hey guys welcome to your best resource on everything sales and marketing my name is pritish zaveri and i create educational videos for youngsters like you to upskill them there are a lot of questions that youngsters ask when it comes to social media what are some of these questions let us discuss them here and clarify them one of them what is meant by social media marketing social media marketing means using social media networks or channels to engage with current customers or convert prospective customers it also means increasing brand awareness and sharing the brand communication with its audience what are some of the examples of social media marketing so many brands that are doing exceedingly well when it comes to social media for example nika has over 2.3 million followers with around 10 000 posts also zomato has around 434 000 followers on instagram but they have a very good engagement rate what i'm trying to share with you here is that even though the followers are important it's important to have as many relevant followers as possible if you have fewer followers that does not mean that you are doing badly on social media unfortunately most times we only focus on likes and shares and comments however it is also important to look at conversion rates engagement rate impressions reach all of these metrics are very important when talking about social media do not worry at all about all of those metrics i'm going to cover all of those topics as we go ahead in this lesson also if you thought that social media is all about facebook and instagram only then think again for example talk about linkedin larsen and two bro company has over 23 lakh followers on that platform alone this is where the company gets to engage with its employees as well as outsiders who seek to get more information about the company their updates another very important platform is twitter anand mahindra who is the chairman of the mahindra group has over 8 million followers on twitter and engages with them every day in short my message to you is that there are so many platforms out there both for individuals as well as companies if you are a company who wants to sell your product or service if you are a freelancer who wants to sell your skills then you should find out the relevant platform and target those platforms do not forget that as you interact with your audience on any of these platforms make sure that you are educating informing and sharing exciting updates with your audience all the time what are some of the skills needed to be in social media marketing the number one skill that you need to be good in social media is copywriting writing a great copy or a content consistently is a skill in itself instead of asking questions like why am i not getting likes and shares ask yourself this question are my posts worthy of likes and shares so here's what i want you to do after you finish this particular lesson i want you to find time go to your social media handles and maybe update the description of your profiles and also tweak your posts here and there see what you have done so far identify what can be done better make those changes the second most important skill in social media marketing is curating and creating content you should really spend some time to learn how to craft compelling content on your social media on an everyday basis as per a studied at my hubspot on content marketing there are three kind of posts that will dominate the content marketing space number one social media posts number two video content and number three news information so by leveraging your social media skills you will already be ahead of your game so start right away skill number three adapt and learn social media trends change rapidly every day they are as dynamic as the moon of your audience if you think that you've understood your social media game and if you just sit on what you have learned you will not succeed in social media for sure make sure you're always on your toes and you're listening and you're observing all the current trends in the social media space then immediately adapt and learn and modify your strategy so that you get maximum impact on your handles fourth very important skill planning and scheduling if you see one thing that is common with all the social media platforms is consistency posting consistently on an everyday basis on selective social media channels will ensure that you succeed faster for example take my channel i've said i'm going to post one video on every tuesday what if i do not post and skip one tuesday so now if i missed one of the tuesdays and do not post one entire week how would my audience feel you should never leave your audience hanging waiting for your content make sure you're consistent and deliver on your promise this is where planning and scheduling your social media content becomes very important now imagine you have at least three to four social media handles you're talking about facebook instagram linkedin and twitter now imagine if you go to all of these social media channels on an everyday basis for the next 365 days to post content won't you want to tear your hair there are so many platforms out there that can help you with your planning and scheduling of your social media posts on a previous video i remember i spoke to you about hootsuite that allows you to post as much content as you want throughout the year on at least 10 social media platforms i really want you to do your own research and find out what really works best for you and go ahead with one of those publishing tools point number five connecting with your audience first of all identifying who your target audience is and listening to your target audience is one of the most important and crucial tasks that you will undertake as a social media manager even before you start posting the content you need to really sit down and find out who your target audience is there are so many templates that are available for free to create buyer personnels what is their agent sex where do they live how much do they earn what profession they are in what do they like what are their habits what are their hobbies all of those things go under target audience after you create your buyer personnel you need to identify where they hang out what are the channels that they're using to congregate or meet on an everyday basis for example you can see a lot of youngsters hang around on facebook and instagram senior managers and corporate professionals will hang out a lot on twitter and on linkedin another very important insight there are a lot of youngsters today who hang out on quora so if you have not leveraged or thought about that particular social media channel i want you to really consider it and maybe include that in your social media strategy okay so far you've identified your target audience you have seen where they hang out and you've identified which social platforms you should target but now you also need to understand at what time you need to post so that you can have a maximum reach of your posts and reach out the target audience so that they can engage with you point number six analytics working towards your social media strategy is great identifying your target audience planning and sharing posts and posting them consistently is awesome but all of this will amount to nothing if you do not analyze your social media platforms and identify and look at the results of your performance doing a social media audit can help you to understand what went well what did not go well what you should shut down or maybe what you should double down on double down simply means that you recreate content or curate content out of the original content that was really lightened or loved by your target audience again coming back to the metrics i spoke about in the beginning of this lesson reach impressions engagement conversion all of these are also important compared to your shares likes and comments make sure you understand all of these metrics and try to rearrange or re-strategize your social media strategy to have maximum impact a pro tip if you want to be a freelancer who handles many social media accounts i would really want you to use this metrics at least once a week and identify analyze do a site audit every week and share inputs with your clients so that you can help them at the same time you will grow faster another very important skill that i want to share with you today is budgeting now you might be wondering what is budgeting what to do with social media well actually it does right now you're just working on social media as an individual or maybe as an individual freelancer handling one or two accounts 100 of your posts are organic which means you're simply posting these out and you're not using the paid channels to see any impact of your work but as you grow in your profession as a freelancer handling multiple accounts it will be very important for you to start using paid ads you must have already seen on facebook and instagram boost your post feature right so you want to make sure that you learn how to boost these posts identify how much money you are going to spend on social media on a weekly basis on a monthly basis on a yearly basis this is nothing but budgeting if you're working for a company or if you're working for a bigger client you'll have to convince these people as to how much you want to spend and what roi you're going to get for them so that you can have maximum impact you can show your results and say that how much you have contributed to their growth success another very important question that i always hear from youngsters is that how can i learn social media skills one of the first tips i'm going to give you which you might not like is start by getting your hands dirty what i mean by this is that start experimenting with your social media handles try to use different kind of posts on different channels and see what works and what doesn't maybe you can create an instagram story or maybe start with an instagram reel if you have never gone live on any of these social media platforms do that i know a lot of people are really scared about going online and going live but do not worry just do it to be honest people don't really care about what you're doing whether you're making mistakes on social media whether you're making some errors on youtube it doesn't matter at all most of the times these people are worried about themselves so get all out there and go live on your social media handles make sure you make mistakes and identify the trends see what works what does not work see what people have to say when you go online these are the ways you can learn first by doing it another way to learn social media marketing is go online and find those courses take those courses get certification and you will see yourself up skilled if you want me to create a free social media course on youtube i'll be happy to do that just go to the comment section and comment that you want a free course and i'll be happy to assist another tried and tested method is to approach companies and then offer your services volunteer for them and learn social media marketing see the trick is you just call these companies up front or email to them or text or message them whatever works for you and tell them hey i would like to work for you for free and learn as much as possible this way you will really learn the best practices in the industry and you will grow faster i also heard some people talk about is social media marketing a good career there are over 448 million social media users in india alone as of january 2021 and over the last year there has been an increase of 78 percent of social media users in india alone it simply means there's a massive opportunity out there so if you really thought of social media as a career this is the right time get ahead in the game learn the skills and go out win your clients let us talk about the pay you get in social media marketing the average period you can get in social media marketing in india is around 30 000 rupees at an entry level which can go up to really 40 50 60 70 000 piece or 75 000 rupees per month of course as you grow and become a marketing leader your salary can really cross across a lakh per month i have received another question from youngsters asking me as a freelancer how much should i charge for social media marketing i do receive these kind of questions from youngsters and to be honest the answer is no there is no fixed answer to this question the reason why i'm saying this is because it really depends on the number of clients you're handling the type of clients you're handing the industry you're working in the number of social media handles you'll be using to post content on an everyday basis however i really know that you are looking for a specific number so this one is for you you can charge anywhere between two thousand to two thousand five hundred rupees per social media handle this can definitely go up to ten to fifteen thousand to twenty thousand to fifty 000 per month depending on the number of years of experience you're bringing on the table well let us now look at some of the social media tools as you go in a social media role it becomes very important for you to understand the different social media tools out there and learn more about them social media tools will really help you to save a lot of time hence improve your productivity hack the competition and get ahead in your game so what are some of the free and paid social media tools the number one content search tool is buzzsumo though this tool is really beneficial for bloggers i really suggest that you use this tool for social media as well not only does the tool give you information on the current trends but it also gives you information on your account's performance as well it also shares with you some of the gaps that you can feel and get ahead in the game so i really suggest that you go for the seven day trial period if you do not like what you see then you can always cancel in time and get the refund mind you from the eighth day onwards if you're not cancelling that will be 79 per month i spoken to you about google trends in my first video again this is an absolutely free tool for you to check the latest happenings and the latest trends along with the latest buzzing keywords in your city and in your industry companies constantly use google trends and modify their content strategy accordingly also a word of advice do not forget to check the volume on each of these keywords that you are trying to rank for again at the risk of repeating myself i've spoken to you about canva as an important social media tool to create captivating images and graphics it is important to use a high resolution tool like canva this is all the more important if you're using canva for visual platforms like pinterest and instagram again one of the important free tools that you can use is analytics for instagram facebook as well as twitter you get valuable information when you check the insights feature of these platforms for example what is the best time of the day to post your content which day you have maximum engagement on instagram you can find out how many people you have reached in terms of your followers as well as non-followers you can find out if your stories have done well or your images have done well or your videos have done well as you grow your audience on these platforms you can get a good hand off your audience breakdown while on twitter it is easy to get access to analytics tool it is very important for you to go to instagram and change your profile from individual to business profile for facebook you must have a facebook page to get complete array of business tools under the business feed feature facebook has launched a combined dashboard for facebook as well as instagram i wanted to keep an eye and constantly look for free tools that are available at your disposal to start using most of the paid tools also give you a complimentary trial for either 7 days to 15 days up to 28 days so do not worry and make sure that you utilize those days and cancel on time so as not to get charged so what is a social media strategy well a social media strategy is nothing but a comprehensive document which holds the social media goals the tactics that you're going to employ to achieve those goals and the performance metrics that measure as to what went well and what did not remember in the beginning of this lesson i had said i'm going to share with you all the information about all the metrics that you use in your social media reporting the first one is impressions impressions are nothing but the number of times your post can appear on a timeline reach is nothing but the number of unique users who have seen your content engagement engagement simply means the number of times people have engaged with your posts and content it could be likes shares comments as well as mentions mention is nothing but the number of times your brand has been mentioned on a social media platform another very important metric especially if you're joining an organization as a social media manager is share of voice think of share of voice as market share how much of the market share is represented by your business similarly your share of voice is nothing but how many times your customers or potential customers are talking about your brand compared to the competition to explain this concept in a simple manner let's say you're a florist in your city and in your area there are at least four other florists whom you consider as competition so let's say there are total five floors in the city that comprises of hundred percent of share of voice in the market so now let's say there's a buzz on the social media platforms about florists in the city the number of time your brand is mentioned on social media compared to all of your competition is nothing but your share of voice so someone talks about your brand 20 times out of 100 and 80 times about the competition your share of voice is nothing but 20 another very important metric you want to consider is reference eventually whatever be your social media marketing strategy you want to make sure that you route all your customers to your website reference is nothing but the percentage share of people who visited your website following any of the social media channels that you are on where do you get such information well such information is available on google analytics last but not least another important concept is conversions out of the entire audience population that visits your website and your content online the number of people who actually end up buying your content your products or services is nothing but conversion so for example if 20 people buy so for example 20 people buy your products or services out of a group of 100 people in your audience you have a 20 conversion rate so that was the end of a mini topic about the different metrics on social media coming back to our question how do you create a social media strategy to create a social media strategy you need to follow something known as the aida model aida is nothing but awareness interest desire and action so if you're working for a client who is very new on social media platforms you want to make sure that the brand gets awareness in the first stage brand awareness metrics are nothing but your engagement rate which is shares likes and comments if you're working for a mid-scale company or client you already have some audience base you want to make sure you maintain that interest by creating engaging content on the social media platforms they're consistently providing value to your audience you arouse a desire in them to buy your products and services once you have aroused desire in your potential customers all you need to do is push them with a call to action call to action could be just asking them to make a purchase of your products or services and showing them the value they would get if they made the purchase today one of the pro tips that i'll give you in your social media strategy is to follow the 80 20 rule 80 of the times you should create posts that are either entertaining informing or educating the remainder of the 20 you can spend in directly promoting your products and services on your social media platforms once you go into your role as a social media marketer you can start following the rule of thirds so what is this rule of thirds in social media marketing well one third of the time you'll create posts that add value to the customers another third of the time you'll interact with your potential audience and customers and the last third but not the least is you'll promote your products and services directly to your target audience the last social media strategy yet the most crucial one is to follow your competition identify what your competition is doing which social media platforms are using which social media platforms are ignoring maybe there's a possibility for you to leverage on those social media platforms what are the types of hashtags they're using what kind of content they're creating are they creating videos are they creating stories are they focusing on reels how about checking your competition and the followers especially note of all the posts where your competition followers are interacting directly with your competition well these are the social media marketing strategies that you should follow if you're a freelancer or you're just getting into your role well that's about it i really hope you enjoyed this lesson i really hope it added value to your learning and if you like what you saw then i really suggest that you subscribe to the channel right now and hit the notification bell icon do not forget to give this video a thumbs up and comment in the section in terms of what you liked the best i'll see you in the next one adios
Social Media Marketing for Beginners – Digital Marketing L3


