Understanding bizSAFE

hi everyone today we are going to share 
with you about the bizSAFE program   the bc program is to help companies to build up 
their workplace safety and health capabilities   there are five levels in bizSAFE be safe one is 
a training course attended by the top management   they are the directors and CEOs the 
objective of bizSAFE 1 is to share with them   the bizSAFE requirements which consists 
of four elements one risk assessment   two health promotion three anti-terrorism four 
safe management measures this is so that the top   management will allocate resources accordingly 
after you complete the course you will have to   apply bizSAFE 1 certificate for your organization 
through workplace safety health council website bizSAFE 1 only lasts for 6 months and is 
not renewable you need to go to bizSAFE 2.   most companies will complete bizSAFE 3 as only 
at this stage the certificate can be renewed bizSAFE 2 is a training course is for the 
team leaders of the risk management team   the team leaders will learn about the risk 
assessment method specified by MOM (Ministry of   Manpower) and develop a practical risk management 
implementation plan they will share this method   with their team members after you complete 
the course you will have to apply bizSAFE   2 certificate for your organization through 
workplace safety and health council website to achieve bizSAFE 2 you must complete the 
bizSAFE 1 course bizSAFE 2 is not renewable   it will only last for 6 months and your 
company will have to upgrade to bizSAFE 3 bizSAFE 3 is not a training course it is the 
implementation of the risk management program   at MOM approved auditor will 
go and visit your workplace   and conduct a safety audit
what will they check on the approved auditor will conduct the 
safety audit based on these four elements first risk assessment they will check if your 
organization have conducted the risk assessment   and have implemented safety 
control measures in the workplace second health promotion they 
will check if the company have   implemented a health program such as 
health screening or health education third anti-terrorism your company is required 
to identify one member of your organization to   become a sg secure representative and to display 
or share the sg secure information to the staff fourth safe management measures your company 
must ensure that safe distancing is implemented   and staff wear masks while working   you can check our video on safe management 
measures which leaves the 12 pointers from mom   after you complete the bizSAFE 3 audit you 
will have to apply bsa 3 certificate through   workplace safety health council website you will 
have to attach your bizSAFE 1 and 2 training   certificate as well as the bizSAFE 3 audit report 
bizSAFE level 3 can be renewed every 3 years   this is the most common requirement 
for your company to tender for jobs   bizSAFE 4 is a training course to share with you 
about the safety management system based on the   ISO 45001 they are attended by the management 
staff engineers supervisors and safety personnel in this course participants will learn about 
the implementation of the occupational health   and safety management system based on the iso 
45001 standard to apply for bizSAFE 4 you will   need to complete the bizSAFE 3 audit you will 
also need to submit these documents through   the workplace safety and health council website 
be safe one two and four training certificates bizSAFE audit report bizSAFE star is highest 
level of the bizSAFE program   remember this is not a training course 
it is an audit based on the iso 45001 to achieve bizSAFE star the company we need to 
satisfy the requirements set by the iso 45001   and attain the certification audit will be needed 
to be carried out yearly and your organization   must complete the bizSAFE 1, 2 and 3before 
the bizSAFE star certification can be issued   in summary these are the five levels of pc program   remember bizSAFE 3 and bizSAFE star are audits 
while bizSAFE 1 2 and 4 are training courses i hope i'm able to help you to understand 
the different levels of the bizSAFE program   thanks for watching you


As found on YouTube

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