So it's 2019 and you guys have probably
heard of maybe you haven't heard about how to start a social media marketing
agency or a digital marketing agency and guys what you have to understand is it
is huge it is an amazing business to be and because of the fact that I get to
work from home you can see I'm at home right now
in my basement I have an office set up all this my office setup right in here
and we just run marketing campaigns for businesses from home so I'm going to in
this video explain the step-by-step process everything you're going to want
to know not what everybody else tells you that you think you're going to want
to know about starting a marketing agency in this video so stay tuned here
we go welcome back everybody and thank you for joining me my name is Jordan
Steen also known as Cereal Entrepreneur and at this channel we talk all about
how to start a marketing agency how to build a personal brand online with the
YouTube or a blog really just how to build an online business so if you're
interested in any of those topics before we get started into the main content
make sure to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell on the
bottom right hand corner so you get updated with all of our giveaways our
free training like seriously we do so much for free here at this channel you
just need to subscribe now guys I get asked all the time number one how am I
making money online number two what are great ways to make money online and
number three what's a great way to build a profession or build a career rather in
today's day and really the answer is super simple there are tons of ways out
there obviously outside of doing a marketing agency or starting your own
agency but this is the one that I have found is the most lucrative because the
profit margins are so much higher you're able to work from home so the cost of
operation is so low to start it literally cost you maybe a thousand to
two thousand dollars in total that's including your education maybe getting
yourself a website some business cards your business name all of that set up
and it's going to get you going and on the road so that way you're making five
to ten thousand twenty thousand we have students making fifty thousand seventy
five thousand dollars per month in revenue for their agency alright and so
that's what I want to show you guys is what you really need to know we get into
this topic a lot and you guys probably have seen these types of videos all the
time but really people leave out some of the most important information when it
comes to starting a marketing agency and they leave out really the technical side
or they leave out the practical side where you actually have to know how to
implement the marketing campaigns you can't just like go into this business
only understanding the theoretical side and just outsourcing everything you do
need to understand the ins and outs and that's what I want to go through today
so that way you at least have a broader picture of what you need to know oh and PS
stay tuned to the end of this video and i'll show you guys how you can actually
get your marketing agency checklist we put together a checklist that shows you
all of the things that you're going to want to know pretty much everything we
covered in this video and more because we put in tools resources there's a
two-week training involved so guys it isn't all just hype you actually can
make from one business per month anywhere from a thousand to ten thousand
fifty thousand a hundred thousand dollars per month in revenue for their
marketing campaigns now obviously the businesses that are
spending a hundred thousand and fifty thousand dollars per month there are
very few of those right but they do exist and they are kinds of clients that
you can take advantage of I promise you they're not the the unicorn type of
client I promise this is possible so what I want to show you guys today
outside of you know understanding the marketing side of it you have to
understand the revenue side how the business is actually built how do you
actually make money off of this how do you build a team large enough to manage
a client that's spending ten thousand dollars per month right all right guys
so let's go ahead and break this down a little bit so you can see how the
revenue is actually generated to build a six-figure income all you guys have to
understand is you're charging anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand
dollars per month at the base rate right ten thousand is more your enterprise
style packages those are going to be medium to large style businesses the
$1,000 package is to like 2,500 3,000 those are going to be your small
businesses that are more local they have smaller budgets okay but all you have to
know is it takes roughly eight thousand dollars per month to make it's a little
over eight thousand dollars per month to make a hundred thousand dollars per year
so a hundred thousand dollars is actually
8333 dollars per month for 12 months to make a hundred thousand dollars in a
year all right so that's actually not that much when we break it down because
here's the best part guys most clients that we've taken on are spending an
average of $2,500 per month or more all right so anywhere between usually
our clients are between the 2,500 to 5,000 even actually today we've stopped
taking clients below 5,000 dollars per month and we only work with clients that
are five to ten thousand dollars per month
but let's say that the average is 2,500 well how many does it take to get to
2,500 well divided by 2500 you're looking at roughly three clients
well three clients are making seventy five hundred so three and a half but you
can't really have a half a client so we'll just say four clients at 2500
right but we could say that other client is you know it's instead of them being a
$2,500 package they're just a thousand dollar package right so you have 2,500
times 3 you got this guy times 1 you've got 7,500 you've got $8,500 right
here in revenue and that's just for clients guys there are businesses all
over the place that if you know how to get results we'll hire you to do this
kind of work why well let's think about it real estate agents make 3 percent off
of the sell of the sale of a home so let's say they sell a home at I don't
know 500 grand 10 percent of that would be 50 thousand so five percent it's
twenty-five thousand three percent is roughly twelve thousand dollars right
maybe fourteen thousand dollars so that's what I want you guys to see 14
thousand dollars in revenue for that agent for getting them one client do you
think they would have a problem with me basically selling for them and making
them fourteen thousand dollars off of one new client now obviously there's
expenses associated with that but that's still way out of the the price that
they're paying me three thousand four thousand dollars per month to manage
their marketing campaigns and that's just real estate attorneys spend even
more than that the automotive industry is spending hundreds of millions of
dollars every single month in digital marketing there are so many industries
out there that aren't even being tapped to because people don't know the
industry even exists or they just don't even think to go market for those kinds
of people for example dry cleaners nobody thinks
to manage a dry cleaner but they actually do need marketing just as much
as anybody else so that's a little bit about the revenue guys now let's look at
all of the things you're actually going to have to know to get the business
running right you got the math I just wanted to show you guys it's not
actually as far-fetched as it seems and people think Oh business isn't gonna pay
me $1,000 per month why would they not that trust me there are tons and tons of
businesses who don't want to manage Facebook Ads they don't want to build
websites they don't want to run email campaigns they just want to focus on
their business and go home at the end of the day and they want someone like you
to come in there who actually knows how to do it and that's gonna that's the key
that's gonna be the whole premise behind this videos for you guys to get how
important it is for you to find quality education and digital marketing let's go
ahead and jump into what you actually need to know about digital marketing and
building that kind of business because building a digital marketing business is
different than say building a real estate agency or a an attorney's office
for practice and doctors practice you know all of those things are different
and you build the business a different way and you have you're required to know
different things so let's look at what you actually have to know now guys the
first and most important thing that I can say that you guys need to do and I'm
gonna leave it up here on the board the whole rest of the time because it is the
most important your education if you do not get how important this is guys what
I'm saying is even if you don't take one of my courses what I'm trying to tell
you is take somebody else's course and when you go through that course do not
rush yourself do not try to blow through the videos so you can get out there and
start getting clients because you are hurting yourself more than you even
realize you will get up there get the client realize how unprepared you are
and then start struggling and then all the sudden you lose that client and they
leave you a bad review the education side of it is the side that nobody takes
seriously and that's why there are so many people that fail with their
marketing agency because they just go out and they just see the money coming
in but then they forget that they have to fulfill that marketing service and
actually make that customer happy otherwise they're not gonna be there in
three months right so this is the most important part in what do you actually
have to learn well you have to learn things like how to run a biz you have to
learn things like how to grow your team so outsourcing right you guys have heard
of that the third thing you need to know is also
probably how to sell right you have to actually know how to sell this service
for selling any other service because you if you don't understand how to sell
digital marketing simply to business owners that don't get it
then you're not going to land clients and that's a lot of the reason why
people fail but also outside of that you just need to know general rules and
techniques to selling and that's the thing a lot of people don't go through a
process to learn about overcoming objections and qualifying leads and that
there's somebody steps in the follow up process and we go through all of that
you know in all on our youtube channel and through our courses but either way
subscribe get it and of course something but that's what I'm trying to tell you
guys anyways number four is you have to learn
an acronym that I created called SWEPS alright and you guys will see what this
is so let me get down here S.W.E.P.S.
Alright SWEPS and what does
that stand for these are what I refer to as the core concepts to digital
marketing to social media marketing agency SMMA that you guys are familiar
with it's not actually SMMA it's a digital marketing agency or a marketing
agency but SMMA just means social media marketing agency we're talking about
digital marketing okay everything building an entire marketing agency not
just somebody who only does Facebook Ads but anyways guys SWEPS and what this
stands for is social media marketing web marketing and design email marketing and
automation pay-per-click which is Google ads Bing Yahoo YouTube ads and then SEO
which also stands for search engine optimization these are the core concepts
that people don't take the time to learn and how to actually apply them for
example we also have another concept I want to go through here really quickly
we'll go back into this oh and then I also like to say plus C because C and
its really CM and that stands for content marketing and that is building
quality content for your business for your clients whether that be through
blog content video content for Facebook for YouTube whatever the you know the
content channel might may be you need to understand how to actually create
quality content and so let's talk about you know some of the other concepts
we'll talk about SWEPS a little bit more here in a second and what you're
actually going to want to know and then talk about pricing and all of that but
before we do I want to go into the next step which is why people don't actually
understand how to apply SWEPS to their it to their agency and to their clients
marketing campaigns and it really comes down because they don't know another one
of my concepts called 3-step marketing I'm going to simplify this even more for
you guys you guys are gonna be like oh my god that's it because a lot of you
you've probably heard of digital marketing before or starting a marketing
agency some of you might be new to this which welcome but a lot of you are
probably familiar you just haven't seen the success you're looking for yet and
it usually comes down to this simple factor you don't understand 3-step
marketing first step is finding or building awareness sorry awareness you
have step two which is consideration and then finally you have conversion let
me ask you guys something you guys mostly deal with local clients
right local businesses well when you're looking for a service most local
businesses they're providing services most local businesses aren't selling
products right a restaurant kind of sells old they sell a product and the
grocery store sell product but pretty much every other business is a service
based business all right and so what do you do let me ask you a question what do
you do when you go to find a service in your area first thing you do is you go
on your phone you go to Google and you type in blah blah blah near me right or
where is this in this city right and that's what you start searching for so
the awareness stage the first step marketing aka cold traffic is all about
using SEO and PPC to drive traffic to the site and then what people are
actually doing is they're going out straight to Facebook and they're trying
to sell Facebook and Instagram campaigns as cold traffic right they're trying to
say hey mr.
Business owner you pay me $5,000 per month we'll just manage your
Facebook page we'll do all your cold traffic for me and that I'm not saying
that you can't get results that way but 90% of the time you're doing it wrong
because you're not driving traffic from the main traffic source which is Google
search engines and then you remarked it with Facebook Instagram YouTube email
those are the remarketing platforms YouTube and email and finally number
three is conversion where do people go once they actually you know they've seen
your product now you've remarketed to them now they finally want to buy well
that happens on the website right that's where they go and they sign up to come
in for an appointment or they send that email to set up a phone call or whatever
it is that your try that metric that you're
trying to convert them through that's where it happens at at the website so if
you don't have that third final piece of the puzzle done you're not gonna sell
them to begin with right so you have to understand this three-step marketing
process and that is what understanding SWEPS allows you to do and so that's
why it's important to really go through each one of those things individually
and try to at least get to an intermediate level of knowledge and
education and training before you ever start to take on a client in this white
90 percent of businesses and marketers go out there and fail in their first
year because they don't take the education seriously if you don't if you
didn't already know this was a saw a strong solid method for building a
marketing campaign for a local business which again 90 percent of you are gonna
work with that you shouldn't consider yourself ready to be marketing for other
businesses yet after you do that the next step is to get your business plan
together because before you even need to start worrying about a business you need
to understand the industry need to be able to technically work yourself
through how to run ads how to create content how to build email can all of
that stuff right once you get through that then you need to start making your
business plans so we'll just write that up here this plan and what does that
consist of things like your LLC or your business license your EIN so that's your
tax identification number you need your name right you need a website the next
two for the business plan are also going to be super important and that is
picking your service offering so your services and the next thing is going to
be picking your niche so we're just gonna write niche up here okay so you
need to know what services you're gonna provide you don't have to provide every
single digital marketing service I personally recommend it because it makes
you that one-stop-shop for businesses which they really like but you don't
have to you can just do you know if you wanted to start with just web
development because you already have some experience there then just start there
but you know and actually you can even do really well at that niching yourself
into just being a web development company and that's all you do and then
you scale in other products and services later right and then the next thing is
your niche I recommend picking at least 2 to 3 now I used to say 1 but I
actually kind of like the 2 to 3 range and the reason why is because not every
niche is always going to have a ton of availability I guess for potential
customers in your immediate area right so you might have to do some traveling
to go get those other kinds of clients so it's nice to have that backup niche
to say okay I've kind of done six months of hitting these people really really
hard so I'm gonna switch over to this niche and try and take some more clients
on in this niche and then we'll come back to that my you know primary niche
in another six months so that way you give them some time to you know look
through stuff and throughout that process you're following up but that way
you actually have consistent flow of potential clients coming in okay so
that's the business plan now let's talk about pricing right we got to talk about
pricing and I can't okay I want you guys to understand something very clearly
here when it comes to pricing services you have to understand that not
everything is just cookie cutter packaged a lot of people like to do it
that way and you can choose to do it that way if you like where you set you
know we'll do this many facebook posts we'll do this many ads at this level you
can do it like that if you want I personally like to kind of customize my
packages each time so that way I'm making sure I'm getting that business
owner the best result but the package pricing also works very well for people
who are new to the industry so if you're new I do recommend going with package
pricing and just kind of setting some base rates so that way you know what to
charge you know about how many hours you're gonna work and it's consistent
right that's the biggest thing that people struggle with in the beginning is
getting consistency in their pricing their packages and the service offering
so set something up but basically you're going to start off with a $999 so from
four thousand to about ten thousand that's considered your enterprise level
so you could actually put ten thousand on here and that's gonna be your entire
enterprise level anything between these two packages right here and then that's
where you basically give them pretty much every single service that you can
offer but not really because they do need to spend a little more to get
really the full shebang really it's about ten thousand to fifteen thousand
dollars to get that price or to get those types of services but those are
the good kind of clients anyways let's get into that so this also does not
include any ad spend a lot of people like to they go well that includes you
know Facebook ads but know that is where you add five hundred dollars on top you
know a thousand dollars on top of that actual budget and then you you can
either work this pricing out to where you assess your ad management fee into
this or you'll need to add it on top as well so you'll say plus 300 for ad spend
that's why I like to just include this in here and work that price into
your base package but basically these this money over here goes into Facebook
ads Instagram ads YouTube ads this money right here is what they pay you and you
take home to your agency and then you pay outsourcing or you pay for labor
from people who are on platforms like upwork freelancer blah blah and you
actually have them fulfill the work for you you create the high level strategy
to many people and this is one of the things where it's important to take
education courses because we teach you you do not need to be sitting there
writing Facebook posts and creating images and shooting the video and
editing the video that is not a cash producing activity guys a CPA if you are
not working on your CPAs you're not building your business okay so you have
to understand that outsourcing is super important so let's talk about that
really quick so now that you kind of understand the business model the
revenue model how to price your services you also need to start understanding how
to build your team and again as soon as you take on your first client I
recommend outsourcing like then I recommend going out immediately and at
least hire you like someone to schedule your posts for you that alone will save
and free up your time so you can focus more on selling and landing
more clients but you have to build the team you'll need designers you'll need
copywriters you'll need SEO related people people who understand search
engine optimization add managers admins just to do basic admin work you want
someone like a creative director right and this person actually comes up with
posts for you they come up with ideas for campaigns they help you know
facilitate the entire campaign creation process there's so many different things
that you're actually going to want to hire for I believe we have a team of
almost twenty two people now with our agency and our personal brand combined
so you know these are a ton of different people running a ton of different jobs
right and that's so I can focus on again those CPAs so that allows me to bring in
more revenue for my business which in the end makes me more money now finally
guys you're going to want to do what everybody wants to do which is land some
clients right and I'm not saying you actually have to build your team before
you go out lame clients but you will want to put a plan together so that way
when you go out and get clients you have an idea of what you need to do to get
the job done right so to get the clients all you have
to do is go and send things like we have a digital marketing audit that we built and we actually give out the template
for that so again we're gonna give you that at the end of this video and that's
gonna help you land clients we teach also here's what I'm gonna do guys land
clients basically it's all about value right you guys know all about that
already you know it's about providing value you know it's about showing your
worth right showing them that you're gonna make them extra money testimonials
right all of those things are important those are what you want to show
potential clients to you know get them to listen to you actually here's what I
want to do guys because I don't want this video to get too long and I
actually have a two-week training put together for you guys already on
everything that we've already covered and some more so what we're gonna do is
we're gonna end the video here but what I want you to do is I want you to look
right below this video in the description you will see a link at the
top that says SMMA checklist alright that is our two-week free training it
starts off with a checklist of all the things you're going to want to know
tools resources everything like that but then it continues with things like how
to price how to set up your business how to get your digital marketing audits
created how to go find clients how to perform the marketing campaigns things
you'll want to look out for so you don't fail all of that is included in that
two-week free training so make sure that you click that checklist link down below
this video and get in that group so before we get out of here guys I do want
to do something extra special for you again I told you my brand Cereal
Entrepreneur what we're really about here is teaching people how to build
successful marketing agencies we actually have several help we have over
700 students in our courses we have several hundred people make who have
made at least a thousand to five thousand dollars per month with their
agency we have several making ten thousand
dollars per month we have a few that are making even over $50,000 $75,000
$100,000 per month in revenue for their agencies if you don't believe me just go
to my site CerealEntrepreneur.Academy check out the digital marketing courses
and then go there and look at the testimonials from our students go to my
facebook business page and check our testimonials there but I guarantee you
we don't put out bad quality courses and it's because of the fact that I know
that if I put out something super useful for you and you're able to make money
that changes your life and your family's life and your friends then all you're
going to do is thank me for it later and you're gonna
come back to me and ask me for advice whenever I can possibly give it to you
which again is just gonna help my brand grow so why would I want to hurt you
guys I want you guys to see success because I know it's possible and I know
that you can do it if you try if you truly commit that's the last thing that
I believe you guys with is the fact that if you do not truly commit not only to
the going out and finding clients you're gonna fail a little bit right you'll
just fail forward right but you're you're you have to expect those things
and when you understand that and the commitment that's required you will be
successful I have a student her name is Kayla Haley, I always tell this
story she's gonna laugh when she sees this but she was a biology major 23
years old in college never done marketing before stopped doing biology
came into my marketing school and within six months was making about twenty
thousand dollars per month with her agency but it took her six months to
land or it took her about four and a half months to land her first client
this isn't something that you just should go out there and you expect to
make a hundred grand or ten you know ten thousand dollars even per month in your
first three months it that it's not realistic guys why would you think that
you can go out and either try to learn this for free or spend $300 on an
education and expect business owners to pay you ten thousand fifteen thousand
dollars per month do you think that makes any kind of logical irrational
since it doesn't so what I'm telling you guys is seriously invest in the time the
education the commitment as far as learning sales landing client scaling
business starting a business running digital marketing campaigns it all
takes time to learn so don't get frustrated or hate yourself if you don't
get it in the first month if you after a first year you're just completely are
lost still then that might be time for you to look away but if you're after a
year you know you've had some clients but you've had some failures at the same
time but you've also seen a lot on successes and you've made some decent
income then you're on your way just keep pushing through the struggle and I
promise you you'll see the other side but that's it for today's video guys
thank you so much for joining me I really do hope that it was helpful for
you and kind of you know shed some light on what you're actually gonna need to
know to get your agency rolling and actually start making six figures in
2019 I want you to do me a favor though if you guys have any questions about
starting a marketing agency if you have any concerns if you
not sure that you can do something if you don't think you can afford it I want
you to leave all of that information below in the comments so that way we can
get back with you and try to provide you some resources or tools or whatever it
is that you're gonna need to get your agency going successfully in 2019 but
again that's it for me guys make sure that you check out the SMMA checklist
in the bottom of this video I'm gonna get out of here for now though so until
next time Cereal Entrepreneur out bye guys ready to start living the
six-figure work where ever be your own boss lifestyle well at Cereal
Entrepreneur Academy we'll teach you how to use a laptop and internet to start
your own social media and digital marketing agency get started with our
free Facebook Ads training links in the description below guys see in the course
Cereal Entrepreneur out.