hey it's rafael cintron here in this video me and my facebook ad manager from my private mentorship group are going to show you a 200 000 shopify and facebook ads case study you're going to learn a lot from the lessons that he used to take that brand to over 200 000 with very very high profit margins make sure you watch until the end to learn all the amazing lessons and really quick before we start our five day live shopify training is starting very soon if you want to learn everything you need to know to take your business to the next level shopify drop shipping everything about e-commerce in a five-day live setting where you can ask any questions you want every single day in a private facebook group click that link in the description join the five day live training and i look forward to seeing you there hey it's rafael cintron here in this training i'm joined by dominic dominic is one of the facebook ad managers in our private community and he's going to show you today how one of his clients made over 200 000 in sales in their e-commerce brand the lessons from that a step-by-step basically case study that you can replicate you can learn a lot from it and i'm going to ask him a bunch of questions so that you can get a lot of knowledge and value from this training we have nothing to sell you in this video let's get to it dominic welcome to the channel thank you yeah thanks for having me buddy i'm excited to go over everything that uh that we have to go over it's gonna be great awesome so let's go into the slideshow that you've prepared and basically give us a background of what the shop is what do they sell what do they do and how did you basically start off with that client this is a i want to really preface this as well too because this is a healthy ecommerce brand that we started working with so they were already doing pretty well in terms of revenue they struggled with their profitability which is i think the majority of e-commerce friends out there kind of struggle with that this was a woman's fashion brand they were a medium to high-ticket fashion brand and their products range from anywhere from 40 to 750 dollars kind of a big jump but they they did very very well and they mainly targeted a very higher end sort of clientele so the people that we were targeting it was very niche our audience sizes were actually quite low and so we basically had that to all work with but the good thing was is they had a lot of data but they basically approached us with their goal to increase their row as of you know of course every e-commerce brand wants to increase their oas but like i said they had the revenue they had really good data but they just struggled in a few areas and we could tell really initially when we did meet with them that because they kept things in-house i think the person who was running their facebook ads really struggled with certain metrics and didn't really understand how to put certain pieces of the puzzle together and what we found out later on through really our whole onboarding process is they just lack preparation and how they actually put their ads together which again we're gonna go over here but um the great thing is and like i mentioned here is they had a great brand that they've been building for years and so we definitely lucked out in that sense where their warm traffic was just incredibly engaged and so we really leveraged that and then just focused on their top of the funnel traffic and then as you can see here basically within a three-month collaboration um we are able to spend very a very minimal amount of ad spend but generate incredible return on ad spend here which was crazy this is probably one of the craziest clients that we've ever worked with for sure that's awesome so they have a brand that they also do custom packaging for you said they're kind of they're trying to become the gym shark but in a fashion industry right exactly yeah they they actually so i think they started their brand around two three years ago as a drop shipping brand so they utilized a lot of the same sort of suppliers that a lot of dropshippers utilize but they started a transition when they started to make a lot more revenue and now they pretty much handle everything in-house and they manufacture their products um they they warehouse their products their fulfillments all on their end as well too so they pretty much control all of their operations and they've really dialed in on like you said like product packaging everything so now they have a little bit more you know room to kind of control like where they want to really go with the brand but it took time it took time but again it them having that brand really helped us like sustain and establish the results that we did for sure and obviously use the data for look-alike audiences we're targeting so that's definitely a big plus so let's keep going let's let's keep going with the details so what they did wrong like what most e-commerce brands do and this is a big thing because i think a lot of drop shippers and a lot of e-commerce brands they slip up in a few areas and a lot of people they typically think that they're going wrong with how they're actually setting up their ads but running ads is actually very very simple like you just have to follow pretty much all the steps and go through it slow when you're creating your campaigns but it's actually the resources and information that goes into your ads that is where the complexities are so the biggest thing that we found is their creatives and their copy were just really poor like i mentioned their their warm traffic converted because it was they were very engaged but we just found that their top of the funnel traffic and their cold traffic they just didn't convert at all like they were almost not even profitable and we pretty much narrowed it down to the point where it was like your copy and your creatives are just not resonating with new audience members and so they didn't have multiple winning creatives they were trying to scale and it just they would always hit their head on the ceiling whenever they did try to scale because they just weren't resonating with their audience so that was that was number one the second thing is there was no irresistible offer so a lot of the times like we always preach to all of our clients whether you are a high you know like a high-end brand or you're in drop shipping like you need to have an irresistible offer that really intrigues people and you need to let people know that within your actual ad whether it's in your creative or whether it's within your copy because the main thing is is you're not actually trying to sell somebody in your ad you're just trying your goal is to get them to click and then you can let your landing page do the selling so we just found that all their website traffic you know they would they would click off the ad even at a low click-through rate and then they just weren't converting and so it was just a very interesting spot so narrowed it down to really we needed to incorporate an offer and then we we started to look through some of their most popular products and we found okay you know these guys have you know a very big gap of 40 products all the way up to like 750 but a lot of people were purchasing the 40 products and we found that a lot of people were actually looking at the higher end products but they just weren't really sold on it so it kind of created a little bit of issues there within their average order value their customer lifetime value as well two people were coming back from for the lower end products instead of going for the higher ticket stuff so it just made things a little bit more difficult for their cost per cost per purchase and cost per acquisition so um we wanted to start incorporating something in their funnel that allowed their customers to not only purchase the lower end products but use that more so to get people into the door and then purchase the high ticket products so that was also a strategy that we had to create as well too and then for the ad creatives themselves what do you think made the biggest difference was it just making better videos more custom videos was it just making a lot of good really good image ads or just changing the actual selling points on the top of the ad copy what made the most difference yeah it's um i i would say it's definitely a good combination um what we did and i think i have it on the next slide is we basically took every single form of creative that you can make so basically an image carousel and video and we created two different variants of each and then we ran those per ad set so the good thing is like i said they had the data so we knew what audiences were were profitable and what was working so we just needed to resonate better so what we really did is we incorporated a better offer we incorporated a better call to action and then we just changed up the creatives and we really just made sure that we we could really analyze and see what type of creative converted the best and um the good thing is is a lot of their creatives were actually working in both like in image video and carousel but the main thing was is resonating with our audience so i would say actually being able to resonate with their audience and speaking their language was probably the the key difference maker in that whole scenario they were probably since they're coming from drop shipping they were probably just trying to create kind of like a drop shipping ad text and a drop shipping offer and then they weren't they were trying to build a brand but at the same time their marketing was probably very buy buy buy instead of actually understanding the customer which is something really important too that i talk to a lot of students and in the channel here that maybe you have a already million dollar business or million dollar store you just don't realize it because you're trying to be a marketer and trying to get all these people in the door when you should really just try to change the wording in your ad copy and one word two words a phrase or something can make a giant difference which was i think a big thing about why you were so successful with this brand because they already had something that worked okay but they couldn't really scale and be profitable and they just had to do changes in how they actually presented themselves in their offer so that's yeah that's awesome let's keep going yeah no 100 100 and so what we did before launching the clients ads this is key so this is kind of um keying into like what you were just mentioning right because again it's not actually a lot of times it's not how you set up the ads it's what goes into it so basically before we started we we always do a full account analysis now this obviously may change if someone's just starting a completely brand new store or brand but basically what we did is we went into their shopify account facebook dashboard and their google analytics and we analyzed everything from a 17 day view 14 day 30 day 90 day and lifetime view just to make sure that we could really analyze every step because obviously some ads might be profitable at maybe a seven day view but maybe not a 90 day view right so basically did a whole account analysis checked out their ad creatives their ad creative types um their ad copy and then saw what was working and why it was working and then what wasn't working and tried to figure out why it wasn't then we built out really the customer avatar this is one of the most important things and our agency has really dialed in on optimizing our documents that help people really create a really thorough customer avatar because it is so important you basically will use it forever and you're gonna constantly be revising it as you go on and as you scale your brand because it's just going to change and this is what you're basically going to be using for your creatives and for your copy inspiration all the time so we built a really highly intensive customer avatar basically what you know four or five of their customers would really look like and then we could figure out the creatives and copy which we could then go on and curate and uh like i mentioned we created basically two different variants of their video their image their carousel so basically totaling six creatives per ad set that we are actually running that might sound a little bit like overwhelming maybe for like a new beginner and stuff you don't need to do that we had a good budget to work with we didn't want to utilize their whole budget because we just didn't feel like it was necessary to but they gave us a good budget we really felt really confident in the analysis that we did and so that's kind of the route that we went but um we found out very very quick what was working what wasn't working but then the the other part which we didn't directly execute on but we gave them guidance on which was building the back end so you know just making sure that they have email campaigns in place text campaigns offering things that keep people who maybe aren't purchasing but they're still engaged and they're intrigued coming back right and not doing it in a salesman way but doing it in a driven way that's that's very key especially with higher ticket products somebody's not gonna just land on a random store and buy a 700 product for no reason they need that follow-up and no one really talks about this in dropshipping they just talk about you know how do i scale with just people coming to the door my conversion rate is not low enough but it's not high enough but sometimes it's it's more about building the back end like you just put in this line where you have the email sells you an extra 15 20 percent the sms bump or using sms apps sells you an extra 15 and that's what gets you profitable that's definitely something that we should talk about more honestly because that's especially for higher ticket products it works so good yeah for sure well you know i forget exactly what the statistic is but with i i know with on average it's usually about 13 touch points that you need to make with the average customer for them to actually purchase right and so you can do that in very cost effective ways if you're just good at you know collecting customer information you know making those touch points adding value to them and we always encourage like on your back end make sure it is always value driven because people will appreciate that so i forget exactly what they did with their email campaigns but they did kind of like look books so they would kind of style out people and their models with like you know products from their store and it was their call to action was never to like take advantage of this now limited time offer it was always like shop this look right and then people would go in and they would actually shop that look which is super cool so it was uh it was really unique they did a great job with uh how they set up their back and it was awesome very nice so let's go to the next slide yes okay so how are agency structures client campaigns i know this is a big one i know um besides all the you know the fluff and stuff of like what goes into the ads and everything people are always asking what actually goes into the campaign so we keep things as simple as possible and this just goes back to the fact of like setting up campaigns is actually very very easy so we break things down in really three different types of campaigns and as you scale there might be a little bit more but just to keep it simple so we have our top of the funnel conversion campaigns which are all just interests and look like audience based um and sometimes even just a broad audience like we may even have like a you know 18 to 65 plus we keep it very broad we even keep the detailed targeting expansion on and then we just let it run and we just let facebook optimize so that's the top of the funnel that's your cold traffic and then we have our middle of the funnel which is people who are your warm audience so these are people who follow you on facebook on instagram they viewed your your video ads you know they've come to your website and we also keep this very broad um we keep this at about 180 days and then we have our hot traffic which is our bottom of the funnel which is all add to cart initiate checkout and purchase based and that's again 180 days and the reason why we keep it at 180 days i want to preface this because we actually you know pre-ios 14 we actually kept it to around 30 days to 90 days and it was actually a little bit more of a complex breakdown of how we re-targeted people but with ios 14 there's there's a lot less data that facebook has to work with so with expanding the actual day range in the timeline it's actually going to give you a better ability to to really hone in on the data that facebook does have on your audience of people who have opted in for ios 14.
So that's why we'd like to keep it really broad on the on the timeline sort of spectrum gotcha and when you're targeting purchases are you just trying to get a repeat purchase from those people yes yeah so those are those are more post purchases what we what we will test um usually and i kind of left it out just to keep it simple but we will include purchases in on the obama funnel retargeting but we sometimes will have a campaign that is more of a post-purchase campaign so it's showing people products that maybe they haven't seen before but we know that they've purchased so we know that they're really engaged and then that's going to help us really increase that lifetime value for a customer yeah and also if they bought a product that's 50 maybe recommend the 500 product so exactly exactly yeah it's like the entry level and that was that was really our focus because we recognized that so many of their customers are ordering those 40 products and we're like what's going on here you guys have like 750 products and so we that's that's kind of what we use to kind of get them in the door and then show them how good their brand was and then once they were really in their funnel they're seeing ads they're getting texts they're getting email campaigns they're just getting so much value right so it really encourages them to purchase the more higher ticket products very nice yeah so hopefully that all makes sense we keep it very very simple now some minimum standard metrics and everything i don't want to over complicate this because i think again if you can view your whole facebook dashboard from a view where you can analyze really the first touch point of when your ad is actually on someone's feed or their story or whatever and what they're doing when they see that ad all the way to when they purchase so that way you can really see and allocate like okay you know is it the ad creative that's maybe not working is it the the targeting that's maybe off is it the landing page what's going on here and so just a few metrics to really take into consideration is what people should be looking for with their click-through rate which is really allocated towards their copy and their creative is a 1.5 click-through rate and this is for your top of the funnel a 1.5 is good enough that you can actually gradually scale at a minimum but the tough part about when people try to scale especially in drop shipping is if you have a low click-through rate it's very very difficult to scale because your audience sizes are going to get a little bit smaller and your frequency is going to go up and your typically your cost per acquisition will also go up and so you want to just make sure that you're maximizing on the amount of people clicking the ad and then going to your landing page so we always find that usually whenever we do an account analysis of someone who's like feels like they're hitting their head on the ceiling it's because their click-through rate's so low and they're trying to scale and it's just not working so we always recommend a minimum of a 1.5 click-through rate but a good excellent standard is a two percent anything above a two percent for a top of the funnel is like amazing and that can make a huge difference i've seen people for example they they think like oh you know mine is 1.
4 what's point one gonna make of a difference but that point one might be an extra customer and that extra customer might be in your asset is profitable and that adds up being profitable might mean your next duplicate is also profitable and it's not linear like it's not oh 0.1 then i'm going to get 0.1 more customers it's really exponential so that's totally definitely you should try to improve it as much as possible yeah yeah 100 right because it's one of those metrics where it's like you can spend the same amount of money on your ads but just get more traffic for the exact same amount of ad spend right so you want to take advantage of that you want to really leverage that and the way that i um at least with a lot of our consultation clients we discuss it's like the way you should look at your click-through rate is your click-through rate tells you how well you're resonating with your audience so if it's low it means you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out how you can resonate better with them right and so that's that's really key there and then a website conversion rate because man you could have a great click-through rate but if your website conversion rate is low it's gonna be very tough to be profitable again so um again a good minimum standard is about a two percent but um if you can aim for above a four that is amazing we um this client was kind of in between which is really good but um currently right now we have a client who is a student of yours and they're doing like seven to eight percent which is just absurd and i'm always telling him like you gotta show raphael this because this is crazy sorry is that the high ticket one or no no they're not they're not high ticket they're uh i think they're selling like a 39.99 product but it's like unbelievable i've never seen anything like it i it's crazy but yeah but um we again we we recommend minimum standard two percent but uh a good a good starting aim for is is four percent and it's just minor optimizations we always recommend don't make too many changes to a landing page at once because you're never going to be able to identify which change is doing what make small changes each and every time and then if it improves great keep it and then you know keep on adding on or subtracting right okay awesome so we discussed that this was a brand they're doing okay already they have that great foundation which is really important and a lot of people that for example you and i talk to specifically me talk to they want to find a facebook ads expert or they want the secret solution or they want you know that magic trick that's going to make them extremely profitable on facebook but in reality you know if you're watching this it's more about you need to get it most of the times by yourself or with a mentor somebody that helps you to that point where you're doing 3 000 a month 5 000 a month that you have a solid foundation when then you can hire someone to run your facebook ads and that five thousand can become you know fifty thousand five hundred thousand later on and you can literally do those numbers but you need to start off with for example like this brand they started off with at least a very great presentation of their products a nice following that they have but they didn't have any profit and they didn't have any good return on their ad spend they hired a really good facebook ads marketer and then and obviously you hired them you scaled them help them grow their raws help them grow their profitability and that's essentially how most of these successful case studies come from so you do need to combine both building a brand and the actual facebook outside so what would you say is the biggest obstacle to scaling this brand what has been the hardest thing for you in terms of maybe the audience size was small so you couldn't really find more audiences maybe the a lot of ads were getting rejected or maybe that they had some sort of problem so what was the biggest obstacle in the space because it's obviously not all rainbows what was the worst game yeah ever every brand has its challenges there's no uh no sunshine rainbows all the time right so for for us the biggest thing was we we really needed to make sure that their cost uh their average order value was getting better because we we found that like with the products that they had we could just generate such better results if people were just opting in for the higher ticket products so for us it was a lot about making multiple touching points so utilizing a lot of their customer lists their look like audiences and even if we weren't running like a conversion based ad if we were running like maybe something more so targeted for video views or engagement but targeting still their warmer audiences not their their colder audiences we can make those touching points for way cheaper than what a conversion-based ad could do we can be more strategic about it so we're not maybe going in for the sale right there if our goal was just to make a touching point it's just to make a touching point right and i think what really resonated with that audience is they knew that we weren't trying to just sell them something we were trying to add value and i think that was very very important especially because this was a higher ticker ticket brand that we were working with so it was important that we earned their trust and we established some common ground before we really went in for the purchase so that was that was really the biggest thing so we collaborated quite extensively as a team like we would have basically weekly meetings just specifically for this client because we knew they had so much potential especially that first month and we just needed to go through like the trials and errors of testing the creatives the copy how we structured the ads and everything and that that was probably the most the most challenging part but once we got over that hump it it was just skyrocketed when you say add value what exactly does that mean in terms of for example an offer so add value like you said email it might be you know shop the look instead of get it now for 50 so but what are other examples of that how can people actually do it in their brands yeah so on your back end um it's definitely things like that you know it's like if you're a fashion brand it's like shopkins look if you're maybe like a pet brand you can you can do like maybe something like a list of activities to do with your pets right something you can be creative around it so this this again ties into the customer avatar figuring out what your customer likes doing because if you're if you're maybe have a product for dogs for hiking well maybe you can do something that is around heights right so knowing your customer is very key um with your ads it's important that you always have a good call to action and it usually always leads people to your website but in terms of adding value it's it's more so not touching on you know any sort of sale or anything that's going on but it may be maybe something like i know one really good creative that they provided us and i won't go too much in detail without giving away who they are but basically they had a creative that kind of shared a testimonial of a client that was using their products and how they felt wearing it right and so that was a big thing for i think a lot of the other ladies who saw this ad because when you put on clothing and typically with clothing that you're spending a lot of money on you want to feel good in it right and so with this ad it was nice because the customer wasn't really trying to sell them anything she was just sharing her experience and how the clothing made her feel so that was really key so i think adding value in the sense of touching on people's like emotional needs and what can emotionally connect them to your product and again it just kind of ties into like resonating resonating well with your audience so adding value in that sort of way through your ads but again there's probably a lot more you can do in terms of adding value on your back end in terms of email campaigns texts and things like that got it that's that's a great strategy people can use it especially if you have a nice budget or a significant budget you can definitely start out with that top level campaigns providing value getting the people in and then retargeting with with the actual sale instead of just trying to sell sell so like everybody else thank you time and thank you for this case study dominic if people actually want to reach out to you maybe work with you obviously they can go through our mentorship and then you'll be in the group answering some questions but how can they reach out to you i know you have a youtube channel yeah so we i do have a youtube channel where uh we do have a presence on social media i mean the best way to to really identify if working with us is a really good fit for yourself is going to our website which is www.pinnaclemediadashinc.
com and we do have a case study video there where you can watch it's a 30 minute long video it is actually with a client that was in raphael's program which is amazing and so um that was super cool and so we just basically walked through that whole case study go for everything and if you feel like you know a lot of the things that i'm mentioning resonate then you can book a call with me personally one-on-one it's not going to be with anyone else it's going to be with me and then we can really identify and see if our agency can add that value to your brand that's awesome and if you want to work with me as well and have dominic also help you he's also in the community and the mentorship go ahead and book a call with the link in the description the links for his videos and his offers are gonna be in the description as well thank you so much for your time i'll see you on the next one and i'll talk to you soon thank you for watching this case study if you are interested in having me as your mentor and me and my team helping you grow your business along with our facebook ads managers and our amazing community make sure you click that second link in the description book a 101 call with either me or somebody in my team let's see if we're the right fit for working together let's see if our mentorship can work for you and get you the results that you're looking for your business make sure you book a call you can book it at any time you like answer a couple of questions so we know more about your business i look forward to helping you and make sure you subscribe to the channel hit the notification bell that like button and check the other video that's gonna pop up here and the top winning products to sell right now in order to get amazing results for your business check the video right now the top products to sell now subscribe hit that notification bell that like button i'll see you on the next one
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