YouTube Earnings Calculator

Estimated Earnings

Based on 1,000,000 monthly views with an RPM of $5.00

Time Period Estimated Earnings
Yearly $60,000.00
Monthly $5,000.00
Daily $166.67
Hourly $6.94
Per Minute $0.12
Per Second $0.00
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Popular YouTubers Comparison

Click on any card to use that YouTuber's estimated metrics in the calculator

MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson)
Known for expensive stunts, challenges, and philanthropy
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg)
Gaming, comedy, and commentary content
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Like Nastya
Children's content featuring toys and activities
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Dude Perfect
Sports and comedy with incredible trick shots
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
+ currentEarnings.toFixed(2); }, 100); }); // Function to select YouTuber and submit form function selectYoutuberAndSubmit(youtuberId) { document.getElementById('youtuber').value = youtuberId; selectYoutuber(youtuberId); document.querySelector('form').submit(); }

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Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter. Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, experience, etc… As always there is a risk with any business. I am not a financial advisor and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice

This website and app pays me about 500 a Month for something that they did in Literally less than 10 minutes I did it Only once and I'm being paid every Single month in pure passive income and Saturday step by step tutorial I'm gonna Show you exactly what the website is and Exactly how it works and exactly how you Can use it to make money without Actually investing a single dollar Without having your own website and Without having any social media Followers or whatsoever so it can be a Complete beginner from literally Anywhere in the world using this method To make passive income online so if that Sounds good enough then drop a like down Below and let us begin with a full Step-by-step tutorial beginning with a Step number one which is to go over to The tool that is actually paying you so Just a quick disclaimer here if someone Replies to your comment like this Claiming they're me just know it's a Scam I don't have WhatsApp I don't have Telegram and I would never attack you For money you can check their accounts They don't have a verification badge They don't have the same subscribers or Videos as me and they will just scam you My only Instagram account is at I'm Dave Nick people are just creating fake Accounts reposting my photos and dming You asking for money you can check their

Posts then engagement is fake there are New accounts and just know that I would Never text you like that so just stay Safe and report them all this is the Tool that I used as you can see I Currently have 551 dollars for this Month 551.57 I'm gonna reload the page so you Can see that this is actually real and It's gonna stay there 551 dollars less Money was 545 so every single month it Went from like a hundred dollars a month 200 a month and now to 500 a month and It's actually going to compound and be More and more month by month and I'm Going to show exactly why and this is Something that literally took me less Than 10 minutes and it takes less than 10 minutes of work to actually set it up Once and then earn passive income so the Website that I'm using is called vidiq Vidiq is a tool that basically helps People get more views and get more Subscribers I'm Gonna Leave a link to Video Q in the description box down Below but you don't have to use it for Your YouTube channel or whatsoever you Don't need a YouTube channel for this Because there's a lot of people that Already have YouTube channels and are Interested in getting more views and Subscribers because that can in most the Cases mean they won't make more money so A lot of people love using tools like

This one like vidiq but not a lot of People know that these tools even exist And that they can use them to get more Views and subscribers so there is an Affiliate program inside of with IQ Itself so once you sign up for vidiq you Can go to the affiliate program right Over here so go to the affiliate Center And then that's going to take you to This page where you can grab your Affiliate link on the left side your Custom URL or this URL over here and you Can start sharing that with other people And whenever someone signs up through The link you will be making about 25 or 50 something like that per month from Every single sale that is generated Through your link and you will be making Passive income every single month for Someone that have signed up only once And as long as they're using this tool You're gonna keep on making money from Them and because they're growing their Channel and they're growing their Business with IQ they're obviously going To stick with it for a very long period Of time and you're gonna be making Reoccurring commissions from that so What you simply want to do is you want To grab your affiliate link and then you Want to proceed to the step number few Which is to to find articles they talk About YouTube growth they talk about how To get more views on YouTube or general

YouTube updates how to get more Subscribers what are the new Monetization updates and stuff like that And then you can copy its link like for Example I found this article 18 easy and Free ways to get more views on YouTube I Can open it up I'm going to copy the Link address and then I'm going to open Up the article to see if it's valuable This is how it's going to look like but As you can see they do have a lot of ads And they have a lot of these like Clickable links that send people to Different websites so what I did is I Just copied a link of this article and Then open up this is a Tool that will make this print friendly Meaning that it will remove all the ads And all the links that are in this Article so that you can use it as your Own PDF so now it's going to look a Little bit a little bit better so this Is how it's going to look like as right Now I'm going to remove Shopify ad as Well so we can manually remove stuff as Well so I don't need Shopify here so I'm Just gonna click on the remove button And I'm Gonna Leave This I'm also going To remove this one and I also probably Don't need this image but I'm just gonna Leave it there because it looks a little Bit better and now once we have this Entire article just click on PDF and It's going to give you the pdf version

Of that article so you can just download It as a PDF document onto your computer In a couple of seconds once you download That to your computer you will proceed Into the next step which is to go over To say that article which is a tool that Will allow you to edit that PDF document So you just click on edit a PDF document It's free you upload that PDF document And you can start customizing that PDF Document meaning you can start adding Your own call to action on every single One of these pages so I'm going to add a Call to action which is going to be Click here for the best YouTube growth Tool or click here to get more views Like something like that click here to Get more views on YouTube and I'm gonna Say that this is a tool that I can use And then I'm going to click on links to Attach my affiliate link here so I'm Gonna make sure that I'm covering the Entire text go back to vidiq copy a Referral Link in my case that's going to Be with Dave Nick and then you Can paste it into the external URL box So that when someone clicks on this text They're going to be redirected to your Vid IQ link so here I have my first call To action which now I can put on Different parts of this article so I'm Just going to copy and paste this same Call to action and maybe place it also At the bottom of this page as well so

Here I can also add that call to Reaction and add my URL I'm also going To add the same text which is basically Going to be click here for click here to Get more views on YouTube and this is a Tool and you can just repeat this until You have the same call to action between Multiple lines between multiple pages so That while someone is reading this Article that talks about how to get more Views they're gonna see your call to Action for the best tool for getting Views they're gonna click on that and When they click on that they're gonna Sign up through your link for red IQ Making you affiliate commercials so once You've added like 15 20 different of These cold view actions with your Affiliate link included for vid IQ you Just click on apply changes this entire Process shouldn't take more than five Minutes okay once you've edited that you Just click on download you have this Edited PDF to your computer now you're Going to proceed to The Next Step which Is to go over to which is A platform that's being visited by 70 Million people every single month and This is a platform where people come to Share different articles and PDF Documents that can be seen by as you can See hundreds of thousands of people like This one got 368 000 views this one got 82 000 views 7 000 views 27 000 views so

People do get thousands of views on Their articles and text so and also this Is a valuable article that talks about In this case how to grow on YouTube or How to get more subscribers to get more Views how to make more money on YouTube Whatever the article is about then you Click on upload and then you click on Select documents to upload and you Upload that edited version of the PDF Document that talks about 18 different Ways in this case to get more views and I'm gonna remove a barrel from the title Itself I'm Gonna Write a brief Description about what this is this is All about and then we can select a Category I'm just going to go with Business and I'm gonna type in some Facts like YouTube get more views and Stuff like that and then I'm gonna set The Privacy to public and I'm going to Publish this PDF document on the where it can be seen by Millions of people around the world old And as they're reading this they might Potentially click on the call to action That we have inside and sign up to with That queue and you don't need millions Of people signing up you just need a Couple of people that signed up through Your link and as long as they are using Vidiq you're going to be making passive Income because they are paying you Reoccurring commissions every single

Month so if this entire process takes Less than 10 minutes but as you can see I got paid 551 dollars this month so far And it's literally not even the half of The month so I'm probably gonna I'm Gonna make around 800 to 900 this month To the next month it might go up to over A thousand dollars a month and it's just Going to quickly compound as I get more And more people signing up to with IQ And I also have the last one but as you Can see it was 545 dollars in pure Passive income so yeah that's how you Can make some extra money online without A website and without any social media Followers I really hope you got some new Idea in this video I really hope you've Learned something new and if you did Make sure to drop a like down below and I'll see you in some of the next ones

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