$3-$10 Per Hour | Make Money Posting On Social Media | Non Voice Part Time Job

A lot of you may know already that I am working full-time as a freelancer, specifically as an eCommerce Virtual Assistant. I would like to share with you that recently, I accepted a project proposal from a US client. It's only part-time. 1-2 hours a day and 5 times a week during weekdays. Then I felt so happy because I earned an extra weekly income of $100 on top of my regular salary as a freelancer or as an eComm VA. This is my proof of payment for working for 10 hours only with this client so far. I already got paid $100. I would also love to share this side hustle with you because you can also consider this as a part-time option. If you want to know more about this opportunity, please stay with me up until the end so you won't miss anything.

Hi everyone! My name is Russel. Welcome and welcome back to my YouTube channel. If you are new to my channel, please consider subscribing and click the bell icon below so you are updated on our videos about making money online. Don't forget to like and share this video too and leave your comments in the comment section. If you want to know more opportunities to make money online different side hustle tips make sure to visit my channel. We have organized Playlists there so you can check any specific video you want to learn. Let's proceed to our topic now. I would like to share with you a side hustle which is being a Social Media Manager.

This is the recent project that I also accepted. A social media manager is in charge of managing and increasing the social media presence of a company to upscale the business. A SMM is tasked to develop strategies, produce great content, analyze data usage, facilitate customer service across social media platforms and managing projects and campaigns. In general, you will be the one to manage the client's social media accounts or business accounts.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok. or whatever platform the client is using. And you need to implement specific strategies for the growth of the business the page, or the website. What are the tasks of a Social Media Manager? The tasks as a Social Media Manager will depend on the client's needs. It can get a range of general tasks like posting, or engagement. It can be a range of advanced tasks related to ads or marketing. That will really depend on what the client would require you to do. That's also why we have different levels of Social Media Manager. We have Entry Level, Intermediate and Advanced. For Entry Level, beginners can totally apply as long as you know how to use social media platforms. Now, let's talk about the possible tasks you need to do as a Social Media Manager. First one is engagement across social media platforms and customer service. You need to answer messages from the page. You need to reach and reply to comments and reviews. The next one is Content Posting. You're in charge to post different content.

That includes a specific topic, a specific caption for the content the use of proper keywords and so on. You're also in charge for Content Planning and Scheduling. You can't just go ahead and post the content. It will undergo strategies and planning. And for content scheduling, that refers to scheduling posts for a certain week or a certain month so the contents are ready. Those will be automatically posted. For Facebook, Meta Business is usually being used. Facebook Meta Business has a feature wherein you can schedule posts. You can also use Later. And there are a lot of other tools Social Media Managers use for content posting and scheduling.

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You're also in charge of creating high-quality and engaging content. These are photos, videos or status updates. You'll be the one to create those. And you will be the one who'll edit the photos and videos. At least a basic editing skill is also needed as a Social Media Manager. For me, I personally use Canva to edit FB and IG posts. With Canva, you can make use of ready-made templates for stories or FB and IG posts. You can definitely use those templates then you can just edit it accordingly. This one is an advanced skill but some clients would require FB Ads, Google Ads, Ads Reporting. That includes running ads, and sending reports for the ROI and outcome of the ads. If a client requires this type of skill from a Social Media Manager, the rate is usually higher. And for me, if you will notice, I got paid $10 per hour from my client that's because it also includes FB Ads, Google Ads and reporting. Another task is to perform research on current benchmark trends and audience preferences. You should know the trending topics, the posts and designs that the audience prefers or the usual engaging content.

Those are the usual tasks. What are the skills and qualifications required? For entry-level (these are the ones with $3-$5 rate), sometimes, there are clients who would hire an entry-level that needs to be trained for social media management. These clients usually offer a low rate but these clients don't require any intensive experience. A beginner can apply for an entry-level social media manager post. But you should have familiarity with using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or any other platforms the client will ask you to manage. But there are clients who would require hands-on experience on Content Management. You need to have basic to advanced editing skills depending on what the client needs. Another advanced skill that a client may require is experience in SEO or Search Engine Optimization Keyword Research and Google Analytics. You need to have a creative mind as a Social Media Manager. You need to have excellent communication skills because you will be communicating with your client and you will also be communicating with the community or the audience. You should also have analytical and multi-tasking skills. For the technical requirements, you need a laptop or a PC.

The specifications of the laptop/PC will depend on what the client needs. And you need to have a stable internet connection. Now for the salary and mode of payment, you can get paid $3-$10 per hour depending on experience and tasks the client needs help with and the skills you can offer. The rate would also depend on what platforms will you manage. Say, for example, the rate is higher if you're going to manage all the social media accounts of the client. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest or any other platform the client is using. For the payment method, the client would usually use PayPal, Payoneer, Wise, Bank Transfer, or any other payment method the client may know. Most Social Media Manager Posts are only for part-time.

You don't need to always go online. There are specific times that the client would need you. And it's totally non-voice. All of the tasks mentioned are non-voice tasks. You only need to communicate through calls or video calls when you have a meeting with your client. The question is, where can you find a client? Where can you apply as a Social Media Manager? I personally look for clients on onlinejobs.ph. I also got my recent part-time client from the same platform. But here are the websites from where you can get your client. We have onlinejobs.ph, upwork.com, freelancer.com. These are freelancing platforms from where you need to create your account. Once you have created an account, you can look for clients or job posts using keywords. We also have other platforms/agencies that you can apply to. You can apply to Cyberbacker, Liveworld Coconut VA My Outdesk and Autogrow. These platforms also hire Social Media Managers. I will put the link on the description and pinned comment.

That's another type of online job that I wanted to share with you. You can consider this if you're only looking for part-time jobs or if you're looking for extra jobs. You can also do this. I hope this video helps! if you have any questions, comments or content suggestions, please leave it on the comment section below. Don't forget to like this video and share this with your friends and family especially if you enjoyed it! And if you are new here on my channel, don't forget to click the subscribe button and bell icon below, so you are updated in our next videos about work from home and earn from home tips. I'll see you again on our next episodes and videos about making money online. Bye for now and Godbless everyone..

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