How To Promote Digistore24 Products Using FEE Traffic as a Beginner (Complete Training)


On this video today, i want to show you how to make money with digistore24 and earn thousands of dollars every single week, along with also monetizing answers and posts in your space. This is brand new, and no one is talking about this and i'm going to walk. You, through step by step plus, i want to show you how you can find high converting products on digistore24 and how you can grab those products. Go over to their resources. Page like this one over here and how you can do that to download and edit free ebooks to give away, so you can promote your affiliate offer on their ebook. I'M going to show you how to add your affiliate id onto this using a free software. So you can make money with digistore24, then i'm going to show you how to create a very simple landing page just like this, so you can collect their name and email address the reason you're going to do that is you're going to retarget and send out email Broadcast absolutely for free to anybody that signs up and, as you can see here on their resources, page, i'm going to show you how you can download the email swipes. So you don't even need to write any of the emails yourself and all this while building a huge following using one of the biggest platforms online to build a following, so that you can make money with digistore24. What'S up you guys, alan here again from the smart money tactics channel and today guys i've got a brilliant tutorial that you can use to make money on digistore24. Now, if this is the first time you've come to my channel, go down the bottom hit that subscribe button turn on all the notifications and don't forget to sign up to my two thousand dollar giveaway, where twenty lucky winners will be walking away with a hundred dollars. Each all you need to do is come over here, enter in your email address and follow me on my social media. Just follow the steps over here. I do this every single month and people have been winning a hundred dollars every single month. There is a brand a new winner, and this month we will have 20 of them. So today, guys, like i said in the intro, i want to show you a complete digital 24 tutorial for those of you that don't know what digistore 24 is it's an affiliate marketplace where you can go to find a whole range of products that you can promote? Absolutely for free – and this can work in many different niches and, as you can see, they have over 8 000 products and the best part about digistore 24 is that you can earn a lot of money in commissions. Sometimes you can even earn up to a hundred percent up front, but today i want to show you a little bit of a different strategy where you can give something away absolutely for free and have a link in there collect emails and retarget. It'S a super powerful strategy that you're absolutely going to love so make sure that you don't skip ahead because you're going to want to take notes and apply this after watching this video. So once you sign up to digistore24, you come over here, you can see here. You can register now once you register over here, it's available in a lot of countries around the world guys. This is why i show digital 24 tutorials, because i know clickbank is not available in any country, but you can also use clickbank products with the strategy. I'M going to walk you through today, once you've signed up to digistore24. You can see here when you click onto this section over here. You'Ve got digital products, you've got events and seminars and physical products. Today, we're going to be looking at digital products and in particular, if you scroll down over here, what we're going to be doing is we're going to be using internet marketing and a business once you click onto that, it's going to bring you over to a page That looks like this and you're going to be able to find a whole range of different products that you can promote from digistore24. I'M gon na bring you over to a product on page two, which is this one over here, called beating the giant affiliate formula. It'S a new offer for 2021, and the first thing that you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to click onto the affiliate support page and the sales page. So we're going to open up both these two pages over here and the other thing that you're going to see is that this product offers 50 percent commissions. Okay, it's got two t's of sales, with the maximum price being 97 and you're going to earn 50 percent of that, so the product is not overpriced, which means we're going to appeal to a wider audience. Okay, it's not too high ticket gives you an awesome opportunity to make money with digistore24. So the first thing that we did is we opened up the affiliate resources page, which is this one over here and when you scroll down you can find all these different resources. All you need to do is scroll down to over here. As you can see, you can see that they've got different types of email, templates, affiliate links, a bonus section and traffic. What we're going to do is we're going to click onto this bonus section and then what we're going to do is we're going to come over here onto this bonus page and when you scroll down what you're going to be able to find is that they offer A whole range of different ways to promote their product. One of the ways that we're going to promote their product is through a free, ebook formula, as you can see, editing your free ebook to give away. Now, when you give this ebook away, what we're going to be doing is we're going to be adding the that affiliate link inside that ebook and the affiliate link that we're talking about is this one over here? So what you want to do is you want to copy that affiliate id now for you, you might see something like this that says promote now. All you need to do is click onto that and that's going to be your affiliate link. Okay, so you come over there copy that. What we're going to do is we're going to paste that onto our notepad over here, because we're going to need that link now. The other thing that we opened up – as i showed you guys is we opened up this page over here. This is the actual sales page, okay and, as you can see, if you scroll down over here, you're going to find that they have upsells as well, which means you've got other opportunity to make even more money with this product. Okay, when people come over here, they're going to be able to watch this video and after they watch that video they've got an option to come down here and purchase these different types of products. So now that we have that affiliate id we've come over here, we've got that so we can promote this. What we now need to do is we need to get that ebook and in order to do that, we're going to come over here and see here where it says, download the pdf here you can click onto that once we click onto that, it's going to bring Us over to this page now this is the pdf ebook. Now i want to show you that if you scroll down over here, it's going to show you everything that i'm going to show you now. There is a quick couple minute video over here that you can watch to show you how to add that affiliate link, but i'm going to show you that right now as well. So once you come over here, what you want to do is you want to download this ebook to your computer? So i'm going to come over here we're going to download that now this is downloading to our computer and we're going to use a software. To add our affiliate id onto that ebook so, as you can see, that ebook has now downloaded onto our computer, so what you want to do from here is you want to come over to this site iv? It'S called now make sure you keep watching, because remember, i'm going to show you how to get a lot of free traffic with this strategy plus collect, leads retarget and make even more money. So you want to come over here. You want to click onto free online once you click onto free online, you can come over here, guys and click on to upload pdf to pdf escape once you click onto that, you can quite simply just grab what you already have here and just drag and drop That in there or you can choose it from the file that you've saved on inside your computer and as you can see, it's only going to take a couple of seconds to download this, and once this downloads over here, you can see it's processed. Then it's going to bring us over to a page that looks like this now the good thing about this book over here guys, if you scroll down, is it is, as you can see it's loading, but as you can see, it's already got the places over here Where it says access the full training click here, which means that all you need to do is now add your affiliate id and you can add it in a few more places as well. If you want so what you want to do, is you want to come over here? See where it says, link you want to click on to add link. Then you can come over here. As you can see, you can drag that, and you can just put that over to here now. This is where you're going to add that link. So all i did was drag and drop that we're going to scroll down overview, we're going to grab this link say that anybody that clicks onto that it's going to take him straight over to our product. We'Re going to paste that in there, let's just double check and make sure it doesn't have the https twice see it does so you're going to make sure that you don't have that twice in there delete that and just go to ok. Now anybody that clicks onto this page or clicks here it's going to take them over to our product and when you scroll down, you want to see anywhere else where they may have put click here. I know that with this book, if we scroll all the way down to the bottom, it's just going to load this page as you can see, get started now. So again you want to grab that you want to leave it on link. You want to highlight this section over here and you want to paste that link in there again just make sure that you remove that https. So it's not there twice, so we're going to remove that and we're going to click on. Ok, if you wanted to add this link and a few more different sections, let's say somewhere in the middle of the book, like maybe here, for example, somewhere over here. What you could do is you can grab text okay and then what you can do is maybe look for a spot where there's a bit of space where you can write potentially over here and just type in something like click here, to access this product and training. Okay, now, the other thing that you can do guys is, if you highlight this over here, okay, so if you double click onto this, you can see here that this is quite small, so you can click onto bald. You can come over here and increase this okay. So, let's get maybe 21 okay, as you can see, it's going to look a little bit better. You can also change the color, maybe change the color to white okay. So it stands out a little bit more then. What you can do is again. Click onto link over here drag that over that section there, okay and again paste that link inside there and remove that double https so gives you an option over here to add that a few more times then click onto ok. Now what you need to do guys is, you need to come over here and you need to save this, so this is now saving once it's saved. What you want to do is you want to save and download this pdf. So now we're going to download this pdf. Now we have the right pdf over here that we can promote. Remember we want to promote this so that we can make money now if we double click onto this okay. This is our pdf over here and if we scroll down and if, as you can see, see how the cursor changes now to that click, if we click onto that, it's going to take us straight over to that landing. Page. Okay, guys super powerful stuff. We now have an amazing ebook that we can promote and make money with digistore24 so from here. What we want to do is we want to create a very simple landing page, just like this, when we promote this ebook and this affiliate marketing offer so that we can start to collect leads and what you want to do. Is you want to come over to this site over here called I'M going to have a link in my description for you, and the best part is guys you can start this absolutely for free up until you have a thousand subscribers, you can send out unlimited email broadcast and you can also create unlimited landing pages as well. So once you sign up down the bottom, using that link guys what's going to happen, is it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this? As you can see, you've got subscribers automation. You want to go to landing pages and forms once you go to landing pages and forms you want to come over here and click onto landing page once you've done that, it's going to give you all these different options over here. As you can see, you've got all these different options and when you scroll down, you want to find one that suits the offer that you're looking to promote. As you can see, these all look really really good. The one that i chose is this one over here and i've come over here and i've clicked onto it, and i want to show you how to use this collect these names and email addresses and also customize this. If you scroll up over here, you can see that if we wanted to change this image over here, we can very easily edit that image. But the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to come back over to our ebook, we're going to click on to our snipping tool. We'Re going to go over! You want to capture this and we're going to use this on that front page over there. So we're going to come over here, we're going to snip this okay and what we're going to do is we're going to come over here. We'Re going to save this as and we can save this as a captcha 101 as an example. Just so, we know what it is: we're going to minimize that then we're going to come over to our landing page that we're creating and we're going to replace this image. We'Re going to choose a file to upload. Once we go to choose a file to upload we're going to go to downloads and we're going to upload that image over here. As you can see, that's now uploading and it's perfect okay. So this relates to that product. The background over here guys, you can leave. That'S not an issue at all, then what we want to do is we want to customize everything that we have over here. So the first thing that you want to do is you want to insert a heading and the best place, to get a heading guys or to get inspiration for the heading is to come back over to the product itself, go over to their resources and have a Look what they have, as you can see, he says, revealed the six step online formula and out of work, lay about stumbled upon and you can get inspiration from this also. He says he discover the keys to an online success and start your own online business today. So what you can do is you can come over here and just type in something like easy, six step, affiliate marketing formula. Okay, then, over here, what you can do, is you again you can get inspiration from some of this okay, so you can grab this. You can copy this okay, so let's copy that come back over to here and paste that inside here. So, like i said guys, you can grab a lot of this information from there come over here. Let'S have a look and see what else we can get if we scroll down over here. It will give you information over here as well about this product as well guys – and you can get all this from here and it will help you do this. So so you can come over here. Grab that see how how average everyday folks are, finally starting their own online business. Okay, thanks to copy that, okay and then come over here again guys, you can make yours a little bit better and we can just leave it, as is okay, and the other thing that you can do is just tab down over here and just type in something. Like enter your name and email to access, this free, ebook, okay – so just leave like that like that – and that is a perfect then over here it even says: get a free ebook. You can change this to access the free ebook. Once you click onto that, you can just move over to here and type in something like click here for your free, ebook, okay and then leave that there. Obviously, your first name, your first name, your email address. Now what you want to do when you come up to here guys under settings? This is where you are going to redirect this link anytime. Somebody puts in their name and email address. You want this to be redirected to that simple ebook that we just created. So what you want to do from here is you want to open up a new tab and you want to go into your google drive. Okay. This is really important so that you have the ability to share that pdf book. Okay, so you come over here, you go to your google drive once you come over here. What you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to click on to new once you click on to new, you go to file upload now, once you click onto file upload over here, you want to select that ebook that you downloaded A case as you can see, this is now downloading over here, as you can see that has now been downloaded now what you can do is you can refresh your screen over here and you're going to be able to find that here. So this is that ebook and if we click onto this over here guys, what you're going to be able to see is this is the okay. This is what we're going to be going to be sharing. Most importantly, you can see that if you scroll down here, if anybody clicks onto this, this does have a link over here see how my cursor changes. Now. What you need to do is you need to come up here to these three little dots and you want to make sure that you can share this with everyone. So if you come over here once you click on them, you can see that you've got the share button once you click on to share you want to scroll down over here, and you want to select change to anyone with the link. Okay. So now anybody with this link over here we're going to copy this a link, okay, we're going to go to done! That'S the link that we're going to put inside our landing page over here, so we're going to paste that in there as you can see, because this now has that ebook inside it, okay and we're going to click on to save once we click on to save From here we're going to test this book – okay, so come over. Here, click on to save once you click on to save scroll over to click on, to publish and then come over here and grab this link. So i'm going to grab that link there, we're going to come over to a new page, we're going to paste that in here and we're going to hit enter now you can see this is our awesome. Looking landing page over here when you come down here and you put in your name and you put in an email, address, click here for your free book. Anybody that clicks here take a look at this guys. It'S going to take them straight over to this ebook and when you scroll down over here, if anybody clicks onto this, it's going to take them straight over. As you can see, it's redirecting, and here is that landing page. This is a sales page to that product. Okay, it's a few steps, but this is very effective. Not only are we collecting leads, but we're also promoting an awesome product that we can use to make money with digistore24, so really important that you make sure that you use this landing page over here and that link. Now we want to run a traffic to this offer, okay, guys – and this is really important. So i want you to pay close attention with this and a platform that we're going to be using to make money with digital 24. Guys is quora and there's a couple of reasons that i'm going to show you this number one we're not just going to be going over here and answering questions posting questions. Now. What we're going to be doing is we're going to be looking at space, as i can once you click onto spaces. As you can see, i've got a few spaces over here, but the cool thing about spaces is that you can grow a very big business. Very, very quickly, on top of that, you can do this in any niche plus. If you have a look at these guys, quora has brought in something called spaces, plus okay, which means that now you can start to get people to sign up to subscribe as a subscription-based service on your spaces, where you can earn even more money again, if you Come over here and click onto the 25 countries that this is available in you can see here that it's available in places like australia and france, india, you can scroll down, you've got the uk, you've got united states, you've got canada, so some really big countries over Here guys that you can use this on and if you come over here and read about this, i'm going to show you how to quickly where you can find this and how to set this up, but it just gives you another avenue to earn money. Okay. Now your posts have to be original, your content has to be original and you need to provide a lot of value and you people will pay to as a subscription base for the content that you provide and then what core is going to do is take five Percent of whatever you make when you charge for this service. So how do you create a space and what's involved so what you want to do very easily is when you go over to chorus spaces guys, you want to come over here and you can click on to create a space once you click on to create a Space, it's going to ask you over here to input a name and a brief description. Okay, once you do that, let me just click onto this one over here, because i've just created this once you click onto that it'll bring you over to a page. That looks like this from here guys, as you can see, you can come over here and click on to get started to sign up for the monetized answers and posts on your space now keep watching, because i'm also going to show you how you're going to input These answers and what other people are doing to make a lot of money with their spaces. Okay, so make sure you keep watching you come over here. You click on to get started. You want to select the country now. Remember you want to make sure that your country is on that list once you click onto australia, click on to submit guys and then come over here, and you need to complete all this as well and, as you can see, you've got a space subscription, quara, plus Revenue sharing, okay or ad revenue sharing okay, so you want to select all three or three are selected anyway: click on 10x and then follow these steps. Okay, guys so very very easy to do this, i'm going to skip this program for now on this space, but this is how you would go about setting this up now. How do you go about making money with your core spaces? Okay and i'm going to show you how some people are doing this remember, we have a landing page and we have a product that we want to promote. So the first bit of content that you want to put up on your chorus space, or the first thing that you want to put is, for example, with this. We'Re teaching somebody how to make money with affiliate marketing. And you want to put a question and a detailed answer, and you want to pin that. Let me show you an example of people that are doing that. If i come over here and i type in affiliate marketing as an example to see what other people are doing so when you type in affiliate marketing, you can come over here and click onto spaces once you click onto spaces, let's just go to this space over Here, as you can see, this person has ninety two thousand four hundred followers. When we click onto this person's space over here, you can see that their first pinned question and answer over here is something that they're promoting the best thing about spaces. Is that when you put questions, people are going to be able to answer them, but you can answer them as well. Now take a look at this he's put. How do i run affiliate links through a facebook ad when you click onto more over here and you scroll down? You can see that this is a very detailed answer, it's answered by him and he spinned it to the top. Why has he done this? Because, as you can see, this person has 92 000 followers, okay and he gets hundreds of thousands of people on his post every single month. And when you scroll down to the bottom over here, you can see that he he's running traffic to his blogs. He'S running traffic to his website and there's a lot of people that do the exact same thing, and you can do exactly what i just showed you. The reason why we're using convertkit is because we can't just come into quora and put a direct link. You run the risk of getting that removed, so what you would do is you can come over to cora as an example, and you can type in something like how to make money with affiliate marketing. Okay and you can get inspiration from other questions and other answers. As well so as you can see, so i've just spelt marketing wrong, but that's okay! How much money! Do you? How much money do you make doing affiliate marketing? If i fix this up over here and i go to marketing okay? So how do you make money with affiliate marketing? You can scroll down here, and you can see exactly the different types of questions that people put in here and what you can do is find different answers as well, and you can structure your answer in the same way. So if you to click onto this one over here as an example guys, you can see here that there's all these different questions and answers, you can click onto more and you can create your own very simple answer. You can also come over to google and type in make money with affiliate marketing as an example. Okay and you're gon na find these different types of posts over here now do not copy someone's entire answer, guys just to get inspiration. So what you can do – let's say i feel to copy this over here and if i come over to one of my spaces over here. So let me just go back to cora and if we go straight over to a space over here, if i go over to best affiliate marketing, okay, what you can do is just come down over here, guys, sirius, says post in best affiliate marketing click on to That then, we're going to click onto this post and we're going to select question we're going to paste it in. As you can see, how do people make money with affiliate marketing, then you can click on to ask once you've done that. As you can see, this is how that's going to show up from here. What you want to do is you want to click on to enter then what you want to do is you want to come over here and put in a detailed answer? Okay, now remember: i'm not going to go through and do this, otherwise people will copy that exact same answer, but what you want to do is you want to answer this question? How do people make money with affiliate marketing once you do that you want to tab down over here and then you want to also incorporate that link and the answer is going to be related to the product that you're offering, but remember you want to come in Here – and you want to put in a lot of questions, you want to answer a lot of questions as well. The other thing that you want to do is you want to answer other people's questions, because what that's going to do is it's going to drive traffic to your space as well? So what you want to do from here is you want to go back over to convertkit and you want to grab that affiliate url, which i already have copied and pasted now, as you can see here, easy six step, affiliate marketing formula guys when you paste that In there, this is how that's going to come up if you just paste the raw link, the other thing that you can do when you're typing this. In as an example, let's say you type in click here to get access to a free ebook that will help you get started. What you can do is, if you highlight this okay and you come over here and you click onto this link section. You can paste that in there and then click on to add, and then you can click onto bald. There are two ways that you can do this. The first way, if you just paste the raw link is going to bring this up, which is great. The second way is going to highlight that link either. One is fine. Okay, as you saw when i showed you that example, with the other guy with the affiliate marketing space. His one came up like this, but remember to come over here and answer this in a detailed way, guys go research on google and find out exactly what you need to write once you do that apply for the new chorus space program and once you have a Decent enough following people will actually subscribe to you and they will potentially pay. But the best part about this is that you want to start providing value with these spaces, and you can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing and digistore24 and to double down and make even more money guys. What you do is you come back over to here and, as you saw, we can now start to send out email broadcast, because what we're doing is we're collecting leads, remember every single email that we get. We can now retarget those emails and the best part about some of these different types of offers. Guys is that they're going to give you email swipes over here. This is fantastic. As you can see, this is one email over here. This is a second email over here third email over here, and you can download all these different email swipes. Once you download these different email, swipes guys you can come over to convertkit. As you can see, these are broadcasts. You can send these out absolutely for free, as you can see. I do these all the time with different types of products. You just click on to new broadcast over here. Once you click onto new broadcast. You enter in that broadcast over the subject line and you come over and enter the email body and that'll email every single person on there. So if somebody hasn't signed up yet, then you can repromote this product to them. You can also go into digistore24. You can go onto clickbank and you can offer these people different products if they're not interested in this in this one. This is a fantastic way to double down with affiliate marketing, and you can do this absolutely for free convertkit. I'Ve got a link in my description guys. I use this all the time. It'S a brilliant product and, like i said, it's a fantastic way to double down and make even more money online with digistore24. So that was my video today guys and a brilliant way to make money with affiliate marketing and digistor20 feel if you enjoyed it, don't forget to smash that like button in appreciation and subscribe, because i've got some more awesome content coming out your way, if you're on Another brilliant way that you can get started to make a lot of money online click onto this video over here right now, it's a tutorial! That'S absolutely going off i'll! See you on that video. Until next time you take care of yourselves and goodbye

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