13 Ways to Build a Brand on Social Media in 2021 | Clubhouse Q&A

– YouTube, you're about to
watch a fire Q&A session I did on Clubhouse. (clears throat) Excuse me. I don't know if you've seen the app, but pretty popular exploding, really interesting audio platform. And, I'm hosting these Q&A's
quite often on the platform. So (a), if you're in the
app, it's Gary V, E, E, like everywhere else. Come and follow me up. And (b), sit back, enjoy this. And (c), please leave a comment, and lemme know what you think of it. (pop sound) (clicks tongue) Everybody, I'm recording
this with the potential to use it as a clip on
Instagram to help other people. So, just wanted to keep that in mind, wanted to make that aware to everybody, and let's get into it. Whose got a question. Raise your hands, May, Than just bring in people. William, how are you? – [William] Hey Gary, I'm always great. As long as I'm alive, how 'bout you? – That is basically the
same mindset I roll with.

I'm well, what can I help
you with, any questions? – [William] Perfect, so quickly in the future when
you want to record a session, you can put it in the title, that little red recording
sign, plus the recording. And my question is… I'm trying to build like a super sticky community here at Clubhouse. The problem is that I
don't have any content that I can use to like evergreen
things or to repurpose. I have to just, non-stop keep talking and it's really starting
to get exhausting. I'm just wondering if you have any tips on how I might be able to be
a little bit more efficient, but also continue to build a really, really strong community.

'Cause I mean, your fan
base is one of the most loyal and lovable, loving of you on Earth. – So you know, it's funny. I look at Clubhouse a lot, like I look at Twitter from 2007 to '11, and that's really where it started for me. I basically replied to
every single comment that I got for four years. And it was an incredible amount of work. But to your point, William, if you're gonna build
something meaningful, you got to put in the work.

I've gone on this four or five year, maybe even six now. Yeah, actually six. Six year health journey
and it's like every day. You know, just like
eating as well as I can, working out, being
thoughtful, soft tissue, stretching, muscle gain. You know, I think you
may wanna pace yourself in here a little bit. That might be one thing
to think about, you know. Going 11 hours of talking
or six hours of talking, or nine hours of talking every day is… Can get quite exhausting. Plus, the other thing to think about is giving yourself permission
to really just relax on a day or two in case it's too much is something else to think about. So you can go hard, but
it's about figuring out, you know, the ability to
give yourself a moment. Because I think scaling
the unscalable, William, is the way you actually
build something meaningful. – [William] How do I scale the unscalable? – By actually scaling the unscalable. Meaning the hand-to-hand
combat, the constant talking, the non-evergreen, the
high touch is the game.

– [William] Got it, got it. Okay, I'm going to… – Right, because what you're trying to do, is you're trying to win on depth, right? Because that's how you actually build something that's sticky. Width, aka viral videos or content play. It's actually access and
actually feeling connected. Like I genuinely feel connected to so many people within my community. It's really what ends up happening. I think the bigger… I think you're on it. I just think you need
to figure out your pace, because we all have different energies of how many hours we can put into it. – [William] Right, it's
like I've pretty much been hosting a room every single day. So we have like one of
the stickiest spaces for real estate agents and
brokers in Clubhouse right now.

And we're getting approached
by different people for like podcasts and
consulting, and things like this. And then we're also really
trying to build up a coalition of creators across
different spaces as well. Because as Clubhouse basically prepares for monetization in two weeks, we wanna make sure we have as strong of a grouping as possible. And then everyone in Clubhouse, the creators, ideally we can stay allies, so we can have a lot of cross
pollination of audience. – I think that's great and all, but I think if you listen
back to the recording of this, my big recommendation is to understand the second that you go for monetization, is the second that you
change your relationship. – [William] Running for frees, everyday could be about monetization.

Clubhouse is gonna monetize. But for me and my personal brand, it's never going to be about monetization because I get enough income
from my real estate streams. – Well, well, cool. Clubhouse is not gonna monetize without you sharing in that monetization. – [William] That's a really good point. And then like, I know that you- – Will, let's, let's stay
on that for a second, and I'll definitely answer this. (indistinct) Really, when you talked about allies and other community members, what you were really talking about was creating scale for monetization. If you really think
about it, which is okay. What I think I've done differently than a lot of people over the last 2007, let's call it, you know, 14, 13, 15 years, is I've never tried to monetize
directly on the person. Like I wrote books, so
a publisher paid me. I spoke, so a conference paid me, right? Even, even my wine thing.

It's like, look, if you buy wine, cool, I'd like your business. But the core of what I do has been around brand building and community, not about the monetization. I think a of people are about to make massive missteps in
monetization with Clubhouse, because they're going to think transactional and short term, and they're going to
think it's long-term like, well, I've been fucking going
hard on here for six months. And that shit makes me laugh. Cause, that's just not at a long time. (laughing) – [William] Right, it's a blink of an eye. – Yeah, so just keep that in mind. I mean, the longer you
can provide this rapport. Don't forget the second you're gonna come to the UI of this and there's monetized rooms and there's not, a lot of people are gonna
pick the non-monetized rooms, 'cause the information's
gonna be just as good. It's gonna be really hard for somebody to sell marketing
and social media rooms If I'm in here putting out shit for free.

– [William] Right, absolutely, absolutely. – Or, it's not gonna be hard, but it's going to be
limiting in their upside. – [William] Right, absolutely. So, with me and the collaborators
I've connected with, we have a pretty good sizable platform. So as you come to the
Clubhouse in the future, are there any initiatives that you want to accomplish in Clubhouse
that we can assists with? – No, but I really,
genuinely appreciate that. I'm gonna keep moving,
'cause I got a meeting soon, so I want to get as many in, so I appreciate you bro, Monica. – [Monica] Hi, Gary.
– Hi. – [Monica] Well, I'm first
of all amazed that I made it, which is amazing, 'cause you are in my ear in the podcast for the
lost two weeks ongoing. But I've got quite
technical question for you. So, I'm into marketing/social media. That's what I help entrepreneurs with. And I bought quite a bit
pounds for this year, in terms of scaling up and kind of getting myself out there to be seen more and things like that.

Obviously, things happen out of control. Lockdown, homeschooling and just things had to shift a little bit. I'm not adverse to hard work, long nights if I have
to, things like that. But I do want to make
the most of what I have. So, which platforms,
social media platforms, and which tactics would you say I should invest now for
the beginning of 2021? What should be my top two priorities? – Monica for transactions
or for brand-building? – [Monica] For brand-building and getting myself out there. Basically getting more reach. – Well, I think you're on it right now. Clubhouse is a land grab right now, right? Like, you know, obviously
back to your point with kids and balancing everything,
unfortunately for most people Clubhouse is a challenging platform because it requires you
putting in the work. You know, for example, for me I'm so busy running my
companies right now, I'm not putting in the hours into Clubhouse that I would like to because the land grab of
attention is extraordinary. It's an incredible time If you really know what you're doing to start rooms, get part of the rooms and really showcase your knowledge, and build incredible audience.

I think clubhouse, LinkedIn and TikTok are the three platforms
that have organic reach that are extraordinary
compared to the amount of time or content you put out. Those are the three
brand building platforms that I think are most
significantly interesting because of supply and demand of attention. There's more attention
on all three platforms than the supply of content, which is why you're
getting more organic reach. – [Monica] Yeah, with Clubhouse
I've only been here a week and a have to say I've set up room twice, and I just want to kind
of carry on doing it because I see how quickly
it can kind of grow and I have started to pay
more attention to TikTok, but it's like with everything, a million and one experts out there say, no focus on this, and no focus on that. It's kind of like, you
want to do everything. You can't do everything! – Nobody can do everything. There's two games to play when you think about social media or about personal brand
building or about marketing. It's where is there more attention than there's supply of content and then number two being self-aware.

I can tell you and I'm
very confident about this, that TikTok, Clubhouse and LinkedIn are three places worth your time, because when you put your time on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook you don't get as much in organic reach as you do in those other platforms. But if you're not capable of being good on TikTok,
LinkedIn, and Clubhouse, then you're not gonna succeed either. If you're more great at visual pictures and infographics then maybe Pinterest and Instagram are gonna
over-index for you. So it's a game of
self-awareness and strategy. You've got to deploy both
S's in this scenario. Self-awareness, do you know yourself? What will you be good at? And then strategy. Do you actually know
where the getting is good? – [Monica] Wow this is
amazing because I actually, I love the video. I love that's how I
prefer TikTok than write. And Clubhouse is pretty good. – Correct. – [Monica] Yes, I like TikTok because I can put my
fun side to it as well. – Correct. – [Monica] So I think you're right.

You also spoke on that
about the content as well, and just start from
getting myself out there. So thanks for that. – You're welcome, have a great day. Will, what's good? – [William] Hey, Gary
thanks for taking this. Question for you. I have a seven year old who is obsessed with being an influencer. (chuckles) How do I support her and help her without being crazy, over-protective dad? – That's a great question, man. So, this is a very common scenario. This has become the greatest ambition for many seven year olds.

I think it's similar though to athletes and you know and singers
and performers, athletes, and their parents are more
accustomed to that question, well than I want to be a YouTuber. A, because they know that
they have to put in the work at a youth protective place, And then maybe when they're
18 something can happen. versus a nine year old can actually pop on TikTok and have that happen.

I think for me and parenting advice is always very challenging
because like anything, it's back to the prior question. It's always self-awareness, it's always individuals of one, it's tough to give blanket. But I'll tell you the thing
that's been very clear to me as I've talked to hundreds
of thousands of parents through the last two decades or at least a decade
for sure on this topic.

I think it's about self-esteem, Will. I think you've got to get her comfortable with negative feedback. I think one of the great things of if she's going to make a YouTube video that's private to the family, and you're gonna understand your privacy. I mean, as you know, probably with me, my two kids are 11 and eight, and there's no content
about them out there. So, everybody treats it differently. Every family makes their own rules, but I will tell you the big opportunity is getting them accustomed to failure. It's why sports was such
a good thing for kids. Getting used to losing is a
really, really good thing. And a lot of societies under performance comes from insecurity which comes with a poor relationship to losing. And I think when we started as a parenting society 20 years ago, demonized losing and coming
up with eighth place trophies we created a lot of vulnerabilities. And so I think you protect because privacy and you
know seven is a baby. However, on the flip side, even you make the network 25 family and friends and relatives, and when she gets six likes instead of 13, it's a good lesson for her to say, "Hey today people didn't like your dance "as much as yesterday." And that's okay but it's okay for you to love the dance that you did.

Did you love doing the dance? It only got six likes,
but did you love it? Getting them into a relationship where they don't over or undervalue outside affirmation as early as possible is the greatest gift a
parent can give a child. Thoughts Will? – [William] Yeah, no. I mean, I agree with you. I think it's such a
hard thing to jump into, because obviously I know what's out there. I know…
(laughs) It's not all cupcakes and rainbows. So where would you say
starting her out with? – I think it's a closed network, right? It's 12 family members on TikTok, 12 family members on YouTube, you know.

That's how my brain works on it. Keep it closed at first
so that she can calibrate. – [William] Sounds good. And do you think teaching her
the behind the scenes stuff, the setting up the mic
setting up the cameras, like that's obviously important as well? – I would argue that it's
potentially important, right? It's really neat, I think you should try, because she may find
tremendous interest in that. That wouldn't have worked for me. If my mom did that for
me, I would've been like, "Who cares, I'm here for the action," the human interaction, you know? – [William] No, completely it makes sense. Thank you, I really appreciate it. – But I think it's a good explore. Of course Will, have a great day. Robert. – [Robert] Hey Gary, thank you. Thank you so much for this. Just wanna take one second to say you have been probably
the single most important person as far as business
go for helping me get my things off the ground.

And I just want to thank
you for that, first of all. – I appreciate it. Well, from my own knowledge, Robert because it's important, what clicked, what stood out
that actually helped you? – [Robert] Honestly, I'm
launched a fashion brand in 2008 and I loved it, but then the love for it
just kind of started to go. And then one day at the gym, my dad was actually in the hospital and I was just kind of at a crossroads, and I opened up YouTube and watched the… It might've been Thinkific or Teachable, something that you that you had out there and literally watched,
went down a black hole of just Gary Vee video
after Gary Vee video over about a 48 hour span. And it just like, it just opened my eyes up to this world of
branding, social media, marketing, et cetera.
– Yeah. – [Robert] And the rest
has kind of a history. I literally built a quarter million dollar social media agency.

And I know a lot of people
have off of your principles. So again, thank you for everything. – Of course. – [Robert] My question
is I'm at a at a place where I know I can scale. I hate the idea of the
eBooks and the downloads, and I want to continue
to give them for free. Like I said, I've used
kind of your approach when it comes to that.

When I doubled my business from probably 75,000 to 150,000, The thing that changed was that I hired, I found someone that just clicked, and I could duplicate myself. And so I feel like that's like, I don't wanna say it's a luck thing, but it's just not always like you can go find that
person to help you scale. So my question is the other
route would be raising prices, which I love where I am
as far as pricing go. So my question is what would you recommend would be the best route to go to the next level in terms of scaling? – Why- – [Robert] I was just wondering
if you have a business tip.

– Yeah, I have several. I mean, why are you happy
were you're at price-wise? – [Robert] I just like being able to serve individuals who might
not necessarily have- – Well, how much is it?
– [Robert] An extremely, sorry?
– How much is it? – [Robert] So, right now
my average price point is about $2,000 for monthly
social media management. – [Robert] Well, that's not so affordable. Like why not do 300 bucks? – [Robert] 300?
– Mm hmm. You said that you wanted, you loved helping people that
might not else be afforded. So, at 2000 a month, that's real coin. Why not 300 bucks? – [Robert] But then that would require a lot more resources and people.

– Understood, so let's go a different way. Why not $3,000? I mean, you've made a sub- – [Robert] $3000? – Yeah, you've made a
subjective arbitrary decision that $2,000 a month is a fair price. – [Robert] Right? – You're making a
complete subjective call. So what you're doing is
you're limiting your upside on scale through, so for example, me I love managing people. I love HR headaches. I love people quitting
and calling out sick. I love the grind of that, Robert. 99% of people do not. So for me, if I'm in your spot, I'm going to 1500, and I'm hiring people and I'm making less money every year, but I'm gonna stack 1500s at scale. That's what I did with VaynerMedia. Now, VaynerMedia is 200
million a year, right? That's my style, but your
style may not be that. And that's amazing.

My style is not better. My style is my style. What I'm trying to help you with, and the reason I went with that little, rope a dope was if you're gonna say 300 doesn't work or 1500 doesn't work, you've just literally
made a subjective opinion that 2,000 works. You can go to 3,500
and there's your scale. – [Robert] No, that makes a ton of sense. – That's what we're here for. – [Robert] Thank you.
– You're welcome. – And I gotta say I'm met you in Boise, and for people that don't know, (laughing) like the Gary in real life
versus the Gary on the stage it's just like it's almost mind blowing how humble you are in real life. So, thank you for everything you do. – Thank you, bro. – [Robert] And I'll
continue to be watching. – Stay well, thank you bro. Hey Charity, how are you? – [Charity] Hi, good morning. Thank you so much for taking my question. So, my name is Charity and
I own a women's boutique, and my issue is that for
someone that is naturally very reserved but also loves fashion, and I am working to try to build that know like and trust
factor with my audience.

How do I balance sharing the
personal, background story, building my story for my brand, with my audience without
maybe sharing too much? Like, is there a balance to it of what I should be doing? – Charity, I have two
children, 11 and eight and you don't even know
what they look like. – [Charity] Right. I'm the most public
private person on Earth. – [Charity] Right, that is it. Like, how am I public, but still private? – By sharing what you wanna share, and by not sharing what
you don't want to share. I mean people make me laugh. They're in complete control. Charity, you know where people get hurt? And I don't think this is your situation, but I'm trying to help a lot of people. There's just a bunch of people listening. People are full of shit. They want the likes, so they're willing to wear skimpy clothes. They want the likes, so they're willing to show their cute kid.

They want the likes, so
they're showing their dog. they want the likes so they're
showing where they live, what they're flying what they're… Like, you're in control. – [Charity] Right. – You don't wanna share, don't share. You wanna share, share. And if you want to grow, share as much good stuff around what you do wanna share, and as much volume as you can handle, and as much strategy as you can learn. – [Charity] Gotcha. – Does that make sense to you? – [Charity] Yes. It was.just something that I… Of course I've not been in business, but I'm just trying to
put myself out there, but in a way that's comfortable for me.

– The end, the end. Like, listen I can be the best social media strategist on Earth. But if I tell you to dance on TikTok, and you can't dance 'cause I can't fucking dance, that's not gonna work. – [Charity] Right. – Like just 'cause people are like you have to build your personal brand. Cool, but you're going
to do that on your rules, not on somebody else's. And by the way, here's a billion businesses
out there that are crushing, that the person behind
it isn't out and about. It's just a very incredible opportunity, but it doesn't mean it's required. [Charity] Right, thank
you so much for that. I appreciate it.
(laughs) – It makes sense, right Charity? There's this incredible opportunity, but it doesn't mean it's required. And I think that's where
you have to figure it out. I would tell you as somebody who sees the incredible opportunity, figure it out in your own skin, talk about it your own way and be you. – [Charity] Yes. – Like, some people are monotone.

Like, I just happen to be very boisterous, but I'll be honest with you Charity. I'm very misunderstood and underrated for my business acumen because people think I'm a caricature. Like I would argue that my big personality undermines my intellect
every day of my life. – [Charity] Wow. – And when you have pride and feelings and our human, people dismiss my 25 years of building actual businesses. I'm like getting lucky on social media.

Like, you know what I mean? Like, people are always
gonna have judgment. You gotta do you. – [Charity] Right, okay. Thank you, thank you so much. I appreciate it! – You're welcome, you got it, Charity. Have a great day. Austin. – [Austin] Hey Gary, I
really appreciate this. This is like an amazing opportunity. I just wanted to thank you real quick for allowing me to be on here. You know, I actually
took a lot of your words and that's what inspired me
to create my YouTube channel. Because just real quick,
a little background, I'm active duty military, coming from a really small
town in Southern West Virginia. So, statistically, I should not be financially free or anything like that because military mixed crap and all that. But that's part of my theme
of my YouTube channel, right? Is I love talking about finances, real estate investing,
stock market investing, all this stuff to really lay
down that financial path.

And my question to you is we're I'm just I have a
really small following, and a lot of the people I've talked to, I've been fortunate to talk
to a few big YouTubers, and they tell me find your theme, find what sets you apart
from other YouTubers and stuff to go really
catch people's attention. And one of the aspects
I follow from you is, always focus on giving people value. That's what I really love to do, but I don't really have
an audience to say, "Hey I like this," or
"Hey, you should do that" or whatever, so on. How do you find the thing that just naturally sets you apart from other people without trying to look like you're trying to do that? You know what I mean? – Of course I do. First of all, I think
that naturally happens by being a human being. First and first, and first of all, thank you so much for
your service, Austin. I really mean that.

Number two, back to the question, you're gonna be you. You're going to be set
apart by you to begin with. I think again, there's general advice that sometimes puts people
down the wrong path. I think what you need to do is build an audience first, and I think it's very hard
to do that on YouTube. You know, first of all,
it takes a long time, and it takes a lot of craft. And I think you being
on Clubhouse right now, if I'm you I'm starting a room right now called military investment
advice and just sitting, and at first it's six people that were from the military or
grew up in a military. Like, I think you just find places that you can naturally build audience. I think you can build
a much bigger audience on Clubhouse than you can on YouTube every day of the week right
now for the next six months. I don't want you to make the decision that it has to be YouTube.

– [Austin] Okay. That's really awesome. Honestly, I have thought about that. The main thing is, yeah like you said, if I'm just starting a room, I'm sitting there talking to myself, I didn't know how to really just, – The best way to start talking is to be a great listener. When nobody knew who I was on Twitter, all I did was reply to
people on Twitter about wine, because that's what I knew. What you can do is first
become a contributor to a lot of rooms that talk
about finance and investing, speak towards that military angle, and start amassing. Like you've already got
76 followers in here. Nobody knew who the fuck you were. You probably said some shit
that mattered in some room, and people started following you. I think you need to become a contributor, before you become a host. Go to dinner parties before you throw one.

If you move to a new town, and everything was about
the dinner party scene, you couldn't just throw a dinner party when you first moved in. Nobody would show up, nobody knows who you
are, you just moved in. What you want to do is talk
to somebody at the market, and then they invite you to
their dinner party, right? Then you go to that dinner party and you do a new, nice job conversating. 18 months later, you're
throwing a dinner party. Got it? – [Austin] That's awesome, man. Yeah, I'll definitely do that. Thank you again.
– You got it, bud. – [Austin] I really
just want to thank you.

Your words really do resonate
with a lot of people, and the power of your
voice is just incredible. Thank you so much. – Thank you so much for that. Thank you brother. Gina.
– [Gina] Good morning, Gary. How are you? – I'm quite well. how are you? – [Gina] I'm great. I will try not to cry. I mean, it's the Italian in me. (laughing) I want to say that I worked
at a company 10 years ago, and my amazing boss said to me, "Do you know where Gary Vee is? "Because if you don't, you need to." And you really influenced the way that I hustle
over the last 10 years. So, it is an honor to talk to you today. Thank you for taking the time. – Thank you so much. – [Gina] I'm a voice actor, and I hustled my ass off
during the pandemic last year.

pexels photo 3975590

I landed some agents voiced
my first national commercial, and I've diversified the
way I get my business. I have multiple agents across the country. I'm on a ton of casting sites. I do a ton of direct marketing, and I do social media marketing. The thing about voice acting is it can be very up and down. I'll book a lot and then nothing, had in those slow moments
I make myself crazy saying what else could I be doing? What more could I be doing? Is it spend more money,
is a joint new sites? Is it be 42 years old and
create a TikTok account? I don't know.

So I'm wondering how do you get focused and formulate a plan in slower moments? – You know, first I, for
people that are living this kind of life you
have to be very thoughtful about how you manage your money, right? Because I notice a lot of people that run hot and cold
don't spend money properly, which then when they have cold periods creates an enormous amount of anxiety. So that's one thing that's on my mind for you to think about that's hidden to a lot of people
that live this lifestyle, which is okay, right? Some people have different
skill sets of managing money, but it's a very obvious one
to me that causes issue. Two, for me it's all about brand building. I loved what I heard from you. Like I would be, when it's slow, that's a day when I can go and Clubhouse for five, six, seven hours
and talk about voice acting, and host a room for nine people.

Or reach out cold to other voice actors or whatever networking appropriate within my ecosystem. I think the thing I think about is brand building and transacting, and managing money around it. The end, it's a very simple game. Every time… You know, it really can
be that simple Gina. Like when you don't have anything brewing, you're building awareness,
starting a podcast, doing a YouTube show,
DM-ing unlimited podcasts to beyond to speak about voice acting. Like just grinding, working
because I can't be on a job. Then when I'm doing a
job, I'm doing a job. But most of all, I think the undertone to this whole community
is money management. Because I just see it time and time again. People overspending when
they've got dollars coming in, which makes them vulnerable when they go through a three month drought period. – [Gina] That makes a lot of sense. I appreciate that. And I just want to say,
you've truly pushed me through some ups and downs
over the last decade. I appreciate it so much. Thank you. Thank you so much for that. Gina really have a great day.

– [Jerry] Hey Gary. – How are you? – [Jerry] Long time, I
just wanna say thank you. You've significantly changed
the trajectory of my life, and I really appreciate it, just from all the content you've put out. – Thank you. – [Jerry] I took over
my parents' restaurant, and we've been able
(indistinct) over that really a lot of it based off your content. – Thank you, brother. – [Jerry] I am in Iowa
and here we don't have any professional sports teams.

So our biggest, out big team is the Iowa Hawkeyes University here. – Yeah. – [Jerry] And we're in college town, and we have unique opportunity where they can come and
eat at a restaurant line, and then once they graduate and it's legal for them to promote or kind of sponsor, or we sponsor them. And we have athletes that
are willing to do that. And that's kind of like the unique opportunity that we have. I'm just wondering, is there any, do you have any advice on how to partner, or what's the best way to utilize that? – Well, do you know about the upcoming law change and rule changes? – [Jerry] Yeah, that's
with the gent soon, right? Like I've been trying to follow it. – Yeah, it's called
name, image and likeness. And it looks as of this August if everything keeps going smooth college athletes will be
able to be compensated. So I think your whole world's about to flip upside down.

– [Jerry] Yeah. So how would you start planting season? We know we have some athletes that just graduated they were seniors, and now a couple of them will probably end up in the NFL and we're
in conversation with them. I just don't know, for a restaurant, it's similar to Chipotle style- – Yeah, I mean, there
there's no rules, right? You could say, I'll give
you food for free for life if you give me five
Instagram posts, right? And you know that they're gonna- – [Jerry] Well, is it just
where it's more commercially, or is it just them coming to eat or just them saying that they eat there? – No, I think it's influencer
marketing for a restaurant. I think they come in, they take a photo with your burrito, or your
hamburger, or your coffee.

Like, I think it's classic, influencer marketing in my opinion, tagging the restaurant,
things of that nature. But I think the bigger gain now is that you're going to be able to do this while they're there. And as you can imagine, Sean Green when he was on campus is better for you than
when he's with the Jets, and everybody who cares is in New York and not in Iowa, right? I think you create does Iowa consider their
colors gold and black, or is it yellow and black? – [Jerry] Black and gold. – Yeah, I think you create
a black and gold card. Here's what I would do
if I owned your place.

You create a black and gold card, right. With a barcode, or I don't
know how your POS works, but you basically say to kids, an Instagram photo in your
feed that you can't delete, for every time you come in
and use it and get free food. Right, and that's it. And then you just monitor it. I don't know if you can track it. So like again, if Derek Pego came in and buys too much food
'cause he's hooking up all his friends, you cut it off. You just, you have
conversations, human convo, like hey for yourself, maybe a plus one, occasionally plus three, 'cause you know a group of four
friends but don't be a pig. We'll keep an eye on it, and away you go. – [Jerry] Oh, sorry. – Makes sense? – [Jerry] Yeah, I appreciate it. Thanks Gary. – You got it brother, take care. – [Jerry] Yep, you too. – Zara, how are you? – [Zara] Hi Gary, I'm
wonderful, how are you? – I'm extremely well, thank you.

– [Zara] Thank you so much
for hosting this room. I think we all really appreciate it. So I'll try to be quick. My question is for myself personally, I have been in international development for about 15 years, traveled the world on no money. I work in film and television now. And when there are so many facets of my life right now I could kind of like add value to other people. When you're talking about
building a personal brand, how do you what strategy is best to use? Because there's so many different facets, that would it be better to focus on building different platforms
for each section of my life? `- No, no.

I think you put out your whole life. But to your point, if you
love music and dancing, doing that on TikTok smarter than doing that
on LinkedIn, right? So every platform has it's slang, but I think about it as real life. You're you. And if you're going to a
fancy dinner with executives you're gonna dress a certain way, You're gonna talk a certain way, You're gonna act a certain way. If you're going with your girlfriends to Vegas for the weekend, you're gonna be a different
version of yourself. If you're hanging out with
your siblings or parents, or grandmother, you're going
to be a different version. If you're at a festival. So always be you. Always be prepared to
share any part of you, but recognize the context
of the room that you're in, the platform that you're in. What's the slang, what's the style. What's the vibe of that ecosystem.

– [Zara] Yeah, that makes complete sense. And so this is what I'm
kind of having trouble with, because for example, like
I come on to Clubhouse and we're having all of these social impact conversations where there's so much value being added. And then when people transition over to my Instagram it's
way more about my travel, which doesn't really kind of just- – That, okay though. Yeah, that's okay though. I know so which is better than I think so, comma I think it's time that you put in some of your social impact on your Instagram and be
okay with getting 47 likes instead of 293. – [Zara] Yeah. – Everyone's so fucking in jail based on trying to get the same
amount or more social math transactions per post that they've boxed themselves in. I mean, there's literally
people that are dressing…

Guys that take their shirts off because they know they're
going to get more likes, even though they want
to talk about sports- – [Zara] Yeah. – I literally have guys saying things like Gary, I wanna put out
sports cards content. But I did it once it got 18
likes, I deleted it right away. But if I put out my
fucking shirtless photo, I'm going to get 4,000. I'm like, well, what do you want? Like, do you want girls gawking at you? Like, do you need that? Or do you want to move yourself into a career of like buying
and flipping sports cards? 'Cause if you do, you better
start posting that way.

Zara, my entire audience in 2009 for three years was built around wine. When I started making
videos about business, nobody, that's not true. 15% liked it, but the 85% were like, "What the fuck is this?" Like, I don't care about that. Talk about Pinot Grigio. Like you want to, like when people click on
your on your Instagram, I mean, it really hurts you because when I clicked
on your profile right now you don't even have your socials connected because you're insecure
about that vulnerability. – [Zara] Well, the thing
is about 10 years ago I was institutionalized one day before villages in African. And so I wanted a platform, and ran for Miss Universe, Canada. And then I started getting death threats from the Arab community. So like literally became super private for a very long time. – Sure, I respect that. – [Zara] And then now I'm at the point where I just don't give a fuck.

And there's a lot of information, especially towards the
Arab female population that I would love to
share things like that. – You should. – [Zara] And get my
liberation in that sense. – You should, there's so much there. I mean, I invested in
Muslim girl for that reason because there needs to be far
more conversation around this. It's a very, if for the people listening that don't know, it's extremely… It's extremely challenging in a world where people can hide and be cowards to be
a woman to begin with, to add being a Muslim woman. I mean, it's fucking,
it's very challenging.

Luckily, you're at the
part of your life now where you recognize 99.9999999999% of that feedback is from
people that are hurt, and they're just sharing their hurt and trying to tear you down. And you're now ready to live your life. – [Zara] Oh yeah, 100%. – So go live it. – [Zara] For sure, for sure. – So go live it.

I give you the answers. All right, see ya. – [Zara] Okay, well, thank you. – You're welcome. Take care, Nicole. – [Nicole] Hey Gary, thank you so much for inviting me up here. I am a huge fan of yours and I really do contribute
a lot at my success to a lot of your practices, especially jab jab, right hook. But I run a boutique real
estate brokerage in Houston, and also a few other
complimentary ancillary companies. I'm really struggling with being mindful of my sanity while being kind to myself with setting new boundaries. As a mom of three kids, how can I still add maximum value, and continue to give, while being careful not
to overextend myself? I feel like as moms, we have to be perfect moms
and perfect entrepreneurs. – You're welcome. So, I think this is an
issue for everybody, and it pops up quite a
bit in the mom community. There is no perfect Nicole, right? Like, you know that. I think it's about how you balance your judgment on yourself. Let's make this a convo, not just a standard question.

Like when I say that Nicole, you do understand what I'm saying, right? Like you're the judge and the jury. I mean, what every OG parent will tell you anyway is no matter how much you try your
parents are gonna blame, your kids are gonna blame you for everything anyway. (laughing) And I actually think that's
a liberating kind of comment. And I think, I hear in
the mom community a lot, like you don't get it.

We have to be a perfect mom, and a perfect, you know entrepreneur. And I'm like, "No, I don't think you," and this is when I talk to my friends. I'm like, "I don't think you get it." Everybody has that. There are dads that feel like they have to provide the finances if they have a stay at
home mom, or vice versa. There are moms who are the entrepreneur, the mom and the breadwinner. There are people who are insecure about their looks and they're like you don't get it when you're
380 pounds, the world. Like there are minorities, white males have plenty of
their own mishegas, too. Like, everybody's got stuff. And I think it's this
judgment on ourselves that is the ultimate game. Like, I think you just have to realize if you have good intent, and you're trying as hard as you can, if you have a bad Tuesday or a bad May, or a bad 2021, it's
still going to be okay. And once humans understand that, then shit gets good.

– [Nicole] Wow, thank you so much. I think what you said
is specifically spot on. I am definitely my own worst critic when it comes to feeling like I have to do
everything all at one time. – 100, even the way
you asked the question, and even the way you read it, like I just could taste it. Like you're the judge of you. Once you start accepting yourself for your efforts and your intent, instead of the output that
is judged by the outside. You're judging yourself because you're overvaluing other people's opinions, Nicole.

– [Nicole] I absolutely am,
thank you so much, Gary. (indistinct)
(talking at once) – I think this is gonna help people, so I'm keeping you on. Like, you understand
what I'm saying, right? – [Nicole] Oh yeah, 110%, I'm definitely my own worst critic. – Yeah, but why. – [Nicole] And it's definitely something that I've been working on.

But why, and you'll see
if you play this out, it's very likely because you'll overvalue other people's opinions. Whether that's your mother, whether that's your sister, whether that's your best friend, whether it's the community, you need to get into a place where you just don't value their opinion on your motherhood and
your entrepreneurship. – [Nicole] Yeah I definitely
need to reevaluate people that I have around me, and put myself in a better place to where I can you know, I have people cheering for me, versus people who are, you know, I don't know, constantly
struggling to be like.

So yeah, 100%, Gary. – Nicole, let's stay here because I think you're helping a
lot of people right now. You know, yes you can audit your circle and start to focus on that. You could also change the narrative which is when Sally Magoo is making a snarky comment
for whatever reason, you can really genuinely like, "Sally Magoo, I really appreciate that. "And I'm sure it's
coming from a nice place. "But you worry about parenting your kid, "and I'll worry about parenting mine." – [Nicole] Yeah. Actually I was just in a
situation with that this week. And definitely, I had to exit myself from the situation because as a mom it's really
hard to get parental criticism from somebody else who feels like they're doing a better job than you.

Yeah. – And don't forget. Parenting is like a sports game. That mom may be thinking they're doing a better job than you, But the score is 17 to seven in the first quarter of a basketball game. One thing that might help you,
Nicole is say, "That's cute. "But let's see how these
kids' lives turn out." And oh, by the way, parents
having their self-esteem wrapped up in what their kid's doing is the ultimate vulnerability. You can be proud and love your kid, but like too many parents
are deep in this shit now and whether the kid is nice, dresses slutty, is good at
sports, is not, a good student. All that shit has gotten way too close. The reason we've gotten
too deep in this shit, people really had better
boundaries in the past. Kids went outside, parents didn't know every
fucking little thing. I had 800 things brewing. My mom knew none of that.

And I think that's another thing for you to layer into
this conversation, Nicole. If you think that Sally
Magoo who's judging you has any fucking clue of what's
going on with their child. That makes me laugh. – [Nicole] Yeah, yeah. That hits home. My daughter is a competitive cheerleader, and that is a really,
really tough field to be in. It's like the dance moms world, if you've ever seen that show. And that's definitely not my scene. Like I stay in my lane,
I do my work and yeah. And it's definitely tough, because not only are they
in their kids' business but they're in everybody,
else's kids business. – Right, it's unfortunate. And really once you flip your mind into feeling compassion for them, instead of anger towards them, your life will get way better. When I come across that in my life, I smile with kindness and I'm like "I really appreciate your interest, "but I've got this and I really wish "you and your family nothing but good." And the conversations over.

– [Nicole] That is incredibly powerful. I'm definitely going to
start practicing that. Coming from the place of compassion. – Nicole, if you, correct. If you practice being the bigger person, and shutting the door for any engagement, then you're kind and canderous, and you're moving on. You're not giving them
any ammo for engagement. People's overreaction to that behavior is what feeds the oxygen of that behavior. When you say, listen, "Karen,
I really appreciate it." And you know, I'm sure
you're a wonderful person. And from your perspective I can see how maybe you came to that conclusion. But as you can imagine, just like I don't know
everything about your daughter. You don't know everything that's going on.

And I promise you, I feel very comfortable in the way this is going for the happiness of my child in 100 year period, not 100 day period. So I appreciate it. If you ever want to talk
about things, it's cool. Like that kind of talk. Got it? – [Nicole] Yeah, 100%,
thanks so much Gary. – You got it. All right, Jesse, what's good? – [Jesse] Hey, what's up, Gary? Thank you for the opportunity
to just ask you a question and open up this room, and thank (indistinct) for bringing me up.

So my question is you talk about basically you talk about a lot how to watch mostly what
you do, not what you say. I don't know if it's the algorithm here. I haven't seen you a ton here. So I just wanted to know what your opinion was on Clubhouse. – I'm obsessed with it. I think it's a remarkable platform, and I'm devastated that
I'm so, so busy, actually. Like one funny thing about me Jesse is I'm such a prolific content producer, but it's because I built a
strategy seven years ago, and built out a team
that allowed me to do it. Brother, I am literally in
meetings 12 hours a day. So, I don't have the time or capacity to do what I did in 2007-11, which was live on Twitter,
which let me do it.

But I'm telling you right now, I would spend every minute I could on Clubhouse right now building community. – [Jesse] Okay, do you see it like the way you talked about LinkedIn and- – Yes, I see it exactly that way for the people that have something to say and are good at communicating by voice. – [Jesse] Okay, even though, I mean probably the reason why you're probably not on here as much, you
can't reproduce the content? – Correct, this is not
a distribution platform. This is a platform to actually engage, and right this exact second,
I'm challenged for time. However, I literally
scheduled four 8:30 to 9:30s this week to be on Clubhouse because I'm that passionate
about building up. And as a matter of fact, for everybody who's listening right now tonight
actually is a good promo, and Benji I'll try to get to you.

It's so fun to have you in here. But I do have a 10:15 with a client. But tonight from 8:15 to 9:15, I have a huge talk with all my VaynerSports athletes in a room. So I'm really trying to hack Jesse, 'cause I really believe in it. But to your point, the reason you haven't seen me on here as much. I was aware of it in March. Swan, who's in the chat here got me, again March I was just trying to make sure my company was afloat. But I saw the Silicon Valley crew that I've seen so many times
jump on and I was like, "Fuck, I gotta get there, it's happening." My friend Swan who's down here finally, like was like, "Yo you
gotta get your together." Got me the invite, I jumped in, in July. I did a couple things. I enjoyed it, but I was just too deep in fixing my company 'cause
we were going through COVID, and I had a lot of
responsibilities and family stuff.

I just couldn't get there. But I really stepped up a little bit here by comparison in 2021. And I'm trying to carve out
more and more, and more time. But to your point, what we're seeing is me not being able to live my thesis because the land grab of
attention here is extraordinary. I'm all about it, I'm about that life. I just have to put in the reps, and me finding the time that
was extremely challenging. But you should be living here as much as you possibly
can and so should all 2,000 people that are in this room. – [Jesse] Appreciate that, thank you. – Of course, I hope you have the best day. Benji, I'm gonna get you in real quick. – [Benji] Rapid fire,
30 second answer Gary. – You got it, brother. – [Benji] Okay, thank you so much for what you're doing for the community.

When I was on your podcast, you asked me a unique
question about percentages. How important title,
thumbnail, and content is. I'm going to do the same for you. What is a percentage of time you should be spending on
these different platforms from YouTube, Instagram,
Facebook to LinkedIn, and now Clubhouse, go percentage wise? – So Benji, great question. Let me ask you a question, of the platforms you're on, which one gets the most organic reach because you've already, 'cause
I know you have a profile, and I know YouTube is one of them, has the most organic reach currently based on the algorithm and
the community that you built? – [Benji] Well, definitely YouTube, but second is now Clubhouse.

– Makes sense. So to me, Benji, if I'm you, I would probably create a
lot more YouTube videos. Notice how earlier I said to somebody, "Hey start making Instagram's "that don't do as well "but accomplish what you want." If I'm Benji, I'm putting out way more YouTube videos around Clubhouse, around LinkedIn and around TikTok 'cause those are the three places where organic reaches through the roof. And so that you can diversify and build up profiles on all three. Makes sense? – [Benji] Totally,
thank you so much, Gary. Hey, it's great to talk to you. Thank you. – Love you pal. All right, everybody. Thank you so much for this. I'll be back tonight, but it's very narrow. It's a sports conversation,
8:15-9:15 Eastern. VaynerSports is doing a
pretty cool jam session for people to listen into. Zaine, May and Than, excuse me. Thank you so much for moderating. Thanks for being part of my team. And I just want to thank, you know all of you that were in here throughout this conversation. I hope you have a wonderful,
wonderful, wonderful day.

Thank you for the 2,000
plus that joined us. Thank you, Dustin, who's recorded this. Hopefully we can get some clips out of it. Swan, I see you in there. Thank you, Matt. Always good to see you brother. Love seeing your face on here. Hope everybody has a great great day. Please hit me up on Twitter Gary V E E right now,
I'm going into a meeting, and I want the feedback from this session. So hit me up with at Gary Vee. Use the hashtag Clubhouse
to give me your feedback on how the session was and I
hope you get into the next one. I think I'm doing it tomorrow. Let me triple check. Yes, tomorrow 8:30-9:30. I hope to see you, there. See ya. YouTube watcher, what's up it's Gary Vee. First of all, thank you so much. I hope you're doing super
well during these times. I also want to ask you please subscribe, because my commitment and exploration of YouTube is about to explode. Stories, polls, more
content, more engagement, more surprise and delight. This is the time to subscribe. I hope you consider it.

And I hope I see you soon..

As found on YouTube

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