How I Built a $75,000/Month Online Business:
👉 (50% Off This Week)
Click the link below to learn how I make $75,000/month on YouTube with my faceless YouTube automation channels – where I'm not making videos or showing my face.
You can not only use that type of business to make money with ad revenue and brand deals, but you can also promote anything of your choice.
Whether that's an affiliate link, your own website, print on demand, etc.
Click here & let me help you build your own online business:
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Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice
What if you can help a lot of people you Can be from anywhere in the world you Don't need to invest a single dollar you Don't need any social media followers You don't need your own website and you Can just send out one email and get paid Again and again well inside of this Video I'm going to show you exactly how To view that and we're going to walk you Through the entire process step by step And show you exactly what we do but you Have to pay close attention to every Single second of this video because if You don't you're probably going to end Up confused and lost and this may not Work for you so before we begin drop a Like so we can get to 1 000 likes in This video as soon as possible and let Us begin with a full breakdown just a Quick disclaimer here if someone replies To your comment like this claiming They're me just know it's a scam I don't Have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I would never tax you for money you can Track their accounts they don't have a Verification badge they don't have the Same subscribers or videos as me and They will just scam you my only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick People are just creating fake accounts Reposting my photos and dming you asking For money you can check their posts the Engagement is fake their new accounts And just know that I would never text
You like that so just stay safe even Report them all so first of all what you Want to do is you want to sign up to so Fiverr is a Freelancing platform where people come To complete different services and Offers and you as everyday person can Just go out there and you can buy Different services including Graphic Design Services business related Services and even social media related Services and if you go to and you go to the Commission plan you can see that your Commission as an affiliate by referring Someone who buys those Services can go As high as 150 dollars per sale which You may see and we may say like that Dave that's not a lot like 150 bucks per Person that I refer is not a lot but I'm Gonna show you where you can find Literally almost 2 billion people on one Single website and it's all absolutely Free so for now what you want to do is You just want to create an account on The Fiverr Affiliates click on join now And then log into your account now as You log into your account I'm going to Show you how that's going to look like Where you can track your commissions and Earnings and exactly where you're going To be able to create your affiliate Links in exactly which Services you need To promote in order to make money with a
Strategy so here's my account over here As you can see so far I have 160 dollars Into my balance I'm going to reload the Page so you can see that this is Actually real we have 400 unique clicks We have 40 registrations and 160 bucks In earnings so I'm gonna go through the Marketing tools section and then you Want to click on default and deep links And this is where you will be able to Generate your affiliate link your CPA Affiliate link so what I want to do is Now you want to go to Fiverr and you Want to search for different services That are related to YouTube and the Reason for that is because there are so Many people that realize that you can Actually make a lot of money from YouTube whether you're running a Faceless YouTube automation Channel or Whether you're running a personal brand Channel there's a lot money to be a lot Of money to be made on this platform and Especially for driving traffic YouTube Is literally the best option you can get Unlimited traffic to whatever it is that You want to promote and people know that And they are taking full advantage of it That's why you're seeing so many Creators popping up everywhere so what Are you want to do right now is you want To go to Fiverr and you want to search For YouTube related Services because Those people need some help especially
Those that are just starting out so you Can search for YouTube related services Like YouTube growth Services someone Who's going to help them grow you can Also search for YouTube thumbnails think About what else YouTubers need they need Thumbnails they need video editing they Also need maybe script writing they also Need the management for their YouTube Channels they need growth they need Someone to help them promote their YouTube channel and whatnot and you can Find all of these people selling these Services whenever you find a service That is related to YouTube all you got To do is just press on that service and Then you will be able to grab your link Here so just copy the link for that Service and then you can go back and you Can generate a full URL so just paste That URL here and this is how it's going To look like so now I'm going to copy This Fiverr CPU link and if someone were To go to that link it will take them to This service where once they purchase it I'm gonna earn an affiliate commission So now you want to grab as many Edition Affiliate links for as many different Services related to YouTube once again That can be a YouTube thumbnail that can Be a YouTube growth related service that Can be YouTube video editing and what Else you can do is you can also sign up To another Affiliated program with Vida
IQ I'm going to leave a link to that IQ In the description box down below Because this is a tool that helps Creators get more views get more Subscribers and grow their YouTube Channels faster and as you can see as of Right now because this tool pays you Reoccurring commissions once you refer Someone as long as they keep on using The platform you're gonna keep on making Money and since this tells them grow Their YouTube channels and obviously Make more money off of their YouTube Channel they will keep on using it month By month and I so far made 1.3 thousand Dollars this month already I'm gonna Reload the page so you can see that this Is real and we go to the last one it was 545 dollars it just quickly compounds And the next one is probably gonna be Over 2 000 bucks and just gonna go up And up and up because you're once again Earning a reoccurring commissions every Single month once you refer someone and Then once you create an affiliate Account and by the way you create an Affiliate account by literally just Signing up to video IQ and when you sign Up to vidiq you just click here and you Go to the affiliate Center and there you Can find your affiliate link on your Right side this is my affiliate link for Example I can now copy this and share it With other people and then what you want
To do is you just want to go over to YouTube and there you can literally find Millions of creators there's hundreds of Millions of creators from all around the World and there are so many beginners That need your help that need help with Thumbnails that need help with video Editing and they need help with getting More views and subscribers so what we Can simply do is you can just search for Some keywords on YouTube it can Literally be anything and then go to the Filters and filter by last hour because That's going to show you even small YouTubers for example this is a smaller One with 300 000 subs or you can find For example find somewhere 2 000 subs And then you can open up their channels And you can try to find their email Addresses which are in most cases in the About section you can just click on the About section and then you can view Their email address by pressing on The View email address button now I'm not Allowed to do that publicly in a video But you can just go to some of these Channels you can click on view email Address you can copy their email address And you can contact them so you can send Them an email and you can explain to Them how these Services can be Beneficial for their YouTube channel you Can explain how better thumbnails are Going to get a better CPR or
Click-through rate and that's obviously Going to help them grow their Channel You can explain how using vidiq is going To allow them to do research properly And get more views get more subscribers And grow their YouTube channel and they Will realize that yeah if they grow Their YouTube channel they will most Likely grow their revenue as well so you Can help out so many different creators By sharing your affiliate links in a Compelling email and make thousands of Dollars in pure passive income you can Just create one single email template And you can copy and paste it with Thousands of different creators from all Around YouTube and the reason I know all Of this stuff works is because I also Offer a complete step-by-step training Program for people that want to start Their YouTube automation channels and I Know that the demand for this is Extremely extremely high so you can just Go out there find as many different Services related to YouTube General read Your affiliate links also sign up to Vidiq as an affiliate and promote that Literally just by sending out an email To all of those creators that you can Reach out to Via YouTube itself and it's All absolutely free so yeah all of the Tools and resources that we mentioned Inside of this video will be linked in The description box down below I really
Hope you got some value out of this Video if you did make sure to drop a Like so we can get to 1000 likes as soon As possible and I will see you in some Of the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you