
and you remind them of certain solutions to them now of course just like with most things
in life there are good solutions and even better ones your job is to send email updates that
get people excited about finding a solution and laying out common solutions that are good but
are not the best what you're doing here is you're drawing their attention to the very best solution
to their problems for example if you run a social media marketing mailing list you can tell people
that creating picture quotes and videos from pictures is a great solution to their original
content needs but an even better solution would be to automate these materials where people
just click on images and all of a sudden a video is created it saves a tremendous amount
of time effort energy and most importantly the created video would then automatically be
uploaded to their social media accounts that's the kind of distinction between good enough
solutions and obviously superior solutions that's how you upsell people to your list you're
still providing value you're still answering their questions you're still addressing their
needs but you're laying out a range of options they can try to do things on their own or try to
do things the way most people handle the problem or they can try something else when they look
at that something else that's when you sell your affiliate product your original product or
your service regardless of how you do it you need to upsell upsell upsell i wish i could tell you
that this was easy i wish i could tell you that this is just a simple matter of laying out some
alternatives and then playing up the best solution the best solution of course pays you a commission
and you make money off each sale unfortunately it's not that easy and it's not that simple here's
the reason when people join your mailing list they actually have different motivations some
people are there because they just want to get the freebie but they're too lazy to unsubscribe
you cannot really get rid of these people these people don't open your emails they cannot
be bothered with reading your emails they really don't do you much good in fact they can harm you
because if there's enough of these list squatters on your list your mailing list provider will
charge you more money at the end of every month you have to actively filter out your list based on
open rates so you can get rid of these individuals again you cannot eliminate them entirely but
you can minimize their numbers other people are initially excited about your mailing list but
for some reason they stopped reading your emails even others constantly check your emails and they
really love what you have to share but the problem is they feel that your premium offers are simply
too expensive now let me clue you in on a secret when somebody tells you that whatever you're
offering is too expensive or too unaffordable what they're really trying to say is that
you haven't completely sold them on it yet alternatively you haven't completely filtered them
yet either they're not motivated enough or you did not give them enough reasons to be motivated
regardless they're still on the fence you need to push them off the fence expert sales people
know this because in the big scheme of things there's no such thing as unaffordable if you
talk to somebody and you convince that person that they absolutely need to buy your product
there's really no difference between a 10 product and a thousand dollar product they will
get that product because you have elevated their perception of that product to the realm of need
people take care of their needs first their wants are often left at the back burner i hope you
understand this i hope you get this it's not because your affiliate product is too expensive
in absolute terms instead it's because you have failed to either qualify the prospect or make your
case and this is why simply upselling by itself is not going to work you have to take the
next step which i'm going to describe below use the one dollar list filtration method you
have to filter your list members into two groups interested people and interested people who
buy these are two totally different groups of people now please understand that just because
people open your emails religiously it doesn't necessarily mean that they would buy from you like
i said above maybe you did not present your case properly maybe you did not qualify them properly
this one dollar list filtration technique that i'm going to teach you enables you to filter your list
members properly what you would do is instead of trying to upsell people to 1995 34.95 or fifty
349.50 or any other similarly priced products everything that you're going to be selling on
your general list will be priced one dollar no more no less by general list i'm talking about
the list all people who sign up to your mailing list get on this is your default list i want you
to treat this general list as your starting list this is kinda like the vast unfiltered generic
mass of people who are interested in your brand when you upsell people using one dollar offers
you enable people to segregate themselves based on their motivations these are people who are
motivated enough to spend one dollar in other words they see the value in your content and they
are willing to put their money where their mouth is now here's the secret there's really very
little distance between paying one dollar for something and paying one hundred dollars for
something this is a lesson i learned firsthand when i first tried this i thought the only people
that will get on my dollar list are cheapskates these are misers in the back of my mind i
thought that they're just not going to buy big ticket items boy was i proven wrong if
somebody is able to psychologically hurdle the distance between zero and one they can
given enough exposure and enough content hurdle the difference between one dollar and
one hundred dollars this is not theory nor is it speculation i see this all the time with my own
two eyes your job is to filter your general list you're basically telling people when you run
these one dollar offers to prove to you whether they are just interested or truly interested
this is a self-segregating mechanism use it people who sign up for your general
list are interested in quality content that's what they're there for but only a fraction
of them would actually be willing to pay money you make your money off this golden fraction
you use your buyers list to make real money again you have to sell your list differently this
applies to your two types of mailing lists as well your general list they get quality information
that is distinctive like social proof and case studies along with upsell messages your buyers
list on the other hand it's more in-depth material with higher value upsells again if
somebody's willing to go from zero to one dollar you have a tremendous opportunity to get that
person to go from one dollar to one hundred one thousand dollars or whatever amount
you want now keep in mind that the higher the dollar value the lower the conversion
rate but you get the point you have to get people to segregate themselves based on their
readiness willingness and eagerness to buy and since one dollar is essentially friction free
this list filtration method works like a charm