Copy This $1250/Day Passive Income System for Beginners to Make Money Online (Step by Step Tutorial)

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Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice

And you can see that in one day I made 415 profit by doing this then this day Made 230 dollars and yesterday I made Almost 200 profit and pure passive Income by setting up this system once in Literally less than 20 minutes and I'm Gonna show you exactly how you can do The same from literally anywhere in the World to make money online with no Previous experience and without Investing a single dollar into this Without having to record any YouTube Videos without having to be in front of The camera without having to build a Website and without actually having to Invest as I said a single dollar into This because it's absolutely free so if That sounds good enough then drop a like Down below and let us begin with a full Step-by-step breakdown just a quick Disclaimer here if someone replies to Your comment like this claiming they're Me just know it's a scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I Would never tax you for money you can Track their accounts they don't have a Verification badge they don't have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their posts they Engage is fake there are new accounts

And just know that I would never text You like that so just stay safe and Report them all so the website that I'm Showing you right now is called The Warrior plus Warrior plus is a platform Where you can promote it from affiliate Offers in the make money online in Online business Niche and you can see in The last 30 days I made about three Thousand dollars which may not seem like A lot but I actually just started using This method which I want to share with You inside of this video and show you Exactly how you can pretty much do the Same because as you can see today so far And it's literally 10 a.m in the morning I made few hundred dollars so it's Hopefully gonna be a couple of hundred Dollars by the end of the day like it Was 400 a couple of days ago so I'm Gonna reload the page to consider this Is actually real as you can see it's Still there I'm gonna reload the page Once again and you're gonna be able to See that it's gonna stay there so what You want to do is you want to sign up to Warrior for completely free and Then you want to go to the affiliate Offers so you want to find different Offers to promote and if you scroll a Little bit down you can literally find Thousands of different offers to promote And you're gonna find this useful data Which is going to tell you exactly what

Offer you should promote it's going to Show you the refund rate if the refund Rate is more than five percent don't Really promote those offers because They're probably not good and you can Also see the average sale the visitor Value and how many sales and the Conversion rate it is getting so what I Recommend you do is find some offers That actually give you email a swipe so What I mean by that is for example I Know that this vendor has one of those Email swipes so I'm going to search for It's called Sir Branson and if I open up One of his offers you're going to be Able to see that there are email swipes Provided for the Affiliates and you're Gonna be able to see exactly why we need Those email swipes you don't need your Own list or anything like that I'm going To show you exactly why this is so Important so if you scroll a little bit Down you can view the JV page so you Want to click on The View JD page where You can go and access those email swipes In most of the cases that are going to Be here so here we have like best Converting email swipes if you click on That that's going to open up a Google Document with all the different email Swipes that you can use like the subject Lines and also the email swipe swipes Which you can copy and paste and we'll Show you exactly how each of these

Emails while to do copy and paste can Make money on a complete autopilot so Once you find one of those offers that Give you email swipes you just want to Request to promote that offer so just Click on the request to promote and After a couple of hours or even a day You're gonna get accepted and hopefully For one of those offers so you can grab Your referral link for my case this is The affiliate link which I will need to Share with other people and if I go to The product section you can see that all The different commissions that I can Earn from one single product that I Promote and I basically have emails to Copy and paste to get those sales in a Complete autopilot so now once you have Those offers what you want to promote That give you email swipes that you can Just copy and paste like this offer is Giving to me you want to proceed to The Next Step which is to open up get Response I'm going to leave a link to Get response in the description box down Below so you can sign up to it for free And then you basically just want to go To the context section you want to click On create the list in this case I'm just Going to call it Warrior plus and click On create now once you have that list Created you just want to go to tools and Then you want to go to landing pages and Then you want to create a brand new

Landing page from scratch now you you Can choose from all of these different Templates that they have I'm just going To go with this one because it's the Easiest one and then you're going to Give it a name and click on Next Step so You just want to create a landing page That's going to promote that offer which You found on Warrior Plus in this case The offer that I'm promoting is like a Googleix app where people can which People can use to make money simply Searching on Google so what I can do is As you can see because it says it pays Him 39 over and over for simply Searching on Google what I can do is I Can pretty much just replicate their Landing page so I can just see what They've put in the landing page and I Can use the same headline for my landing Page as well so I will say Google Loophole pays me 39 over and over you Simply search online and then I'm gonna Say enter your best email to receive More similar jobs or something like that And I'm gonna remove this because I Obviously don't need it you can also add Your own logo here if you want to if not Just remove that as well and I'm also Going to remove the button because what I'm interested in is putting a static Form so I'm going to put the static form Somewhere around here somewhere in the Middle and then I'm going to remove all

Of these other sections because I don't Necessarily certainly need them and you Also don't need them as well so you can Pretty much just delete them and then What you want to do is you just want to Click on Save and then you want to go to The next step and you want to proceed Without the mobile version so just Proceed without a mobile version and Then you want to select the list in this Case my list is going to be the warrior Plus list which I previously created in The first step and you want to change The thank you page this is the most Important part change the thank you page To the custom thank you page and in the Custom URL is essentially just going to Be your affiliate link so when they Submit the email address they will be Taken to the actual landing page where They can buy that product so just click On publish now what you can do is you Can go over to the autoresponders Section on the left side and you can set Up an autoresponder so that when someone Signs up for your email list which you Just made they will start receiving Those emails on an autopilot so you can Basically just send them an email right Away and promote different offers to Them it doesn't need to be just one Offer so I can enter the subject line Right over here and I can pretty much Just copy the subject line from this

Platform so I will copy this subject Line that there giving to me so I'm Literally just copying and pasting then Design the actual email go to blank Templates use the blank template and Then just go back and copy one of these Emails so I'm gonna go with the first One here and I'm gonna paste that email Here and I'm gonna sign myself off and Make sure to actually insert your Affiliate Link in these blue text so I'm Gonna go back to Warrior plus to once Again copy my affiliate link I'm gonna Copy the affiliate link for this and Then I'm gonna just insert it here so I'm going to click on this to insert my Affiliate link here and I'm also going To insert my affiliate link here as well So this is gonna be the first email now Just click on next and this is something That's gonna send on a complete Autopilot to the person who signs up for My email list and I'm going to click on Save and publish and now you can set up The next autoresponder with like a next Email that's going to be sent on let's Say the day number two is you want to Click on Create autoresponder and this One can be for a different offer because You're already been promoting this first Offer now you can find a second one and Then you want to go back and then grab Those email swipes I'm gonna go to the Offer section and for example this is

Another offer that I can promote from The same vendor so I can just click on It and I can grab my email swipes for That offer as well from the JV page Right over here so I'm gonna go to the Email swipes section I'm going to click On best converting email swipes and then I'm just going to copy and paste this Email swipe so I'm going to copy this First subject line then go back to get Response paste that subject line here Click on design the message then click On blank template select a blank Template then go back and copy one of Those emails I'm just gonna go with the First one and I'm gonna paste the text Here sign myself off and then add my Affiliate link for that second offer Which I want to promote so again I'm Copying my my affiliate link for that Second offer and then I'm just gonna Insert it right over here so I'm going To insert the affiliate the affiliate Link here and then I'm gonna insert the Affiliate link here as well and then Click on next and then I'm gonna set up That this email is gonna be gonna be Sent on day number two after they signed Up on the initial landing page so now I'm just going to click on Save and Publish and this is gonna be the second Email that's gonna be sent on a complete Order panel so now you can continue Copying and pasting different emails

Setting up your autoresponder for the Next 30 60 or 100 days so that you can Promote as many different offers earning You as many different affiliate Commissions now most importantly you Need to start sending traffic to this First landing page that you made so you Can collect those emails and which is Going to trigger the autoresponder so That they will actually start receiving More emails on an autopilot and let me Show you how that's going to look like If someone actually enters their email Address so let's say they enter their Name they enter their email and they Click on sign up you're going to be able To see that they're actually going to be Faking to the affiliate page as you can See where they can learn more about the Product and they can buy it and you are Going to earn an affiliate commission And they're going to continue receiving Emails from you for new offers that you Are promoting from Warrior plus now one Of the easiest ways to start getting Traffic for your first landing page for Completely free is to just go over to which is another social media Platform just like Facebook and you can Go to the search bar and you can search For different make money online groups Where you can find thousands of people That are interested in making money Online and they're discussing making

Money online every single day like for Example this group has 9 000 members 1 000 members three thousand members you Can start drawing those groups and you Can post in a group like hey I found This new app that pays you to let's say Search on Google or whatever the app is About whatever the software is that You're promoting from order plus and you Can just leave your landing page link Over there so they will go to the Landing page they enter their email Address to learn about that product and You will start building your email list And start building a sustainable online Business that can actually earn you Passive income for a very long time so I Really hope you've learned something new In this video I really hope you got some Value out of this tutorial and if you Did make sure to drop a like down below And I will see you in some of the next Months

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