YouTube Earnings Calculator

Estimated Earnings

Based on 1,000,000 monthly views with an RPM of $5.00

Time Period Estimated Earnings
Yearly $60,000.00
Monthly $5,000.00
Daily $166.67
Hourly $6.94
Per Minute $0.12
Per Second $0.00
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Popular YouTubers Comparison

Click on any card to use that YouTuber's estimated metrics in the calculator

MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson)
Known for expensive stunts, challenges, and philanthropy
Monthly Views
Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg)
Gaming, comedy, and commentary content
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Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
Yearly Earnings
Like Nastya
Children's content featuring toys and activities
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Est. RPM
Monthly Earnings
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Dude Perfect
Sports and comedy with incredible trick shots
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Est. RPM
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+ currentEarnings.toFixed(2); }, 100); }); // Function to select YouTuber and submit form function selectYoutuberAndSubmit(youtuberId) { document.getElementById('youtuber').value = youtuberId; selectYoutuber(youtuberId); document.querySelector('form').submit(); }

LINKEDIN – Recruitment Notifications,Social Network jobs, IT Jobs, Walkin, Career, Oppurtunities

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