Okay, so from the title of this video, you're
probably wondering ummmm, I thought creating content calendars is what people advise. But in
this video, I'm gonna explain exactly what I mean by saying that you should stop using content
calendar, and I'll tell you what you need to do in order to create value-added content that leaves
an impact and generates qualified leads. So hi everybody, welcome back to my channel my name is
Laura and I am a content marketing specialist and I help content creators effectively communicate
the value through content writing that leaves an impact and generates leads. So before I go ahead,
please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you are notified whenever I
put out a new video, every single Wednesday. So, when I say content calendars is a no-no, what
I'm talking about is the pre-made generic content calendars that people tend to purchase or download
from the internet to use as content prompts for their own businesses.
So I'm sorry to break it
to you but these content calendars do not work, especially for high ticket offers and high ticket
offers, are offers that are above $1,000. When I started my business, I purchased a lot of content
calendars because I was horrible at writing, and I was really really confused when it came
to me finding content ideas and content topics to put out content for my own services.
But as time went on and I got rid of these content calendars and focused more on putting
out content organically from my own story, my own journey, and my own experiences,
I realized that I started attracting more qualified clients. So let's get into it, and
I'm first going to talk about three reasons why you should get rid of your content calendars
And the very first reason is because they're generic and you cannot stand out using
these pre-made content calendars. So these content calendars do not target a specific audience.
They are made pretty much for all businesses right . They are not made for a specific target
audience, for a specific type of business, but just content prompts for you to use when you
kind of lack content ideas, or to help you with regards to coming up with content for your own
business. So it's a general content calendar, it's not specific to your business.
And as a
result of that, you cannot stand out, it is just impossible for you to stand out with this kind
of content. You're basically putting out the same kind of content as every other person that
purchased this content calendar, so you cannot stand out. It doesn't come from you,, it's not
authentic right it's not from your story or from your own experience. It's just something that
you're regurgitating because someone asked you to put out this particular content piece on this
particular day. So it is impossible for you to convert with this kind of content, it is
impossible for you to stand out with this kind of content because you are not talking to
any specific person, you are not talking to your own ideal clients, you're not talking to people
that you want to work with.
The second reason why you want to get rid of your content calendars
is because it doesn't go deep to address specific issues that your ideal clients are facing, and
because these content calendars are generic, you only put out content that is very surface level
at best, or content that really has nothing to do with the people that you're trying to attract, or
with the people that you're trying to work with. And again this is because this
content calendars are created with no specific audience in mind. They
are created for the general public, and if something is targeting everybody and targeting
everyone on the internet, then you can hardly ever grab someone's attention with that kind of
content. So to attract your own ideal clients, to attract the people that you want to serve the
people that you want to work with, you have to go deep into your ideal clients struggles.
You have
to target specific issues that your ideal clients are facing, specific issues that the people you
want to work with are facing this is something that you really need to think about. Who are
these people that you want to work with? What are some of the issues that they are facing?
What you want to do is you want to actually go deep into that rather than putting out content
from this content calendars that you purchased, which really does not speak to the people that
you're trying to attract.
And the third reason why you want to get rid of your content calendars,
is because what it does is it attracts information seekers rather than transformation seekers.
Now information seekers are people who are just looking for information. They are not necessarily
looking to purchase, to make an investment, to buy from you right. These are people who just want
information. They are just scouring the internet, looking for information, and those are the kind of
people that you attract with this kind of content, or even worse, you're gonna just attract random
people who really are not interested in anything that you're talking about, who maybe just want to
sell to you.
So the more targeted your content, the more qualified leads you attract, who
are actually looking for a transformation. Now transformation seekers are people who have a
specific end goal in mind. They are looking for a specific transformation, and these people are
the people that are more interested and more open to invest. Those are the people that you want to
target, those are the people that your content should speak to. So you want to attract
transformation seekers because they understand value, and they know what they're looking for,
and if you put out content that addresses what they are struggling with and what it is that they
are looking for, content that addresses their specific outcome, this builds curiosity it builds
interest and it builds demand for your services, and unfortunately generic content calendars
just does not achieve that.
Now please share with me in the comments, what is your own
experience with content calendars? Do you purchase content calendars? Do you use them? Is
that something you're using at this moment with regards to putting out content online? Please
share that in the comments. Maybe your own experience is different from mine. I would love to
know your experience with this content calendars. So we've talked about three reasons why you should
stop using generic content calendars, now we're going to go ahead and talk about what you should
do instead.
So the first thing you want to do is you want to do your research. You want to know the
people that you're serving. You want to understand your ideal clients, you want to understand
the specific audience, the specific market that you're targeting right. This is the very
very basic of your marketing and unfortunately, as basic as it is, it's really hard for you to
come to that particular point where you really know and understand the people that you want
to serve.
It is a continuous learning process and it's something that you need to always be
willing and consistently doing every single time in order to get a better understanding of
the people that you want to serve and how they evolve because they are going to evolve as you
evolve. Now, the second thing you want to do is just create your own content calendar. Have
your own process, have your own content strategy where you are creating content that targets the
specific audience.
Again it ties to the very first point with you knowing who it is that you want to
target. If you do not know those people then you will not be able to create a content calendar
or content strategy that is meant to help this particular person. So once you've known who your
audience is then you are going to come up with your own content calendar and content strategy
that actually targets this particular people. So yes, you might get less views less engagement
less likes, you might get less vanity matrix altogether, however the few engagements
that you have is going to be more meaningful than the engagement you're getting from people
who really do not care about what it is that you do.
They're just there to tell you, oh thank
you for sharing, I love this, or just give you a like. But if you stop putting out this content
or putting out content specific to your audience, creating your own content calendar, you are going
to start having more meaningful conversations in your DMs because this content you're putting out
speaks specifically to this audience. They can relate with that and they can connect with that,
which actually leads to meaningful conversations, which leads to better conversions. So you need to
focus less on the vanity metrics and focus more on the meaningful conversations that you have in
the comments section and in the DMs, because those are the conversations that lead to better content
ideas and actually the conversations that lead to more conversions. The next thing you want to do
is you want to create content from your story, from your journey, and from your experiences. You
do not need to come up with a new concept.
When people talk about you standing out, you putting
out content that stands out, it's not about coming up with something new because that is very very
unlikely to happen right. But it's by yo using the same concepts, this thing that people are already
talking about and giving your own perspective to that. You're not copying from others, you're not
regurgitating what any other person is saying, but you are putting out content from your
own perspective, from your own journey, and your own experience, and your own story,
because your story and your experience is unique to you. You cannot have the same experience with
someone else, you can have a similar experience but it's really never the same. So the way you
are able to articulate that and to connect with other people is different from the next person
in your niche, the next person in your market. So you have to focus on how you can use your own
journey, and your own experiences, and your own story, to really connect with your ideal clients
and create content that is going to help them get to a specific outcome, because your own experience
might just be what someone needs to build that connection and that trust with you.
So what you
need to focus on doing and what you really need to understand with regards to content, is that
you want to use your own journey, your own story, and your own experiences, to bring a whole new
perspective to an already really popular topic. So you want to avoid only doing how-to content
content that talks about how to do this how to get that, how to get to the specific outcome. You
want to avoid doing only that kind of content. But you want to go deep into specific issues your
ideal client is actually facing. So I'm going to give you an example right, the reason why
I am talking about this particular topic today is because from my research, I realized that a lot
of content creators, social media managers, VA's, coaches, website designers a lot of them keep
putting out the same kind of boring topics, or the same kind of boring content – why you need a VA,
when you know you need to hire a VA, who is a VA, why you need a website right, all those kind of
content topics that everybody is putting out and you can simply just google to find the answer to
what you're looking for.
So this kind of content does not convert. What it does is it only attracts
information seekers and people who at best want one-time jobs who actually do not pay very well,
and it really doesn't attract those quality or qualified clients who are more consistent and
who actually find the value in what you have to offer. So from my research I realized that a lot
of people are putting out this kind of boring content, which really doesn't convert, and I
realized that a lot of them are using content calendars because again, on this content calendars
they tell them to put out the same kind of content on this particular day right. So this topic
today and a lot of the content that I put out, is simply generated from interactions that I
have with my ideal clients on a day-to-day basis. So this goes deeper into this specific issue
that I know that my ideal clients are facing which is the fact that they are using content
calendars, and this doesn't really help them stand out with regards to their marketing and
their content online.
So if you want to attract premium high ticket qualified leads, you need to
market yourself and put out content that attracts the kind of leads or the quality of clients
that you want to attract. And like I always say, the quality of your content or the quality of
your marketing, determines the quality of leads you attract. So this might seem a lot but don't
worry, I break it down even more in my four-step guide on how to create highly converting content.
This is in the description box below, so make sure you grab a copy before you leave, and do not
forget to share your light bulb moment from this video in the comment section. And lastly please
subscribe to the channel, hit the like button and also make sure you hit the notification bell
so you are reminded every time I put out a new video every single Wednesday. Thank you so much
for watching and I will see you in the next one..