Shadow: Job Shadowing a Sports Marketing Expert at T-Mobile Stadium [Sports Jobs]

– One of the things I love doing is playing fantasy football. It just keeps me more involved
in watching the whole league. This season didn't go great, but I didn't get last. So my favorite sports
are football, Mariners, college basketball, and hockey. So something I'm thinking about going into is sports business. I'd like to meet someone that is working for a professional sporting team. (upbeat music) – Hey, what's going on? My name's Tyler Thompson, I work here in our marketing department. Now you're at T-Mobile Park,
home of the Seattle Mariners. – Hey, nice to meet you! Oh wow. – [Tyler] How bout that, right? – [Mitch] That's pretty cool. – [Tyler] It's pretty cool. – Yeah I've just always loved sports, and that's kind of my thing. I really want to be involved in that past just being a fan. And that's why I love my job
with the Thunderbirds so much. I work here about once a week. We run intermission games on the ice just to keep people excited for the game. – Similar to how you
worked for the T-Birds, my second job was working
for the Spokane Chiefs.

– Okay. – Yeah you're on the absolute right path. Today we're gonna get to show you a little bit of the
behind the scenes stuff. Talk about what really interests you. Have you ever been to a big
league clubhouse before? – No I haven't. The long term, I'd really
like player management, doing a front office job, dealing with where money's spent, that type of thing is like what I'm really interested in. – At one point I really wanted to do something on the player
personnel side also. I've worked countless jobs. For the Indians as a clubhouse manager, and I washed players clothes,
and I cleaned cleats, and I shopped for peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches. I got an internship, and it was really game presentation driven. Writing PA scripts, and promotions. I said this is really what I want to do. So, keep getting experience
and try different things. Nice. Next step is the control room. This is the room that
operates all the music, the PA announcer, all of our video boards, all of our cameras, etc.

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– I never realized how involved it is. – This is my station right here. – Oh you've got a good spot. – I get the front row seat, 'cause I gotta let everybody know what's going on on the field. I'll write script guide
for everybody in this room. In the middle of the
first, we're gonna do this, at the end of the first
we're gonna do this. But it'll change. – Yeah so you're experienced to know when to keep the crowd more alive. – We want to create a
moment in the ballpark, how do we elevate that? (horns blowing) – After high school, I
want to go into college, but I've looked into
some schools that have specifically sports marketing, Oregon, Washington State, and Utah.

– [Tyler] You two by nine,
the pillars, roll it. And there we go. – Yeah this is awesome to be
able to get behind the scenes of something I've watched so long. That this is like totally
something I want to do. – I definitely see some of myself in him, as a 17 year old Tyler. – I like this one. Yeah this is the one. – Which is great. He's got a passion, and if
you want to do something, you've gotta be passionate for it. – After learning from Tyler, I feel like there's so
many different options in sports marketing than what
I had originally thought. I would love to make a career about it because what's the point in having a job if you don't enjoy what you do? (crowd cheering).

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