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Based on 1,000,000 monthly views with an RPM of $5.00

Time Period Estimated Earnings
Yearly $60,000.00
Monthly $5,000.00
Daily $166.67
Hourly $6.94
Per Minute $0.12
Per Second $0.00
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Popular YouTubers Comparison

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MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson)
Known for expensive stunts, challenges, and philanthropy
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg)
Gaming, comedy, and commentary content
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Like Nastya
Children's content featuring toys and activities
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Dude Perfect
Sports and comedy with incredible trick shots
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
+ currentEarnings.toFixed(2); }, 100); }); // Function to select YouTuber and submit form function selectYoutuberAndSubmit(youtuberId) { document.getElementById('youtuber').value = youtuberId; selectYoutuber(youtuberId); document.querySelector('form').submit(); }

Jonas Ems, Gnu, LeFloid: Macht Social Media krank? | STRG_F

Views, Likes and Clicks.
We spoke to influencers who found it all too much. You think about work in everything. We were huge commercial hookers. I don't want to do that anymore. I started drinking during the streams
. Alcohol problems,
pressure, panic attacks. Is YouTube driving you into burnout? Many YouTubers are
just stopping or reorienting themselves. What's going on? Many say that the stress, the pressure was
just too much in the long run.
Some very emotional, very honest videos have come out in the past few weeks. (Dark music) I made this content that I'm
no longer behind. I had burnout
or I have burnout. I
fell into a deep hole in August. Anyone who knows me knows that I've struggled quite a bit mentally over
the past year or two
. I was about to stop. There are moments when
these influences make you tired of living because you know how [ __ ] up a lot of things
are. We've heard burnout,
pressure to pay numbers, even suicidal thoughts. But what is so stressful about being an
influencer that you want to quit? Many now share their mental struggle publicly
with their community on YouTube, Insta or

We asked Melina, Joe, Jonas
and Kalle. Melina and Joe canceled but Kalle and
Jonas spoke to us and many more. (off:) For a
week we have conversations. First we have an appointment
with Heiko and Roman Lochmann. Don't you know them? # Today I watch the Lochis,
the Lochis, the Lochis, # Comedy and Music,
the Lochis on YouTube. wow! At the age of twelve they
started with YouTube from the nursery. When we asked them about burnout
, they invited us
straight to Darmstadt. Put your mask on.
– Ah yes. I've got the mask on now.
– Top. Ring. Hey, Lisa from NDR.
– Hi, come in. Hi! (babble of voices) I don't know where my brother is.
– Hi! Let's leave the shoes here, shall we? Oh cool! We
recorded something 20 minutes ago. What works? Hey there? Hi! Hi! (off:) It started like
a children's birthday party. And then success came. And the stress.

(Easy music, quiet conversation) First we would like to say thank you for over
a million total views and over 1,370 subscribers. We couldn't have done it without you
. How was it for you that you
already had a blatant number of clicks, had a community, had fans,
and went to school, right? Yes, it was really stressful,
even in hindsight. I was looking at some really old stuff the
other day and I was like, How did we do that? We always used the
weekends and always, when we still went to school, in the
afternoons, the holidays were always full anyway. There was a time, in
2017 it was very extreme, when I think
we moved away from what we are. At some point some
algorithms determined your day, which isn't so nice either, because then you ca n't really
express yourself artistically at all. Then you have to somehow
squeeze videos to so and so many minutes, always keeping an eye on the trends.

And you kind of do everything
except what you might feel like doing. (off:) A full schedule,
full price shelf. The two have won numerous web video
and music awards. Delivered correctly. Back when we were 15, 16,
that was us. So. At some point it wasn't us anymore,
it was a role that we gave ourselves. I think
playing a role is always kind of toxic. At some point we had such an urge
for change. Of course you're afraid of losing what
you've built up over the years.

And no one could tell us
if that was right or wrong. Eventually it
all became too much for both of them. This is our last video. When the last concert is
played, … Then the chapter closes,
the Lochis chapter. (off:) Since then they have been concentrating
on their music. That's what it sounds like. (Rock music) But eight years of YouTube have
obviously left their mark. For example, I also have it more often, it was also 100 percent
triggered by stress, maybe also fears with
all this (unintelligible).

Also panic attacks, anxiety attacks. Phases where I definitely,
where it's me … which were more like that. I then notice it from the
symptoms I then have, be it the feeling that
you can't breathe, you're completely screwed on the one hand
, on the other
hand you just want to run. You feel
a bit paralyzed at times. Everything is tense,
you have a headache. So what. And then a few days. There were definitely
dark, really dark phases that are directly
related to this career.

(off:) You might think: It's your own fault who chooses it,
you make good money. But there are
probably some unhealthy dynamics that are hard to resist. Today we want to know from Jasmin how awesome it is
to make YouTube a career . Hello Jasmin! N / A? Welcome to a new video. We don't want friendship here,
so unfortunately I have to kill you. Yes, more, more, more, more, more! More! With 1.24 million YouTube subscriptions , she is currently Germany's
most successful gamer.

Means: great performance pressure. How stressful are you? Many think you sit down,
record games and stream. If it were just that,
then it would be awesome, but it's so much more. Ultimately, there is so much
stress, from the event producing here, there,
recording here quickly, do this, do that. When you said
you are going to be self-employed, how badly did you have
to look at the numbers and how did you feel
that pressurized? I've hired an assistant,
so there are also positions behind it, you have to pay people, then it starts
with the financial pressure.

And the pressure of numbers
with success. You have the feeling that you are being
watched: if it works, it doesn't. Definitely the pressure. Do you still get excited
when you upload a video like this? Well, I'm still nervous about
the main channel when I realize: it's 7.30 p.m.,
a video came half an hour ago, I haven't commented yet, I
don't know how it was received. It's Sunday, a ten out of ten,
my day is over. Without us asking,
many YouTubers asked us about the ranking
on YouTube. I'll show you
how we do it.

This ranking shows
how well the video performed compared to the other videos. Then you can see here, for example,
on the video from last week, that's just an eight. An eight out of ten means it's

only the eighth best out of the last ten videos compared to the same period. And of course that's
always a bit stupid for the creators. Then you say like this: In eighth place,
what was the reason? Was the topic now not
right for my target group? Was it the thumbnail? There can be an incredible number of
factors that influence this.

We go to the video from last
week, then you can see, okay,
when did the people exhibit? As an info, after 30 seconds
only 73 percent of the people were still there. You can ask yourself:
Okay, what was the reason? Do you have to build the intro differently? There are so many little aspects,
you can really get lost and go insane. And even we deal
with it very, very much at STRG_F. Although we don't have
the pressure of numbers because we don't have to make
any money from it. What do
the platforms actually know about how much
pressure young creators are under? We asked YouTube, Insta and TikTok in

About the algorithm, about the ranking
and we wanted to know what
responsibility the platforms see themselves towards
young creators. But first one more conversation. During the filming trip
from a hotel room. Many Thanks.
– May I help you. Did you make your bed in the hotel room
? So that it doesn't look like a mess
when we're shooting here. Hi! Good morning! Good morning Hello! Jonas Ems,
he was also one of the YouTubers who announced in December that
they didn't want to continue like this.

(Easy Music) (Playful Music) Today we are shooting a video
about ten ways to love each other. How stressful is
the number pressure for you? So
looking at how this video is performing, if videos are performing worse,
how are you doing with that? The number pressure is immense, the mood of the day
can depend very much on how well a video performs
or not. This pressure of numbers
goes on all the time because it is linked
to your existential fears. Because you know that if you perform
poorly in the long term, you will have fewer cooperations and make
less money. Speaking of money: A top influencer like Jonas
with more than 500,000 followers can
earn up to 38,000 euros with an Insta post. According to studies, micro-influencers, i.e. people
with 1,000 to 30,000 followers , earn around 32,000 euros
per complete campaign. Another source of income
is of course YouTube. And the number of channels
in Germany has
increased dramatically in recent years. (Easy music) With the number of YouTube channels,
the pressure of competition and the pressure of numbers
, so does the stress. We asked the influencers
if there was a point in their life where they
wanted to give up and not want to continue.

(off:) Our next
conversation partner wanted to give up.
He will tell us how it came about. Look beautiful!
– Yes, really nice here. In Spandau we visit
Pascal Becker alias Kalle. But for that, Désirée has to make it
to the roof terrace first. You did it like Rocky! Kalle is a streamer and YouTuber. He plays simulation games in
which he slips into weird roles. Soaked with that shitty ice cream. Yes, now we are sitting here
and have to take the bus again.

Before anyone gets in here, if
someone babbles at me about their shitty cat, I'll throw them out! I don't give a [ __ ],
tell me about your passion, but (unintelligible). Kalle tells us
how his breakdown came about. At the end of last
year he over-revved so much that suddenly nothing worked anymore. (Easy music) I just wanted to set myself
this challenge to go live every day in a month
, i.e.

November 2021. Because I see colleagues with whom it
's easy to do. I thought
it can't be that hard. On what day did you realize…
– The last. At the very last. That was funny, on the last day,
at 30, I just noticed: Yo, I can't do it today. I really sat in front of a computer, in
front of my set-up, in front of the camera, everything was already on, I just had
to press start and in the software.

I couldn't, everything
in my body fought against it. I got a cramp, was
tense and was also very emotionally dissolved
at the moment. Then what did you do? I cried, I really cried. I sat there, got a little
nervous breakdown , everything collapsed in me
at that moment. I
immediately questioned everything. Why am I doing this?
Why am I stressing myself out? I also asked myself:
Why can't I just now? Then I just took the whole week
off and just
didn't do anything anymore, canceled everything, canceled
all appointments and then noticed how
my body was slowly recovering.

But was one week enough?
– No, absolutely not. It's now mid-January, I've still
had little flashbacks. You have to take a lot of time for
that. Wasn't that gradual?
That was from today to tomorrow? Well, I've known for a long time
that I'm overworked, but I've never wanted to admit it. I've always been a bit upset,
yes, we're biting our way through it, it just has to work now. In our professional field in particular
, it is often the case that there is
no sick note. You can't say: I'm not coming today
because I'm not feeling well. This has been building up slowly since August
. I always suppressed it, but the bomb burst at the end of
November. Of course, Kalle wasn't
forced to stream, but the problem is being
your own boss , and there's an algorithm
that rewards you again and again if you give more
and punishes you if you suddenly
don't feed him like that.

I can understand if you ca
n't quite cope with the pressure. Nevertheless, we just keep going and
going and going. A stress factor is definitely
the mobile phone, I know that myself, it's always with me
, it's never silent, it's never off. According to studies, between 16 and
45 spend 137 minutes a day on their cell phones. We want to see what our
average screen time is. I'm a little scared,
but let's see. I'll have a look too. Last week, right?
Not today. Or? The last week…
– Okay. Weekly, uh, not today.
– No! (laughter) Not today.
– Oh, oh, oh! Ok… how's yours?
You're even worse than me! Haha! – But we also
traveled a lot on the train.

And a great deal…
five hours and a minute. I have four hours 45. We want to
know what the influencers' screen time looks like .
– I am ashamed. (laughter)
Me too. Four hours 51. My daily average? Six hours
nine minutes. [ __ ]. Amazingly six hours.
– OK. Which is an awful lot. I'm
at an hour 59 today. That's eight hours 13 minutes
less than yesterday. That means I had
about ten hours at this time yesterday. At 14 o 'clock?
– Yes. Unpleasant.
Already like six and a half hours. Two hours four minutes today. An hour and… 50 minutes.
– Huh? Nine hours 30, but I
also have a tablet and a MacBook. # I am an addict, yes,
I am an addict. But especially for content creators
, a mobile phone is of course always a working tool. They film with it,
make TikToks, Instagram Stories. And they also earn their money with it,
so it's not that bad. But how much
money actually? (Dynamic Music)
There are different sources of income.

Ads, YouTube donations
, merch sales and earnings per click, that's
one euro per 1,000 video views. And then there are Insta Ads and events and, and, and … (restless, dynamic music) According to studies, almost a
third of twelve to 25-year- olds today
want to become an influencer. I
don't think many people are really aware of what it means
to share everything private. We're shooting
30 different ways to kiss today. What I bought extra. (moans, dynamic music) (dramatic music) (sobs) Welcome
to my little house tour. Everything looks like this to me at the moment. This is my room,
here is my bathroom. my balcony We are at home
in our apartment. (off:) Many have told us that at the beginning of their careers they had
no idea what the publication of their
personal life would entail.

It used to be extremely stressful, people
camped in our stairwell. Very sick,
absurd stories. You are suddenly confronted
with people who supposedly know you
because you have shared every detail of your life, no matter how intimate. However, you don't know anyone about it.
There's a balance of power that's incredibly exhausting. I also notice when I read too
much into negative comments how bad it is for me.

And I've learned over the years that if I don't react now, I
'll feel incredibly bad in a few hours . It quickly went
in the direction of … yes … harassment. In other words,
people stopped by at home, came into the garden,
stole laundry from the drying rack. That's right …
Then they posted photos like this: "Hey, I have
the left sock here … It then went in the direction of trophy hunting. It's okay to always give people a little more
or something new. But if you're so
open about it lived and then take something away from people, people don't like that
at all on social media. (off:) So you keep sharing your
private life. Because that gets clicks. (Uneasy music) You're really
in this tunnel, you think about everything about work. You see something: content.
Food: content. I worked… at the beginning twelve hours a day
on everything, then I slept,
then worked again.

For me there was
only work, sleep. Also my free time was work.
What to do with friends, I have to think about
who is better in the video. Did I understand that correctly? You thought
about who you are meeting up with? Who likes being in front of the camera?
I'm out with people, but they are annoyed when I
'm filming, so I don't meet them Awesome, just friends now meet,
which can also rotate. The big problem is that private life is
increasingly mixed up with professional life and there are no longer any borders.
Jonas Ems has exactly the same problem. (Moans, smacks) (The music distorts.) I don't have to keep filming now,
I can turn it off. Yes. (off:) He was
successful in addressing his relationship. His channel grew
to almost three million subscriptions. The problem is,
once you squeeze yourself into a role like that , it's super hard
to get out of it. I'm 25, look 16
and act like 16 sometimes. Doing videos on YouTube where I
talk about ten types of relationships, involve my girlfriend,
say that's 20 ways to kiss, that's something
where I honestly say like this …

I don't stand behind that anymore,
I don't want that make more. I don't
want to do that on YouTube either. (off:) The YouTube career,
the fame, the fans. The pressure had consequences. (Dynamic music) Especially when I'm on the road privately
, it started with the fact that I
only wanted to go out in the evening. And whenever I was out with friends
, I
drank alcohol quickly and a lot in bars because when I'm drunk
it's more bearable. Then the intoxication is over
you and you don't notice it anymore. If I had to go out, I'd
drink alcohol at home beforehand to be shielded.


You can tell you're starting to
drench your sorrows in alcohol even though you're only in your early, mid-20s. Then you know that something is
not going right in life. It's crazy that you only go out
when you've had a drink, because you're so stressed out that your fans everywhere recognize you
and watch you. I don't think it's as cool
as you might imagine, to be so successful and famous at such a young age
. (off:) Nadine Breaty is currently Germany's most successful TikToker with 23
and almost eight million followers
. (busy music) We have an
appointment to meet her online today. And surprise:
– Hello? their management is involved. Three people are listening. Nadine posts several videos
on TikTok and Instagram every day. can you go on vacation
When was your last vacation? (laughing:) That's a good question.

I think
my last real vacation, I haven't had it in a very long
time. It's super difficult,
especially with the platforms, because they work through trends and
regular posting. If you're not there anymore
, it's not good. But you haven't taken a vacation
in the year and a half that you've been doing TikTok professionally
? no You said
that you took a mini break at the beginning of the year . What happened then? Well, I think I lost almost 10,000 followers
on Instagram, but not on TikTok …

Hardly any. (Dynamic music)
(off:) A few days of Insta break, almost 10,000 followers gone. How about the others? Take a vacation? (Dynamic music) When I say take time
off, switch off everything, then that was in July 2021
for ten days… Travemünde. And then visit my parents
on the way home. That's it. My honeymoon was a real holiday,
with driving away … and really chilling out
. So five years ago. How come? (sigh)
I don't know, I… I…worked on my honeymoon
too. I'm not
breaking that down by saying vacation means
I'm not working. That's nonsense,
that doesn't work. When I say
I produce three TikToks a day , that's a
goal I've set myself, which I'll continue to do.
But that's something… that I'm not trying to break up because I ca
n't. (off:) How healthy can that be? We have an appointment with Adil,
you may remember, one of the faces from the conversation
with TikToker Nadine.

(rhythmic music)
your manager. Hi!
– Hi, Desiree. Hi.
– Do you hear me well? (Dynamic music) Very good, I hear you. (Dynamic music) How difficult is it
to stop talent and how responsible do you feel
? We already have regular
appointments where we… don't talk about business at all
in the first place, but: "Hey, how are you?" This is how every first meeting starts. There were situations
in which artists with us … did too much, were
overloaded … were overwhelmed, mentally … physically, whatever. To what extent do you also see
the platform as responsible? I do see them
as responsible for the fact that the platform itself …
also …

can have negative effects on the mental and physical
health of users and creators if used unhealthily. It's not a big secret. There's the idea that you're not allowed to post for
a week or two a year .
– Mmm. To be honest, I think it's
pretty cool. I've
suggested it to creators , and they've all said,
"I think it's cool." Because then you don't have that FOMO. Since it is detrimental
when you have the burden every day, I have to fill my community
with content through this device. I would answer the question of whether platforms
protect enough young people or do enough to protect them
with a clear no. The algorithms
don't work at all in a way that protects you as a young person
from psychological or … social pressure. That's awful. The platforms are
doing the exact opposite of protecting young people. 'We would also like to have a pause button
for "STRG_F", go on vacation,
don't publish anything without being immediately penalized
by the algorithm.

We also wanted to
talk to the platforms about this, but unfortunately YouTube, TikTok, Twitch
and Insta did not respond to our written requests
. (off:) The week is almost over,
Désirée and I are in Berlin. We want to meet YouTuber LeFloid. (Désirée:) Nothing. (Dynamic music) (Désirée:) Yes. (Dynamic music) That's why we're late today. (laughter) Hello! LeFloid has
been on YouTube since 2007. He too: award-winning. (Dynamic music) At some point in your
big, long YouTube career, did you have a point where you said: Okay, I'll drop it all,
throw it all away? These moments, everything gets
too stressful for me, I had them. I even had it extremely. Umm… There was also a really
unfavorable combination.

You have to know that
I've become a father. Four years ago now. And the kids were both
so-called extremely premature. I had to live in a hotel next to
the hospital and stuff like that at the time. I was really down in private,
really exhausted. Where I castigated myself a bit
because I always said
it's nobody's business in the outside world. I just… went all the way through. Not five percent of the
stuff we did failed. And then I realized that in our line of business it's
incredibly… incredibly easy to
drink unobserved. Yes? Six days a week you can be
at any events, or some after work
or after hour party stuff and so on and so on. Um… and then at some point I realized
that I was going in a… incredibly
unhealthy direction as far as that goes. And then I really… started drinking during the streams
and stories like that. And then at some point I
pulled the ripcord so hard that I said,
up to this point, no further.

That was the low point,
when I realized that I had private and job… this good mood stream, "nice
that you're with us again", that wasn't normal anymore. And was there a trigger for it, or
when did you specifically notice it? Was there a moment like that? Mh … I noticed it specifically
when I … or rather I was simply
asked about it. From my wife, here in the office. Then at some point I really
thought to myself, okay, that's it. If I…
– What did they say? I was asked so carefully
if I had a drink. In the morning? in the morning, yes. And then I really thought,
no, that's definitely it. There… now it's over.
– Cool. Yes. (Dynamic Music)
(off:) It looks like fun , creative control,
money, fans, but the dark side of this job
is really dark.

What would our interlocutors
advise others? In general, I would like
people on the Internet to do more research on things
or people or jobs before they judge. It is important not to make yourself
dependent on success. It has a lot
to do with the platform's algorithms. I should be so dead judging
by the comments. People who haven't
started yet, stop because it's not healthy
for your own psyche. Even a
super-successful influencer with several million
subscribers says: "Don't do it." (Dynamic music) And how do you see it, would you
like to be an influencer:in? Then let us
know in the comments below. No?
– Yes / Yes. And leave a subscription there,
or not. If you want to
watch something, watch something from the "Simplis" here. To influencers
who sell themselves in the fashion industry. Yes, and below
is a great video by Désirée, so we took a look
at the fake reviews. But going out is also good
, you can do that too, put your cell phone away. Bye!
– Bye! Last week, right?
Not today.

Or? The last week…
– Okay. Weekly, uh, not today.
– No! (laughter) Not today.
– Oh, oh, oh! Ok… how's yours?
You're even worse than me! Haha! – But we also
traveled a lot on the train. And a great deal…
five hours and a minute. I have four hours 45. We want to
know what the influencers' screen time looks like .
– I am ashamed. (laughter)
Me too. Four hours 51. My daily average? Six hours
nine minutes. [ __ ]. Amazingly six hours.
– OK. Which is an awful lot. I'm
at an hour 59 today. That's eight hours 13 minutes
less than yesterday. That means I had
about ten hours at this time yesterday.

At 14 o 'clock?
– Yes. Unpleasant.
Already like six and a half hours. Two hours four minutes today. An hour and… 50 minutes.
– Huh? Nine hours 30, but I
also have a tablet and a MacBook. # I am an addict, yes,
I am an addict. But especially for content creators
, a mobile phone is of course always a working tool. They film with it,
make TikToks, Instagram Stories. And they also earn their money with it,
so it's not that bad. But how much
money actually? (Dynamic Music)
There are different sources of income. Ads, YouTube donations
, merch sales and earnings per click, that's
one euro per 1,000 video views. And then there are Insta Ads and events and, and, and … (restless, dynamic music) According to studies, almost a
third of twelve to 25-year- olds today
want to become an influencer. I
don't think many people are really aware of what it means
to share everything private. We're shooting
30 different ways to kiss today. What I bought extra. (moans, dynamic music) (dramatic music) (sobs) Welcome
to my little house tour.

Everything looks like this to me at the moment. This is my room,
here is my bathroom. my balcony We are at home
in our apartment. (off:) Many have told us that at the beginning of their careers they had
no idea what the publication of their
personal life would entail. It used to be extremely stressful, people
camped in our stairwell. Very sick,
absurd stories. You are suddenly confronted
with people who supposedly know you
because you have shared every detail of your life, no matter how intimate. However, you don't know anyone about it.
There's a balance of power that's incredibly exhausting. I also notice when I read too
much into negative comments how bad it is for me. And I've learned over the years that if I don't react now, I
'll feel incredibly bad in a few hours .

It quickly went
in the direction of … yes … harassment. In other words,
people stopped by at home, came into the garden,
stole laundry from the drying rack. That's right …
Then they posted photos like this: "Hey, I have
the left sock here … It then went in the direction of trophy hunting. It's okay to always give people a little more
or something new. But if you're so
open about it lived and then take something away from people, people don't like that
at all on social media. (off:) So you keep sharing your
private life. Because that gets clicks. (Uneasy music) You're really
in this tunnel, you think about everything about work. You see something: content.
Food: content. I worked… at the beginning twelve hours a day
on everything, then I slept,
then worked again. For me there was
only work, sleep. Also my free time was work.
What to do with friends, I have to think about
who is better in the video.

Did I understand that correctly? You thought
about who you are meeting up with? Who likes being in front of the camera?
I'm out with people, but they are annoyed when I
'm filming, so I don't meet them Awesome, just friends now meet,
which can also rotate. The big problem is that private life is
increasingly mixed up with professional life and there are no longer any borders.
Jonas Ems has exactly the same problem. (Moans, smacks) (The music distorts.) I don't have to keep filming now,
I can turn it off. Yes. (off:) He was
successful in addressing his relationship.

His channel grew
to almost three million subscriptions. The problem is,
once you squeeze yourself into a role like that , it's super hard
to get out of it. I'm 25, look 16
and act like 16 sometimes. Doing videos on YouTube where I
talk about ten types of relationships, involve my girlfriend,
say that's 20 ways to kiss, that's something
where I honestly say like this … I don't stand behind that anymore,
I don't want that make more. I don't
want to do that on YouTube either. (off:) The YouTube career,
the fame, the fans.

The pressure had consequences. (Dynamic music) Especially when I'm on the road privately
, it started with the fact that I
only wanted to go out in the evening. And whenever I was out with friends
, I
drank alcohol quickly and a lot in bars because when I'm drunk
it's more bearable. Then the intoxication is over
you and you don't notice it anymore. If I had to go out, I'd
drink alcohol at home beforehand to be shielded. You can tell you're starting to
drench your sorrows in alcohol even though you're only in your early, mid-20s. Then you know that something is
not going right in life. It's crazy that you only go out
when you've had a drink, because you're so stressed out that your fans everywhere recognize you
and watch you. I don't think it's as cool
as you might imagine, to be so successful and famous at such a young age
. (off:) Nadine Breaty is currently Germany's most successful TikToker with 23
and almost eight million followers

(busy music) We have an
appointment to meet her online today. And surprise:
– Hello? their management is involved. Three people are listening. Nadine posts several videos
on TikTok and Instagram every day. can you go on vacation
When was your last vacation? (laughing:) That's a good question. I think
my last real vacation, I haven't had it in a very long
time. It's super difficult,
especially with the platforms, because they work through trends and
regular posting. If you're not there anymore
, it's not good. But you haven't taken a vacation
in the year and a half that you've been doing TikTok professionally
? no You said
that you took a mini break at the beginning of the year . What happened then? Well, I think I lost almost 10,000 followers
on Instagram, but not on TikTok … hardly any. (Dynamic music)
(off:) A few days of Insta break, almost 10,000 followers gone. How about the others? Take a vacation? (Dynamic music) When I say take time
off, switch off everything, then that was in July 2021
for ten days… Travemünde. And then visit my parents
on the way home. That's it. My honeymoon was a real holiday,
with driving away …

And really chilling out
. So five years ago. How come? (sigh)
I don't know, I… I…worked on my honeymoon
too. I'm not
breaking that down by saying vacation means
I'm not working. That's nonsense,
that doesn't work. When I say
I produce three TikToks a day , that's a
goal I've set myself, which I'll continue to do.
But that's something… that I'm not trying to break up because I ca
n't. (off:) How healthy can that be? We have an appointment with Adil,
you may remember, one of the faces from the conversation
with TikToker Nadine. (rhythmic music)
your manager. Hi!
– Hi, Desiree.

– Do you hear me well? (Dynamic music) Very good, I hear you. (Dynamic music) How difficult is it
to stop talent and how responsible do you feel
? We already have regular
appointments where we… don't talk about business at all
in the first place, but: "Hey, how are you?" This is how every first meeting starts. There were situations
in which artists with us … did too much, were
overloaded … were overwhelmed, mentally … physically, whatever. To what extent do you also see
the platform as responsible? I do see them
as responsible for the fact that the platform itself …
also …
can have negative effects on the mental and physical
health of users and creators if used unhealthily. It's not a big secret. There's the idea that you're not allowed to post for
a week or two a year .
– Mmm. To be honest, I think it's
pretty cool. I've
suggested it to creators , and they've all said,
"I think it's cool." Because then you don't have that FOMO.

Since it is detrimental
when you have the burden every day, I have to fill my community
with content through this device. I would answer the question of whether platforms
protect enough young people or do enough to protect them
with a clear no. The algorithms
don't work at all in a way that protects you as a young person
from psychological or … social pressure. That's awful. The platforms are
doing the exact opposite of protecting young people. 'We would also like to have a pause button
for "STRG_F", go on vacation,
don't publish anything without being immediately penalized
by the algorithm. We also wanted to
talk to the platforms about this, but unfortunately YouTube, TikTok, Twitch
and Insta did not respond to our written requests
. (off:) The week is almost over,
Désirée and I are in Berlin. We want to meet YouTuber LeFloid. (Désirée:) Nothing. (Dynamic music) (Désirée:) Yes. (Dynamic music) That's why we're late today. (laughter) Hello! LeFloid has
been on YouTube since 2007.

He too: award-winning. (Dynamic music) At some point in your
big, long YouTube career, did you have a point where you said: Okay, I'll drop it all,
throw it all away? These moments, everything gets
too stressful for me, I had them. I even had it extremely. Umm… There was also a really
unfavorable combination. You have to know that
I've become a father. Four years ago now. And the kids were both
so-called extremely premature. I had to live in a hotel next to
the hospital and stuff like that at the time. I was really down in private,
really exhausted. Where I castigated myself a bit
because I always said
it's nobody's business in the outside world. I just… went all the way through. Not five percent of the
stuff we did failed. And then I realized that in our line of business it's
incredibly… incredibly easy to
drink unobserved. Yes? Six days a week you can be
at any events, or some after work
or after hour party stuff and so on and so on. Um… and then at some point I realized
that I was going in a…

unhealthy direction as far as that goes. And then I really… started drinking during the streams
and stories like that. And then at some point I
pulled the ripcord so hard that I said,
up to this point, no further. That was the low point,
when I realized that I had private and job… this good mood stream, "nice
that you're with us again", that wasn't normal anymore. And was there a trigger for it, or
when did you specifically notice it? Was there a moment like that? Mh … I noticed it specifically
when I … or rather I was simply
asked about it.

From my wife, here in the office. Then at some point I really
thought to myself, okay, that's it. If I…
– What did they say? I was asked so carefully
if I had a drink. In the morning? in the morning, yes. And then I really thought,
no, that's definitely it. There… now it's over.
– Cool. Yes. (Dynamic Music)
(off:) It looks like fun , creative control,
money, fans, but the dark side of this job
is really dark. What would our interlocutors
advise others? In general, I would like
people on the Internet to do more research on things
or people or jobs before they judge. It is important not to make yourself
dependent on success.

It has a lot
to do with the platform's algorithms. I should be so dead judging
by the comments. People who haven't
started yet, stop because it's not healthy
for your own psyche. Even a
super-successful influencer with several million
subscribers says: "Don't do it." (Dynamic music) And how do you see it, would you
like to be an influencer:in? Then let us
know in the comments below. No?
– Yes / Yes. And leave a subscription there,
or not. If you want to
watch something, watch something from the "Simplis" here. To influencers
who sell themselves in the fashion industry. Yes, and below
is a great video by Désirée, so we took a look
at the fake reviews.

But going out is also good
, you can do that too, put your cell phone away. Bye!
– Bye!.

As found on YouTube

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