Kontra K – Erfolg ist kein Glück (Official Video)

Where others break down, you hold on Where others slow down – step on the gas If everyone around you gave up –
Go forward without looking back Do not confuse opportunities and blind chance
But do not doubt your abilities Do not be numb even in front of great goals You are like a car, air is your gasoline Envious glances flicker outside the window A new day awaits you, a new chance
New rules and players Flying high means knowing how to fall Without defeats there are no big victories
You can learn to fly And I don't know any other way For everything that matters to you You
'll have to pay honestly You say you can't?
So, you don’t really want it, everything is just Talent is a
skill And the master’s skill sets Success will not come suddenly Only hard work, blood
Tears and sweat Tiring your hands Just dare and choose who you are:
Light or darkness Success will not come suddenly Only work With heavy blood
Tears and sweat Tiring your hands Just dare and choose who you are:
Light or darkness New attempt – new luck
It's never too late If your flame went out in a draft So you were a tiny fire A powerful fire
In the wind it will only flare up stronger Goal should become your oxygen
And burn you from the inside After all, only those
who dare to jump off a cliff grow wings Having fallen like a stone to the ground
I get up and jump again And if you are afraid of bruises –
All your life you will only crawl Do not bow to anything
Always look at the sun Learn from each fall
To one day shine like lightning in the sky Lost once, come back
And make a new bet Willpower will turn your flesh into cast iron
Nothing is wasted Burn with your goals
Run to them as if towards the light When, if not now?
Who if not we? Success will not come suddenly – Only hard work, blood
Tears and sweat Tirelessly Just dare and choose who you are:
Light or darkness Success will not come suddenly – Only hard work, blood
Tears and sweat Tirelessly Just dare and choose, Who are you:
Light or darkness Don't waste time waiting While others sleep
And have sweet dreams Make your dreams come true
Talent is hard work They shout to me that everything comes easy to
you Who are you to judge this? We go out under the sun
Even if no one is waiting for us Envious people, blood and sweat –
This is our experience, our trials Perseverance is the key to any victory Yes, I lack a lot of things
But what I have is enough Success will not come suddenly – Only hard work , blood
Tears and sweat Tirelessly Just dare and choose who you are:
Light or darkness Success will not come suddenly – Only hard work, blood
Tears and sweat Tirelessly Just dare and choose who you are:
Light or darkness

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As found on YouTube

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