Ghana Marburg Outbreak: Director Of Ghana Health Service Briefs Ghanaians On Emergence Of New Virus

morning and welcome to the minister's press briefing here at Ministry of Information. Today we have invited all of you here at the instance of the National Cyber Security Authority for the media launch of the national cyber security week eh month celebration which is supposed to take place in October. We have with us some dignitaries who I will introduce after which will go for some remarks and eh substantive presentation by the acting director general of the authority. With this morning we have the members of the joint cyber security committee if you are here we acknowledge you We also have directors from the authority with us this morning. We have with us the director of FNA Ministry of Information, Madam Patricia Dovi Samson with us this morning.

Also with us, we have mister Daniel Jampo. President of the ISACA Ghana chapter. We also have with engineer doctor Kenneth Ashigbe, the CEO of Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications. We also have with us doctor Albert Anchibo as I mentioned earlier the director general of the cyber security authority joining us this morning is our special guest honorable Ama Puma Bwatim deputy minister for the Ministry of Communications and Digitalization she is also the member of parliament of Jabein constituency in the Ashanti region without wasting my time I will invite the honorable deputy minister for her remark thank you. Good morning. the deputy minister for information, honorable Fatimatu Abubakari. The acting director general of the cyber security authority, Doctor Albert Intribuisi executive officer of Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications. doctor, engineer Kenneth Ashigbe. Major General Doctor Emmanuel Kute Kotia, CEO of Ghana Boundaries. Commission, the president Isaka Ghana Chapter, Mister Daniel Jampo. Members of the Joint Cyber Security Committee. Members of the media fraternity distinguish ladies and gentlemen All protocols observed. I am delighted to be here this morning for the media launch of the forthcoming National Cyber Security Awareness Month which comes off from first to 31st October 2022.

As part of the Safer Digital Ghana Awareness Program, launched by the vice president Alhaji Tama Mahmoud Bayomia in October 2018 focusing on children, the public, business and government Ladies and gentlemen, the government is committed to its digitalization efforts in attaining a reliable and robust digital economy. As a matter of fact, the government's desire to accelerate inclusive growth through greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability. The delivery of public services has led to the implementation of various digitalization projects including mobile money interpreability, a universal QR code payment system, a national identification system, the E passport system, the Ghana. gov infrastructure and the paperless port system. among others. that notwithstanding, the digital space is is prone to varying cyber attacks.

And this must be a concern for everyone. In October twenty twenty1, Interpol reported that cyber crime reduced the PDP of African countries by more than percent. Which was an equivalent of four point 12 billion dollars. In Ghana, there has been an increase in cyber related incidents and crimes. Due to the our reliance on information communications technology, ICT for social for social economic activities. The most prevalent cyber incidents received in twenty twenty in 2020 by the cyber security authority. Through the cyber crime incident reporting points of contact, launched in October twenty nineteen where online fraud. access online blackmail online impendation and the publication of non-consensual intimate images.

The overall prevailing incident reported by businesses particularly small to medium enterprises. During the period was online fraud, which was 63% of all reported crimes. Distinguished guest cyber security is key to sustaining Ghana's digitalization agenda. Therefore, it is crucial to have effective measures to protect our critical information infrastructure, coordinate and respond to cyber security incidents and to develop a cyber security culture in the interest of our socio-economic development. The president, his excellency Nanado Danko Ekufo Ado has since 2017 institutionalized cyber security in the country to ensure that we safeguard our investment in digitalization. As part of government's effort to create awareness of cyber security matters in the country. The annual national cyber security awareness month event has been institutionalized since October twenty eighteen. Additionally, the passage of the cyber security act twenty twenty act ten thirty eight establishes the cyber security authority whose mandate is to regulate cyber security in the in the country in line with the mandate of the cyber security authority, the theme for this year's celebration of the National Cyber Security Awareness Month is regulating cyber security.

A public private sector collaborative approach. The objective is to enhance public private sector understanding of cyber security regulations and build synergies among all relevant stakeholders to ensure compliance with cyber security regulations. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, government is an enabler in the development of cyber security. And without a shadow of doubt, committed to this mandate. We as stake this, however, have a collective responsibility to protect system through in regulating the industry. Thank you very much. That was insightful. Thank you so much honorable minister. Uh it's it's so refreshing to note that in line with the theme for this year's celebration, we have all the key stakeholders in auditorium and that we have major general Emmanuel Kotia, the CEO of Ghana Boundaries Commission with us this morning.

Doctor Albert Nchibu Esiako, the director general of the cyber security authority to give us the substantive presentation. The honorable deputy minister for communications and digitalization. An MP for Jabin. Honorable who is representing Minister for Communications And Digitalization and MP for Ablikma West. Missus Aslawsu Ekufu. Police, policy, cyber security policy in government. Our honorable deputy minister for information and our host. Honorable Fatima to Abubakar. We're grateful for having us here madam minister. The chief executive officer, Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications, Doctor Engineer Kenneth Ashiwe. The president of Aka Ghana Chapter, Missus Daniel Jambo, who has been with us. Uh for this journey since day one. Major General Emmanuel Kotia, the CEO of the Ghana boundary commission. Uh the Nako chair was part of this process. the passage of the act and general grateful for the input including some of the study tours it took it took us for experiences thank you for joining us here also today again I've seen madam Patricia Adobi madam Patricia we worked together when you were at the ministry of Communication before you moved to information and I think we did some excellent works setting the basis for Ghana's child online protection development I grateful for those work you then at the start of this eh engagement.

Members of the joint cybersecurity committee established under the cybersecurity act. eh management and staff of the Ministry of communication, specialization the ministry of information but also my very dear cyber security authority. Representative from the media, ladies and gentlemen, all protocols are now observed. On behalf of the cyber city authority, I wish to welcome you to this media launch. Of the national cyber city awareness month twenty twenty-two. On behalf again of my institution, we are sincerely grateful for participating in this event. on a bit of background ah to this whole activity that we've gathered here to to launch a global digitization trends have changed the manner in which businesses today this has also created opportunities and provide that enabling environment for economic growth recent statistics indicate that over 62% of the world population which is closed about 5 billion access to internet. Ghana, the internet penetration has increased exponentially from a little over 2 million in 20 2012 to about 17 million users.

As we speak to. With more than half of our population connected to the internet. The same analysis suggest that averagely a Ghanaian user spend about five hours. Using the internet on his or his device. This development has translated to a certain ranking in which Ghana is placed number ten. With active social media presence. In other words, if you take the the countries in the world, Ghana is placed number three, behind only Nigeria and Philippines. Where are citizens spend time on social media? It is an important statistic for us. In terms of cyber criminology, the all we have our citizens connected to the internet.

More they are exposed to cyber attacks. So we are interested in how often and how long citizens actually connect to the internet. Ladies and gentlemen, while digitization is bringing remarkable economic and societal benefit to majority of our population, it is worth noting that these technologies irrespective of the opportunities they create have inherent risks such as ah criminal seeking advantage. Taking over our protective systems which could then have detrimental effect on individuals, enterprise, societies. And our dear republic at large. Studies shown that an increasing reliance on internet has created more risks and vulnerabilities. And open up new possibilities for criminal activities. The global risk report of 20 20 indicate that cyber security threats are growing, malware and ransomware attacks have increased.

By more than three hundred and 400 respectively, just in 2020 alone. The report also ran cyber attacks at the seven most likely and the eight most impactful risk facing businesses globally. In recent years, there have been several major cyber incident that have significantly impacted businesses including financial institutions and other critical information, infrastructure owners worldwide. That say, as dependency on digital technology surges so as cyber crime. Cyber criminals are seizing every opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities. Against people, businesses, organizations. Globally, it's not only the Ghanaian situation. I think the the situation of ah having ah increase in the use of the internet and digital system is a worldwide phenomenon.

And and Ghana is no exception. As at the first half of this year, the National Computer Emergency Response Team, that sits within the cyber city authority. Receive more than 7, 000 contact through the point of contact which was launched in twenty nineteen. Ah, the ministry of communication led us to launch certain citizens could report so eh 292 is the number that when there is an incident ah citizens call eh for guidance and and for support to address issues out of this number more than 300 were recorded as cyber cities incident of necessitated investigations and wrongs and as the honorable deputy minister mentioned earlier ah the top ranks the usual online blackmail, online impersonation, publication or non-consensual images, unauthorized access to ah protector system and so on and so forth.

But it's important to highlight one particular dimension of this. More than four thousand, in other words, more than half. Of the people who reach out to the assets. Reach out to seek guidance. To prevent or to detect the potential cyber incident. From my team I think that is the best intervention that we have seen. Provide avenue. Ordinary person for example is on Facebook. Or LinkedIn looking for job. But at the same time, through that commitment, they are exposed to risk. But you call two nine two. Explaining that. Look, I've seen this job being advertised. At the Ministry of Information. you're looking for right to information offices. But somebody is asking you to pay five hundred Ghana cities. I don't think the minister of information solicit for payment before recruitments are done. It doesn't happen. I haven't seen that in any public sector institution. If indeed, it has to happen at all. There are always authorized channels by which those things are done. But what we have done, having a mandate of protecting our citizens is to make sure that the citizens can call two nine two.

Explain and gets direction and guidance to avoid that. It is very important. It means that potentially we have helped more than 4, 000 of our citizens. To stay away from being victimized of cyber fraud. And I want to really thank my team. These are silent results. That possibly we don't see. Normally the media are likely to what? Cover the attacks. But certainly not the effort.

That is my hard work team are making and we want to put this in perspective. That statistic so much for us. Because it also helped the ordinary people. I keep on saying. 500 Ghana cities could potentially be a living wage for somebody. Who sells let's say ice water in the street. So if we are able to provide a preventive mechanism for such people to still keep the little daddy and I think in many sense that is a real essence of public service. And we want to highlight this as part of the man of the cyber security authority. Now ladies and gentlemen, madam minister, permit me to give a bit of history. The cyber mind that we know today.

How did that start? The records we have in November 2016, this whole process started. Yeah. All the smaller scale. But the community, both the government at the time and the industry came together, highlighting the need to raise awareness, which is a kind global celebration. So Ghana had to start something ah from that period. In 2 thousand and 17, the week long celebration ah was marked under the team securing Ghana's digital journey. We were fortunate. President republic, his excellency Nanaudanko Ekufo Ado, to lead the effort in the celebrations. This also continued in two thousand and 18. When we had again the president also opens my experience across the continent, I haven't seen a certain president demonstrate commitment by participating awareness creation effort. Across the African continent. I think it's something commendable. We have challenges. Health, education, infrastructure. But if we fail to also give commitment to cyber security by the time we are ready, the taking over and I think this is why I think it's commendable the leadership that we've seen in political establishment in supporting this we hope this continues as we make progress in securing our digital environment I must also commend ah my deputy minister mentioned earlier that the former institutionalization of the awareness month started in two thousand and 18.

But I mean thank you for for bringing that in perspective indeed that was the case. But what really motivated that approach? The ministry of communication at the time. Conducted a study. Working closely with the global cyber security capacity center. At the University of Oxford and the World Bank. To examine the state of our cyber city as a country. That was a study conducted around the various area areas legislation, culture, Said policy organizations and the assessment rated Ghana cyber court and society at the very minimum very very low and of course we most of us are not surprised ah the state of our awareness ah of cyber crime issues I don't think it is the best so therefore this research provided input in which in two thousand and eighteen the ministry launched the campaign called the Safer Digital Ghana. This was launched by the vice president of the republic again.

Another demonstration of commitment by political leadership. It's very important How such leadership impact on the focus that we give to some of these activities. Ladies and gentlemen, in twothousand and 19, we also continued with the celebrations. Here moving from a week to actually a month long event. The event celebrated under the team demonstrating Ghana's cybersecurity readiness. In that particular year, more than 4, 000 high school children across the country were sensitized. Collaboration with UNICEF. And I'm happy that process started well. And now the ministry of communication working closely with other partners, including Huawei, have built up on that. You know, taking the whole activity even beyond the cyber month. Madam deputy minister, do you been championing this? And I think it's, it's good that we keep on working to sustain you know the little that we we started with So thank you very much.

At the height of COVID-19 in 2020. At a time doctor Eji was called the national cyberstreat center. Because an agency under the ministry of communication and the event was organized under a team cyber security in the era of COVID-19. Of course, COVID brought us very close to digitalization. And we had to do something we were, most of us were working from home remotely. We had to ah intensify our awareness creation effort. And I believe we reach out to more than 00, 000 Ghanaians. Uh, direct contacts eh using remote means to facilitate awareness creation capacity building activities. Last year, the program was organized under the team Ghana's cyber security act twenty twenty. Its implications and the role of stakeholders. That was the year that we started implementing the act. So therefore, the team was chosen to highlight the need for ah stakeholders to work together to achieve security within our digital ecosystem. ah the introduction of the landmark legislation which provide the legal backing to our work ah ah in the cyber security area again more than 120 participants participated in our specific programs excluding our engagement with media highlighting patronage and collaboration among all the stakeholders madam minister distinguished ladies and gentlemen the proliferation of cyber attacks targeting individuals, businesses and critical information infrastructures has led to the Of mandatory regulations globally cyber city regulation is coming into the picture.

Regularly compliant become one of the most effective and liable strategies to mitigate cyber risks within an industry. There's a kind of guidelines that put the necessary measures in place. Businesses, private sector, government sector, we need to put certain measures in place to to protect our digital assets. In this regard, regular implementation of regulation is imperative to deal with both existing and emerging cyber trades. Uh which have the potential to undermine the digital divide that we all expect from our digital economy. The cyber state extended aid provides the regulatory framework to promote cyber development in this country.

The authority has commenced a number of regulated activities. Including the protection of critical information infrastructure space one to sections. 3 5 to 40 of at ten thirty eight. Citizen of cyber city service providers, peaceful inter section 49 to 56. And on cybersecurity has been reporting and response to sections 41 to 48 same Ladies and gentlemen, it is anticipated that start January twenty twenty-three. If you are a business, a firm, or an individual, you will not be able to offer a cyber security service. Unless your entity has been granted the licenses or the needed accreditation to exercise that activity.

This is part of the implementation of the act. In addition, a designated critical infrastructure owner. shall be subjected to mandatory auditing compliance checks against the directive for the protection of critical information infrastructures that was adopted October 1st 20 21. We going to collaborate with the members of the joint cyber security committee. the body has a number of regulatory bodies, Bank of Ghana, the National Communications Authority, NATA, data protection commission, the National Intelligence Agency, National Security Institutions, for full enforcement of these directives.

These are the being implemented persuasion to the cyberspace twenty twenty. The authority is being guided by the governing board and also through our work with the joint cybersecurity committee to approach cybercity regulations from a very collaborative perspective. Again, it's key. And that highlights the team actually for this year's event. We believe collaborative regulation holds the key to bring both the public and private sector stakeholders together. Towards achieving a secure and a resilient digital Ghana. As part of NASAM twenty twenty-2 celebrations, which is being launched today under the team regulating cyber public private sector collaborative approach. The authority will engage with stakeholders including public consultations for inputs into the various regulations which are expected to take full effect starting January twenty twenty-three. Subject to the approval of the governing board of the cyber security authority. Ladies and gentlemen, the internet over several opportunities for improving the lives of children through access to information which is beneficial. To their education, health and social well being. Many children are however becoming prone to criminal online practices which are detrimental to their development.

By the risks they face are through the contacts sometimes they establish Sometimes the content that they assess on the internet and sometime even their own conduct. Puts other children also at risk. The cyber security authority is committed to ensuring the protection of children online per heads mandates provided in the cyber security act. In furtherance of this Monday, the child online protesting framework has been developed in the last stage. Madam Patricia again, we build upon what we started. When you are the ministry of communication, to ensure it is more responsive to the needs of time, especially we have our young children really resulting to the internet for their own development it.

Ladies and gentlemen, as part of measures to effectively implement the cybersecurity act, awareness creation cannot be over emphasized. The CNC therefore seeks to leverage on the twenty twenty-two edition of the event to engage and partner with stakeholders in the public and private sectors to implement cyber city measures. And build capacity among all our stakeholders. At the end of the month long event, which is scheduled for first to the first of October. We expect to have improved awareness among the stakeholders. Of the regulatory provisions within the act. But again, my deputy minister mentioned that the government is enabler for cybersecurity development. Citizens are responsible for their own security. I think we need to really carry this message, media. responsibility on cybersecurity matters is a collective responsibility. The government certainly has to lead and that is enabling intervention by way of legislation, by way of a policy strategy, by way of framework, by way of also making financial commitment for the development of cyber security which is key.

But we also expect business institutions, individuals to take that responsibility from their So again, we are expecting to also raise awareness on regulatory compliance to ensure that the collaborative engagement works. So, if we speak to the chamber, the eyes to understand engineer Kenneth. We need to protect her economy. Your sector is key. It's a foundation of digitally driven economy. Need to understand that we need to take practical measures.

To comply with the needed regulations to ensure we stay protected. Madam minister, host, permit me to ease your platform to certain names, institutions which are supporting this program. They've eager committed or they've given pledges to make commitments. And I want to thank you, it's a collective engagement, so we have our way who have made commitment to support, collaborate with us. Republic Bank of Ghana, Comsis Ghana Limited, Stanbic Bank Ghana Limited, Virtual Infosec African Limited, the MTN Ghana, GSCB Bank Limited, Fidelity Bank Ghana Limited, IT Consortium, EY, Alisa Hotel, National Communications Authority, MasterCatch Foundation, E Crime Bureau Limited, Mazam Ghana Limited, Unicef Ghana, Sheld Global limited, Ghana investment Fund for Electronic Communications, Gific, Telecommunications, it hasn't dropped yet, I haven't seen it yet.

Bank of Ghana, and I think you answer when you take the podium, okay? The Ghana Association of Banks, eh, professionals, Isaka Council of Europe. This is the late high heart, I believe they are probably more names, but forgive me, this is the only list that I was given. But again, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, we expect this year's NASA. To cens the public and increase awareness on the implementation of regulations to ensure the safety and security of our digital ecosystem. A number of activities both in Accra and the regions are being organized to raise awareness on cyber crimes and the need to promote cyber security by children, the public businesses, and also government.

We even have engagement with the national security establishment. Through engagement with the original security council, working with the office of the National Security Coordinator. So it is not just limited to Accra but we engage in ah either physically and also ah you know using virtual means to reach out to people I wish to extend appreciation again to the leadership of our republic led by his excellency Nana Adudanko Ekufuwadu the minister for communication and digitalization the governing board of the cyber city authority members of the joint cyber security committee members of parliament especially the seventh parliament. Which were so well to pass the cybersecurity act for us. Businesses or international partners, civil society groups, and the public at large.

For the support for Ghana's cybersecurity development, which is currently ranked as the third on the African continent. Having moved from thirty 2. 6% in 2017. To 8-six point 69% in 2020. According to the IT's global cybersecurity industry, I think we've done a bit of work together government parliament, private sector, public sector, working together to raise our profile, you know, from below up. But we need to sustain that. It's not just the movement, it's good, it tells us that we've gotten certain pillars in place. African countries are coming over to learn from us. I think on the third of October, we're expecting to have the vice president launches. We're having Rwanda and Mozambique coming to sign an MOU to learn from what we have done. We have in western countries reaching out to us also to study areas like eh licensing of cyber security service provider which we are collaborating with Singapore. We've passed an act in which at least four countries have what? Pick pieces. Mauritius is one, Sierra Leone is one, the Gambia is one.

I think these are the things we need to celebrate but again, it does not provide immunity from attacks. it's put us on a good footing that as a country we take in cyber security serious how do we carry on? And sustain the gains that we have achieved collectively as people. It requires public private sector engagement. And again government support including sustainable financing for cyber security development of the country. Therefore I call on the private sector, churches, schools, civil society, organization, entire public to use the period to educate their members on cyber security. If you are a business, please in a man of October Just create a hard day, 1 hour, 2 hours. And share the the basic risks that your employees are facing. If you are a ministry, do the same. Madam deputy minister. We want to you to make a commitment when you take over. What are you going to do for the ministry of information? Again, the authority is there to provide guidance including facilitators to help you raise that awareness.

And because madam Patricia has already been around this process the two female champions. It is our expectation that even at the Ministry of Information, something will also be done here. The authority is available to provide inputs and also support to reach out to your citizen to stay protected. Media, we brought you here for a simple request. Let's use your platform. To educate Ghanaians. Cybersecurity is not really, again, the government enabler. Outlining leading some of this initiative. But how do we get the people in the remote areas? Yo, let listeners, your viewers needs to be educated and I believe within the month of October, you create spaces, opportunities, whilst you encourage your management team to conduct awareness sourcing for you, for your own, I mean, within your establishment.

We also expect more generosity in terms of creating content, in terms of creating airtime, to educate our citizens. Again, give a true meaning to the idea that security is a collective responsibility and the media plays a part in this. October is the month being dedicated for these heightened efforts. The cyber security tourism is available to work with all stakeholders who will need assistance and guidance with respect to creating awareness on cyber security this October and subsequently. Madam deputy minister of information, we grateful for having us here. My own deputy minister, thank you for leading us and sowing eh commitment in the absence of our substantive mediator to join us for this event. Media, thank you and everybody. Thank you. thank you for the brilliant presentation doctor Njibu Esiako. It it was so refreshing to note that as Ghana digitalization and also take advantage of the digital economy all stakeholders within the public and private sector are working so hard and ensuring that we are protected all citizens who are using the space are protected. So thank you so much for the assurances and the fact that you are committed to implementing the act and all other regulations or legislations that are to ensure that we are safe, safe from fraud, from extortion, from extortion and all the other vices that have I will now invite doctor Kenneth Ashigbe for from the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications.

She's the CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications. And as the team goes, we have a lot of support from the private sector. So I will invite him for his remarks. Thank you very much honorable deputy minister for information Honorable deputy minister for communication and digitalization. distinguished ladies and gentlemen I must stand on the protocols already observed and say that it is a privilege to be here today Uh on this day when we're launching the National Cyber Security Month for twenty twenty-two. And I think the theme is very very appropriate. Uh and we need to commend the authority. That creative regulation is been the way the authority has handled the particular space. I remember even the work that we had to do in setting up in coming up with the the law was very collaboratively done. And we really would want to commend the for that. It is important to note that security itself is a collaborative approach. And when you come to the cyber security world, definitely that also would be. I remember very fondly eh those of us who are on the fifth floor and above, we remember the millennium back.

You know and eh what Y two K and all the things that were around it. Before it happened, you know, the jobs that were created, the monies that were made, but nothing happened in Ghana. Because you see, by then, we weren't connected. But unfortunately for us these days, it's no more like that. We are really, really well, now very connected. To the extent that we really are exposed. It is insightful to go back ah, the director general mentioned the ITU rating. If you go and you look at the mobile connectivity index as well. One that have moved Ghana to where we are as a transition nation is what we've done in cybersecurity. The fact that the authority is in place, the fact that the law in place, and the fact that we are working together to be able to protect that space.


So I would want to urge all of us that it's important that we take cyber security very very importantly. And for us in the telecommunication sector, it one of the things that we really do, so you find out that in Ghana, most of our you would say that the technical part are very sound when it comes to eh your security but even that it's because on a constant basis you need to be working at it and ensure that you are dealing with it but our major challenge is the people part a major challenge is the people part. I'm pretty sure that if I dropped 60, 62, 64 mega gig pen drive in this room right now. Some of us will pick it and put it in our pocket thinking that you know, we found some some good price.

And we'll take it and go and plug it into our machines and by the time you see, you've been taking over. We know the stories that come with people's having been hacked, you hear interesting stories about people who have PhDs and all of that. And they fall to some of these you know, mobile money scams and all of it is on cyber engineering. So, we need to really work together authority with private setup, public sector, the CSOs, academia, to be able to work on the people side when it comes to our cyber security. The same way which Ghanaian to be very welcoming. We've taken that also to the space. But unfortunately cyberspace is worse than what happens really in the in the real world. And so we need to be more cyber aware. Ai cyber hygiene levels need to be taken to the next level. Another interesting thing when you look at the theme when we talk about public and private sector is that you find out that most of the big organizations pay particular attention to cyber security and would spend a lot of money.

Then a lot of our eh medium and micro and small entities do not. But the interesting thing for the cyber criminals is that yes, the big companies have a lot of money but when you put together a lot of these small companies, there's a lot also there. So if we don't find ways in which we protect them, that that's where the attack is going to happen. And especially for our country where about 90% of your businesses are in that particular category if we start getting a lot of hits there, it really would bring us down. So, it's important that working with the ministry, we've been able to set up this particular month. So, we all need to take advantage of it to ensure that we would really be able to work collaboratively with the authority to ensure that we can help raise the cyber hygiene of entities how do we eh find ways in which we can create ah cloud sources by which some of these ah micro small scale organizations are able to also build their protections these are the things that we need to do.

So I definitely would want to assure ah the authority and the acting director general that to him we the two programs that were working together already. And then we also orchestrated a third program. So definitely the name of the chamber should have been in that list. That that you you you listed because there's definitely something we are going to do going together and it's something that we need to to to do together because it's our interest to be able to protect us and we definitely acknowledge the fact that government is just an enabler but all of us have a role to play to ensure that we secure our country and that we ensure that we take advantage of the fourth industrial revolution. So, thank you very much for having us and God richly bless us all. thank you so much doctor Shigbe. I will now invite the president of the information systems audit and control association Ghana chapter. Mister Daniel for his remarks. Alright, the honorable deputy minister for information.

The honorable deputy minister for communications and digitize digitalization doctor Albert is the acting acting director general for cyber security authority. Our own friend Ken Ashibe eh Major General Emmanuel Kotia all protocols reserved observed sorry ehm I'm happy to be here this, this, this program and this launch. Um, cyber security has become an, has become an integral part of our lives. And it's not it's we should not take it something that belongs to a certain group of professionals or ehm some institutions but it should become it should be introduced as an integral part of our lives.

Now, ehm, it's interesting to say that security or perception of digital security is now as good as capital. What I mean is if international businessmen or business people perceive Ghana as a safe digital hub. There are some businesses that will be attracted into this country. services operate smoothly. People are less likely to suffer damages or if anything happens. Confidence that it can be remedied. It becomes a safe digital environment and in a lot of business.

This is only beginning in Ghana. Okay, and it can only go forward or get better. We, we, we are only growing, going to grow into a more digitalized environment or economy. Ehm the government and the cyber security authority for that matter have done a lot like the previous speaker said government is mainly an enabler. And I think that's the work that has been done to date over a short period of time, and ehm, I have been following from day one, has been tremendous, a lot of countries are not where we are today, and we need to acknowledge the work that through the office of ehm, ehm, doctor BSiako, how far we have come? we have the cyber security act We have a number of policies and works that are under development.

There are many countries that are yet to start with this. Okay. I believe we should all put put our our our efforts together to be able to develop these areas, standards that are coming up. And also to empower and develop research centers. Centers research into cyber security. And trends. And things that are going on not only in Ghana. Cyber security cuts across borders. So we should have a institutions in Ghana that are able to tell us what is happening around us. That will inform us and that will enable us to better position ourselves economically in terms of security ehm in education and many other areas where cyber security has a lot of relevance. businesses at all levels I believe should should be held to very high level standards of cyber security our compliance with compliance frameworks and standards are still under development and will be introduced soon should be imbibed and should be enforced across this is how I I I look at such enforcement in a very positive manner. Okay, we want to lift society up to a certain point. How we do it introduction of standards. If we we don't we don't have any rules about dressing.

Then people dress anyhow and we do not even able to identify any particular culture that cuts across. Okay, but when we introduce standards, when we introduce compliance, when we do enforcements, when we audit, this helps to lift a society from one year, over a a period of about three years, four, 5 years, you will see a natural progression forward, okay? That is how we should all be involved. certain industries come to mind when we are talking about this ehm some I believe are more important than others. I'm happy that again that doctor Kena Shibe is here because the telecom is a very important industry where you talk about cyber security. Um the banks or let me rather use financial institutions.

We have insurance companies. we have microfinance companies and generally the service industry also where we deal with people in various ways. things are becoming a lot more digitalized in these areas And we need to make sure that these industries are coming and going by the standards. Um another area I believe should be addressed is the ehm board and executive levels of important industries.

Some I may say ehm institutions that are critical to the state like electricity, like water, like civil aviation, the air, the, there are those that control our airways, ehm, hospitals, and a few others These are areas where cyber security should be taken very seriously from the top level, from the board. And that should be cascaded downwards to every single member in such institutions.

Okay. Another area of importance is education. Where it should be permeative. sorry the cyber security mass is a very a very good introduction and I believe it shouldn't end only at the end of October it should continue it should be all the it should it should it should continue after October public education should be sustained I believe also that the education on cyber security should be introduced at a much lower level in educational institutions right from the primary level and you would see in different jurisdictions in different ehm ehm economies that children from a certain level react differently to information whilst in our environment ehm you ask a child where where where is your house? Where does your father work? The child will not ask you, why are you looking for that information? But they will just give it to you, probably also add where their mother is working.

Okay, but this is because they are not groomed with that culture from the start. And this is mainly in the education space. I, I, I, I would really like us to approach cybersecurity from ehm, an offensive thinking about how we are going to you know someone is stealing from my my bank account and all that's that that is being done but we want to take it forward and let it become part of us a culture okay and not only children growing up but there are many parents who are much older now and have very little understanding of cyber security why shouldn't you give your child a smartphone you should because many things are happening now that they can they can use a smartphone to to work on but ehm if you give your child a smartphone you should be able to put in place the necessary security or safeguards so that you you don't get scared what the child will use a smart phone for or you can effectively monitor and then the child can also have the benefit of plugging into an economy that is becoming increasingly digitalized.

Okay, so rather than deprive or hold back, let us adopt a proactive stance Introduce a lot more of digitalization, introduce a lot more of modernization, and know how, understand it by ourselves and know to manage these things as they come. closing what I would say is there is still a serious shortage of cyber security professionals. In Isaka, we continue to train and educate. Isaka is a global institution. We have some of the best seditions which we continue to run and make available to people in Ghana. Professionals from every walk of life. It is not only restricted to people in IT but and and everybody. seeking to know a lot more and learn a lot more. Okay, and we are working very much in collaboration with the cyber security authority. Okay, so ehm, we will continue to support this drive, we will be very much a part of the ehm, the cyber security month, and we will continue to work with cyber security authority, other agencies that are in this, the the ministry of information, ministry of communication, and all other agencies that are involved this drive.

Thank you very much. I will now invite the CEO of the Ghana Boundaries Commission, Major General Doctor Kutia for his remarks. deputy minister for information I want to stand on protocol that has been established by the last speaker so that I can continue. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for this opportunity. Now looking at the vision of the national cyber authority, it says that they intend to have a secure and resilient digital Ghana and that is very instructive in itself. We need to understand from the beginning this is an institution or an entity that started from nowhere eh I know the deep history of how this cyber authority came into being the contacts that have been made in the I have been part of the process as the chief executive officer interr upting act ten thirty it which is nationals which is the cyber security law.

I want to say that for those of us who have not gone through the various pages of the law, let's take our time and read law, I think that is in the anals of Africa. Now, we must also understand that and it has been mentioned in passing by the previous that and eh doctor Shibi that cyber security is very key to our national security. Is therefore important for us to understand that whatever crimes that are undertaking on the name of cyber has national security implications The cyber space itself is very big. And there could be a lot of incidents that can take place within that space. So we need to also be very observant and an internet connection and from anywhere Mention that if you look at the National Security AS, National Security Strategy of Ghana, there are a number of detailings that are very clear so far as the issue, that is a strategic document, issues of eh cyber see is concerned that particular document reference to Cyber with reference to national framework for the prevention and counter terrorism as well and it's important for us to get understand on of the National Security Strategy that is a strategic document and it is based on we have had a national cyber strategy as this country is concerned.

Also it's important for me to relate what I'm doing as a Ghana boundary commission to issues of cyber and digitalization It's important that use of boundary security, issues of survey are really guarded because we use a number of equipment so that we will not be able to have distractions out of a cyber activities. So it's important for us to also collaborate with the nationals eh the for the Cyber Authority so far as our operations is concerned so we deem it very fit and instructed that we need to collaborate with them so far as our work is concerned along the international boundary maritime and land between us and our neighboring countries I want to say that for the Cyber Awareness Month is a very important month I've been part of since the launch of the and I believe that in widening up the of the Cyber Awareness World to cover the regions and districts involving the regional security councils, district security councils, local authorities, opinion leaders, youth groups, women groups and what have you.

This is going to help create the awareness that we want. And as the last speaker mentioned, this should not be the end of it. The continuous education para cyber activities are concerned. I am aware that some high education institutions have devolved courses on cyber even up to the PHD level cyber and PHD but some of this ehm causes have been included in some of these courses but I think that devolving courses at the junior level at the primary level up to the SSS, HHS level is very important eh at this level as the previous speaker mentioned. So I want to encourage the National Cyber Authority to continue the good works and I wish you well. Thank you very much. Thank you so much, Major General Kutia.

I I am really excited about all the remarks that have been made in the presentations. And would like to retreat the commitment of the Ministry of Information to this very important cause. Eh for our role when it comes to mass eh communication, we will find ways and means to make sure this information reaches everyone and especially to our press call, to appeal to all of you that please spread the word. This is very important. It's not a matter that we say, let's leave it to the technical people.

If you parent, it is not sufficient to just hand a smartphone to your child. And say you are keeping them busy when you don't know what they are consuming. They they may be exposed to so many things. You know, eh tourism, terrorists are recruiting online. Job recruitment scams, misinformation and disinformation. Eh on accredited online schools, giving all sorts of fake admission, taking your money. So much going on that we have to be interested. So that the work that are doing will not be in vain. On that note, I would like to invite questions from our friends, from the media who are with us.

Today, if you have any question, this is the best time to ask. We don't have of time. So, we should be able to take one round of five questions. So, you show by hand if you have question. Your name and media house and then proceed to ask your Okay. So we have one up, one hand up, so we'll take a question from her. Any other question, if not, I think that will be the only question.

Okay, Nana's hand is up, so we take the second question. My name is Agnes, I report for chronicle. My first question goes to doctor Ken Ashibe. Eh, I would like to know some of the initiative the chamber is or has embarked on with regards to raising the cyber hygiene of people. And this one goes to doctor Inchi Wusiako. he indicated that by twenty twenty-three, a firm or an individual will not be able to offer cyber security services. Unless the entity or the individual is licensed or accredited by the authority. I would like to know some of the firms or individuals who fall under this category. Thank you.

Okay. Thank you for the questions. yes doc ehm I have a question for you doctor ehm you know that in our part of Ghana for that matter, I dilute it or semi literate and they are holding some sophisticated phones. They don't most of them don't know anything about the phone but they are just wielding them. And looking at what is happening at Cyber space. What can be done? What education can we give them? Or what orientation can we take them so that they might fall victims of some of ah problems on the space or in space. And doctor Shibe ehm those of us who have subscribed to eh this telecost and things like that, you get a lot of promos, unnecessary promos, unwanted, unwarranted, they forced it on you and whether ehm, you use them or not, sometimes you are taking some, some money is taken from you, I remember ehm, I was forced to take an insurance from a certain technical company, and I told her I didn't need it, but it went off a very long time before they took it away, meanwhile, the subscribed was not paid back to me.

Thank you. Okay, any questions? Ah, please if you have any question, this is the best time to ask. If not, I think that will be the last question. Okay, thank you for the questions. Albert, I thought I, I just came to give a remark. But looks like for every question you ask, I get one as well. Okay, so in terms are we doing eh, for ah, cyber hygiene education, ehm, so there's a pictorial of things that are being done, I'm sure you would hear on some coloring backtones that our members would give, where once you call, you know, they will tell you that you know, a popular one is don't be a mugu, you know, about not sharing your repent that education on a constant basis. Callering back tones are eh one of the things that they do. The messages that they give were using our social media pages to do that. For us as the chamber as well, so we also that, so there are some skits we've done, where you know, through humor and all of that, you're trying to use that to educate us. Ah, on what eh, we all need to do, ehm, and of the things we started doing on a regular basis now is regular updates you know so I know that the we shared was something about to be added to groups you know we've done so we are doing all of that to educate people ehm and you know we have this eh program we call the knowledge for ah where we did one specifically targeted towards that what I would say to all of you is that for us as a chamber the media we are available to do this eh we need to find ways of breaking it down into ah other especially the local languages so that we can we we can carry people along.

On the issue of the unsolicited eh promotions that you get, ehm, I don't know how you entered here, when you came, did you write your names? Were your names taken? Were your numbers taken? And you wrote them down gleefully? So somebody comes and sits at that, he looks at that, he takes around. Immediately he has your data. When COVID came, all of us were going to places and when we go to church, we wrote our names. So, the challenge is that a lot of us give these informations away ourselves.

So, once you do, then, these people also get the opportunity of being able to send messages to you. Fortunately for us, this year has regulation and guidelines to be able to guide how these are done especially with eh promotions. So, for every promotion, there's a double opt in so that if, you know, sometimes the might be a link that might have been shared. You go and click on it, it wants to you on to some, to a particular thing. So now the regulation is that you need to actually accept, you know, that you actually want to participate in that.

And then the, so in that regulation, the things that we are doing ourselves, if we find out that somebody is using a feature phone, and there's a promotion that is running that should be running on a smartphone, then we know that that person has been put into that, you know, so we are working together with the value added service providers to ensure that that is not done. But once you have any of those challenges, please call your service provider and report it. And you could also even escalate it. But it's something that on a there's a conscious effort being made. These value added services are good services but people should not be signed onto them when they really have not obtained for them. So based on the regulation, the the directive from the NTA, we are now implementing that a lot more. So you'll find out that a lot of this that used to happen in the past are not anymore.

Thank you very much. to my sister from the chronicle. by regulatory best practice the law to guide you with answers without mistakes ah okay I think I will go by what the law says so let me take you to section forty nine to ah fifty six of the Cyber City Act Taiba City service providers. They are there. The processes you need to go through, the validity of the licenses and so on and so forth. So, if it's either you can probably read a little bit, but then the cyber security service is also explained under the first shadow, okay? So as a regulatory body, you are regulating not just by the names of the institution, but by what they do, and what the law specify they do. So you have here for example, A, assessing, testing or evaluating the cybersecurity of a computer system or a network. So if there is a company registered, that when you have a business, you that company to come and conduct what we call pen testing or vulnerability scanning.

Just to determine the health of your IT environment. It means this applies to that particular business. The same way, if the affair, a company that conduct forensic examination of a computer system. You are a subject for investigation. And the device is collected and is given to a certain institution to examine the content for the purpose of obtaining evidence. The very firm establishment that will conduct that analysis is also subject to the application of the law here.

I I that clarifies that and you can do your own scanning to see which institution possibly are conducting this activity. There are quite few. We're not expecting less than 1hundred. Ah operating within the jurisdiction. It will also apply to foreign firms and let me emphasize. It will not be possible just for people to fly in from whichever country. As it's quite sensitive. I I did give you example, isn't it? Your device, your computer system. It's quite intrusive. So we need to have visibility. Ah of those who are conducting this activity. Okay. I will just give you a point of contact and my deputy minister will come in ah the question was we have certain grouping cybersecurity is not English isn't it? I don't know what you meant even though ah I struggle when you ask how do you explain hacking in in tree oga I I wish somebody can do that better I think we are conscious of our demographics because we have my own mom in a village who cannot late in English as I'm doing there.

But she uses mumu, alright? Therefore, if you are delivering a public service eh, the orientation is, it has to cover the same grouping of people. So we try, from our own limited resources, resources in terms of personnel and others to also sometime, when you go out to the regions, to speak in the local language, so thankfully, we have a diverse group of people working with us, all tribes are there. So you are able to use them, right? To be able to engage, educate the, the public in the local dialect. But deputy minister has some work. Ah all that I want to share with you, I believe my colleagues, you are projecting the the point of contact, if you can do that for me, please. Use numbers and channels. Share with your listeners, your viewers so that when there is a cyber issue, they will be able to reach out the national set and make and make report that. But I will like to invite the deputy minister to also elaborate on that.

Thank you. Qdoc. Um so, from the Ministry of Communications and Digitalization, we do a number of initiatives. So, different targets. It could be kids, it could be adults, it it could be corporate, it could be the public sector or for the civil servants and it's good to use if you go to a community, it will go to use the information centers to talk about cyber security and ehm data ehm protection. If it's in the secondary schools ehm we started with ehm the senior high schools, the female ones because ehm over there you see that ehm most of the teenagers, the girls you know they take pictures and and do all sort of things not knowing that ehm it would affect them or they get attacked or blackmailed so many things are going on and we are taking the opportunity to partner with the ministry of education ehm to do these ehm programs where we educate ehm the students on cyber security ehm yesterday for instance Ghana Commercial Bank ehm wanted to be part of this so that ehm because they are also in the communities they would also want to be part of educating their you know ehm post office they are in the communities who take advantage of their locations eh to make sure that they educate people on cyber security the universities are on board ehm the primary schools are on board eh the farmers you just have to ehm let them know that ehm Cyber Security affects them as well as human they are using artificial intelligence of some sort to ehm to know the weather or to know the fertilizer that they need and someone ehm gives a different instruction ehm the the fertilizer could be a wrong mixture or something that could affect ehm their input ehm the weather recently Ghana meteorological agency had to come out to say that they hadn't issued any statement cause they said there were going to be some storm and people were panicking and all these were fake.

So we are targeting everyone and everything because you know these days, everything is connected. And from the figures that doc showed, you know, we seem to have our microwaves and our phones connected. our laptops and everything connected, our security cameras, we giving out need freely, writing, people taking pictures in front of your house and posting on Facebook as if it's theirs. These are all security threats that we need to educate people on that. It's not right for you to come and stand in front of my house with my digital address, Boldly showing and you taking a picture. I could I could be attacked. And all these are through digital means. So there's a wide range of activities that we can do. All of us. Not just tech people but ehm all of us from our mothers to eh our teachers to the places that we work and we are happy to be here to have ehm the Ministry of Information and the media here and this is a great source of ehm point of contact because with you people watch and listen to and we would be very happy to have these initiatives with you so that you can also spread bread for thank you.

Thank you so much. the kind words and the patience to explain every question that we have in this room. Bring you further information that will help all of us to keep our spaces safe. Thank you so much honorable deputy minister. DG, our distinguished guest, the media, and all friends who have joined us this morning. We really appreciate your presence and we hope that you become ambassadors for this cause. and enlighten people about the Cyber Security Awareness Month that is coming on in October. So that we can engage in conversations that are beneficial to our country. Thank you so much once again. Good morning.

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